Resolution 1999-407 \;~~.a\ .~~ l:,.,~it:, ':;~'~:;I: ''''i''li...", ]!ie'if" ,:l'( 12 Al RESOLUTION '10, 99. 407 .'<. A P~SOLUTlON APPROVING THE PROPOSED GROWTH MAt IAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAW) USE ELEMENT INCLUDING THE INTEPCHANQE ACT:'/ITY CENTERS; THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; THE 0'" 't" IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT. THE Tr.H.'j5PORTATIO~J ELEMENT. THE GOLOEN GATE AR~:. MASTER PLAN. AND THE GOLDEN I1ATE FUTURE LA';~ USE MAP FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE O,"".TMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS WHEREAS. Coltlt:. ;,!.,~y pur5Uanllo Section H:3 :l161. ~_I._,!~, Florid;'! SI;lftllf'!~;, 1111,' Florida Local Governf'l'lfJn! "'nmhensivo PI<lMing and L-3nd OtveltJpmt)r\1 Rf!~i\J\OlIIOr1 Ar:l. W'Ir, required to prepare anC a(:r.: ',j r.omprehenslvo plsr\; and WHEREAS, tho C' I.,' COUf1ty Bomd of County COrnmt5~If)flOrl mlolllf~cJ !Ill: CtJlhr:r Counl,! Growth Mana{Jcm':' . ;;\/\ I)" Januar/l0. 196~; AM WHEREAS. 1M l' l' Govornment ComprohenslVe F>>lanning and land D<:v(:lopfTIW11 Regulation Acl of 19M ;,' ,.I~I'<; authority lor tC,JC,11 uovr.lrnmenls 10 amanrl ltll1lf (f!r.rJI~I;!I'J'~ comprehenSIve plans ;10(: . .,,~~ t::erlairl proceduros 10 amcnd .:tdopIC.J COfnllr(!h'!I'''I'J': :11;111'> pursuant 10 Sectionl163 :',. ~.; ,1~1r1 163,3181. FlondA Stillulcl, and WHeREAS. Colliā‚¬." .'J;,,"II has prepared F>>lnn Amcnr1m~nt' to tho fOIIO'NlnU r:lp.m(!f1t~; or lIs Growth Managemenl PI;,' Future Land Use; Golden Gate Area r.' .c,~':r Plan; Tranlpor1atlon; Capltlllmprovemc. . WHEREAS. 1M r.- ":' County PI~nn,ng ComrrusSlon he& COnlldl)rod Ihe proWI<;'!!! amendment 10 Ihe Growlh r.1,lf1;}gomenl F'h'm pursuanl 10 lhe aulhoMy {lr8nt~d 10 it by Sm;lln/l 163.3174, Florida Slatute" . .J'l7). and hilS recommcndijd approval or said (lmendrncnl 10 lhe Baird of County Commlsf;,,". "ro;;. and WHEREAS. upo!' "'r;f~lpt of Corher County's proposnd Growth '.I.lnagCJmCnl Plan Amendmont, VBrlOUS Stale " :';nr.lr!~ and the D(:partmcnl 01 Con1muOllj Alfal's IDCA) h.:lvC r1Il1cty (90) dayllo revlow the pm;l' '.Or! Amendmanr and DCA "1\lstlrllnlmll, in wtil,ng to Colhor COllnly. its comments al()(lg Vlllh;~ l,h:~chOn$ a,,(J ~n}l rfJcorTll"l1rmdahons lor fTIorJlflCclllOI1. wllIllll !>.ud nlnoly (90) days putSU2ln1 :r, ')'~r;';on 163.3184. Florida Slatule... and WHEREAS. Collit~f ,;cJimty. upon tlJr.l]lpt of the written coml'lwnls frorn DCA mU51 fHlnpt, adopl with changes or nOl d':U;')! U"Ifl prop05'jd Growth Milnagcmenl Plan A.me:ndmenl. wilhin <;1)'ly (60) daiS 0' S!JCh recc,pt ;"/.,""I:lnl to S~chon '633184. FlorIda Slotulas', ilM WHEREAS, the C'~':" ".thln forty-lrm (45) days of recoipl of COIIip.r County':;. ~doptcd Growth Maoagemenl Pl~r. /.'~~'"ldm8nt. must tevlew and determlno if :he Plan Amcnrlml)nt IS In complIance wilh the lac" rj'JV()('lmcnt CornprohensillCl Planmng and Lind DcvCIOprT1flrlt Act of '1985; the State Comprehf:"1""': Ptal"l; the appropriate Regional Polk;y Plan and Rule 9J-5, Flolld" Administrative COde. purs,."r"",l to Secllon 163.3'84. Florida Statutes. Words fam!1l2r.!!nlld <'Ire additions: Words ~J~~ SUf deletions ....$J . ,,~j ,;:!,.