Resolution 1999-446 I~,h.~¢ )1.[ "11( )N N~ ). 9,. 446 RI..S~)I.I!IIf)N (~1: llll' I)I'.FhI(RAI. ()l: ('()RRh('TI()NAI. FA('II.[111'.S IMI'A('I I'1-.1'.~. I.IBRARY~Yg'I'hMINII'A('I FHI'.S, PARKS ANI) RI{('RI%,VII()NAI NlI{I)I('AI SI{RVI(*HS IMI'A('I' I:I~HS. ANI) FA('II,FI'11.,S SYSI'HM IMI'A('I' ('()NS'I'RI'("11~I) BY .If'AN MARAN'I'll. AT 3g11 (~l)11~]'.N (jAIl B()t:I.I'V,xRIL IN ('~)l,l.lkR al'lbrdublc houshlg lbr 111odcralc. low, :111d ~ CFX'-IOXV incarole 11Ollscholds ii1 the ('OIHllV and the IICCd l~r crcatixc :red innoxatixc pm~rants h~ assist m Ihc pmxisi~m of such htmsing hx mclmhng sex oral provisions in 1he ('oilier ('ounlv (kox~lh Manm~cnlcnl Phm. includins: ,hicct~xc I 4. pohc> 1.4.1: objcclixc 1.5. policy 1.5.2. Imlicy 1.5.3. p~qicy 1.5.4. p~fiic> I 5.5. italic> 1.5.t,: ~hlccllkc lJ~. pnhc> 1.~.3: .h.jeclisc 2. I. p~fi~u'y 2.I.l. italic> 2.1.Z. Imhc> 2.1.3. Italic> 2.1 ~. mid i~d~cX 2. ~, ~l' the I IousinS Element: WllERE,.XS. ('oilier ('ounts has rcccivud i'undin~ p.rsuanl m the Stoic I Iousin~ Initialixcs IMrtncrship l'r~r:m~ set lhrlh in Sccti.n 421tJ)t17 ~. nqtl.. I:lnrid:t ~lallllCS ~md ('h:q~lcr ';I-37. I'l,rida Administrative ('ode: and authorized Io use l'undm~ I'nm~ the ~Iatc Collicr ('o.nty imp:,ct tL. cs: XVI I Eli EAS..l,:m Marante ~ ill c,,slrucI a three bedroom umt I thc "] )xk clh,g 1 'mt"l ~l 3X 1 I Goldcn (late Ihmlcvard. m ('~dlicr ('ounly. I:lorid;~: ~hich is pr,poscd h~ sell Ihr l~l~ ilt'I Y klt lilt TIIOIJSAND NINK Ill:NI)RHI) AND I~I(itITY HI(fill I)()I.I.ARS WllEI~!.L.X~. tl~c I)~clling [;nit WIIEItEAS..lu:m MaranlC submilled h~ Ihc ~l'l]cc ,1' Ihc IhmsinS and I'rl~an Improxcmcnl Department an Al'lbrd;d~lc Ibmsing Aplqicatim~ dated Au?st 15. 199g lot a 50",, ~ ai~cr 51r',, dcll'rral of impact fccs lbr lhc COll~lrJlClJOll oJ' ;i I1ollSC Florida. a copy of said itpplJCalJoI1 iS O11 lilt in lite J Jousing alld XVIIEREAS. m Hcco~daIIcc ~ilJl ~cclioll Ordinmlcc. Ordin:mcc N~s. 09-52~ ~u'clhm ].l).J i~j' the I.ihrarv gx'stcm Inlp:tcl J:cc ()l'diIl~lllCC, OrdillallCC Nto. SX-9~. ~ls amended: gu'clJt~li 4.l}j oJ' 1he I'm'ks alld RccrC~lllOll~iJ J.:~ci~,Jllu. S Jlllp~icI I:u'c Ordinzmcc. ()rdh~;mcc No 99-3~;: Scofftin 3J~4 of fi~c R~x~d Impacl Fcc (hdin:mcc, ()I'tJillilllCC No. 92-22. as iiIllCildCd; ~CCIioll 3.05 ,f the I{111CI~CI1Cy Medical Services ~)SIcII1 IllltlilCJ i:CC ()l'dillilllCC. Ordimmcc N-. 91-71. ;~s ;mlcndcd: SccJitm 3JI5 of the I~ducalional J"acililics S)'slcm Impacl Fcc Ordimmcc, Ordin;mcc No. t/2-33; an applici.lt nl;~y oblain a 50% wiliVCl' 5{)'[;, dcl~'rraJ of imp;Jet I~'cs by qualifying Ibr a x~ aivcr;dcl~rral: and WIlERE.AS. Juan Mararlle. has quaillied Ibr ;m impact Ikc ~vaivcr/dcl~rral based upon the fi~llowing representations made by .luan Mar;role: A. The Dwelling Unit shall bc owned by a lirst-timc hOlllC buyer. The I')wclling Llnit shall bc owned hv a household with a inodcralc defined in Ihc Al~pcudiccs to Ihc respective Impacl Fee Ordinances and linc moulhly i~aymcnl purchase the unit