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Resolution 1999-437
I IITRARY ~%'~[I:M [MI'A{'I FkI~S, PARKS A~I) RI:~RI'AII()~AI I"AC'IIilIE~ [MI'ACT I:l~kS. R()AI} IMPACI' I:l~l'S, ~%'SFI'M IMP..X('F 1:1~1~ ..%~I) RE(~I()~AI W:XII'R ~I'WI,R tMi'X('l l.l-I..~. I~R ()NI~ I[()l:Sh I() I~I~('()NSIR[:('II.I~ I{Y I-RXN( I~('(~ I III.RN~NI)I.Z ANI)('RINIINA III~I~NANDF/..~1 ~2tt~ W~RRIN ~ III.[RI.[.%S. ('oilier ('OtLIITX Jla~ I'CCO~Iti/Cd alld illtCnll~1OI to .lddtc~ The lack ,,t ol~cctixc I.~. policy I.~.2. policy 1.5). p-hcy I.~.~. p-lic? 1.~.~. p.licx I ~,..b~cc~,x~ I authorized to use timding I}om the Nl,~tc J I,m~mg Jtlltliltivcs PilrlI1ct'sJllj~ J Ni I ll'J t't.,?'.~u ('oilier ('t,unt> IlllpaCl J~'cs. iIlltl ~VII I~RI'L~S. I:r:mc~sco J.. J Jcrl~alldt,/ alld ( 'tlslillil J Icruandc/ ;. t xt'k'k,tlt, it <l *- dCl~l'ral ol'illlpacl I~'cs: XVIII'iRE.,%N. Fr, ncisco F. I lcrn;mdc/ aml ('ristina J Jcl'ilililtJc/ xx ~11 coUSll'llel ,i llUll' tillit lille "l)x~rclling I'ltJI") ill 52{15 ~'aFl'011 Nil'eel. Naples Nla.,.-A..cx m (',dhcr ('olinIx. I h.-ida: l JouSillg itlld []l'b;tll ]tllJll'oVClllglll l)ci~i~t'tmcr~l Jill ,~l'ti,l'dal~lc I I,mst.S q~pllCatiOl~ dilli'd 15. 1')9'I Ibr a 5tr',, x~;liXCl' 5gr'. dclk'rral o1' IIIlJ~aCI J~'CS ll,r Ilk' c~11sll'11Cllt,I1 i,J'iJ JlOtl~c ;11 [[ousing :red I 'than Itllpr'~vcmelll l)cparllllClH: ()l'diililllt'C. ()ldill;lllCC NO. ~J'1-52: Nccl{oll ~.1)~ o1' The librars 5XSltlll Ii~lp;wI I.cc ()Fdlll;111co. ()rdin;mt'c N-. NN~97. its ;IlliCitdud: Ncclit,H .1.(15 .f the I'm'ks and [{t't'lC.dl~,ll,d J ;lt'lllliC5 h111~ilCl I:cg ()rdinai~cc. ()l'dillilllCC No. 9')-39; SectJim 31)~ of Ihc I{oad hupacl I'c,' ( )l'ttlllilllt'C. ()l'dlIllIIlCC NO. 92-Z2. as aliiglided: Nct'tit~11 305 of the I~mcrgcncy Medical Services Sx,.tcm Ilnp;lcI J'cc ()l'diIliIllCC. OrdillallCC No. 91-71. as iIIllclldcd; ScclIOll 3.1}5 of I}lc I{dUCilIiOIl;ll [:,tt'Ihllcx Sxslc111 IIllpaCl Fee V,';LiVCr del~.'rl'aJ ba~cd upon ('ristin;: i Icrnandc/: IL lilt Iifilo~lng rcprcsent;flions nl;idc by I'r;mci,.,.'~, I Ordinance. Ordinance N,,. 92-33: and Section 3J~4 hlll't, act I:¢c' ()rdinancc. ()rdillallCC No. ~)S-(,9. impacl I'ccs I',x. qlialifyin~ Ihr ;I ',',;li','cr defi:rral; \VIII:.I{I-;.-~.