Resolution 1999-397
1(f:SOJ.lITIO:"/ :\'0. 99 - 3')7
Hr.SOl.liTIO:\' Al:TIIOI(lZI:\,C; Tllf: f:Xf:CIITIO:"/ Mill ACCf:I'TA:\"U: OF AN
A(;Hf:r.~lr:"T Ilf:TWU::\" TIIf: FLOHIIlA IJ[I'AI(T~lr:\"T OF CO~I~IlI.'\ITY
.\FF,\IHS A:"IJ COLI.lf.I( C:OIXI'Y IU:C;,\IWI:\"(; DIf:I(Ca:,,\CY
~IA:\"A(;DIf::'\T I'HO(;I(A'I f::\"IL\:\'CDn::'iT
WII rl(L\S. Ihe Stale or l'lor;da lleparlment or COl11munit\" All'";,, h", lill1d,
a\'ailahl~ for (\,llicr County 10 S(h.'IHI f\lr 1.'l11l'rgc1u,:y managelllellt program l'llhan\"l'llll'nts
and. sllhjcl.:t III execution of a (irillH Agn:l'l1lCnt hct\\'ccn thl.: St;lle ;t/HI till..: Ct1l1l11~'. is.
authori/cd hI di"hursc (ir,ml funds to ('lIllil'r COHllly, illld
\\"IIEHE/\S. the StoHL'. hy I11l'an"i orpropp,c~ (ir,1Il1 :\ll'l,,'CI1U:lll ilo/I('I'~lI).Olt_~I_
01.('11 ili agrcl'ing to pro\idc. hy l1Ie,lIlS '1f reimbursemeltt l~}r ,"0.,1:.; irKLlrrl'd hv the
Coullty in the s..lli..!,iKt!Ir)' pClrnrmalll.:l'llfthill/\grcclHcnt. up h SII)~.XIl(, 00 fur ih:lJ\s or
performance agrct:d In in ~aid Agrt.:clllcnl. and
\\'IIEHEAS. Ihe Board or ('ounty ('OlnI11ISl-,;lIlll'rS tlf ('pllicl ('ountv a~l'I.:\: lhat
perf(lrm;lllCC of the subject Agrt.'cIlH:nl is in till.' hl.':,t inlt:rc~t lIf (', 11lil'r ('\lUllty.
CO~I.\IISSIO:"EI(S OF COLLlEI( COliIlTY. FLOIHIl" Ihat the h"ard "pp",\"c the
Agreement fi(j()("p.n:;.r)t').21-0 1-0 II bl.'t\\ cell Ihe Slale l)f Fl"rida 1)\,.'pallllll'I11 tlf
Community Alrairs ,anJ Collicr County .IS prc!'cnlcd to the flo,lId It\f revie\\'-. and lh,:n:hy
autlwril.cs thc BOitrd's Chairtlliln to eXl.'cllle the J\gn..'ClTlCIH on bL'll;,lr ofCol!icr Cuullty
This Resolution adopred <llh:r motion, !iicCCllld and Illiljurity Vole in favor or
adnplinnthis '.'<'~~ _ d"Y(lfQ._~_____ _' j'N'!
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f)eputy Clerk
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Atti~t. :: ~; Chl ir-r..n $
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i\ssistant COllnl~' :\nClllt:~.
Thomas (' P:thlll.'r,
mail, return receipt requested, 10 the County's contact identified in paragraph VIII, below.
Should the County determine it does not wish to accept the award of additional funds,
then the County shall provide nOlice to the Department contact within thirty (30) days of
receipt of the Award Letter. Otherwise, the County shaIl provide 10 the Department its
writteo notice of acceptance within forty-five (45) days of receipl of the A ward Letter.
The lerms oflhis Agreemenl shall be considered 10 have been modified to include the
additional funds upon receipl of the wrinen notice ofaccepunce.
The County shall consunuy monilor its performance under this Agreement to ensure thai
time schedules are being met, the Scope of Work is being accomplished and other
performance goals are being achieved. Such review shall be made for each function or
activity sel forth in AtI3chmenl A In this Agreement, and reported in accordance with
Attachment D. Records of such aclivities shall be crealed and reL~ined in accordance with
Attachmenl C.
