Resolution 1998-438 16A 7 RESOI.UTION NO, 'IR-_,)8_ A Rf,SOI,uTlON ESTABLlSIIINC TIIF' COLLlt:R COuNTY CTNSlJS 2000 COMPLETE COUNT CU~IMlrft:E FOR TilE PUR/'USt: OF PI.M'NING ANIl /,\II'I.EMF:NTlNG I'ROGRA~lS TO pnOMOTf: ANIl PlillLlClZE TIIF' I~IPORTAN(,F: OF n:NSUS 2000; TO PROMOTE \\'IUESPREMI PARTlnp~,TION IN TIIF' O:NSlJS; ANI) TO PROCURE ,\ CO.\lI'u:n: ANIl .ICn;ILln: Rf:PORT ON TilE CO,\IPOSITIO,'i OF ICESIIIEI'i"! S 1.'1 1l0TII TilE 11,'iL'iCORPORATEIl ANIl IM'ORPOHATEIl AHf:AS OF COI.I.IER COUNTY, WliLUEAS, 1.1 U.S,(" ~ 1.1)(;.1) {l')')~}. rrovldC'~ Ib,1! c\'l~r)" h:n 11 fJ) years, the Sccrct,lry of Cnmmerce oC1he: United SliJ1C~ !~hall take.1 dCCClUl1al (CmtiS 10 determine the POpul4jlinn in c:leh counly for lhe plJrrO~C o{:lrr11r11Onmcnt Df rcrrC~Cn[;Jlj\,c~ in Congrcs~ among the slales: ilnd WIIE/{EAS. lhe Federal go\"CrtlmCnl considcrll llle Jcccnlllal ccnsusc~ provided hy Ihe Bllteau nfCcn.-.m when arrnrtilllllll~ {ederal (unds ht:1wccn the sl;,ln: ,md WlfEHLA"l. HI ,lccortbllCC with IJ 1.:.S.c. .~lJJ(c)(J). (I{;r)~), the aominislralioll of i1ny pro!<:rilm eSlahllshcd hy or llnder Fct/l'ral law \l,'!llch rnwide~ hcnerits In st<1lc nt IrH:,d governmenl's clj~jhility for, or the i1rnounl o(such hcnclils. would he delCmJincd hy lakjn~ illln account the dale the mo..l reecnl decennial census was nht<aincd: and \\'llf;HI:/\S. IllS CS'icl1tlallo the Federal ~n\'L'rnll1t'l1llhill the dCCl:nniilJ enumeration n(l!Jc popubllon he a" accurale ;IS rmslhlc: and \\'IIFH LAS. it is \'11,11 III rhc lrlll'H.'!\I.~ of ('nll1n ('ourlly rl'sidml.<; c\'cry rcsidelll rct;ci\'c.<;. c<llllplctes and relUHlS <I n.'n"ll~ cpJt"~IIOJlr1;lIre 111 Ilrdcr ror the Slale In ilscer1,lin Ihe "pecial concerns of its cnnlll1IJnily <lnu Ihe hcndirs for which ('oilier Coullty may he eligihle In on!,,;n; ,UHf WHEHEAS. Ihe ;nvoJn:menl or communily leaders in commllnicating to the punlic Ihe irnpllrtilncc ;lIld t'redihilily ol'tl1r census is con"idered III he lhe mosr effeelive meilns nvailahle In the Coullly to assure full cOlllrllllnily in\'oln..'lIlcnl. ~ow, TIIEIlEfORE. BE II IlESOI.VUJ BY IIII'. [JOARD Of COUNTY C()~I~IISSI()~I'IlS 01' ('01 1.1 Ell ('()Ii~"IY FI.OIlI/lA,lh,,' SECTION OJ\E: Cr('ation of Ih(' Ad line Colli('r CtJllnly Ct.'n~uJ 2000 Complete Counf C()mmJIl('(', In order 10 pmmQtc <iW;lrCIlCSS of the Census 2f)fJ(j and \0 mOlivate all socioeconomic and erhnic group" 10 particip<iIC In filling oul Ihl: I..:CmllS fflrm anrJ n.:turning it, Ihe Board of ('0111l1y (:nlllnlissiollerll h(,.'rchy cstahlishc.:s il/IU crcalcs the ,ulllor Cnllier COllnly Census 2000 COnlpfclc (.'llunt Committee (hereinafter rcfcrrccllo as the Cel1'>us (:on1millcc) Thc (:Cl1liU~ ('ol1unillcc shall runelion Ill. and han: Irpn:senl,Jlioll ftorn, all illcurporalcd and unincorporated ;I(Cil~ of Collicr Counly, FloruJa, 1 bA 7~ ~ SECl'/O;>i TWO: Compo.lllon nf the Cnlller Couoty Cen.u. 2000 Complete Count CommJltrr. Memners of lhe ('C'n,~us ('ommillcc ~h.,lI he pcrmancnl residents of Collier County. Consideration shall he given those persons who have ~lto......n an interest in public i.fruirs. fo c\l-..hlishinJ.; the mcmbcrshif'l on the ('cn~u" Commillcc. rcprc~cnl;llion of the full spectrum or reside"!.\ of Colln:r County shall be soughf, JS well J.!i a h<tlanced lIociocconomic. ethnic and geographic r~pr~'scn'aljon. The Census Cnmmilfr.c \h:dl (onliist of fifteen (l S> memhers (mOl hoth incorporJlcd and unlnco~por;J!cd area nf Collil.:T County Ih.11 <Ire involved with v,maUl!: (ommunlly intcrc:,I;.. mcludlng rcprcscr\l;ltin.'s o( h\J~IrH'~~;. ciVIC ~rollp"'. cthnic grolJp~, chllrrhclIii. illl.: hornclc.