Resolution 1999-443Ri{S()I.t "I I()N N{}. m;.443
RI(S()I.I!TI()N ()I: '111F. Bf)AI~,I) ()l: (.'¢ll;NI'Y ('()MMISSItiNI.,R~. t'()l.l.ll.~P,
( '( )ttNT'f. FIX )RII ),.\. ,,\l !TI I( )Pd/.I N(; WAI\'I:.I~, ( IF
Sli\VF.R SYS'I'ItM I,MI'A('I' l:lil(~. F,l((il¢)N.,\l. ~F.\VItP, WfSI'It,Xl IMI',.\('I I-ItI..S.
F.M F.t~,(iF.N('Y MI.~I)I('AI. SF. RVI('I~ IMPA('T FF.F.S. I{DI I('ATI(INA1. F..\('11 I'I'11(S
W~'S'I'I.LM IMI'A('T I:I:.F.~ AND ('()RI~I:.('TI()N,,\I. FA('II.ITIF. S IMI'.,\("I I:1!1(.~
()NF. lit)limit T() BIt CON~'I'RI!I'TI.~I) BY IIAIllTAT I:()R IIILMANII'~' ()1:
('()I.I.IF.P, ('¢)I~N'I'Y. IN('.. ()N I.(YI' 3, BI.()('K 15, NAI'I.F.S ,MAN()R
('()1.1.11..'I~, ('()I, iNI'Y, I:I.()RII)A.
J/OtlSill~ lbr m,,dcralc. kin. ;red vcrv-h,w illCt1111L' h,msch,qd~ m Ihc ('OUIllV ;Ill~J IJlC 11ccd 1'~1 CI'C',HI~C ;111d IlllIOVaIivL'
programs Io asMst iB l]lc provision ol' Stlcll JlOLIMI1~ bV IllCJtldlll~ heyoral I~l'O~lhlOllS Ill IJlc (nlllcr ('t~tllllv (irowlh
Managcmcnl I'hm. including: nieceliVe 1.4. pohcy 1.4.1: ol~lcclixc 1.5. policy I 52. pohc) I 5.1. p*dlcy 1.5.4. policy
1.5.5. pohcy 1.5.6: {*bjcctn'c 1.h. policy 1.6.3: id~jccl~vc 2.1. pohcy 2.1.1. p~hc} 2.1.2. pohc) 2 1.3. policy 2.1.5. and
policy 2.1.6 of the I hmsing I~lcmcnt: and
WI II{RIL:NS. ('olhc~ ('OuIlly hals I'CCCllCd Ihndlng I~LII'~LILIIII h} lhc St:ItC Ihmsmg Jllltlilll',cs I'm lncrslul* I'mgram
set Ibrth m SCCllt)ii 420.9117 el. ~ctl.. I:[~rlda Sl;lltllCx illlit ('h;Iplcl '~I-.17. I'h,r~da .,[dlllllllMrillI~ t' ('{}dci ;111d
WIII~RI~AS. m acc{mlancc with ('~dlicr ('~mnl~ I }rdlnimcc N{}. ~13-1~t. lhc ('~uillv 15 ;n~lht,rl/cd Io risc funding
fronl the 51ale Ibmsing hllliativc~ I'arlncrshll~ [NI liP] Program Ibr ~mvcrs ot'l '~dhcr ('otlIlly m~pact fccs; and
WI II{RI{AS. ] [11bllill Ibr I lUlllanlly ol'( 'olhcr ('otmty. Inc. ~s hocking a ~;nx'cr t~l' IlllllilCl I~'CS: and
Will{Ill{AS. Ilatmat fi~r Ilumamly of ('~dhcr ('Oillily. hlc. will ctm,trucl one 11) Ihrcc-l,Cdl-{~otll tllllt (the
"l)wcllmg [Jmt") on Ix~l 3. Block 15. Naples Mam~r :Mlth1~m x~h~c}l is prl~poqcd h* sell I'm-I:~u'tv-51x 'l'htnlsand Five
I lundrcd I)ollars (S46.5110.110 }: illld
