Resolution 1999-440440
RF.:-;()I.I'H~)N {)1.' I111(11{L.\ (H: t/)t'NIY t'ILMMI.',;.x;I(~NI.R.k. (()1111R
('()I h","IY. Fl.( )I~,ID;\..,\1 ~'1'11f)RI/.IN( i W:\IVI(I( f)l. I,tFf i1¢ )NAI \VAI I.R .\N[ ~ ( )1~
~W¢,'F.R W¢,'q'H(M h'tll'..\t'l' FI(F.2. Rlitil()N^l. Nl(\VId~, W¢,',;I'I%M IMI'.\~ I III ~,.
EMF. I,[(;I(N('Y MEI)I('AI SIiRVI('I(~ IMPAf'T I:EIS~. lil)l I('ATI¢)N..\I. F..\( '11 II I1.~
NYSTli,M IMI'.,\('T [:EI(N AND ('()RRI(CI'If)NAI. I:,,\('11.H'IF.~
('()I.I.11(R f'()l~*"l"¢, IN('.. ¢)N I ()1 23. III.()('K
('()I.I.II!R ¢'()I:NIY. FI r)Rll)..\.
\VIII(RF.,,\:-;. (',dh..'r ',',,ttm', ha. lccc,:.2m/..',l ;red au..'nlr,,..'d
h¢'ltlF. il'l.~ I'~r m,Mcr;m.'. 1,,'~x. and vcrv-h~,,,, IIIC¢ll'lk' h,m'.,.'hoM, m Ihc ,L ',umt,. ;m,I th,., m:cd h,f ,~.,'.lt~,,,: ,111d lllll(~v;Itlv¢
1.5.5. pohcy 1.5.r~: ~ll~lc¢ll',",.' [.fl. p~11c? I f,": ~'}~B.'¢IIt',? 2.t. pl~JlQ, 2 I I. p~,Jlc~. 21 P. i,,,Jl¢~, 2 ] ~. p,,Jlc~, 2 I..q. and
policy 2.1.6 of the ] [inl', ]'lCfiiertl:
\VIIILI{I(:\N. ('¢JJlcI' ('lllllllV Jl;ls rc*.'¢P. ct] llllldlllg J'~lll-tlZlll! h~ lhc 5;I,IIk' Illill,Ill'._' illill;tflX C- ]':hi lll,,'r'-Jlija J't'.~gr;llll
set lief'lb ill .k;,ccli¢11 421} ~)l)? c~.. I"],,lltl.l hhlttltCS ;Intt t h;IJ'qtT Itl-l'. I'httlcJ;t \thllltll',h.lll~.C ( ,',.It'. ;lilt]
\\'111':RIL,,\S. m acc~rdancc xxll]l ('~lhcr ('utlnty ( )rdlll;lllCC ,'~¢ I)t-I¢). IJlc (I*illlP. I- ;~lsl]~,l'l/Cl! hi ll',¢ illtiding
l¥om Jhc Sial{: I [ousing lmllat~vc:, I'arJncr,,hH* I.S1111'1 l~rogram tl,r
\\'111{I{I':AS. II;Ihltal lilt' I hnn;inltv ¢1'( ',~lhcr f 'lliillD,. Inc
\\'IIILRJL,.\.'q. II:lhlhd lt~l' Ihlln;i;~llv ~ll I',lJilcr ('l}11111\. hlc X~.lJt L'¢ql'qllJk'l I~llk' I L} Jill,?,' J',',i?,,,,?ll [llllt Ilhc
"l)wclling l;nll") ml I.~,t 23. I~;l~ck 14. N;Hqc.. M;inm' ;Mhhllcn xx hlch i,. pI,~p,~,.cd 1,~ -el; h, I ,,it\ .'-,Ix I h~.J.;md I:]~c
I hindred I ){iliars (.q~t(h.c'lll) I)JJ ): and
WI IILRI':AS. IhC I)x~clhng [:nll x~ dI bc plllCJlllscd J~y 11 ~.CI~.