-.c:. I:".: trolt;T,ml cnm1l1UnilY. illld the Schorll Bn;lrd SEeTIO:\' T"I~EE: "ppoinfmrnf,\. '['crou o(O((;('r. Failurt' In ,'!lend j\f('trlng.lj:. ^rp()intmCr11~ 10 the Census Commiuee ~haJJ he m:Jdc hy fhe OoarcJ of County Comrnis.o;iol1crs The.: fonl1~ljon of the Census Comrnillec..' shall he puhliei7.cd anti prospective lIlcmhers soughllhrnugh newsraper ad~.crliscmenl. .1 he Comprehen...ive PI<.lnning Maru:[lcr shalf suhmil tel the fjoard of CDIUJly ('omTnJsSlnncrs;l Ils1llf rhe names of Ihme per!K)ns who ha~"C suhmilfed leuers of Irllc.:rI:s( In serving on the CnlrlTJ1ltlcc. rlll'.: lcrm of office of memhers :Ippoinlcd 10 the ('c.:nslls ('omnllllec shall hcgill on January I. I fJf}l) ,lnd expire on June J(), 20fJO. All memhers s/1;lfI comply wilh lhe sen.-ice :Ind ;Iltl:fldance rc.:(lll1rcmcnl.'i .o;el forth in Col1ir:r County Ordinance :--':0. Xf).41, ;IS Jmendc(J SECTION FOUR: omeen, Quorum. ('(lmpcn"alion. The omccr~ of fhe ('ensu... ('ommillee shall he elected hy lhc members of Ihe ('cn~lJs Commillec and shall include a Ch;Jlmlan, Vice Chairman .md Sccrel:lry. The presence (,r eight (R) or more members shall constitule a quorUIlI. The CenslJs CornmtUec shall, hy majority vole of lhe entire membership presenl. :Idorl nJles of procedure for lhe tr.lnsaction of husincss <Ind shall keep a rccord of rnecljn~s, fjrHling.'i, dclcrminatinns ;.Inti census pro/OolioT1al :Jclivilies. The Illembers oflhc Census Cornrniuce shall sc.:rve wilhoUI compensalion, nut may he rcimhur~cd fOT trOlvel, mileage and/or rer diem expenses upon receipl of prior ;1Il1horizalioll hy lhe Board of County (.olnmi!o....iollers. SECTION FIVE: I.ocal;on of M(,cljn~.s. AIllllcelings of lhe Census Cornrnillec shJlI ne Jluhlrc meelings. Meetings shall ne held in the Board of County Commissioners Commission Meeling Hoom loc:Jlcd on lhe third floor of lhe Administration Building III lhe Collier County Go\'c..rmnclll Center, 330] East T...mlami Trail, NJplcs, FloridJ. unless another location is deemed <Ippropriale hy the Chairman of the Census Commillce. or his designee. Puhlic notice as 10 dale. lime and local ion of each meeting shaH be posted at the Administration Building oflhc Collier County Government Center. 2 lbA7~( SEe-nON SIX: FunCllons1 rJowrrs and Bulles orlhe Collier CQunty Cenlus2000 Complc:lc Counl Commlltrc. The funclions. powers and dUlics of the Cellsus C:ommillcc shall he to promote Collier County awareness of CcnsU5 2()()O ..nd to f1Huiv;IlC ;ill residents or this community 10 particip:llC hy filling out lhe ccnsu~ 4IJcstionnairc and rClurfllng il promptly. The CcnsujI: Cornmiltcc shall develop a local t;ugclcd rlan of action to suppor1 Census 20(}<J operations, recruiting. ilnd promotion. The Ccnsu~ Commlllcc shall OIllcmpt 10 procure the ~crvjccs of highly visible ,100 respccted local community leaders to increase sU[lport for and response to the Census. The Ccmus Cornmillcc shall utilize local government dc:partmcnl5, particularly those agencies with extensive public contacts, 10 implement :Ictivities lhat will improve census participation by all residenls, especially hi~lorically undercounted segments of the population. The [t.'nsus Commiuce shall augment media programs, puhlicily ..nd promotions conducled hy the Census Bureau, while augmenting the Census Bureau's commitment 10 confidentiality. The Census Commiuce shall make all cffons necessary to assist the Census Bureau with educating local residents on programs and ilClivilies prO'..jde by the Census Bureau. The Ccm:us ('Ol11m;lIeC sh;i1J sUPPOrl the Census BureJu's recruilment of employees needed to eondllct the CL"n~us. The Ccnsus ('ommillcc m;IY organize and crealc suhcommiUel:s 10 accompli,lih Ihc aClivilies outlined ahove ;IS Ihey deem necessary. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall he reeorde". in the Olinules of the BO:lrd o( County C'Ol11miSSloncrs. This Resolution was auoptcd .IOer motion, st.'cond. ant! n1<lJorily vole. '. DATED: 1\:) .c,~ ArfESTJ.i :' . DWIGIlT E, fJR'OCK, Clerk . ~ HOAllIJ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COI.I.IER COIJ.'1TY, FI.ORIDA " ;(-~,~. %~~O~~r)(;..._ ..(~<t ~~ to C.":I.",,~"'S Sf...,Hvfl (.<\1J, . Approyed as 10 (ann Jnd legal sufficiency: BY~~"~\ 8, ~_ BAR RA Il. n'ERR~ Ch31 /J1/~"'~~ Marjon . Student Assislanl County Allomey h:KayfRcsolulions 3 2392667 OR: 2478 PG: 1269 llmm 10 OIllCUL limos of COLIIII coom, p~ il/I!/!I .~ 0I:1711 Drlm I, nocI, ClJII IIC IJJ 10,\0 DOC',IO .10 COllIS 1.00 h~;,. can ~o !i!1 ~OAin iI!1i.CmCI HH '~OOl !11 Jl'~ 1 b ~ R ..~ QUITCLAIM DEED '7 ,0 "" THIS OUITCLAIM DEED made this 0)' day of I \vYIM~, 1998. by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, GRANTOR, and Community Development Corporation of Sterling Oaks, a Florida Corporation, their successors and assigns, GRANTEE. WIT N E SSE T H: That the GRANTOR. for and in consideration of Petition VAC 98-022 and the sum of Ten Dollars and aUlar valuable consideration 10 it in hand paid by the GRANTEE. receipt of ......niGh is hereby acknowledged, hereby remises, releases and quitclaims unto GRANTEE forever, all right, title, interest. daim and demand which the said GRANTOR has in thai certain portion of a Drainage Easement interest in. of, and about the following described lands being located in Collier County. Florida, to-wit: (See Exhibit. A-attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the GRANTOR has caused Ihese presents 10 be executed in its name by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS acting by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. , . DATED: II.i!,! ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~' ~~-<-T)c By: Att-.rt H t^ C'>lt....,>,~.z '. ~ f <Jl1~ ~ 1..... . . ,!.... '..,jrnl'!1 I l__ R A tl D RS\ S I L VE ~ ;&.. /S.-. ~1~' '\tOf. ~J. "' i ~~:i~ ~' i';}: ~ ; ~~~ ;...;-: 1-r.;": ;~~~~ ~:.~~~ /114',,,,;; r..~:r '. :-4~.! ","'_loll"' ;~f!;: .:,-",,,,... yr.:",...;; ~'i .~~~ "'~;j 'i t ~: ~!.. IV;' II t: : ~:":i,- " . ':.., '"'.it: ~ . ~ ~ ~,... ~ ~~ t tJ~ ;; i!. ~ .. ' ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ S! "! V> '" >- U, <, ct. >- t., , - --;".,-_.~... .*!.t.OR: 24IUG:_1270.EL___ t:.llo1Nl:-^~ ~ ~loI'J ::t::: ~ 'J \'^C?K.o~2 g,... .' r' ,,<l S 1'6 u ~ .. ;: ;:: ~ 8 ~ > ~ ". ~ ~ _ . '" li..!qj > , ~ He:~ i , . ....CiC:l-... ~;. I ~~~...! ; > ,--' IH~~L >: ,; 1 II~ ~~~W ~, !.., ;' :!~:..; t " '. ;.~ i':- i:::: 0 ,. t ~>'r~ I"'~~~ .~ ~; '.~ f I 01 " ~. I;oltj i t' ~,~ I! ~ 1~ k ~~ : I ~- · .. ~ " ~ I.;:: ~ ! ! l@~ i !.;;;' l! I~!ip I ~~. 1.:':3,g . 20.1 i Ii i~ i I 0.6 , 1; .. r, ~ ':..~: ,. ~ :i"'~: ,.... -:. ",,;c,....... ,. ,. '. 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