Resolution 1999-424168 2 RESOLUTION NO. 99- 4~_4 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO TIlE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER/SEWER DISTRICT; TO AUTIIORIZE JOItN YONKOSKY, DIRECTOR. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE TO EXECUTE WATER SERVICE AGREEMENTS BF. IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. and as the Governing Body of Collier Counly and as Ex-Officio thc Governing Board of{he Collier Counly Water/Sewer District. that: John Yonkosky, Director, Dcparlmcnt of Revenue, is hereby authorized on d~c Board's behalf to cxccuic as many of the subject written agrccmcnls as appropriate rcgarding the Counly providing potable water service to d~c Dalton Mobile llomc Park and lhe Cypress Mob{lc Ilomc Park. 2 An draft cxamplc of thc subject Agrccmcnt is atlached hereto as Exhibit "A". This Resolution adopted this,~.~rD day of ¥" ~.~_','a- i3. ~ ,1999 after motion, second and majority vote favoring adoption. A'I TEST: DWIGtlT E. BROCK. CLERK I Deputy'Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF TIlE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND AS EX- OFFICIO TIlE GOVERNING BOAR[) OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WAT/ER/ By:~SEWE ISTRICT . CttAIRWOMAN Approved as to form and Icgalsufficicncy. , t Assistant County Attorney Rcs Water Scr~ ice Io I)alton ~ C~ Mobile IIo~ Parks 2 WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT Dalton and Cypress Mobile llome Parks THIS AGREEMENT is cntcrcd into this ___ day of , 1999 by and between COLLIER COUNTY, including as Collection Agency for the COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SF. WER DISTRICT. with its principal place of business at 2800 North l lorseshoe Drive, Naples, FL. 34104 (hereinafter referred to as "County"), and , individual property owncrts), who ceftin' to County fine (he/she/they) own thc real properly described as [ ] Dalton OR [ ] ('yprcss ,Mobile I lomc Park. Parcel No. , Lol ,Propcrty I.D. Number ........................ hcrcinaftcr .jointly and/or scvcrally (as applicable) called "Owncr." Wt tEREAS. Count)' providcs potable water to said privatc systcm throt,gh a 2" mastcr mc~cr located within an cascmcnt provided to County by thc Boync South Development; and Wi IEREAS, indMdual propcnics within and adjaccnt to thc Dalton and Cypress Mobile }lome Parks are recciv;ng polable water from the Collier County Water-Sewer District through a privately own,.d water dislribution system; and WIIEREAS, maintenance of said privalely owned system is no responsibility o~' fl~e Counly; ami Wi IEREAS. said privately owned system is served with potable water by means of a 2" meter. which has recently been verified to accurately record water flov.'s. The total average gallonagc of unaccounlcd for water being provided to said privately owned system is ......... gallons per day. Thc ~,bove recitals arc true and correct and are incorporated herein and it is agreed: 1. At no cost lo the County, Owner sball promptly install and maintain an individual ,.valer meter to read the water consumption to thc st,bjcct real property. Owner hereby grants to thc County r;ghts of physical access to owner's property to read said meter. 2. Co,nty shall own and maintain the master meier located within Boync South development through which potable water service to the subject property is made. 'rhc County shall have no responsibility for any facilities located on Owner' side of the master meter. 3. Or. ncr shall bc billed for the applicable individual mctcr sca'icc availability charge and for water cc, nsumption as is recorded on thc individual meter, plus pro-rata share for '.rater that is unaccounted for. The County will read ali individual meters and ,,,.'ill calculate thc unaccotmtcd v,'atcr usage by comparing thc sum orali individual meter usage relative to thc master meter usage and shall allocate thc unaccounted for water cgt/atl.Y to ;,11 users on thc system. It is agrccd for thc p,rposcs of this Agreement that each parcel of real property is responsible for thc same gallonagc ,,f unaccounted for v.'atcr. 4.. County's responsibility to mainlain and repair facilitics anti for thc quality and safety of water supplied to Owner ceases at thc downstream side of thc backflow prevention device located o, thc downstream (Owner's) side of thc master meter. 5. As an end-use customer of County's regional water scrvtcc, and in accordance with Ordinance No. 98-69. as amended, Owncr's property is subject Io Water Impact Fccs that arc thc proportions,re share of providing capacity from thc County's central system. 6. 'Fh~'~ Agreement runs with thc land and shall be binding upon land ~hall inure to thc benefit of fl~c parties hereto) and their respective successors and assigns 'I his Agreement constitute.,, thc entire agreement between thc parties relevant to thc matters rc!brrcd to herein. 7. This Agreement may be recorded in the Official Public Rccords of Collier County. Florida. 8. F:ult~rc to abide by this Agreement shall be good cause for the County to cease providing thc subject water service to Owner's real property as said property is described hercinabovc. '/.68"2 FOR THE COUNTY: By:. John Yonkosky, Director, Department of Revenue WITNESS ES TO ALL O~,~, .rNERS: S/ PROPERTY OWNER(S): S/ ( T ~,pc ar Print Narll¢) (Tyre ar Prim Name! S/ ('tyre or Print Name) S/ (! ',pc or Prim Name) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ACIGNOWL E DG M ENT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mo this day of (Notary seal/stamp) Personally known to me OR produced) identification. Notary Public as Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Assistant' c4ounty Attc~mey F:/ am~Agrcrmcn r.%S'atcr Scr~ ~ce Aulo R~nch