~. I'~;Inclsco I:. I{,..'rnaud¢/' and ('rislln;, 11cr,;mde/hm, ¢ qlmlilicd fi',l ;HI H1H'~;U.'I fCC The l)v, clling Iml sila]l bc m.,. m.'d by ;i Iirst-liHl,.: holn,.' I',u:cl 'l'hc Dx,.clling t'nil shall bc ~'.','ncd bv a IlOusch,hl defined in tile ,,\ppendices Io file respective hnpact I"cc ()rdin;mco, purchase tile unll nlUSl be within Ihc ;ll'f~'ffd;iblc holl%ill~ ~tlidk'lille*., c~.hllqlshcd HI the ..x ppcmliccs to Ihc I¢:4peCll~, e hnpact lee ()rdinances. ('. '1 l~c l)xxclling I ml .hall bc Ille Ih,ncstc;sd of the D. The l)wcllhl~ I'mt ,hall reulmn al'lbrdahlc for Iil'tccu I I 5'1 .N()W. 'I'111';I~I.~I.'()I(I'LI~1'~ITI~I-;S()I.VI-;I) I{Y Till.'. I{()..Xl~l) ()1.' ('()1'51'~ CO,M.XllSSI()NI':I~S (}1" ('()I.I.IER ('()I'N'I'Y. I:I.(}RII).X. 'I'11.VI: I. 'l'l]c Board of( ',tomy ('Olllmis~iollcrs hereby aufimrl/c~ fi~c ('oum~ .~dmllHSh;llul h~ l~lle all Aufimri/alion l~u 51, ",, x~aivcr 5~";, dcl~'rral of u.p;~cl lt'c~ ('risfina l{cru;mdc/ fi~r m~c (I)house which styall hc c,,n~trucled klanor ..Mulcx in ( '~dlicr ('ounlv. ('ommissim~crs hereby amhori/cs fi~e paymcn~ by ('t~111c~ (BunIx ,,f fi~c 101hnx m~ mH~act If'cs Francisco F. Ilcrmmdc/and ('rislma Ih.'rnandc/ ..\. l.ihrar.,. h~lpacl I'cc ". Ix~ ~2 H. Road II11[~acl I"CC I,~7').~ I (' Park~ Imp.,,1 I'ccs: ~2~1.N4 l). I(MS Iml~;,ct I"cc 14.()~ l: I~ducali~mal l';,cili~ics Svs~cm nilpixel ]'co I.-7S I ~ 'l'otnl Itelreel I:t'es $ 7.140.34 A'FTI!ST: I)WI(ilIT I!. I~,R()~,'K. AtLest is to Chitrr~n ~, Approved ;is to I;,~rlll ;111d legal st, fllcicnc'.': I lcidi F...\slmm A $$J$lillll ('OllIlIV F,~I II BIT "/V' 1,1'~( L.\ 1, i) I'L";('I{ I I'TI ¢ }.N FI~,;\.N'('I~{ '() F. II ~I,',,N'A NI)I.~ 7, A,ND ('I{I~'I'I,N:\ I I I,~I;,.~'..\.N I)I.~Z I{I.:~11)I.LN( I.¢)T 2. 131.O(/K 2. IN NAI'I.I:.S MANOR ANNF, X. ACCORI)I.N(; T()'1111! RF. CORI)ED IN Iq,AT B()OK I. PAGI! 111L OF Till! COUNTY. FI,()RI I)A. 2569832 OR: 2622 PG: 0522 CL~R[ TO ?~ BOA~,n ~CORD.~O In the O~lqfI!l, RICORD$ Of CO~I~R ., (; l, !.~ !.~ ! l.~ ~"l' I.'()R ~O'Z,,V..% i V I.~ R/5()'~, I)I.~ I.',.~ l, R..k ], ()1.' 1 -~ ('()l.l.11<R ('()[;NTY I)!I'..k('T Fl.il<~ This ..X~r~'~'m~'nt I~r the' Wmxcr of Imp~c'l I:ccs cnt~'r~'d into Ihts x~i;ix' ~I' ('0[1111V J~111Cl'~11C~' X1L'~J~L';II ~L'F~ICC% ~X~ICI11 JIllI~;~Ct J"CC ()l'tJHI;lllk'C~ ('oIIJcF ('~Ul111~ (/hJJ11;tllt'C ~L'~VCI' ~V~[CI11~ JI11J~HC[ J'CC ()I'(IJI1;II1CC~ ~1~ IItCV Ill;1~ I~C I'HHJic~ 41111ClhJctJ rcquircd by the' lnlpLtct I:cc ()l'dillnllcc. ~I cJ~p~' oJ' ~iii(I ~H~pJicilthm i~ on I~lc in Ihc ~l'l~cc ~1' ~:tJvL'r j()",, dcl'crr~ll ~1' IIIIJ~;ICI J~'L'5 ~I~ c~t~lbli~hcd in lhc Imp~tcl I.c~, OR: 2622 PG: 0523 \VIII{RI:.A.";. Ihc iml'mCl I;..'c waivcr'dcli'rral .shall bc i',rcscnlcd the project as eligible Ibr au impact Ik'e xx aix'er.,delk'rral and WI IIH4EAN. lhc ('()t ;N'I'Y approxcd a waivcr'dclk'rral of mH}acl Ik'c~ lot ()WNI..R embodied in Rcsolulitm No. ')q- ~ at its rcuular ,nccli,,g o1'3 _. _C..