minimum of live hulldr'cd (51}0) hours of "S~cal I{qmty" bcli~rc ~l (d*linn~ I~Ilc h~ the h~m~c: ;red
WIII{RI~AS. Sailreel .I. l)urso. M.I).. I'rcsldCnl o1' Ih~hllal l}~r Ihtmanily ~l'(Mlhcr ('ou:~ly. Inc.. submitled Io
lilt ()ace of Ihmsmg ;red I lrb;nl hnprm'cmcm an .&l'lh,rdablc Ihm~mu .,[j~j*llc;llnm dated ScpIcmbcr III. 1UU9 lbr a
applicalion ts ~m Ihlc m t}~c lhmsmg and I ~rhan Imp~vcmcnt I)cpi~rlrncnt: and
Ordinance. Ordinance No. 98-f~9: Scct~on 3.1)4 ~d' lhc l.d~rary Sy~lcm hnpact Fcc ()rdnlancc. ()rdmancc No. 88-97, as
amended: Section 4.05 o1' Ihc Parks and Recreational I:acdmcs hnpact I:cc ()rdmancc. ()rdlnancc No. 99-39. Section
3.04 0f the Road Impact l:cc ()rdinallcc, (h'dmallCC No. 92.22. as aliiended; hccllon 3.05 ~t' lhc Emergency Medical
Services System hnpact Fcc ()rthnancc. ()rdinancc No. {11-71, as anlcntlcd; Sccllo~l 3.05 o~' ~hc [{ducatlonal Facilities
S)'SIClll Impact Fee ()l'tlill;1i/cc. ()rdlllillicc N(). 92-33. as 11nlclldcd; NCCllOll 3.1}4 ,d' the ('Olt'CCllOllltJ I:11ClJlllCs Impace
Fee Ordinance. ()rdinancc Nu. UU-52. ;m apphcal~l may ~bl:llll :1 ~illX'Cl' I}l' m~pact lkcs by qu;diI?mg Ibr ;I xx alvcr; and
WIII{1,~F.,.\S. I luhmtl for I lunl:m~Iv of ('nll~cr ('ounly. Inc. hu~ quahl~cd thr ml imp;~cr K'c ~;uvcr ha~rd upon
l}lc I~)llowin~ rcpru~cnt',tllon~ nlmlc bv I lahit;it Ibr I lunl;mltV o1'( 'olhcr ('()TIIIIV, lilt'
'l hc l)wcllm~ t;nit sl~II hc sold to a 11rst-lmw home buyer.
I:cc ( )rdmancc~.
'I hc l)~vcliing t:mt shall bc the I hm~cslcad of ~llc o~ nor.
I). 'lhc l)~clhn~ I,mt shall remain affi~rdulqc Ibr ill'Icon I[~ ~c;ir, Ii'om I}~c d~Hc ~}~c ccll~l'~c~tc Of
N(}W TIIERI~I.(~RI:. BI: I I RI.~(H.Vt:I~ IfY I Ilk I~(
'[}1c }{o;1i~J oJ' ['~)llIlIV (' II11111SslOt1L'l'S JlcrL'h~' ;llllhol'l/L'n IJIC ('oLIItl)
J~J)Oll I'CCL'IJ~I hV 111C JJotlsllI~ ;111tJ I:rJ)all Jlllprovci11L'111 J)IrcchH ~J' HI1 [l~[CCII1L'IH JOF k~LHVCI' [IJ' IlllJ~[ICl
doCLilllcnlalloll ;ICCCJ)I~JlIc 1o lhk' ('OLI111)' AIhH'11C?, lhC JJo;ll'd ol ('OtllilV ('o1111111ssiOllcrs }icrcby
'l'rusl i:lllld. I:1111t] (191). m thL' l~)Jl~l~Vlllg ~1111*llllll~
~;IpJcs ~lHllor ,~ddillon b)' I I;ibll;~l I~1' ]lilnl;mllV oJ'( 'oll~cr ( '.um~. Inc..