The County shaJJ be solely responsible to pllIties with whom it shaJJ deal in carrying out the
terms of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the County agrees Ihat il is not an
employee or agent of the Department.
A. If a County fails to comply with any lerm or condition applicable to an award under
Rule Chapter 90-19 or any term or condilion including, but not limited to, federal
and state laws, agreements, rules and regulations, appIieable to any other funding for
the County administered by the Division, then the Departmcnt shall takc one or
more of the following actions, as indicated by the attendant cireumstances:
I. temporarily withhold cash payments, pending con-ection of the deficiency, or
more severe enforcement action;
2. disallowaJJ or pllIt of the eost of the activity or aClion not in compliance;
3. suspend or terminate the award;
4. disallow future pllIticipation in the program or funding provided under this
rule ehapter;
5. recover all funds provided under the currenl award.
B. Costs of the COWlty resulting from obligations incurred by the COUllty during
suspension or after termination of an award are not allowable unless the Department
expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or termination, or
subsequently them in writing. Other County costs during suspension or
after termination which are necessary and not reasonably avoidable may, in the sole
discretion of the Department, be allowable if:
C. All payments relating to .this Agreement shaJI be mailed to the following address:
CollIer Countv I'mcrrl'ncv Mnnnvcmcnt l1ept.
3301 Enst Tnminmi Trnil
)ian!ps, 1'1. 34112
D. In the event that different representatives are designated by either party after
execution of this Agreement, notice of the name, title, address and telephone
number of the new representative wiII be rendered as provided in PJrab'r.lph VIII.
:\ and B above.
A. The validity of this Agreement is subject 10 the truth and accuracy of all the
information. representations, and materials submilled or provided by the COUllty, in
this Agreement, in any subsequent submission or response to Department request, or
in any submission or response to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement, and
such information. representations, and materials are incorporated by reference. The
lack of accuracy thereof or any material cbanges shall, at the option of the
Department and with thirty (30) days written no lice to the County, cause the
lerminat;on of this Agreement and the release of the Department from aJl its
obligations to the County.
B. This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of the Stale of Florida, and venue
for:my actions arising out of this Agreement shall lie in Leon County. If any
provision hereof is in eonflict with any applicable statute or rule, or is otherwise
unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed null and void 10 the exlent of
such con/liet, and shall be deemed severable, but shall nol invalidalc any other
provision of this Agreement.
C. No waiver by the Department of any right or remedy granled hereunder or failure to
insist on strict performance by the County shall affect or extend or act as a waiver of
any other righl or remedy of the Departmenl hereunder. or affect the subsequent
exercise of the same right or remedy by the Departmcnt for any furthcr or
subsequent default by the County. Any power of approval or disapproval gmnled to
the Department under the terms of this Agreement shall survive the terms and lire ,,[
this Agreemen( as a whole.
D. The Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, anyone of which
may be taken as an original.
1\. The Counry agrees to maintain financjal procedures and support documents, in
accordance with generally accepted aecounting principles. 10 account for the receipt
and expenditure of funds under this Agreement.
8. These records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection. review, oraudit by Sbte persoMel and other persoMel duly authori2ed by the Department
"Reasonable" shall be constrUed according to circumstances, but ordinarily shall
mean normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., local time, Monday thrQugh
16G 1
c. County shall also provide the Department with the records. reports or linancial
Slalements upon request for the purposes of auditing and moniloring the lunds
awarded under this Agreement.
D. The County shall submit an Audil of Agreement Compliance to the Department as
provided herein. If the County receives or expends $300,000 or morc in Federal
awards in its fiscal year, then the County shall conduct an audit performed by an
independent Certified Public Accountant or other entity independent of the county in
aeeordancc with the standardl of the Comptroller General as specificd in the
General Accounting Offiee Standards for Audit of Govemmental Organiz.l1ions.
Programs. Activities and Functions, and generally accepted auditing standards
established bv the American Institute of Certified Public Aecountant.~. The
Agreement niunbcr of this grantlllust be identified with the audit submitted. Sueh
audit shall also comply with the requirements of Sections 11,45.216.349. and
ZI6.3491. Florida Statutes and Chapter 10.550, Rules of the Auditor General. and.
to the extent applicable, the Single Audit Act of 1984. as amended. 3 J USC 750 I
through 7507. OMB Circular A-87 and OMS Cireular A-133. as revised June 24.
