Resolution 1999-439RI,S~HI'II~}X ~1. II11, I~(~.,~1~1~ tll. ~'(11'X1~ I ll,~l,~11~Sl~:\'l.l,',;, : ~11 II
:'t)I:XIY. I.I.t~l{11~.,\. ,,\I'IIII~RIZI.N~i \V.\IVI,R ~H. I.IIHL,\RY x':'xll \1
I.XJI'.\~'I I,I.I..N. I'.\RK~ ,,\.Nil I{I.~'P,I:.\III~XAI I,.\f'11 I1'11,~ I\11'.M I II I ~
RtL-\I} IXlI'..\('I FI(I(,~, I...~11iV,~iI.X('Y Xll.lllt',\l .NIiP,\'I{'I(~ I.~11'.,\{'I 1.1,1 x
( '( )1{ V,f:( ' I I( )N..\ I F,-\( '11 .I I I I(.~ I,~11'.\( ' I I,I(I(S .,\NI] I I)l I'l~ I I( I'NI\I
I.'\( I1.1111'..~ .~Y.~'11;.~I 1,~11'.'\( I FI'.I:.~ I'()V, ()NI'. II(d'.',l' I(~ l~l
('()N>;t'P,! ('11!1~ I~Y I1.,\I{11':\1 II)l{ Ill'.~I-\N'I'IY (~1:('()11 IIiI~,
tN(',. ()N I()1 IZ. ltl.()('K H IN .~l'i.~11N()l,li NI'IU)I\'ISI()N. IXIXI()K.,\I I'1',
JIllIllOkilJcc, ;l c:)l~)l :H ~;thJ ;IJ)J:lIci:tl~H1 I~ 1111 rlJC HI Ihc J llm~m~ ;llhJ J 't[:~lll Imp~::~ tillVIIi J )C]~;llllllCllR
('I)rrL'cIiIHlilI J:iIclllIIL'~ Jlllp;ICl J'VL' { )tthll;lllCL'. ()t'(Jlll;111CC ~ '}'J-J], ;ill ;IJlJlJlk'illlJ Ill;IV liJtJ;IJ]l ;l k~ ;ll~ k'~ i~j Itlll~lCt
, -' - ,",, Ill)
I,E¢ ;AI, i)E.",;('RII"I'I()N
It)l 12. ~)1: I'H.()('K IL .',;I(NIIN()I.I: ~1~II1)1\'1."41¢)N IN I.~I.X.R)K.\I II..
..\( '( '( )?,I)IN(; 'I'()'l'llli I'1 ..,VI' ll( )()K '1 I tI(RI'.()I:. A."4 I~, I'.t 't )1~1)1'.I ) IN
I'I.A I' I~¢)()K I, AT I'.,\(;li 31 ()FTIIF. I'lrlH,l¢' RI!f'()I~,I).~ ()F ¢ '()11 II.R
( '( )l 'NI'Y FI.()I~,11):\.
:\(;I{.I~.I:.~!ENT I:()I~, \V..\I\'ER ()i,' ('()I,i,IER ('()liNTY I.\11'..\('T
This ..\grccmcnt Ibr Ihc Waiver ,~1' Impacl I:ccs cmcrcd inh~ Ihis(~'~J)
between lilt Board ol'('Otl~llv ('ommissio,~crs ol'('ollicr ('ounlv. I.h,rMa. hcrc~u~llu'~ rcl~'rrcd
..... N .....
as (Ob; I~ u~ld I lahilal flu' 11umanitv of ('oilier ('~umlv. Ira'.. Jlcl'clllal'Ic~ tel'erred Io as
"OWN[: L.
WITN ESS I('1' I1:
WIIER[L. XS. (Mllicr ('oumv ()rdinancc No. ~-~)7.
l.ihrarv System Impacl I"cc ()rdimmcc: Collier ('ounw ()rdinanc¢
Parks and Recreational l:acililics Impact l"cc ()rdimmcc: ('oilier ('~mntv (h'dimu~cc N,~.
