Resolution 1999-451P.F. SOLUTION NO. 99- 451 RI.~SOLUTION AUTI IORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF TI lOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE. WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN KENSINGTON PARK, PtlASE 3A. RELEASE OF TIIE MAINTENANCE SF. CURFI'Y, AND ACCEPTING TI IE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBII.ITY FOR TI IE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER hMPROVEMENTS TI IAT ARE NOT REQUIREI) TO BE MAINTAINED BY TIIE IIOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. \VI IEP, EAS, the Board of Counly Commissioners of Collier Counly, Florida, on April 2, 1996 approved the plat of Kcnsinglon Park, ['hase 3A for recording; and \VI IEREAS, the developer has constructed and maintained tile roadway. drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the approved phms and specifications and as required by lhc l, and Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102. as amended); and the Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 97-17), and WI IEREAS, the dcvclopcr has now requested final acceptance of the roadway. drainage, water and sewer improvements and release of his m;dntenancc security; and WI tEREAS. the Compliance Services Section of the Dcvclopmcnl Services Department has inspected the roadway, drainage. walcr and sawer improvements and is recommending acceptance oFsaid fi~cilitics. NO\V. 1'I IF. REFORE, BE IT RESOI.VF.D 115' TI IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONI:'RS OF COI.LIER COUNTY. FI.ORIDA, Illat final acceptance be granted for those roadway. drainage. watcr and sewer improvcmcnls in Kensington Park. Phase 3A. :red :mthorizc the Clerk to release the maintenance security. lie I1' FURTI IF.R P. ESOLVEI) AND ORDERED tha! the County accept tile timbre maintenance and other attendant costs fi)r the roadway. drainage, water and sewer improvements that are not required to be maintained by the homeowners association. This Resoh,ion adopted alicr motion. second and majority vote fiworing same. ,' ," .. :": .':" "i -.--~, A'P~ak'r: f / .,,..:'.;'. D~VIGIIT E. BROCK, CLERK ~,2 .....':. signature onll. Approved as to Form and legal st~ficicncy: .. ~ I feidi F. Ashlon Assistant Collier County Altoracy BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEP. S COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAg, lkLA S. MAC KIE, CIIAIRWOMAN /