must be widdn 1he al'lbrd;tble housing guidelines csmhlishcd in tl~e .,Xl~pcndiccs l- lilt rcspcclivc Iinpact I-'co Ordinances. C. The l)~vclling I Tnit shall be the I lomcslcad ol'lhc OWilcr. D. The I)wclling l Tnit shall remain aflbrdablc liar tiffcon i15) yc;u's l'mm the dale the ccrtil]c;dc of occupancy is issued. NOW, TIIEIIEI:ORE, lIE IT IIESOI,VED IIY 'I'ilE Ill)AlII) COMMISSI()NI'~IlS OF COI,I,IER ('OUN'TY, I:i,ORll)A, TIIAT: I. The Board of ('tumty C'ommissioncrs hereby ;mlhorixcs Ihc ('otmlV Adminislralor Authorization tk~r 5I~ % ' ~k;i vcr.. , ,, deFcrral ol'impact Ikcs Io .lu;m Mar;role tbr one (I) house which shall hc ctmslruclcd al 3~1 I (ioklcn Gale Boulevard in ('oilier (',tomy. I:hmda. 2. Upon receipt by the Jlousing aml Urban hnprovcmcnl l)ircctor of w;,vcr;. I, ,, dclcrral of irapat1 lk'cs siuncd by Juan Mar;role. or olhcr tloculllCl~IalJon ;tcccpt;tblc to the ('ounty zXllor~lcy. the I~oard of ('otmly Commissioners hereby aulhori/cs ll~e paymcnl by ('oilier ('ounly ol' the followring impact Ik'cs l?om the Aflbrdablc I Iousing I'rust Fund. Fund (191). in tlic fidlowing amounls tbr 1he one II~ hou:4e to hc buih at 3XII (}oldcn (kite Boulevard. m ("oilier County. Florida hy Juan Mar;role: ,,\. l.ibrary Impact Fee $ i g0.52 B. Road Impact Fee 1.379.00 C. Parks Impact Fees: 820.84 D. EN1S Impact Fee Educational Facilities System hnpacl Fee F. ('orrcctioual Fncilitics Impacl Fee I 17.9S Total Imp:tcl Fees S 4.290.34 The payment of impact fiecs by ('oilier County is st,bjecl 1o the cxcculJon and rccordalion of an Al'lbrdablc I lousing Agreement lbr paymoist o1' ('oilier COtIfil)' Impact I:ccs between lhc l~ropelly owner ;lild't)r purchaser and file ('OtllllV. Based upon sul'licicnt evidence im~vitlctt hy Owner. Owner has tlcnlollslratctl thal a subordination of the County's rights. intcrcsls lind lien to Illat certain morlgagc Ionn Dom l!quily Fireracial Group to Owner in Ihe amount of S97.g67.0o is nccc~sary 1o obtain financing to purchase the l)welling Unit. Equity Fin~mcial ('inml'~ to Owner hi the amount of $}7.,~(~,.o() is m.'ccss;~rv to Jd)l;fin fin;racing to purchase lhc l)',v¢llim~ I !nil. This Rc,sohllio11 adoI',lcd ;trier nlt'qion. sectrod and majority vote I~wor'hlg same. ATTEST: DWIGttT E. B. ROCK. Clerk ".Approved as 1o Ibnn and legal sufficiency: ttcidi F. Ashton Assist:mr Cotmix' ,,\ltorncx' BOARI) ()F ('OUNTY COl.l.ll'.'R ('()UNTY, FI.()RII)A ~ PA.x,I El.,,\ ,'4. XI,,\("K I1!. ('1 / / t'~XI I I BIT "A" I,I'N;A I, IIES('RI I'TION .I t ;..'~ X .~ I,~ I~,:\ N'i'I.~ Till: \VEST 105 FT. OF TRACT 135 IN (;()l.l)liN (;,,\TIi I!ST..\ l'liS I'Nl'[' 77. ,,\CCOR DING TO TI IE PI,AT TI IER I!OF. R E( 'OR D[!I} I N ['I.AT I1( )( }K 5. PAGI:, 15, OF Till:, I'UBLIC P,E('ORDS OF ('OI.I.II:,R COl !N'I'Y. FI.ORII)..