~ NOW THEREFORE. COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA,that The Board of CfllJtlty ~,' " :" Management Plan Amendrt'~.,t5. Commissioners hereby approve. lhe proposed Growth -'1.~!j\ <~f:t anached her8fo 8i Exhibit A " ~ Iriax'poraled by reference "~r herein. tor the purposo of tri"l'1smlllslI0 the Department of COr1'lmunlly Anairt: thereby initialing the requited State ev,lualion o~ :he GrO'Nlh ManagemElnl Plan Amendments prior 10 final adoplion emf Slllo determinatiOn of r.r,'TIphsnce with lhe Loc:ar Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Devetopmenl RsguIS1Vl." Act of 1989 and Rule 9J5. Florida Administrafive Code, Minimum Criteria for Rtview Of Local (~IJ'IArnmen' Compmhensive Plans and DelormlnalJOn of Complifmcr.!. THIS RESOLUTIOII t.[JQPTEO aflor mohon; ..cond and majority votothi, _<d.~ day 0' G;u<:i-t&._ 1999. " . "'ATTEST; DWIGHT E. BROCK, CIor' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA '/.'1: -p.",.._~4.11 I,:P.(!. \ . . . ~ 'Attest IS to Chalr..n'l sl911aturt on11. Approved II to form and tefl;!1 suff~iency~ ~~~/C;/" PAMELA S MAC'KIE, ' ChaiMoman BY: -=rnrL o.iai _.'" 'II ,jfwLt..J.t MilrjOlie fdI Stud.nt Allislanl COUnty AlIcfMY 1999 GMP Transmlllal Re~,I; '):10., ~~' ; .' ;'~~"I"; !tl~'..'" ,'I" I' 'I~";~;'~~-~; ;.l Words underhned are additions; Words tll~Wllk tRroi~ a... deletfons '" ,,".t.;, , ,,(~,;- . 'i'~:~\'C, '.j- ;~ ;i;.., }N ~~\:~ ,..~:l?t, ,,~..- ~\' ,'. ~;.; I." .,'" . ", ;;'-'h;\ ~:'.: ~kj;! SL I:,',:';:,: {,:;.;,<- -'~~ ,.,"<.<,' -, :--..~~~", , . -:;l'f.$:~'" ' , ,," , I:).'.~~,~:<~" . '"':'- "~ ~;:::-~/ :: . ;Ir:~' 12 A ~jt "';. t' 1'iJ,. ' 'j' ""i< ",' ~' ' """~.. . ii?;~.jli.Jf ''J. , ~} ....:~ ',:< '... roUllnn C P.99-o1 ",' .: ",' .,t ....1:1. Amondlng rh. c.ioldon Gale Ar.. \1.1'1.' I'I.n -l',~.n Commerci.l lri~lsIGolden (i,re l'.,b..y I'rofe,,;oo.1 Omee Comm.re;.1 Subdi<rricl. ' t:lhlhil ,\ ~ C;nhl,," C:31r 1'2rkn"u\'l'r"fl'\\iun;a1 Officr Conlfuerriill Suhdi,trict The:' I1CO\'JsiC'"i nrlhi!i cll~r!ld ht.'1.' Mil" ~ .'tJ Jre inh.:nclcd In nro\'idc (joldetl (iafl.: ('llY \\'llh;l \'i..hl~ f'rnrcssional (Ini':l' C'ommcn':J31 Oistri"! wilh II!lociated small-scale rclail as identified under item 5.A. he/o\\', The Prnfc".lIiinnal Office Commcrcl~1 DI'itrii.:'1 ha'i rwo numd5Cllj' ..:~> . to scn'~ ., J hUIIOI.fide entry way into Golden Gale City: . Co mo\'idc II (flll!nl1lnitv roc.., ouint and 5cn~e of'n1::u:c. l'he U1t."\i lW'milt~\1 Wilhlt'1 Ih:., dl\tricI arc Cl'lIl,.'m!lv 11m H1rC'n~ity. oflice c1c:\'c1oPnlL'l1l, associ:ued retail and inStitutIOnal t\om u~e~. ~Ij. h.1\ churchL'''. \\hiC'h will minimilc u'hicubr rratTic. nrovidc: ~lIit:lhk ("nelsca",n!.!. conlrol in1!rl''ilr, Jnt! l'l!re!i~. and l,.'n~lIre cOnlt'J3lihihl\' \\ilh Jhultll1t! rl.''';lCknllal di~trll.:I"', A. For nroiects ront:lined wholly within the arhrinal Professional Office District ..,. \\'llh a minimum denlh nf 1 10 feel IS mOllsured from the nronorrv line adjacent ,,' and !lImllel with Gnlden Gate Parkw,v.the followin. small.sealc retail u,e' Ole Ilcrmillcd; I. Anoarcland 3CCC!Snrv srarl"t 2. Auto and home lIun"rV' stores (Auto a&asorv dcalcrJ.