111illi111UIll oJ' I~.'R JlLlIltllt'ti (.q~'J(}) Jlll[11'~, ~ll'",~'~ L';.iJ I'titlll.~" bcfi~rc d t~l~hllll'- hilt Io 1he Jl{~llXt'; illhi
WIIILRILAS. ~;1111JlL'I .J. I)Jlr-~Jl. M.I).. I'rt'~ldcnt {d' II;iblLiI
2J)pJJC;lllOI1 IS ~11 J~Jt' I11 l]lC Ihmsmp ;111d [ ;l'J~;lil Jll~pl~XVmVlll J)cJ~;ll'llllt'111:
(')I'LJtllllI1CL'. ()t'dJl~;lllCL' ~O. ~)~-(J~)~ ~VCII~IB 3.()4 I~J lht' J d~;H~ Ns stcm Jllll~lCJ J'cc ()Tdlll;ll~t'c. (
~111L'fldt'd; ~vCllllll 4.(15 t~l' lilt ]';irks ;111LJ J{ccrc;iJlotl;ll J'ilclJlllt'~ JlllJ~;icl
3,04 or lilt J{t~;ld Jlllpacl J'cc' ()Idlll;111cc, t )ldlll;111cc ~¢. ~}2-22. ;l~ ;ImClltJCd: Nt'['Jl~lil I [iq ,~j J~t' I tllCJ~t'llk'~' Medical
\\'{I};{~I!..\.";. II;d,~I;d Ii. llulmmllv ,,l'('~,{{icr ('.,lml). Inc h;~',
tJmk' l~{{{lm~lJl~ rcJmTC~L'lmhith~11~ Ill:I~JL' Jm~ {{;II~H:II h)t {Jtl111;illltk ~'J ( ~}{:L'J
J:L'C ( )tlJlil;lliCt'~
('()I [N'I'Y. Fl.( )RII)A. IJl;1I:
~;IplL'~ ~{;ln,U .X~hhlh,n 1~ I J;ibll;11 lid I IHII1;it111~ ~,1 (,~J}lCl I '~lllll>. hl~'.
'I']IC {1;t.',l'Jlt'llt t'*l' mUxlct I',.'¢', h', ( '~,~J{IcI ('i~tlltl~, IN ',illtalC,,'! h, l}lc (.'\CL'IIIH~,I ;ItltJ tCt'i,l,,J;tlll'ltl I)J' ~n
;ltll. J IJlC ( ~.{IItIIN
This IZ, e~OlLltlo[1 ,'tdo~'~tcd after i11OtlO11, %cCotld and I11alOf'll.V
AtteSt' as to Chatrl~n'$
legal st, fli~:icncv:
I Ic~di F.
Assistant Cmlnly Attorm.'y
jd c..Napl¢s Manor ,\dd~tmn ~c,.o
'I() 'l'llli I'1./'~'1' I~()()1'( 'l'111il~,li¢)l/. :\~ l~l'i(~()l~l)til) I~ 1'I/\ I 1',( ~( ~K
1:1 ,( )17,11 ):\.
2569835 OR: 2622 PG: 0546
AG"'~"~ENT FO!{ ,,'AI,'E!~ OF COI.i.IICI, COUNT,' I~ll'..,('T !.'l~l{
This ,'~grccmc,~t lbr the W=,ivcr oF lmp~tct }:cos cmcrcd inu~ thi~v
bctwccn the Board of ('ountv Commissioners t~l'('ollicr ('ount)'. I'h~rimk hcrcim~Hcr rcl~'rrcd
t~s "(,OUNTY" m~d [l=d~imt lbr I lummmv ~1' ('~11icr ('ounty. Inc.. hertimelier
W I T N I~ S S ~ T
WII~I~I~AS. ('~11icr ('~mmv ()rdin;mcc N<~. ~S-f~u. lhc ('~qlicr
;rod'or Sewer SX'SICIllS JillpaCt I"CC ()I'dJlKIIlCC: Collier ('oLIIlIV ()rdimmcc X,,. xx-,)-. ,,< ;tlllClldCtl.