A. I.ibr;u'v Ilnp:tc! I:cc
I'L Roud hllp:lcl I'cu
('. Parks Impanel I've:
IL IL,XIS hnp~tct l:uc
IL. ILduc:monal I::ic~liltcs Sx'slcm Impact 1.~ iJ(~
J:. Water lmpacl I"cc 1.2-5
(;. Sexier ImlmCt Fee S1.575
]1. ('orrcct,onul I:ac,ltt:cs Imp;let l:cc 117
T( )TA I, I
'l hi~ Resolutmn :ldoptcd at'tcr tool. ran..,,~.'cond ;red realOnly vote I;l~ ormg ~amc
Approved as to R~rm and
legal sufficiency:
Assistant County Attorney
jd,'oNaples ,Xlanar :\dditimvrcso
I.E(;Ai. I) I.'.S( 'Ri !'TI()N
I.()'I' 3 {)1: BI.()('K IS, NAI'I.F.$ MAN{)R AI}DITt()N..,\( '{
TO TIIF. [)I.A'I' I~,()OK 'l'l I[:.I~,F.O[:, AS RI:.('()I~,I)F.D IN I'[.A'I' l*,( )( )K
3. AT l'/\(;l'~ 6S, (')F T[ l l:. l'[ ~[:;I.I(' RF.( '( )I{.I)S ()1: ('()1 .I .I F.R ('()t,
ii II
2569838 OR: 2622 PG: 0567
INT~ROFHCE iTH FLQOg, 12/16/1999 tt 02:25PM DWIGHT R. BROCK, CL~RKCOPIfl~~.00
This Agreemorn k'~r the \Vaivcr of Impact Fccs entered into fi'tis/~ day of ~ 199'.}. by am.t
bct,.vccn the Board of Cc, unty (.'ommissicmcrs of ('oilier ('otmty, Florida. hertie,after rclk..rrcd to
as "C()tJNT'V" and l labitat
I'c,r Ilt~rn:mitv of ('oilier ('c, ul,y. Inc.. h,.'rcilmftcr rclbrrcd I(:, as
\V1T Nli S S I{ T I I:
WIlERIb\S, ('oilier Cotmir Ordinance No. ()8-6t), the ('tdlicr ('otmtv Rogitmal W;~lcr
and/or Sewer Systems Impact I:cc ()rdimmcc: C'ollicr Coumv ()rtlimtm'v No. NS-q7. its anlcndcd.
the Collier Cotmir Library Sx, stcm Impact I:cc ()rdin;mcc: ('oilier ('oumv (),'dinanco No. ')9-)t;,
the ('oilier Cottory Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fcc ()rdimmcc: ('(~11icr ('ountv
Ordinance No. 91-71, as amended, the Collier County Emergency Nlcdical Services System
Impact Foe Ordinance: Collier County Ordinance No. '>2-22, as amcntlctl, the ('oilier ('ounly
Road Impact Fcc Ordinance: Collier ('otmtv ()rdinancc No. q2-33, as amended. the k'ollicr
Cotmir Educational Facilities Nvstcm Impact [:co ()rdimmcc: alld ('oilier ('ounlx ( )rdiuancc No.
99-52, thc Collier C'tmnlv ('orz'cctitmal [:acilitics Impact I:cc {)rtlil~;mcc, as llwv ~titx' bc tk~rthcr
amended from limo to time hereinafter collectively folk'trod to its "Impact l:cc (kdinancc".
provide for xvaivcrs of impact Ik'cs lbr new owner-occupied tlwclling unit tlualil}'ing its
aflbrdablc }musing: and
WIIERI!:XS, ()WNISR has appticd lbr it xvitivcr of impact Ik'cs as required bx the Inlpact
Fee ()rdinancc. ;t copy of said application being tm tile in the ol'lit'c of I ltmsi}~g ;ultt t:rh;m
Improvement; and
W}'IEREAS. lhc County Adminislrator or his ticsignet has rcx'icwcd the OWNI{R's
npplication and has Ibtmd that it complies wilh the requirements Ibr an ;tflbrtlablc housing xvaivcr
off impact lkcs as established in lhc Imp;tel Fee Ordinance: mid
WIIEREAS. lhc impact lkc waiver shall hc presented in lieu of payment ul' the rcqttisitc
impact Ikcs subject to satisfitction of all criteria in the Impact Fee ()t'dinancc qualilS'ing the
project as eligible Ibr an impact tkc waiver: mid
- ,.,_ _
16 5
WI-IER[:AS. the COUNTY approved a waiver of impact I~es [br OWNHR embodied in
WIIERIbXS. the Impact Fee Ordinance requires that the ()WNIiR c.tcr into an
Agreement with the COUNTY.
NOW, TI IIiRIiF()RI{. it~ cotlsidcralion of' the tbrcgoi,~g rccilals. the I~a;'llcs c,'x cllilnI ;llld
agree as lbllows:
Rti(71TAI.S IN('()RF'OR:VI't{I). The tbrcgc, ing rccilals :Ire ll'llC and corrcc~ an:l shall
be incorponltcd by feint'once herein.
