Resolution 1999-447 RI.iS¢)I I?I'I{}N N(')(ItJ'- 447 RIiS()I.I 'TI()N ¢ )1:1'1 I1:. BO:\RI/~ ~1: ('1 }{ 'NI h' {'().MM ISSI{ }NliRS. {'[ )1.1Jl:l{ ('()L'NTY. FI.¢)Rlll..\. :\U'I'}I¢)RI/IN,tl ..\ 75'% DI:.F['~RRAI. II1: I:ACII.ITII~S IMPACT FEI".S. IJBRARh' SYS'I'EM IMIb\CT FHES. I'.,\RKS .,\Nil RI-X-'RF. ATIONAI. FACIIJTII'~S IMI'ACT FI':F,S. P,O,.\I) IMI'A('T FlfliS. I!M[~ILGI~N('h' MI.:I)IC,,\I. SI!RVICIiS h\II'ACT I:I:.I.:S ,,\Nil Iil)l~('.,\l'l()N,,\I. F:\('II.ITIF. S SYSTF. M I.\II'A("[' 1:1:.15"; FOR ()NF. II()11.",l'~ l't) BF. [ '()NSTI~,UCTF. I) 115' CllRIST[)PIII:R S:\N'I'()S.CAI)O\V A'[ 216{)47m .,\\' ['~N[;t~ N.I¢.. (;("}l.lll.~N (;..VI'I'~ F. STA'I'I.~S. ('()I.I.IF.R ('()UNTY, WIIEi~,I-;,\S. ('otJicr .('OLIII[V h;IS rccogm/cd ;.red ;.Lllcnlptcd tt~ il,,Jd['css the Ji~ck ,,l' :lttCqll~ltc affordable hothqill[~ t;,]I' IllO(.Icralc. Io\v. alld ~ cr.%-Io\% ii1¢,t')111¢ hotlscholtts ill Ihc (.'Otll/1,% ;111(.t lilt.' 11ccd tBr crc;di\'c and ill]1ovi~iivc [~ro':/'r;illlS I{~ ;t',:-,lq ill the pie,\ iSlOll ~.ll' sllch hotlMllg I~)~. ~lclmling ~,cxcral provisions m lhc (Miller (.'.,,'U. lllt'., l iroxxlt~ ~.l,m;~gcmcnl Iq,,n. illcJtl,,hm2: (~l~.iccti\'c 1.4. }')t,Jic~. 1.4.1: ohjc¢!i\'c 1.5. 1')~.)lic.x 1.52. p~,hcy 1.5.3. t*~1~c.,.' 1.5.4. policy 1.5.5. polio.'. 1.5J}: ~)IZl¢¢ILXC l.f~. pohcy 1.6.3: ~d*icctixc 2.1. poh¢.', 2.1.t, p(dicy 2.1.2. p~dicy 2.1,3. policy 2.1.5. illl(.J policy 2.1.t~ {q' Ih¢ l[ousing L:lcmc]it: and WIII.:RE:\N. Collier ('c:untv Ires received ftmding ptu'SU:mt 1o the .ql:ltc Ibmsing Initiatives I':u-tncrshita ['rc)~rlun sol fmlth in .'qcclitm 42[I.'J~F' gLZ~.?_q.. I:h~rid:l ,%t:lttllcs ;111d ('h;q~lcr ')I-37. I:]m'ida ,,\dministrati\'c (_?ode; \%'lI!:.I),EA.S, In accord:met \~ith ('oilier t,'omltv Ordimmcc No. ')3-19. the Coun!y is :m!hori;,cd m use funding fi'om the State Ihmsing lnilimivcs l':lrttlcrshil, j51 liP] J~rogJarn l~.~r waivers of Collier County impact fccs; and \VIII.~ItI';AS. ChrisI(~phcr ~;tllJO.%-(":ltlOW iS socking a 75% dCl~l'ral t)£ impact I;..'cs; \VIII'~RE:~,.q, ('hr/slophcr Sm~I~s-('mh~\ ~kill ore,sir,c! :~ [hrcc (3} hcth'~mm trail (the "Dwelling ['nit"} ;d 2t(,1~ 47':' ,.\vcm~c. N. t~. m (hqdcn t, ialc l!stutcs. ('o!Jicr ('otllllv. I:1orid:~: ~khich \VI I I']l*,l".A.'q, the l)welling Unit ',\ill bc (.)