thc ('ollicr ('ount}, I.ihr;~n' Svslcm Inlp;~cl Fcc ()rdimmcc: ('oilier ('om,~v (
[hc C'ollicr ('oun[v I':u'ks alld Rccrc;ui~m;d l:~cililics Impanel Fcc ()~,lim,ucc: ('~11icr
Ordin:mcc h'o. 91-71. ;is m~tcndcd. Ihc ('oilier ('ounlv l{mcr~cnc}' Xlcdic;~l ~cr~cc~
lmp:~ct [:cc Ordimmcc: Collier ('ountv ()rdimmcc Nt~. 'C-22. ;,s ;u]lc~dcd. linc
Ro:ld IralinC[ l:cc ()rdimmcc: ('oilier ('ounlv ()rdimmcc X~x ')2-3~. ~,s ;ul~cmlcd. the ('~lJicr
Count>' Educ:ltiomd F;~ciliJics System Imp;~ct [:co ()rdin;mcc: ;illtJ ('~dli~'r (
99-52. tl~c Collier County Con'cction~tl I:;~cilitics Imp:let I:cc ()rdim,uc~. ~ts thcx re.ix hc l'ur~hcr
m]]endcd from time to time hcrcinul~cr collcclivcl¥ rcl~'rrcd t,~ ~ "lmpm'l t'cc ()rdlIl;111cc".
proviclc Ibr w:iivcrs ~d' imp;~cl lbcs Ihr ncx~ ~,~ncr-occupicd d~vc~lin,~
:~t]brcl~tl)lc housing: iilltJ
WII[LRt~A~. ()W~lfR h;is ;lpplicd lbr ;~ ~v:iJvcr t~l' Jnlp;iCl Igc~
WtIEI~EAS. lhc ('~mn[v ,,XdnlJnislr;lior ~1' his dc~J?~Cc hu> ~cxic~cd ~hc
applicmJon :lilt] hHs l~tmlld lb;It it complies ~ ilh the FCLILI{I'ClllCllIS I~l' ;111 ;~l'l~rtl;d~lc
o~ imt)nct Fees :Is csl~ihlishcd in lhc Inlp~lcl I:cc Ordhl;mcc:
WHEREAS. lhc intl~:lct ~cc w~ivc'r slmll he prcscnlcd in licu of p~'mcm of thc ruquisitc
inlpnCt fccs suhjcct to satisl~tclion o1' ;ill critcl'i;J in the Imp;tel I:cc ()rdin;mcc qu;iJil~'ing the
projcc~ :is cli~iblc Ibr ;m imp;Jcl I~'c ~;dvcr:
OR: 2622 PG: 0547
\VH~RF. AS. tile COUNTY approved a waiver of impacl l~:cs Ibr OWNIiR embodied
WI{EREAS. the Impact [:co Ordinance requires that the ()WNfiR enter into
Agreement with the COUNTY.
NOW. TI I I~RISF()RI!. in ctmsidcration of the Ibrc?iug rccilals. the pill'tic~ C~'~ C~l:l~ll
agree as follows:
1. RE('I'['AI.S 1N('ORPORA'I'[!I). The {brcgoing rccilals arc lrtlc illltt c,,rrcct alld shall
be incorporated bv rclbrcncc herein.
" 1.EGAL DESCRII'TION The legal description of the d~clli~u unit (!he
Unit") and site plall arc allached hereto as lixhibil "..V' amt illcorporalcd b% rclbrcncc
3. TEI{NI. OWNER agrees tJlal the l)xvclling l'nit shall remain as alliq'dablc
and shall be ol'l~rcd tbr sale in accordance xxith lhc standards set Ibrth tn t!~c 'al~pCndiccs tt~ the
Impact Fcc Ot'dinimcc Ibr a period oJ' 15fitch {151 5'cars commencing Ii'~m~ lJl<' rials. i]lc CCI'1115c:ilc
ol'occutxmcy is issued Ibr the [)xvclling
4. RfiPR[!SIiNT..VI'IONS ANI) W..XRRANTIIiS. ()WNI!R rcprcsc~s ;red xxart'allls the
a. The [)wcllinu/;nit shall be sold to a htmschold with a xc,'x I~,~x income as
dcfi~]cd in the appcmliccs to the Impacl }:co ()rdiuancc amt his he,'
monthly payments 1o purchase the [)welling I'ni[ sitall I'c ~ithiu lhc
at'tbnlal~lc h~using gt,idclincs established in the apl~cmliccs ~,~ the Impact
Fee OrdinanCe:
'lhc [)~vclli~g t lull shall bc sol,l Io a first-time home
c. The I)wclli~]g t;nil shall bc Ihc ho~llcslcad oI'o~
d. The [)~vclli~g I~nit shall runlain as aftbrdablc hou~z]g li~' Ill,con (15)
veilrs 1i'O111 [lie tliltC lilt CCl'lil]CillC o1' occu[~imcy ~ isst~cd Ibr lhc l)xk clling
Unit: alld
e. OWNER is t]lo oxxllcr of re'cord of the t)xvclli~g t;~fit alld owes impact
IUes in tho total mllou~lt o1' 57,1~1~,3~ pt~rsumll to the Impact Fee
Ordinance. In return Ibr lhc waivcr of the impac~ Ii~cs owed hv OWNER.