LI!GAI. I)ESCI~IPTION. The legal dcscriplitm of the dwelling tillIt {the "l)xx'clliug
THRNI. ()WNILR agrccs l}lal Ihc l)wclli,g I;nil shall remain as aflk,'dabl¢ housi,g
and shall be ofl~'rcd tbr sale it'{ accordarmco wilh the st;.tudards set Ii,rlh in the ;q',pcndiccs to the
Impact Fee Ordina,cc l'or a period ot' 111'tccn (I 5) >'cars omm'~cn,..'i,g Ih,m ll',: ttalc the ct_.rli l]calc
ol'ocCul)ai~c.v is issued lbr the I)xx'cllin~
REPRF,$F, NT:\TIONS ..\NI) \\'.,\RI~,..\N I'lliS.
()\\'NI!R rcprc.,.c,ts ;.~1 v,'ar'rants the
'l'hc Dwelling Unit shall be sold to ;thc, uschc, ld with a x'crv h~xv income as
ticfined in the appendices to Ihc lmpacl Foe Ordimmcc alld his her
IllOill}11V pa>'lllClltS to i)t~rchasc the l)xvclli.g t'.it slmll b,: xxitl~i. the
al'tbrdablc 11ousir~g guidcli,cs established i,T tile appcmliccs To the Impact
}:co ()rdinancc:
The l)wclling t.~,it shall be sold h} it first-lime htmsc buyer:
The l)xvclling Unit shall bc the homestead ol'o~vncr:
The [)welling t~nit shall remain as aflbrdablc hot,sing Ibr liltcon (15)
years ISm0111 the dale lhc ccrlificatc of oCCUlt;racy ~s issued li~r the [)welling
OWNHR is the owner of record of the Dwelling tlnit and owes imlaaCt
[~cs in the Iotal amounl of 57.14().34 pursuant Io the Impact Fee
lllllll~ II,llI IIIII'111 III II II III
16 A 5
Ordimmce. In return R')F Ihe waiver of the impact Fees oxvcd by
()WNI!R covenants and Jigroes Io coinply with the al'lbl'd;tblc housing
5. St.~l~SiiOt.'l!N'l' TRANSFIiR. II'OWNI!I( sells lilt l)~clling t'l~ll ~uhjcct Io the
impact fee waiver Io a subsequent purchaser. the Dwelling 1 :nit shall bc sold onl~ h,
meeting the criteria set IbFth in the Impact I"ce ()l'dill,111cc.
..XFF()RIX.Xlgl.I( RI(Qt:IRI~NIi(NI'. lhc l~k~ellm}' t mt mu.t bc utilized
aFIi~rdablc housing lbr a Illicon (I 5) x'cai' period ;trier lilt diilc tile t'cl'll',iciitc ,,t' t,CCtlj~.tllC>
issued; and if iho I)wolling tlnit ceases Io be tllili/cd lbr Illill I*tllposc dt.'il~c' ,rich lwri,~,l. IJlc
impact Fees shall be immediately F0paid to the
7. I.IEN. The waived impacl lbcs shall bca lien Ul~OU lhc l)~cllillg t',ii ,,,~
i~on-comt)lial~CC wifi, lhc requirements of this AgI'CClllCIll.
RHI.IL,NSI! ()F I.IEN. I~pon satislhctorv conlplclioil of lilt; .'Ngl'CCl11C111
requirements and Illicon (I 51 years allot lhc date ot' issuance of lIIc ccFtificatc ,,1' OL'ClII~;II1C>'. Of
Ut>On paymcnl of the waived impact Ibcs. lhc ('O1 'N'I'Y shall. at lilt expense ,~l' linc ('(H 5NTY.
record any ncccssaFv doct~mcntation evidencing d~c IcFminalion of the lien. ~ucluding. but
limited to. a release oI' lien.
BINDIN(i I~FFE('T. This Agrcclnoll shall be binding tll~On lilt paFtics to ibis
Agreement and d~cir respective heirs. pcrstma] Fcprcsclllalivcs, sticccssol's an~l assigns. In the
case ol'salc or trausl~'r by ,,ifi of linc l)~vclli,u t',i~. lt,c original (}WNI R shall l't'l)lilill liable
the impact l~'cs ~vaix'cd tinlil said impacl I~'cs arc paid in full or until Ihc t'(~iltlili~l):< set Ib)'lh
the [mpacl Fee ()rdinancc are salis[~cd. In addition, lhis Agreement shall Fun %vilh Ihc land and
shall remain a lien against tl~e [}welling Unit until lhc provisions ol'Ncclion S arc sailsfled.