Collier ('otmtv ()rdin:mcc No. 9~ ~ as amentied. lhc ('ollicr ('ounlv t<,~a~l In~pac~ I"cc
Ordinance: ('oilier ('oumv ()rdin:mcc No. q2-33. as mncmlcd.
Facililies ~vslcm Impact Fee ()rdinancc: aml ('oilier (',rarity ()rdimmcc No. '~';-52. ~hc ('oilier
County ('orreclhmal Facilities Impztcl I:cc ( )rdin'ancc. ;rs IJlcv
Io limo hereinafter colictrix'ely relbrrcd to as "lmpucl I'cc ()r(limmcc". iwox~,tc I~t' x~aix'crs ,~I'
impacl l~cs Ibr new o~vncr-occupicd dkvctlin~ unit qualifying as al'fimlahlc
WttERIL, XS. OWNER has applied Ibr a ~vaivcr of impacl Ibcs as required hv the Impact
Fee Ordinance, a copy of said applic',tlion being on I1lc in
lmprovemcnl: and
WII[~Rf~A.N. IlK' ('~umlv .,Xdm~nislr:Jl(U' or hi~ ,IcsJjuncc I~:~s rCkiCkkC~l lll,: f)WNI~R's
o1' impact l~cs as cslablishcd in the Jmp;~ct J:cc ()rdin;mcc:
WI IERI.L,XS, the impact lbc waiver shall bc pI'CNClllCd ill JiCtl o1' paylllClll ~1' the requisite
impact t~cs sub. itel to satislhction o1' all criteria in the Impact l:cc ()I'tJiI1HtlCC qt~alil'ying the
project as cligihlc Ibr an impact l~c waiver: and
W} II{REAS. the ('OIJNTY approxcd a xvaixcr of impact lL'cs
\VI{I:.R[!,,\~. the Impact F¢¢ ()rdin;m¢¢ rcquh'¢s Ihat the OWNI{R c~Icr'
Agrccmcnt with the
NOW, 'I'l IERI~FORIL in consideration ol'thc Ibrcgoing recitals. the part/cs Ctik Cll;111J ;111tJ
agree aS R)llows'
I. RI~C'I'I':XI.S INCORI'OR.,VI'I~I), The lbrcgoing recitals itl'C tr,c illltJ Ci~I'I'CCl 1111d shall
Unit") illld site plan arc attachcd hereto its I~xhibit "A" ;tlld itlc~q'porillctJ bx rolerelict
3. TERM. OWNI~R agrccs that the l)wclling I;nil sh,ll rcm;~i~
;t~ld shall bc ol't~'rcd liar sidle in 11CCOl'd~111cc x~il}l the Stillldill'dS set I~rth il~ the ;q~l)c~diccs I0 linc
ofocct;pancy is issttcd fi,r the l)xvclling t ~nit.
REPRI~SI!NT.,VI'IONS ANI) W,,XRR,,XNTII~S. ()WNI~R represents ;lilt[ WilIT~1111S the
The l)x,.'clling I:nit shall bc sold to
mc, nlhlv j~it.VlllClll.c. IO i'mrch:lsc the I)xvclling I;Flil sh:~11 bc xvilhin the
al'l~rdablc hims;rig ,~.idclincs csl;ddishcd in lhc :q'q~cntllccs It the Imp;let
The l)wt:llilm l;nit sh;~11 bc tilt.' h{~,ncstt:ad
The l.)wc[lirlg [;nit sh;~[I rcnl;fin ;~s ill'fi~rd;d'dc Ii~msil~,_' liar if'teen (15)
,,'cars I'rom the date Ihc certificate {~f occtq~,;mcy is issued fi,- tht: I)xvclling
l :nit;
O\VNF. R is the .t~X\'11Cl' Of I'¢COI't[
I'CCS in Ihc Iotal ;.HllOtlllt Of 54.2~)¢}.34 pllrsu;mt tt~ Ihc In,pact Fcc
()rdinar~ct:. In return l;~r lhc waix'cr of the iml',act I'ccs
O\\:NI!R CO'?ell:AlllS 1111d Jig;'CoS to comply with the ;tl'l'c, rda}'~[c hc, usir~g
impact I~c xvaivcr ¢l,lmlificalicm
criteria dclailc{I in tho
Impact Fcc
5. .%1 ;t'I.'*qI((.'}IiF. NT TRAN."qFIiR. II'()\\'XI!R soils lhc I')xxclli~g l:~ sul)lt.'t.'l h~ lilt.'