\. ~1/03t1998 O2 R~tn: CLBRK TO THB BOARD INT~ROFFICB 47~ FLOO~ 7240 2569833 OR: 2622 PG: 0530 IIBCORDBD in the OEHCIAI, lIBCORDS of COLLIbel COIllIT?. FL I~C EBB 12/16/1999 at 02:25PM D~IGff? 1. BROCK, CL~RK COPIES 16. , 6 ,\GRE [M EWi' FOR $¢1%WAiVER/$0% i) EFE RR,\ I, () F COLIA ER COUNTY IM !'AC'F FEES ]'his Agrccmcnt for lhc \Vaivcr oF Impact Fccs cmcrcd into County, Florida, hcrcinaficr rcl~rrcd to as "(~()[JN'I'Y" and .I[JAN MAR,,XNTI' hci-CillilJ'[Cl' rcfcrrcd to as "OWNER." IVITNESS F, TiI' \VI [EREAS, Collier (-'(nmly Ordin:mcc No. 99-52. Ihc ('{~rrcclhm:ll Facililics lmp:wt l"cc: Collicr County Orclinzmcc No. 88-97. as ;)mcmlcd~ lhc ('oilier ('{)tmnly l.ihr:,-v Svstcn~ ImtH~act l"cc Ordinancc: Collicr County Ordimmcc No. 99-39. the ('oilier ('{ulnlv I'm'ks ;xs~l Rccrcatitmal Facilities Impacl Fcc Ordinance; Collier (*otmly ()rdimmcc No. 91-71. as an~cntlc~l. the ('oilier Cotlllty Emcrgcncy N, lcdic;~l Services Svstcn~ Imp;let Fcc ()rdinmwc: ('~dlicr ('~t,ntv ()r~tin:mcc No. 92-22. as amcmlcd. Ihc Collier ('()tmty R()ml 1111[)ilCI I'CC ()rdin:mcc: (',,1Iicr Orclinancc No. 92-33, as alllclldcd, the ('()11icr ('(~unlv IMt~cati(mal I:;]cilitics Nvslcm Impact Fee Ordimmcc: :red ('oilier (;ot]nty Ordimmcc No. 98-69, as linty may bc Ihrlhcr ;llllclltJctl J)-11111 time to time hcrcinaticr collcctivcly rcl~rrcd to as "Imp:~ct Fcc ()rd/n;mcc". pr-x'Jtlc lbr w;fivcrs ~VIII~REAS, OWNER has applicd fi)r a 5fl'v;, waivcr/S{/}';, dclL'rral of impact fkcs as requircd by thc Impacl Fcc Ordinance, a copy ofs;ml ;q,plic;~lhm is -n file in Ihc ol'ficc of I lousing and Urban Improvcmcnt Department: and WHEREAS, the County Administralor or his designee has reviewed the OWNER's application and has ~)tllld that it complies with the requirements flu' ;m al'fimhd, lc housing waiver/50% dcf~rral oF impact t~cs as cqtahlishcd J~l the Impact Fcc ()rdin;incc; I OR: 2622 ?G: 053 I \VtIF, Ie, F~AS, the impact Fcc waivcr/dcFcrral shall I~c presented in licts o1' i,aymcnt of Ihc requisite impact Fees subject Io satisfitclion of all criteria in the Impacl Fee ()rdinancc the prQcct as eligible R~r an impact Fee waivcr/dcFcrral and WIlISRI'L,NS. the COUNTY approved a waivcr/dctbrral of' impact tL'cs ti.' OWNEl( embodied in Rcsolutio,, No. 99-ffff~ .at its regular,netting of'~/¢ WIIEREAS, Ihc Impact Fee Ordinance requires Illat Ihc ()WNIiR cmcr illh~ ;Ill Agreement with Ihc COUNTY. NOW, TI IEREFORI$. in consideration of the Ibrcgoing rccilals. the pro'lies agr'cc as Follows: 1. RECI'FAI,S INCORI>()RA'I'E[). Thefi~l'cgoingrccitalsarclruc;md, c,,rrcclitn{lshall bc incorlmralcd by rctkrcncc l~crcin. 2. IA~G,,NI~ DI~SCRIPTION. The legal description oFIhc dwelling ~m~t lilac "I)wclling t/nit") aml site plan is altachcd her0to as lixhibil "A" aml incorp~u';tlcd by retgrcncc 3. TISR;%I. OWNER agrees that the D,.vclling [.,n'l sllall remain as ;tl'llmt;~blc housing and shall be ol'l~rcd fi~r sale in 11CCoFtJ;111CC wilh lhc sl;Ind:lrds SL'I Ibrth in lhc appendices Io Ihe lmpitct Foe ()rdillancc Ihr a period of Illicon (15) years commencing I?om the date lhc ccrlificalc (~J' occupancy is issued li,r the l)xvclling Unit. 4. RISI'RIfSIfN'I'.,VI'I )NS ANI) W.,NRI{.,NN'I'II{S. ()WNI.'R represents lhllowing: a. ()wncr inainlait~s il household with ;i I~w it~c~mc ;is dullnod ill the appemliccs to the Impact Fee Ordinance and the monthly payments purchase the Dwelling t,n'{ hi,st bc within Ihc affimtablc housii3g guidelines established in lhc appcmticcs t(, {hc Impact Fcc ();dinanco: Owner is a firsl-tin~c homo Imycr; O, OR' The I)wclling Unit shall he the homcslcad ol'mvncr; 2622 PG: 0532 16A 6' The Dwelling U'nit shall remain as afibrdablc htm~in~ lbr fillcon (I S) )'cars Ii'mn the date the ccnificalc nfoccupancy is c. OWNER is the owner of record of lite I)wclling Unit and roves impact fees in thc total a~]]ot~l~t of $4.290.34 ptH'Stl:1111 lO the I~lpaCl l:cc Ordinance. In return For the 5rl't,;, waiver/SO'Y,, dclk'rral of ~}~c impact Ik'cs owed by OWNER. OWNER covenants and agrccs to comply wilh the al'fimlahle housing impact fee waiver qualification criteria dctailcd in the hnlmct Fee Ordinance. SUI3SIiQUENT TRANSFER. If OWNER selfs the I)wolling [Mir sulkjoel to the impact Fee waiver/deferral Io a subsequent purchaser or renter. Ihc Dwelling Unit shall be sold only to hot:scholds roecling the criteria set Ibrth in tl~c Impact Fcc Ordinance. AFFORDABI.I~ RIiOIJIRI!MliNT. The Dwelling Unil must be u~ili/cd tbr allbrdal~lc }musing Ibr a fillcon (15))'car pcrio(I ;lli0r the dale lhe ccrlillcalc ~1 c~ccup:lncy is issued; and if the l)wclling I..rnit ccasus to be utilized flu' that purpose during such period. lhe impact tbes shall bc immediately repaid waivcd impact IL'cs it' the ~hvclling ~nit has hccn used li,r :~l'lbr~lahlc continuous pcriod of fifteen years after Ihc dale the ccrlilicatc nfoccul~:mcy is issued. I.IIiN. The waivcd/dctbrrcd impact Ik'cs shall be a lien up, m the pr~pci-ly which lien may be lbreclose~t upon in the cvcnt of mm-c,mq~liancc with lhc requirements of this Agrecmenl. The C()[JNTY and ()WNIfR agree lhal all of Ihc ('{)1 ~N'I'Y'S rights. i~:tcrcsts and lien arisi.g under this ,,Xgrccmcnt shall hc made .irare,r. inl~rior and subordinate to the first ItlollgilgC 3 2622 PG: 164, 0533 ,q. RF. LIi,,\Sfi OF LIEN. Upon satislitclory completion of the .,Xgrcc,ucn[ ruquircnl:nts aml 15I'tccn (15) years al'tcr the date of issuance of the ccrtilScatc ,~I' ~,ccut~;u]cy. Ul~(m payment oflhc waived impact I~'cs. and upon paynlent~t'tJlc~lcfUn'cd impact fees. the (Or,, Ih shall. ill the expense of the (7()t~NTh' rcc,~rd ;my nc'ccss;u'v documentation evidencing the termination of the lien. including. hut not limited tt~. release of' lien. BINI)IN(; l!FFl!('T. This Agreement shall be bind;tug upon the pltrtics to this ,,Xgrcolllc/ll aiR[ their respective heirs. pcrsoll;I] rc[~rcsclll;ttivcs. stlcccSSOl'S ;lilt] assigns. In the case of sale or transl~'r by ~ifl o1' the l)wclling I nit. the original OWNER shall remainliahlolbrtheimpacltbcswaivcd.'dclbrrcdun~i said impact are paid in l'uJJ m' until the comJilimls sol Ibrlh in the Impact l:cc ()rtlin;mcc are satisfied. In HddilJoll. this Agrcemcnl shall nm with the laml alld shall remain a lien