IO. RE('ORDiNG. 'l'l~is Agrccmcnl shall bc recorded by OWNER ill lhc expense
OWNi!R in ti~c ()l'15cial Rocords o1' ('oilier ('ountv. FloFida, wid~in 1Simeon {15) days al~cr
execution of this Agreement by the ('haimum of tl~c I~oard of (,ounty {'ommissioncFs.
- 3 -
11. D[:.FAUI.T. OWNER shall bc ill dcl]ltlll of lhis A~I'cc~11cIIl (I) ~vhcrc ()WNER
fitils to sell fi~c Dwelling ~hfit in accordance with the affi.'dal~lc housim~ slamlards
qualit]cation criteria established in lhc lmpacl }:co ()l'dJllilllCC illltl Ilwi'caficr lhils I~, pay the
impact lkcs title within lJlirlv 131~) days O1' said ram-compliance. or 12t x~hcrc ()WNI R
one o1' the ;lffi)rdablc housing qu;Jlil]cation criteria in the Inq)act I"cc ( )l'dlll;111cc
liftcon (15) days after notice of'the violation.
qualil]calion criteria at :my lime during the fifteen (15) yciu' pCt'iod or should ()WNI'R
constitute a lien on the l)xxclling Unit co:n:ncncil:,, ,.l the cllkclixc ditlC el' tills .'X21'CClllClll
repaid. Such lien shall bc superior and paramount Io the interest in II~c I)xxclliu~,
OWllOt', leSSeE. ten;mr. 111Ol'l~a~CC. or oilier pCl'$Oll cxccj~l the lien fi~m ( 'lqllllv 111X['s
parity with linc lien of any such ('oillilY taXeS. Should the ()WNI'~R bc il~ tlc'}ttllI el' tillS.
Board may bring a civil action to cnlk, rcc this agreement. In addition. the lien tna~v bc li,'ccloscd
or othervise cnlbrccd by the ('()17N'I'Y Iw action or suit in Cqtllly ;Is l}q' the lkq'ccJOstlrc
IllOl'l'~a'~C Oil real property. This remedy is ctmmlalixc xxilh any ollx'm' m'~ghl or l'cillc. Jv
to the ('OUN'I'Y. The lgom'd shall be ertltiled lo rcc,,xcr :~11 lL'cs :,M c~,qr,. i~clmli~g
fees. incurred by the Board in cnfi,'cing this ;~grccmc~t. pitts iracrest ,~l the SI;IILIItWV
judgments calculalcd on a calendar day basis until plaid.
of llnl,:tct Fees Oll the date and year first abex c XVl'itlcll,
Print Name
iiii ii iiiii I
OR: 2622 PG: 0571
16A 5
STATE OF Florida )
COUNTY OF ('oilier )
The foregoing instorment was acknov,'lcdgcd hcl'orc inc Illis ,r':'. day ol _._; . ' t; . 19'~9
bv Samuel J. Durso, NI.I)., President ot'ltabitat tbr I lumanily of('ollicr ('otnJtv. Inc. I lc is personally
known Io me.
S{ghalure of Person 'l'akinu./\ckm~wl~cdumcnt _~,-"- ........... ~
Name of Acknowledt, cr 'I vped, [ rmletl ~ r ~la '~"~~
.-' .,~ DXVIGtlTE. BRO('K,('Icrk
.- ~, .,::~ .,:"'
'":,' tte~*
Approved as to Ibrm and
legal sufficicncy
t l~2idi f. Ashton
Assistant County Altorncv
I~,()/\1~,I) OF ('()t:N'I'Y ('().XlXIISSI()NI!RS
('()I.I.IF.R ('()l !NTY. I:I.()RII),,\
jd/c/naplcs manor nddn agree
- 5 -
2622 PG: 0572
I.K( ;:\I, i)ES(*RIi'TI()N
I.()T 3. BI.()('K 15. NAI'I.I',S MANOR .,\I)I)ITI()N. ,,\( '(
T() TI Ili I'I,AT I~;O(}K TI II{RI';()F. AS Rl:.('()l*,l)l!l) IN I'I ..VI' lit )(
3. AT I',,\GI'~ 6,q. OF 'F1 IF. I'!.!P,I.IC RI:.('(')RI)S OF ('()I.I.11.R
2622 PG: 0573 ***
16A $