1997. or thereaner. If the County receives or expends less than $300.000 in Federal
awards in its fiscal year. an audil eondueted in accordance with the provisions nf
O~IB Circular :\-I}J is not re4uired. but an audit may otherwise be rcyuired under
Scction Z /6.3491. Florida Statules. and rules adopted pursuant thereIn.
The audit report shall inelude all management letters and the Coumy'>
response to all findings. including corrective actions to be taken.
The audit report shall include a schedule of financial assistance specifically
identifying all Agrccment3l1d gran( revenue by sponsoring Department and
Agreement number.
The eomplete tinancial audit report. including all items specified herein.
shall be 'enl directly to:
Dcparlmenl of Community Affair.;
Offiee of I nspector General
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee. Florida 32399.2100
E. In the event the audit shows that the entire funds. or any ponion thereof. were nOI
spent in accordance with the conditions of this Ab'1'eement, the County shall be held
liable for reimbursement to the Department of all funds not spent in accordance wilh
these applicable regulalions and Agreement provisions within thirty (30) days aller
tl1e Department has notilied the County of such non-compliance.
F. The County shall retain all financial records. supporting documents. statistical
reeords. and any other documents pertinent to this Agreement for a period of three
years aner the date of submission of the final expenditures report. However. if
litigation or an audit has been initiated prior to the expiration of the three-year
period. the records shall be retained until the litigation or audit findings have been
G. The County shall have all audits completed by an Independent Certified Public
Accountant (lCPA) wbo shall either be a certified public aceOUnlam or a public
aeeountantlieensed under Chapter 473. Florida Statutes. The lCPA shall state that
the audil complied with the applicable provisions noted above.
168 1
H. The audit will be submitted no later than April 30, 2001.
1. The Department may require the County to W1dertake such further or additional
audits as determined necessary or appropriale including, but notlimitcd to, past and
current organization-wide audits. Such audits may be necessary to dcterminc the
adequacy, accuncy, and reliability of the COWlty'S internal controls. fiscal data, and
management systcms established to safeguard the Counry's assets and to ensurc
compliance with this Agreemenl.
1. [fthis Agreement is closed out without an audit, the DepanmcnI reserves the right to
recover any disallowed costs idcntified in an audit afler such c1ose-oul. .
A. If the County subconlracts any or all ofthc work ~uired under this Agreement, the
County agrees to include in the subcontract that the subcontractor is bound by the
terms and conditions of this Agreement with the Depanmenl.
13. Thc County agrces to includc in thc subconlract a provision that the subcontraclor
shall hold the Department and County harmless against all claims of whalcvcr naturc
arising out of the subcontractor's performance of work undcr this Agreemenl. to the
extcnl allowed and required by law.
See Attachment E for any additional terms and conditions peruining 10 subcOnlraC15.
The Agreemenl contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
A. AIl atlachments to this Agrecmenl arc ineorporatcd as if sct oul fuIly herein.
B. In thc evcnt of any inconsistencies or contlict between the language of this
Agreement and the attachments herelo, the language of such attachments shaIl be
controlling, but only to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.
The Counry agrees to be bound by the following standard eonditions;
A. The State of Florida's performanee and obligation to pa~' under this Agrecmenl is
cOnlingenl upon an annual appropriation by the Lcgisiature, and subjecllO any
modification in accordance with Chapler 216. Florida Statutes.
B. If otherwise allowed under this Agreement, extension of an Agreement for
conlraetual serviees shall be in writing for a period not to exceed six (6) months and
shall be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial Agreement.
There shall be only one e:<tension of the Agreement unless the failure to meet the
criteria set forth in the Agreement for completion of the Agreement is due to evcnls
beyond the control of the County.
C. All bills for fees or other eompensation for services or expenses shall be submilled
in deuil suffieient for a proper pre:lUdit :md postaudit thereof.
D. If othetv.;se allowed under this Agreement. all bills for:my travel expenses shall be
submined in aecord:mee with s. 112.061, Florida SUlutes.
E. The Department rcservcs the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement for refusal
by the County to allow public access to all documents. papers. letters or olher
material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119. Florida Statules, and made or
received by the County in conjunetion with the Agreement.