against the l)wclling tJnit until tho provisions of Section S arc 10. RECORI)IN(i. This Agreement shall be recorded Iw ()WNI!IL a~ ~]~c expense ()WNER in the OFficial Records of Collier ('ounlv. Florida. wilhin sixiv (~) days af'lcr execution of this ,,Xgrccmclll by lhc C)}aJrlllm] ()1' the l),()mti of ('olinIv Commissioners. I 1. DEF.,XUUL OWNER shall he in dot)roll of this Agrccmcnl (l) where (_} sVNISR thils to soil the Dwelling Unit in accortl;tllcc with the aflbrdah]c 11OtlSJllg sliltltt;tt'tls qttalilScation criteria estahlishcd in the Impact Fee Ordinance and thcre:tftcr li~ils to pay the impact /Ucs wilhin 3~1 days of said non-compliance. or (2) where violates one of the af'fbrdal~]c housing qualificathm crilcrm in lhc In]pact Fee Ordinance tbr a period oFthirtv (30) days al'tcr mdcc ~flhc violati~m. 12. RE.XlEDIIiS. Shoukt the OWNI~IL o1' the prol~erty lull to comply with the said qualilication criteria at any time during the fillcon (15) year period or shoukt OWNER violate any provisions of litis Agreement, Ihe impact fccs w,~ivcd"dcfcrrcd 4 I - ~nllllllllll I I IIII IIIIIIIII IIII III II II II IIIIIII IIIIIII I IIIII III \ Print Name OR: 2622 PG: 0534 shall bc paid in I'tdl by O\VNF.,R within 31) days of said non-compliance, C.)WNI:R agrees lhal the impact tZ'cs waived/deferred shall constitute a lion m~ linc l)wcllin$ [,'nit commencing on the cl'13clix'c date of this Agrccmcnl ;red conlinuing until rcp:~id. except the lien lk~r COtlillY I;lXCS :1IltJ Simll bC on J~mily Wilh lilt lien of any Such Cot~nty taxes. Should the OWNER bc in tlclhult of this Agrccmcnl, :]nd the dell]tilt not cured within thirty (30)days aVlcr wrillcn not;co to ()WNER. the Igo:lrtl Ill;IV hring oJ' a mortgage on real property. This remedy is ctmmlalivc wilh any ()lhcr right remedy available to lhc ('~I.~X'I'V. The l~(~;u'd shall hc entitled h~ recover all altt)rncy's Jkcs, incurred bv thu Board in cnfi~rcing this Agreement. phis interest at Ihu statulory rate for jutJgmcnls calculalcd on a c;tlcmlar day basis until paid. IN WITNESS WItERE(IF. the part;cs h:tx'c cxccutol this ..X~rccmcnt Waivcr/Dcfcrral of Impact I:ccs on the date ;lilt] ycLIF ilrst ;lllOVC xx'rittcn. ,,,,.xj;/ ,,',';is ;~cknowlcd-cd bclbrc mc Illix ,::7~'7 tlav of 1999. by .Juan ~lar;mlc. llc is l)CrSonally known I(~ mc-o~m~dueed- (lyp~of identification):is idcnlillcati~m. OR' 2622 PG: 16, , 0535 ATTEST: D\VIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk $1gnatur~ ~i~. Approved as to foi'm and legal sufficiency }lcidi F. Ashton ,qssJs{an{ Courtly L~O,,\I~,D ()F ('OL]N'I'Y ('()%IISSI( }NILRS COLI.II.:R COUNI'Y. FLORIDA / I A.,~LA S. NIA(' KIF.. CtI,,\1I VO%IAN jd,'¢/ag r cements ~lllaranl¢ 6 OR: 2622 PG: 0536 6 I~XIIIBIT I,!.N;AI. I)IS(?RI I'TI()N .JUAN .L ~I.,\!~,,\NTI,~ TIlE \VEST II)5 FT. OF TRACT 135 IN GOLI)I!N GATF, F. STATt!S I;NIT 77. ACCORDING TO TIIL: PI,AT TIIEREOF. AS RF,('ORDF. I) IN PI,,.\T BOOK 5. P,,\GE 15. OF TIlE PUBI.IC RI!CORDS ()F ('()I.I,11(R ('()[!NTY, FLORIDA. 6