-rct:li1. AUfomohile ":lrts dc.lm,relllil.nd Snttd shOl'Hetail onlv.l 3. EatinlZ "laces (exCt'Dt carrv~lIt C'ltablishment,. drive-throUl!h onlv tstabli~hmC'nts. commin.uv rtSfaUr::tnU. concession stand,.. contrJct fcedine. food service-institutional. hamburller stands. hotado2 st3nd~. Ice cream stands. lndustri:d feedinS!. refreshment sf::mds. snack shon!. soft drink stands ::lnd tea rooms.) 4. Food stores (c:'ltcent Conven;tnce Food storc~.retail. eroccrv ~torC!i nod sUDCrmarkt'l~.l S~ General merchandi~ stores 6. Home furniture. rllmi~hjnl!'. and C'Quit'lment storc!; 7. LibrOlric! 8. Miscellaneous ren:Jir services (nCt ele'('tronicreoair. eXeli'lt computer rl..'oair onlv in (()niunction with 5;11('5.1 9. Mi,edl,n.ou, reroll 10. Paint. etas!. and w311 I":lntr ~rorC'~ II. Pcnnnal !C1VicC's tC'xcC'ot coin orteratC'd laundries. bC'aulv shIms ;.In(1 ~"he"hOll',) 12. U,,;,e" SlOtes Pnsral Service ! , n. I'rcmen;!!I' that aU;lhfv unticr item S.A. wi1l be ,uhleet'to the fnllnwine: All U'.s Ii"c" will bo In aecordane. ",illt the Standard Industrial C/."ifiC3lion Cnde. wilhin rh. C.2 zonina districr os idenlified in the Colli.r CounlV Land DevelOllmenl Code with rhe C1Cconlion noled above,' h.m S,A.2,will be eon,i,'eot wllh the UIC u,el Iist.d in l.hh (;,3 ZOO;Ol disrtit:t with the execotio", no Ie" ,!toye, FS!5t ':00" rc~lillJrant~ !ihall shield (rom \'iew (mm GC'lIdcn Gate Parkway 4]11 ordcrinl! Ile\'iec~ ,we! lor \vinclm'o'!i where orden are to be taken. Vehicular aeee<, Ihrouah adi,e.nl or",,""le< 10 53" Slreel SW may bv .1I0wed al time ofrl'7one UrKln eonmletion ofarmronrfate CtoSS acces!I caSement!\. Anv rmml'rlv line of1he subject otlrcelthat i~ immediatelv adiacent 10 sinule familv re,idem;al must nrovlde a minimum Tvne 'C' landseallc huffer as indicated in the Cnllier County Land o.velollmenl Code. nuiltfim.'~ lllllizine second storY office rerail may reauest UP to 35' in heit!ht. 'winds llndnhnc(1 arc addt'd. ",.:.... ~~lH'....~ltarc dcll'tcd. as amended 1ft Jl)l);; words !ihuded and un(krlincd.,e .dded, wOld, ,h,ded .nd .....k'lHIH.ttlgllore delered. u' prupos." hy this peril;oO) ,,'I'" , '''h 1li<l~lII!:~ . :,1~~~o;;i:" '.'. -,~~ ',:.:'5 " ,.. .:"~' ,.~. ';" ? ~ . c~1i "F:'~ . .~.~ ,\~:::il' "..-.',1'; <:;~ , ~' :,9 ~ ",:.~~:' -,.",.;,) ....., ~t.:~~' '''''I' .', ..- .....'- -, . ';'~' ~" _ t .,~ ''''''''.. "~N''lf, \'k~ il~.~~.'..':;;:;... .' 12 A . ~ .:~~ ./ ~'^t!" ' Petition CP-99-01 ' ' , . , . . . ". ;'fI: Amending Ihe Golden Oale Are. ~I"'ter I'I.n - Urb.n Commercial DislritlyGolden G'le I'.rkw,y I'wfe..ion.1 " 'I: I,' Omee Commerei.1 Subdi.lnel. . J ~ ,..~. iubJect to architectural dl!!Sim elementJ~lni:omo"'tCd throueh the rezone oroce$!. r,'::,~:, Duifdines will be limited fo two ItoriesWith no tJarkin2 under the buildina. :~~, ~II buildin2s shall orovidej eommonlhmfa'liieOriiOi:ilin2 arehitoohtre and nroket ',w' ~ ",\;:j.;:', fl ':'It . :'{'/~;:; 'Co ;~.,~' 0/':'':>._- ......'-_.,., ';'~-~':'~" ~" ----- ;;'-' ,/J ',-u ::,;~ ::"~ '.:", ..:>:"-:1 ~l,i! '-:~ 4' ;",', 'f, , ',.,' :j!~ .:' :f I . ',; ('words underlined arc added. WOh!<f. ~IPYllllknmgh are det~kd. as amended in t 997: wurus shaded and underlined arc added,words shaded and "lfUfh Ihllt"", arc de.t~lcd. a.s proposed by this pClition) ''''H~,' ;. ' :~'/\;NI~~' ,"'Ii" 1.'1;;1, ..~)