~f' .: . WIII{RI{AS. Ihc Imp'at1 I:cc ()rdill;111cc I'Cqllll'CS lhal lhc I~WNI R cmct ~,m, au A~rccmcnl with lhc ('()t agree aS Ibllows: I. RI{('IT,'XI.S IN{'()RI'()RA'II:I). Ihc Ibrcg. iug I'CCltilIS ;11'C bC incorporalcd hv rcl~'rcncc herein l!(iAl. I)I!N('RIIrI'I(lN. Ihc legal dcscril~lion oflhc dxxt'lhnu 'nit") Hlld silc i~t:m is auachcd hcl'clo ;IS I~xhibil "A" and Illt'Oli~,'lillcd I'x rcl'cl'CllCC hcrciu. 3. I'I~RM. ()WNI{R agrees Ihal Iho I)xvclling I:uil shall remain and shall hc ~fl~'rcd Ibr sale {11 ilCCOFdilllCC ~ilh Ihc ~lillld;ll'dS 't'l fiqlh ill Ihc COl11111CI1Clllg {i'Olll IJlo ~Jalc the ccz'lilScalc ~1' I~CCtlJlilllCk 15 ISMICd I;u tile l)~clling I 4. RI!I'I{I:SI'~N I'ATI(INS ANI) WAI{I{ANI'tI:S. ()WNILR i'Cl~l'cSClllS and k~ill'lilllJS lhc ()~511VI' Illililllil{llS il Jl~UI~CJ1oI~J ~xilJl ;I Jokk ItlC~HllC ',IS dct511vtl ill Ilk' ilJ~l~CndJcos Io lilt' lnlpacl I:cc ()rtlillilllcc illl~i t~tll'cJli15c lhc I)xkclling t711Jl 111115l bc x~lh~H lhc alft~hl;H~Jc guidelines cslal)lishcd ill lho ill~l~Clldicc~ Io Ihc Inll~aCl I:cc ( )l'dillilllCC', ()Xkllcr is il I]rsl-lilnc holllC buyer, (I. OR: 2622 PG: 0524 16, , 3 c, 'l'h¢ l)v, cllJn~ i ',nil .s11~11 hc the Jl~mtc,slcm. I ~1. I hv I)',,.cllJn.u I '11il :sh:lll r,..'nn~,n ~,.s ~l'l~,'d;d~lc II(~11u, ill~. I'l',m'i Ih,..' ,~httc lily JU',..'rtil']C;tlL' J~I'c~C.L'UJ')~II1C}' I~. I.S~11cll Ji'H' ll]~.' i)',: ;111iJ ~.' ()\\'Xt{I,: I", lhC I,\\11Cl' (~l' l~"..'l,ltl ('1 IJlC I)x',¢lllni.'. J'1111 ;111(I I~',%L'~, irJllLtcl ,~','.,.'d bv ()\V"<I'I,~. ()\\'N'I'R c~,',,,.'ll;lnl.'., mid JnTl'~;u.'t J'c,c ( .'41'I'LNI!(.II:I!NI 'I'I<..\.NNFILI)-.. I1' ()\VNI'.I,: ~,..'11~ lJlc l)',','L'llln.,.'. J'ltll ( .,\I:F()P,I),,\I~;[ I! I),1"(.)1 II<l'~11'N"l. 'I h'.' I)',',,..'llin.,._'. I 'nit nnr-,t hv Jl(Ul.',.ill~ liH' ;i lit'Ic,..'n J.q) ~c,n pcz~,,d ,111,..'r IJlC ~J;li,._' lJic I:.,sncd: nml il lilt I)',~.cllin~ l'nll c,..';iscs h, I'~c IililJ/c~l I;, llntl i~u~p,,,c ~turin),. ,,rich l'~crJ,~d. IJl~ Jlllp;icl IL',,:s s;hnll h~.. innnu, li;m.'lv Icp;ml h~ lhc ('()i 'XJ'I'. ,..'xccpl l~.'~l' v,.ajvcd iInl'~;i,,.'l I'ccs. il' lhc ,I,,',~.'11inV {inJl h;is l'J,..'c11 us,..~l li,' C{HllJI11I(UlS pcrJ~,.I i~,t' I'~l'lccn ,.'u';irs ;.ll'l,..'r IJlc d;ih.' Ihc C',.'l'li I'~C~1I,,..' Ill;IV JlC J~I',..'cJ~.Sul. J llJ'J('H1 ill IJlc C~.L'111 ~J' I1ilII-CIH11J')JJHI1CC ~,~, IlJl JilL' I'L'(IIIIIL'IIICIIIS (IJ' IJIi,'S .,\.urc~.'nlu'nl. 