Resolution 1999-453RESOLUTION NO. 99- 453 RI(SOI.lJTION AUTI IORIZING F'INAL A(X_'F.I"I'ANCE OF TI IOSE ROADWAY. I)RAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER I.',IPROVEMENTS IN KENSINGTON PARK. I'11ASE TWO, RELEASE OF TI IE MAINTENANCE SI!CURFFY, AND ACCEPTING TI Ill MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TItE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TI tAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BF. MAINTAINED IIY TI IE I IOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WI I EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on November t5.1')95 approved tile plat of Kcnsinglon Park, Phase Two for recording; and WIIER EAS. the developer has coastreeled and maintained tile roadway, drainage. waler and sewer improxlcments in accordance with the approved pl:ms and specifications and as required by the I.and Development Codc (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102. as amended); and the lJtilitics Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 97-17). and Wt I ER F. AS. Ihe developer has no,,,.' requested fi hal acceptance of the roadw:,y, drainage. water and sewer improvements arm release of his mainlcnancc security; and WIIER EAS. the Compliance Scrviccs Section of the Dcvclopmcnt Scrviccs Department has inspected the roadway, drainage. water anti sewer improvements and is recommending acceptance of said facilities. NOW. TttEREFORIL BE FF RESOLVED BY Tt IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, Ihat final acceptance be gr:mtcd for those roadway. drainage, water and sewer improvements ill Kensington Park, Phase ~r'wo. amt authorizc the Clerk to release tile maintenance security. BE IT FURTI IER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the County accept the futt, r¢ m:fintcnanc¢ arid other attendant costs for the madway. drainage, walcr and sewer improvements that are not required to be maintained by lhc homeowners association. This Resolution adopted aflcr motion. second and majority vote favoring same. LJ L ".. ' DJ\TE: ATTEST: DWIGIIT E. BROCK, CLERK $tg~tur~ cM.;', Approved as to fom~ and legal sufficicncy: 1 leidi F. Ashlot1 Assistant Collier County AUomey I?,()ARI) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLL!F..J~ COUNTY. FLORID, A /