\\ Ilt.'tJ J'~y [1. moderule income household. ;.ul(.l iX 111']RI'~:\S, Chrislophcr S;.ultos-C'adoxv submitted to the office of the I Iousing and Urban Improvement [)Clxtrtmcnt :~11 Alt~.mlablc Ihmsing :~pplication datcd Scp:cmhcr 13, ~{)t)t) lbr a 75% dcl~rrid of irnp:tcl IL'cs liar the ct~ilstrt~cli,m o1' ;~ hm~sc ill 21(~1) 47"' Avenue. N. 1~.. (]t~ldc~l Gate [111111'L)VCIllL'11[ [ )C[)itl'llllClll: W!II':I(EA5, in tlccordzlllCC with Scctl~m 3.1~4 o1' the ('(m'cct:orlUl Facilities Imt~acl Fce Ordi]l:mCc. Ordin:mcc Nu. 99-52; Scditm 3J)4 of the l.ihrurv Svstunl hnpitct Fcc Ordillmlcc, Orttinzmcc No. S8-97, as :mlcndctl; Section 3.114 of the l'arks azld Rccrc:dional Facililics Impact Fee Ordinance. Ordinance No. 99-39; Section 3J}4 of the Road Impact Fcc Ordinance. ()rdimmcc No. 92-22. as ;~111clldcd: Sectloll 3.05 of the l~ltlcz'gc~cy Mcdicul Services Sy>.tcm Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91-71. us illllClldcd: and Section 3.()5 of the l~ducational I::tcililics System Imp;let Ordinance. Ordm:mcc No. ~,'2-33. as amemlcd; an applicanl may oNain a 75% del~-rral of impacl I~cs by qualifying for a dcl~,rral: and WiIEREAS. ('hristophcr Salltos-('adow has qualified for a 75'~;, deferral of impacl fees based upon the Ibllowing representations made by Chrislopher Santos-Cadow: A. 'l'hc [)~clliug I'uit shall bc m~ncd by a first-time home huxcr. B. The I)wcllinV t'nit shall be OWlled bv it household xkith a IllOdCFillC 111,:t~lllg level as t]lal ICFTU iS defined iT1 the ..Xppcmlices to the rcspcclix c Impact l:ec ()rdinanccs amt the guidelines cstitblishcd in the ..Xppcmliccs to Ihc respective Impact Fee Otdiniinccs. 'l'hc l)xvclling t'nit shall bc the ]lomcslcad oflho owner. D. 'lhe Dwelling l.'nit shall remain al'tbrdable tbr tllicen (151 veilrs NO~. 'I'IIEI{I-iF{)I{I':. I~K I1' I/I-:NIII.VED BY Till': ('OXlXllSSl{)N[.:NS {)}: ('()l.l.ll.:R ('{}t:N'l 5. I-'l.{)Rll):~. 'l'llA'l': I tlc [~oal'd t~l' ('Otllll~ ('tUtlllllS5iolIcI5 hereby authorizes the ('titlillY .