OWNI~R covemints and agrees to coinply wilh lhc aflbrdablc housing
impact Ii'c waiver qualification criteria detailed in Ihc ln1i~act Fcc
5. SUBSIiQUENTTRANSFI{I~. IfOWNl~Rsellsthc l)xvclling ['nit sul!icct lethe
impact Foe waiver to a subsequent lmrchascr. the Dwelling Unit shall he sold only 1o htmscholtls
meeting the criteria set lbrth in the Inlpacl Fee Ordinance.
6. AFFORI)AIgI.I~ RI{QUIRIiN1ENT. The l)wclling t;.it I11tlSl I~C utili/cd Ibr
aflbrdablc housing tbr a liltcon (15) year period after Ihc date Ihc cc['tilScalc o1' OCCLq~anc)
issued: and if the Dxvclling Unit ceases t(, he ulili/cd Ibr thai purl~oSc dm'ing such l~criod.
impact fees shall hc immcdialclv repaid In lite ('()[ ~N'I'Y.
7. 1.11{N. The waived impact Ibcs shall hc a lien upon ti~c l)wclllng l'~tit on the
effective date of this Agreement: which lien may he lbrecloscd upon in lite cx'cnl
non-compliance wifl~ Ihc of this Agreement.
S. R[{LIL, XSE OF [.[EN. I;pon salislhctorv templelitre of Ihc Agreemctel
requirements and fiticon (15~ years allot lhe dale of issumlcc of the certificate o1' occupancy.
upon payment of the xvaivcd impact lbcs. the ('()UN'I'Y shall. al the expense ~f Ihc ('(It
record any necessary documentation evidencing the termination of lhc lie.. includin,, hut not
limited to, a release of lien.
9. BINDING EFFIi('T. This Agreement shall he hireling upon lhc parties ~o this
Agreement aml their rcspcclivc heirs. pcr.~onal rcprcscnl',tlivcs. successors and assigns. In the
case orsale or tr;msIl'r hy gill hi'the l)wclli.g [Snil. the ~riginal ()WNI(R shall remain llano
the impact Ibcs waived until said impact ll'es arc paid in lhll or until the conditions set Ibrth
thelmpacl Fee Ordinance are satisfied. lnaddition. this Agrccmcnt shall run with the land
shall remain a lien against the Dwelling Uni~ until the provisions of Section 8 arc satisfied.
10. RI{CORI)ING. This Agrccmcnl shall herecorded hv()WNIiR at lhc cxpenscof
OWNHR in I}lc Official Records of ('ollicr ('otlnly. Florida. within I]1iccn (15) days after
execution of this Agreement hy the Chairman of Ihc l~o;.'d of('oUllly Commissioners.
16 5
1 l. DI:iI':AUI.'I'. O\VNER Mmll bc h'~ dclh of lhis Agrccmcnl (I) whcr'u ()WNI{R
Ihils Io scll tl~c Dwelling Unil in accordancc with lhc :d'lbrd:d~lc housin,~ ~mmlards aml
qualit]cali(m cz'itcria csmhlishcd in Jilt Impacl I:cc ()rdimmcc ;Jml 11tcrc;lllcr Ihils to pay Ihc
impact l~cs duc widtin fi~irlv 130) days of said non-complimlcc. or (2I x~ hcrc ()WNlfR
onc of thc al'l~rdahlc housin- qtmtillcalitm criteria in lhc Impacl I:cc ()rdimmcc I~,~-:~ period
l]ficen (I 5) days after notice ol'll~c violation.