irnpact fi_'c waiver to a Sllh.qctltl121'll plll'ch;l.'qcl'. the l)wcllinM I;nit shlall I',c .,;~*l~l ~,11,. t~
rrl¢cting the crilcria sol Ibl'th in the Impact I"c¢ ()rdinancc.
6. AI:F()RI)AI~I.I! RI!QUlI,~I:..x. II!NT. The l),.velling I'nit ]IILSSl I',c IHili/t.'d
alTordablc housing Ibr a filiccn (15) yc;u' period after the tlalc lhc ccrlilScalc ,~I' ()cc,11t'~;lllcy is
issued: amt il' tho [)welling LJnit coasts Io I')c utili/cd lbr thal imrposc thtril,l< ,.t~ctl J'~t.'l'iOd. lJlc
impact l'cos shall i~c inm~cdialcly repaid to lJlc ('()1 !N'I'h'.
T. l. Ih, . Tile \valved impact I;..'¢s sJlilJJ bc :1 lion up, m Illc l)v, ctl~n:.: I'n~l un tile
¢fl;.'clivc ttato of this .,\grccmcnt: whicJ,l lion may I',t_. lbrccl,,st..d ~q'~,m ~n Ill,.. c,..t.'111 ','~J'
r~on-compli:mc¢ with lhlo roquirci,11¢i,11s of ll~is .,\groomertl.
S. RI:.I.IL..\NI( ()l-' I.IJ!.X. [ !ptu,l satisl';lclorv C¢!111J'}J',.?Iltu1 ill' tJlk.' \~.LI'CCIllC[ll
rcqtlirorrlcrlts and I'ificcrl (15) years aflcr the {.1;11¢ oI' isst~;tllcc of Iht.' ccrliliclt~t.. ,,1' ~,..'ctlj',auc.,..
tq'mn pa.,,'mcf,lt o1' lhc xvaivod inlpaCt I',_'cs. the ('()l 'NT",' shall. al tht.' t.'xpcllsc ~,t' Ill,..' ( '( )[ :N'I'Y.
record illIV 110CCSS;II'V dOClllllClllalioll C\'itlCllCill'...L' lhc lCl'lllill;11iOll :',1' lilt.' lion. ::~clu,ti.b'.. but
limitod to,. a to. lease o1' lion.
I?,IN'I)IN(} I(FFI!(."I'. This .'\grCClllCl,11 shall hc biudil,lg ttl'~on Illc l',;irtics h: this
,,\groomon! amt their rcspcclivc heirs. personal rcproscntativos. Stlt'CCS5OFS illld ;Is5,1[,'l,lS. Ill Ihc
case ol'salc or Ir:mstL'r by kill ~fthc [)v,'clling [.!nil. Ihc original ()\\'NIfR shall remain liable
the impact fccs '~vitivcd tlmiI said irapat! fbcs arc paid ill full ~,' Illllil Ihc COll,,.JilhHls St,.'l Ibrlhl ill
the Irnpact Foe('Jrdimmcc arc satisfied. In achlitiolu lllis,.\grccmont shitll run 'o, ilh lho land amt
shall rcmail~ a lieu itg;.til,lst the l)wclling t:nit until lilt.' I'mWislt~lls *~l'NoClioll ,'4 'dr,..'
1{). RI!C'C)J~,I)IN(i. 'Ibis .,\grotmerit shall I'~c rcct~rtJcd I'~x.' ¢ )x,\'Nl!i,~ al lJlc ,,:xi'~onsc
OWNER in the ()fllcial l,?,¢cords of ('oilier ('cmnly. Florida. within 151'loon 115) days after
execution c,f lhlis .,\grccrr~cnt hv thc Chairman ol'thc Itoard (,J'('o,lllllv ('ommissi{m,.:rs.