-XdlllilliSll';llor to issue an Authorization l~r 75,,, dcferral of impact I~cs h~ ('hrlstophcr Santos-('adow Ibr one If} h,msc ~}lic}l s}la]] bc conslruclcd al 21~0 47~' -Xvcnuc. N. F.. (}oldcl~ Gate listales. ('oilier ('ounty. Fire'ida. dctk'l'ral sighted t,~ f'hris~ophcr 5alllOS-(_'ild(~x~. ur nlhcr ,~ocmllcntalion I]10 ('OUlllX ..Xth,rn%'. lhc }}oard of ('oultty Commissi,,ncrs hcrd>y authorizes the [~;lylllC[11 }~X ('oilier ('oul;ty of the lblhming impact thus ~Fom the Aflbrdable I Iousing 'l'r'ust Fuml. }:untl {191 }. in the Ibllowing amounts ll)r Ihc one i l} house to be built at 21U~ a7:~ ..Xvcnuc. N. E.. (ioklcn (h~le Estalcs. ('oilier Ut~ml>', Florida by ('hz'islopher Z'otal h;.__~j~acl Fcc-o,,, I)u?l-ral :\. I.~bl',lF) Irapatti-co $ I,$(~52 S 135.39 B. Road Impacl {"uc 1.3-~1 ~) 1.~34.25 ('. Parks [mp;~ct Foe: S2(1 S4 ~15.(,3 I). liXIN Impacl Fuc 14 ~(~ l!L50 1:. [5ducatitmal l'acilil~cs S>'slcm Impact Fcc 1.77$.~ 1.333.51~ '['olal ImlmCl l:ee~ S 4,290.34 S3,217.75 The r~ilylllClii of hnpacl IL'cs by ('t,11icI' ('tmnly is s'd~.icc~ Io the cxcCtlliOll and rccortlalimt o1' :m ..Xfl~mlahlc I lousm~ ..~I'CClllClll I~l' p:~ymcnl of ('ullicr (',unty [111pilcl I:ccs belWeell the properly oWIlu'r ;111d 'or IlllrchllS~'l' Illld !hC ( 'olllllV, Based on sul'ficicnt evidence provided I)y ()wncr, (}~ucr h;ns tlu. lllOllStl';itu, tl that subordination of the ('otully's rights, initrests and licn h~ thai ccrlahl mortguSt Ioall 1¥o111 Market Slrccl Morlga~c 1o ()~Vl~cr ill Ihc ;unounl of $S4.4111 Jill is ohlain l]nancing Io ~urchasc lhc Dwelling t,'nit. This I~,¢soJution aduptcd alicr motion, second and ma oriD' vote Ihvoriu~ stone. DATED: (JF'F. : ~, .: 'i'. ,' ATTEST:' ";.'. D\V!GH]"F.: DR()('K. ('h:rk Attest Is ~ Chmt~'S stgnaturm Approvcd as [o Form Ic~al sufficiency: t Icmdi F.~)Xsfimn Assistant ('otmnly Altorn~y l(X I 11 B IT "A" I,EGAI, I)ESCI~.IPTION CII!~,ISTO!'ilEI~, SANTOS-CAI)OW TIlE WEST 75' OF TIlE WEST !$0' OF TI~,..\CT NO. 42 IN (;Oi.I)EN GATES I'~STA'FES UNI'F NO. 78 ACCORDIN(; TO TIlE i'LAT T!IEI~,I.',OF RE('ORI)ED IN I'I,:\T llOOK $. I'A(;E 16 OFTlIE PL'BI,IC I,',I.'.CORI)S OF COI,I,IER CO U;N"I'Y. FI,O RI I)A. 2569834 OR: 2622 PG: 0538 This A~rccmcnt Ibr the 75% [)cl~rr;tl of Jlllp;Ict IrCCS tilttrod illh~ li~i~ /~:~}' . _~ ]999 bY mid bc~wcc~l the l~o~u'd ~1' ('ounlv (',mm is hmcrs ('oilier Count}'. I:lm-id:k hcrcin:~ficr rcl~'rrcd to ;~ "('()['~'T%'" ;red ('l,rist~phcr hcrcimtficr rcf~'rrcd h, ;rs Wt II~REAS. ['oilier ('t~Hlttv ()rdi~;mcc Xt~. ')'}-52. lhc ('orrccti~m;tl I';~c~l~tJc~ Int[~;tcI I:cc: Collier CoL, my Ordimmcc