Resolution 1998-480 11 A 1 RESOLUTIO:-l :-10. 98. 4RO RESOLUTlO:-; APPROVll'G A FEE SCHEDULE FOR AI' "IN HOUSE ARREST" RESIDENTIAL ELECTRO;>OIC MO:-llTORII'G PROGRAl\1 BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PROBATlO:-l DEPARTMENT. WIIEREAS. Ihe Collier Couoty Probatioo IlcparlO1eol desires to facililale Ihe developmeol and opcr.uion of an "In Ilousc Arrest" Residential Electronic Mnniloring Program; and WHEREAS, ckclronic monitonng has pnwcn tu be an crfccti\'c behavior modification and ~lIpcr\,j!ljon 1001 that frees up jail hcds. and is ~ost effeclive for the laxpayer. as the offender must pay an cstahlishcd daily fee for participation in the program: and WIIEREAS. (\,Ilicr Counl)' Pmh.ltion Department will he responsible for supervising offcnJcrs that arc coun ordered into the Electronic Monitoring Program; and WHEREAS. ("oIlier County Prohalion Department has conducted interviews with a number of Electronic Monitoring \'cndors and sCr'\'icc providcr5 and has identified the associ:lIcd costs to operatc the Eleclronic Monitoring Program; and WllI'REAS. Ch.pter 125.01( I )(1). Florida SI.lules provide, aUlhorily for .he governing hody of a county 10 3uOpt resolutions ncccs53ry fur the exercise of its powers; and WIfEREAS. the Board of County ('nmmissioners ofCCllJicr County, Florida desires to adopt a Ice schedule for the Electronic Monitorin~ Program. NOW, r1IEREFORE. liE IT RESOLVED IlY TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIllA Ihat: I. Each of render who parllcipatcs in the Electronic Monitoring Program will be assessed a fee of $R.OO pcr d.y for e.eh d.y oflheir mooiloriog ,eoleoee, This Resolulioo adopted this !.M:... day of iKk, _ .I,~ , 199R aOer mOlioo. secood and maJnrity \'ole fayoring ~me, AnEST: DWIGIIT E. IlROCK, Clerk HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COI.L1ER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,j;(' "t;d,;J..4y/ . {~,r!. At est'ls to Ch4Irg,n', sfgnlwr, on 11. Approved as to fonn and legal sullicicncy: (0---7 ~ . fJ~-- (~~:z: -Ramiro Ma"allch Chief ^J~i513nt County Attorney .... .1("....luh.W~ Hn;\Im\l( \"IIII(orll'l4 ,"u1lllum fllTt