12. RE~II~I31I~S. Shmdd the ()WNKR ol'lhc prol~Cny Ihil h~ c~m~pl> xxi~h lhc said
qualil]cation critcria at any timc chu'in,, lhc fifteen (15) vcm' period or M~,uhl ()WXI.~fL violate
:my provisions ofthis Agrccmcm. the impact l~cs waived shall bc paid in I'ull hv ()WXILR
thirlv (30) days ol' said non-compliance. (')WNI~R a,,rccs lhal lhc impacl IL'c~ xx~xc~l
constitute a lien on the I)xvcllin,~ t :nit ctmm~cncing on the cl'lL'clivc date ~I' lhix .~?'cclncnt and
continuing I~r I]Iiccn (I 5) years fi'om lhc dale o l' isstmncc oI' 1he ccrti I]calc t~l' ~K'cupancy or umil
repaid. Such lien Mmll hc superior and p',tranlounl lo lhc initrest in lhc l)x~cll~,:t t'ni~ of
oxvllcr. JessCO. leilaIll. lllOI't~a~CC. or olhcr persoil cxccpl Ihc lien Ibr ('otmlv laxcs and shall hc
parity with the lien of any such ('tinroy rexes. Sh,uld lilt ()WNI.R hc in dclhult of this
Agrccmcnl :red [hc dclhult is nol cured xvilhin (3tJ) days ',d~cr xxrittcn riolice h, ()WNILR.
Bo',u'd may hring a civil 'aclion to cnlbrcc Ihis agrccmcm. In addilion. lhc !ion mux I~c
or othcrwisc cnl}u'ccd Iw il~c ('()L'N'I'Y hv action or suil in cquhy a~ Ibr Iltc lbrc~lo~urc ol'
mortgagcon real property. Thisrcmcdviscumulalivcwilhanyothcr~hlorrcmcdvavailahlc
Io lhc (.OU~ I~. Thc Board shall hc cnlilIcd to recover all IL'cs and c,~sls. incluttin~
tbcs, incurred by the Board in cnlbrcing this agrccmcnl. plus inlcrcst al Ihc slalulorv rate
judgments calculated on a calcndm' day hasis unlil ix~icl.
IN WI'I'NKSS WI tI~Rf.~()F. lilt parties haxc cxcculcd Ih~s .,~rccmcnt Ibr
of Impact ]:cos on the datc and yc;tr I']rst ah(wc xx rillell.
STATE OF Florida
'Fhc lbrcuohm insll'Unlcnt w;Is acknm~lcd~cd I,clbrc mc Ihis /, ' (lay ~,1 ' '- , ,
...... _~:j 1999
by Samuel .I. Durso, M.I)., President oF ilabitat lbr I lumai~ilv ol'('ollicr ('otmty, Inc. I Ic is pcrsomtlly
kllown Io
DWIGttT ~. BROCK. Clerk
Approved as to tbrm and
legal su l'ficicncy
.;_%__... .... ;:_
tl¢idi F. Ashton
Assislant Courtly :\Itomcv
jd.'c'llilplcs i11all(~r itdthl iig~cc
- 5
PG: 0551
I<XIIII{iT "..V'
1.1<( ;..\ I . I)I,:S( '1{I I'TI( )N
1.{)'1' 23. I{I.{ )('KId. NAI'I.liS ~IAN()R AI)I)I'I'I()N..,\t '( '( )RI)IN(i
TO TI I1{ I'I.AT I{()( )K TI 1IiRl{Ol:. ,kS RI~('ORI)F.I) IN I'I..\T B()( )K
3, AT l'A(ili 6,~. ()F TIIF. I'l II{l,l(' I?,I'X'()I{I)S ()1: ('()1 1,11'iR ('()I ~NI x,.
*** OR: 2622 PG: 0552 ***