No. SX-97. ~s ;t~llc~ldctJ. lJlc ('oilier ('ounlv I.ihr;u'v System Imp;icl Fcc Ordin:mcc: Collier C'OtlIll~' Ordinm~cc ~'~. ~)')-3~). ~hc ('ollicr ('~mnlv P'.u'ks ~md Rccrc;~Ii~m:~l Fz,cili[ics lmp:~cl Fcc ()rdin~mcc: ('oilier ('(mn~v ()rdin;UlCC N,x ';I-7t. :~ ~m~cmlcd. lhc ( No. 92-22. :~s :tmcmlcd. Ilic ('oilier Couniv Ro:id Imp;,cl I.'cc Ordimmcc: ~md Ihc ('~,1ticr ( Or(iin:,ncc No. ')2-33. :,s urnended. the ('oilier ('otmlv J{duc;tti~m;~J F~,cili~ics Xvs~C,~l Impanel I:cc Ordinance; :~s they nmy bu t~r~hcr m]]c~]dcd I?on~ lime ~o lime hcrchmlicr ct~llcciivclv rcl%rrcd ;~s "lmp:~cl }:cc ()rdin;mcc". ImpVide tbr u'uivcrs ,H' imp:~cI Ik'cs Ibr nc~ ~vncr-~cL'upic(I units qu;Jlil~'i~,~ :~s ;~/'/brtklhlc h~msin~: WIIIfRI{..%S. f)WNIiR h;l~ ;~/~l~lic~l l~u' ;~ 7?. ~tcl~'r~l ,~1' i~q~.~ I J~'cS ;1% ~cquJrcd I~v Iml)~lcl Fcc Ordin:mcc. ~l Ct)l~}' ~l' s~Jil ~q)plic:~li~m is ~m 111c in Ihc t~l'Iicc ~1' Ihms~u~ mid improvemen[ I)cp;,rln]cnl'. dctL'rr;~l of imp:~cl lkcs ;~s csl:~hlishcd in Ihc Imp;,cl Fcc (}rdin:mcc: imp~c[ Ikcs suhjccI [o s:~lisl~c[ion of zJll critcrm in lhc Imp:~cl Fcc ()rdhl;~lcc qtmlil~'in~ lhc project ;~s eligible For ;m imp:~ct I~c dcrcrr:Jl ~?.~0 8,00 OR: 2622 PG: 0539 16 , 7 '~¢,"' delL'rral of impacl l~.'cs ibr ()\VN'I{P, cmh,',,lied WHEREAS. tile COUNTY approved a .... Resok, do,, No. '99-~Z at its rcm, tar,,,ccfinu of ~o. /f~ I',Ug: and WIIEREAS. the Impact l:cc (h'dinancc requires Ihal Ihc (;WNI:R cmcr Agrecmenl with the (7)I ~N'I'Y. NOW. T111~Rt{FORE. in consideration of the Ibregoing recitals. lhc parlics co% Cllalll alltl agree as lbllows: I. RE('FFA[.S IN('()RP()RATt:.I~. l'hc lbro?ing recitals arc lruc and correct ;tilt[ shall hc incoqmralcd by rclbrcncc herein. 2. I.EGAI. I)ESCRIPTION. The legal description of Ihc dwelling tmi~ (Ihc "Dwelling I'nil") and s]Ic plan is all;lOlled lierolo ;is l~xhibil "A" and JllcOrl~oratctl bx reid'relict herein. I. '['IERNI, ()WNliR aurccs {hill 111o l)wcllinu [hill shall FCIllitlI1 ;IS ;ll'liu'dablc and shall be ol'lk'rctl fbr sale in accordance with thc slimnd;u'ds aPl~endices Io lhe hnpacl Fee Ordinance Ibr a period of Iiliccu (15) years commencing fi'om lilt (lille lilt CCI'lJIiCilIC oJ' occtlpallcy is issued Ibr 1110 l)wclling tJni~. 