11. I)I!I:A[tI.T. OWNF. R shall he in default oflllix.,Xgr¢cmcnl (I) where ()\VN[:.I,',
fitils to soll the Dwelling tJni! it1 accord;.tl,lCc with lilt: afJ'c, rdal'~lc hlousit,lg slandards
qualificatior~ criteria established in the Impact l:cc ()rtlill:ulcc and thoroafter fails to p:ly the
impact rices title within thirD' (3{)) days orisaid not~-compliancc. or (2) where ()WNER riohires
one of the aflbrdablc housing qualification criteria in the Impact Fcc (h'dimmcc Ibr a period of
fifteen (15) days after notice of the violation.
12. RI:MI:DIES. Should the OWNER of Ihc property Ihil Io compi3 xxith Ihc said
qualification criteria at any time during Ihc liftcon (15) year period or should ()WNI~R violate
any provisions of this Agreemere. the impact tkcs waived shall be paid in Ihl[ bx' ( )WNI~14 within
thirty (30) days ori said r~on-compliancc. OWNER agrees Ihal the inq~acl Ik'cs xxaivcd shall
constitute a lien on tl~c I)wcllinu [h~it conlmcllCill- oll the cl'l~clivc dale o1' this Nutcement
continuing For fi ficcn (l 51 years from the date of issuance oF the ccrli I~calc o1' (wcul~;utc5 m' until
repaid. guch lien shall bc superior and p:u'amotmt to the initrest i~ lhc l)wcllin
owner. Itssee. lcllillll. morlgagcc. or other person except lilt lien Ibr ('OIIIl[V laXCS
parity wilh lho lien ori any such ('ountv taxes. Nhould the ()WNI!R bc in dclhull of this
Agreement ired the doffhilt is not cured within {3~1 days after wrillcn m~ticc h~ ()WNISR. the
Board may bring a civil acliOll Io cnlbrcc this agrccmclll. Ill addilion. the lien may bc Ibrccloscd
or othcm'isc cnfi)rccd Iw the ('(}ISN'I'Y Iw action or suil in equity a5 li)l' the Ik)rcch)surc of
mortgage on real property. This rcnlcdy is cunluhilivc with any olhcr r'ighl or rcmcttx available
to the COLJNTY. The Board shall bc entitled to recover all lL'cs 1111d C(~SIS. illcltMing
I~es, incurred by the [}Oill'd ill cntbrcing this agreement. plus initrest at lilt slilltll{,rx
judgments calcuhficd on a calcmlar day basis until paid.
IN WITNESS WtlI:I{I:()I:. Ihc parties have cxcculctl lh~s ..Xm'ccnwHl lin'
oF hnpact Foes on the date aml year first almvc written.
STATE OF Florida
The foregoing instruntcnt was acknowledged bclbrc me Illis ../?
by Sallltlel J. Durso, M.I)., President oF llabitat for l lumanity ol'Collicr ('O[llllV, ]itc. lie is personally
klloWll Io 111{2.
S ign,'fiurc of Pc rs on Takinu Ackno '~, 'ledgmcnt
Nanlc of Acknowlcdgcr Typed. \'timed o,- Sta .......
DATED: i)[(. ~;i, t.,.]§~~
?,~.test, as'to Ch~trm~.'~
si~natur~ only.
Approvcd as to l~rm and
legal sufficicncy
Heidi F. Ashton
Assistant County Altoracy
.jd/c/scminolc agree
- 5 -
l,l.l{ ;:\1, I)E,",;( '1~, I I"1'1{ }N
I,OT 12. I~I,OCK
A('CORI)IN(.J TO TItE I'I.AT I~O¢)K TI l I:,I~,F.()F. A."; Rli( '( ~RI )1!I~
IN I'I.AT BOOK 1, ^'I'
C()I,I,11!R C()I INTY.
- 6