'lhc ('()l/N"l"J' ;m,.l ()\V,N'I~I), ~l~r~.'c II1;ll nil ,,l'lh¢ (7)1 ~'1~"~ n~hls. JIIIcI'Cb..;Is ;in(l Iiu.'ll ~11JsJll:! IIn,,Jcr Illis /\?'CCI11CIll shrill bc IiIH(Jc jll111,~l'. illI~.'I'J,,H' HII(I OR: 2622 PG: 0525 I~INI~IN(i I'.1. I. 1'.("1. OR: 2622 PG: 0526 3 shall hc paid in full bv ()\VNI!R willfin 30d;ws ol'said non-compliance. ()WNI~R ;t~rccs Ihal lilt iH~p;~Cl I~'cs ~;,ivcd'dclL','rcd ~hall con~tilnlc ;i lic, ,~. 1He l)wclli,~ [ :nil commcncm~ on lhc cl'I~ctivc date t~l' this A~rccmcnl and continHmp unlil repaid. %,oh lien shall bc superior and i~ar;mmtml Io lhc inlcrcsl in Ihc I)~cllin~ I~nil ow~R'r. ItSSeC. lc~a~1. IllOl'l~;l~CC. or olhcr per,oH cxccpl Ihc lien l~r ('~u~nlv laxcs '.red sh:fit he on lx,'ily wilh the lien ,q'anv such {'t~llIltv laxcs. Should lhc xxrfuen notice h~ (}WN'I~R. lhe I~om'd may hrin~ civil ;~cli~m I,, c,fi~rce Ihis A~rccmenl. In midilion. Ihe lien m~y be lbrecloscd or ofi~c~visc ertlbreed hv Ihe {'{}IiN'I'Y hv action t~r suit in equity :~s Ibr tim Ibrech~sm'c ~l' ~ m~,'l,,a,.c on real propcrly. This remedy is cumulmive with any olhcr right or remedy av~il:dqe Io lhe ( }t~N I~ . The Hom'd sh',fil he cnlitlcd Io rcc,ver 'all :fihq'ncv's t~'cx. inctH-rcd Hoard in cnl~,'cin,, Ibis A~rccmcnl. phis inIcrcsl aI the sl;11ulorv faR' calcul',ucd on a calendar day h:tsis until paid. IN WI'I'NI~SS WIIKRI~()F. lhc irariles have exccmcd this .X?'ccmcnt Waivcr. l)cl~'rraI of lmp~ct t:ces on the dine and year Iirsl above wrillcn. Wimcsscs: { }WN Print" "'" l:rancisc~ l". I Icrnamlcx "Print Na lie _..~ ?.,/:., , c2.~ '. .. . COUNTY()F -~ , , produced ~_~_.~?/~ ~..~'__~ : (type ot'identil]c;uitm) as idenlil~calion. Witnesscs: I r~lll Name ~:~, ,,-, ~' ..,. ,:z ,, Prim Name .~Z ('rislma I Icrnamt~z STATE OF __Z--~.~,~i v¢ .~ -,) COUXTY OF ___~_...,, '~_..__,:,) 1999. bv Cr'isthm l-lcrnandcz. She is personally knmvn to me or produced/ZL,: h .~_---/,,_'Tf '~, (lyp¢ of idcnli l]calion) ;is idcmi ficafion. '; 'b '.~ - · ' I)ATI:'D: BOAR. I') OF COUNTY ('OMISSI()NF.F,S ('()I,I.I[:.F, ('()UN'I'Y. FI.()RIDA N Approved as lcgal su fficicncv Heidi F. AslH(m AssiStalii COLlilly AII()I'IICV jd c' d.~ rk'Clll,Ztl Is J JlcrrJillldC/ 0m' 2622 PG: 0528 3 EX! II lilt 'A* i,E(;AI, DISCRI PTION I:iL.\NCIS(;O 1:. AN!) CI~,iSTINA IIERN:\NI)EZ RI.:S!!)I'k~('I.~ LOT NO. '~ BI.O('K '~ IN NAPLES MANOR ANNF. X. AC'('OI~.I)IN¢i T() THE PI.AT TIIEREOF. ,,\S RE('ORI)ED IN PLAT BOOK I. I'A(;I! I1~1. ()F TI I1:. l,I iBI.I(' RI.~('OR[~,c; OF ('()I.I.IF.R ('OUNTY. l:l.()l~11),,\. *** OR: 2622 PG: 0529 ***