4. REPI{ESENTATIONS AN[) WARRANTIES. OWNER rcprcsenls and w;u'ranls ii. ()WllCI' IlllIJllIiIJllS il household with a illO(Jcl'illC illCOllie ils dclincd in lhc apl~cmliccs 1o lhc Impacl Fee ()rdimmcc alld IJlC m~mlhly paylllC11IS I0 purcilaSC lhc l)wclling l JnJl II111sl JlC ~Vilhin J}lC al'liu'd;d~lc JloilsJllg guidelines cslahlJshcd in lhc ;ippcndiccs 1o Ihc ]nlp;Icl I:cc ()/tlillilllCC; ()WI1CF iS ;l [~I'sI-lJlIlC Jlollle hLJVCr; C. The l)wclling J Jllil Stroll I~c file Jlonlcslcad of t~x~ nc~; , u ii I I I II II I I IIII III IIIII IIIIIII III OR: 2622 PG: 16 , 7 el. Thc l)',vclli~g l.i~il slmll rcmi~l ;~s ;~f/'orcl;~l~lc h~usmg Ibr l~l~cc~ (I 5) }'c~lrs ;lilt] Igcs i~ the total ;t]]lotmt ()I' $3.217.75 pursumtt t()linc In~p~cl I"cc SIII~NI~()I~ILN'I' 'I'RANNI:ILI~. If()%VNI~R scll~ the lk~'clli~i~ I;mt xl~l~.jccI m lilt s,~ld (mix I~, h,>uscholds mccJi)~ Ihc crilc~'i:~ sol Ib)'lh in th~ Impanel I"cc ( pcrJ(xl. hc imp;,cI I'cus .~l~ll I)c immc(li;)fcl)' )'cp;ml ~() II,c ('()1 :N'I Y. c~ccpI C()IllJIIlI()11S J~Cl'i()(J ()J' I~l}cc~) ~'c;~)'~ ~,l'lcr ll~c (I;~Ic lhc L'CI'III]c~IIC ()l'()cc~q);,)lcb' )~ I.[t~,%'. 'I'))c (Icl~'rrcd iml~;~c( IL'cx sI)~ll I~c ~ Iic)i ()p()(~ lilt i)~()i~c)l)' ~I)lL'll Iic)~ m;~v I)c O54O OR: 2622 PG: 0541 rclc;~.~c ~t' Iici~. I~INI)IN(; IiFFI!("I'. /\~rccmcnl and linc'Jr 9. 'lhi~ A!'j'ccnlcnl .~h;~ll hc I~i~ldillF. LIp~.l IIw I~;U'lic.'¢ I~ II)J.~ rc~pcclivc Jlcir~, pcr~,l;l] rcprc~cnl;ttivc'~. assigns, In lJ)c case (~t' s;[lc ,)r' Ir;msl'cr by ~il't ~1' Ihe I)welJing I;nil. llJc' ()WNILR gll;dl rcm;~in liable I~.' Ihc impacl I~cx w;lix'c(I llnlil said iu~p',wl I'ccs ;,'c jl;li(J ;id(lili(m. Illis A?.l'CClllUIll xllalJ rill1 willl IIIL' I;~ml mid ~h;~11 rclJl;iJll I)wcllin~ J ;11Jl unlil lhc I~n~vi~h.ls ~;['~ccli~m X arc 1(). RI~('()I(1)IN(;. 'lhis A~I'CUIllClll shall hc rccm'~lcd Iw ()WNI:R ;~l tile cxpcn~c ~I' ()WNILR in lilt ()l'ficial I(cc(u'ds hi' ('~dlicr ('tHIIllV. I:h.ula. x~1111111 ~IXlV ( 'l )t11111J 55j(II1L'I'5. II.I)ILFAIJI.'I', ()WNlq~shallhcindclhull~t'lhi~Agrccn~cnlll)xvhcrc()WNILR Io sell Ihc l)wcllin~ lhlil in ;iccor(l;111cc wilh Ihc at't~.'d;d~lc h~m~in~ Mar~(hu'ds and qu:Jlil]c;dioncrilcriacsl;d~lishc(lin lhc Impact I:cc()r(lin;mccand lhcrcal'lcr 12. RIL~I~I)1I~g. Sh(~id lhc ()WNILR ~1' lilt im)pcrly fail I,~ C(~l~lply wJlh linc said qualit]c;di(m crilcria ;d any IiHic (IHring ll~' Ill'Icon (15) VCm' OWNIL[~ vmlalc m~y prox'i~uls (~1' Ihis /~gl'CClllClII. lllc illlll;ICl lbcs w;dvcd shall hc p;~id in l]lll hy ()WNI~R wilhi~l J(~ (hly~ i~l'~;ij(I II(~l)-Crmil)Ji;trlcC. ()WNILR agrees lJlal lhc cl'l~clivc (hdc of this A~rccmunt ;md comim~iu~ until rcp;~id, iii IIIIIIIII I I ' .................. OR: 2622 PG: 0542 l:.xcupt as set fbrth Jn ,'-;colion 7, such lien shall hc supcri(~r ;,rot imram~,llnl I,~ in tt~c Dwellins UllJl ()J' ;111y owi1cr, Jcsscc. lUll;ifil. I11()l'l~H~cc. (lr ()lhcr JlL'I'~(HI CxCCpl lhu lien lbr ('rarely laxcs m~d shall hc .. pm'ily ~vilh Ihc lien ,,f ~il(mld Ihc f)WNI{R hc in tlcl~ull ~1' Ibis ..%grccmcnl. ;imJ lhc dclh.ll ~ n,,l cmcd ~vilhin thirly (3())(J;ws al~cl' ~vrillcl~ ~h~tiCC t(~ ()W~I~R. the I~(~al(I re;iv hriJJu civil cnfi)rcc IhJs A~rccmcnl. In mhlili(m. Ihc lien may hc fi)l'ccl(~ctl ()r ()illera i~c cnlbi'cc(I hv the ('()[]N'I'Y hy action or suit in cqtiity ;is Ibr Ihc Ibrccl()surc .f a n.)rigagc tm rcul imq~crty. This rcn;edv is cumulalivc with :my ~thcr right ('()I 'N'I'Y. The l{oard shall he culltied t~ reckwet all ;,n.'ncv's IL'cs. im'urrcd hv the I~,oard in cnfiu'cing Ihis Agreement. plus interest :tl II~t. SIilItlI~H'V I';11C c:llcuhltctl (m a calendar clay husis until p;lid. IN WI'I'NE~S Wlll~Rlf()l:. Ihc pro'lies have cxcculc(I Waivcr/J)clgrraJ ()f Imp',icl J:ccs on the tlalc and yCHl' first ai~()x c x~ rillell. The Ibrcgoing inslrumcnt was acknowledged hclbrc mc Illis D.~, 1999. hy ('hri.~tophcr ~anlos-('mh'w~. I Ic is pcrso.ally km,,vn _.~z_z.-_zz .... _. ::: .... (type ('d'idcnlificali(m) ..s identilic:nirm. It) 111C 'or--produced [N()TARI.,\I. SI{AI.] DATED: OEC ~ ~. ~99~ ATTEST:"-' DWIGHT E, BROCK, Clerk signature ~ly. Approved as to form and lcgal sufficicncy Heidi F. As~ton Assislant Counly Attorney OR: 2622 PG: 0543 16A 7 jd/c/imp£cc/san h)S-cadmv 6 OR: 2622 ?G: 0544 7 F~X!IIBIT !.E(;Ai, I)ISCR. II'TION CI I RISTO I'11 Ell. SANT(}S-CA !)OW II, ES I I) 1.2N (~E TIlE \VEST 75' OF TIlI-'. \VEST 150' OF TRACI' NO. 42 IN (;()I.I)}:.N GATE [:,STATES UNIT NO. 78 A("COI~.I)ING TO Tt IF. PI.AT TI II{RI'X)F RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5. PAGE 16 OF TIIF. I'UI}I.IC RI!C()I~,DS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 7 ']5' , 100' :07 -9' OR: 2622 0545