F. The State of Florida will not intentionally award publicly-runded contracts to any
contraclor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, eonslituling a
violation of the employment provisions contained in 8 [;.S.c. Section 1324a(e)
(Section 274A1e) of the Immigration and Nationality Aet ("I1'o'A")). The Department
shall consider the employment by any eontraetor of unauthorized aliens a violatioo
ofSeetion 274A(e) of the INA. Such violation by the Recipicnl oflhe employmcnt
provisions contained in Scction 274Me) of the INA shall bc grounds for unilateral
cancellation of this Agreement by the Department.
G. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the .::onvicled vendor lis I following a
conviction for a public entity erimc may not5ubm;t a bid on a contract to provide
any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a
public entity for the construction or repair ofa public building or public work, may
not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or
perfonn work as a contractor. supplier, subcontractor. or consultant under a contrnc!
"'ith a public entity, and may not transact business with:my public entity in e.xcess
of Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the
convicted vendor list
So funds or olber resources received from the Deparlll1ent in connection with this
Agreement may be used dircctly or indirectly to influence legislntion or any other official
action by the Florida Legislalllre or any stale Department
The County certilies ",;Ib respect to Ibis Agreement t~at it possesses the legal authority to
receive the funds to be provided under this Agreement and that, if applicable, its governing
body has authorized, by resolution or otherwise. the execution and acceptance of this
Agreement wilb all covenants:md assurances contained herein. The County also cenifies
that the undersigned possesses the authority to legally execute and bind Counly to the Icnns
oflhis Agreement.
16G 1
The Counry acknowledges the completed installation of a Hughes Network Systems. Inc.,
Personal Earth SurianO!> and related equipment (hereinafter "the Equipment").
The County acknowledges and agrees to comply with applicable terms and conditions of:
(I) the State of Florida LeaselPurchase Agreement. dated October 1994. executed between
Hughes NetWork Systems. Inc. ("IINS").and the Department. (a copy of which is available
from the Department) regarding the procurement and use of the Equipment: and (2) the
Services ....greement Between Hughes Network Systems. Inc.. and the Stale of Florida. daled
January 1995. (a copy of which is available from the Department) (hereinafter. collectively.
"the HNS Agreements") regarding the operation of an interactive satellite eommunieations
service for the Department. the County and other sites. In particular. the County agrees:
A. That any reports of problems with the !:quipment or system. trouble reports. and any
requesl.l for repairs. service. maintenance or the like. shall be communicated directly
and e.~clusively to the Department's Stllle Warning Point (S WI') (904) 413-9910.
13. That the County will assist and comply with the instrUclions oflhe SWI' aod any
technical service representative responding to the repon or service request County
personnel shaJl cooperate with and 3.'Isist service representatives. as required. :i"
instllllation. troubleshooting and fault isolation. with adequate statT.
C. That the County shaJl not change, modity. deinstall. relocate. remove or aHer the
Equipment. accessories. attachments and relaled items v.;thout the express v.Tinen
approval of the Department.
D. That the County shall provide access, subject to reasonable security re,metions. 10
the Equipment and related areas and locations of the County's facilities and
premises. and will arrange permitted access to areas ofthird-pany facililies and
premises for the purpose of inspecting the Equipment and performing work related
to the Equipment. Service representatives and others performing said work shall
comply with the County's reasonable rules and regulations for access. provided the
Department is promptly furnished with a copy aller execution of this Agrc-cmenl.
The County shall provide safe access to the Equipment and will maiotain the
environment where the Equipment is localed in a safe and secure condition. The
County shall provide service representatives wilh access to electrical power. wmer
and other utilities, as well 3.'1 telepbone access to the County facility "-, required Ii"
efficient semee.
E. That the Couoty shall lake reasonable steps .0 secure Ihe Equipment and to protect
the Equipment from damage, Iheft, 105.'1 and other hazards. This shall not obligale
lhe Coun~' to procure insurance. The Depanment agrees to procure and maintain all
risks insurance coverage on Ihe Equipment. The County agrees 10 refrain from using
or dealing wilh the Equipment in any manner which is inconsistent with the HNS
Agreements. any policy of insurance referred 10 in the HNS Agreements. any
applicable laws. codes ordinances or regulalions. The County shall not allow the
Equipment to be misused. abused. wasted, or allowed 10 delenorate. except normal
Wear and lW resulting from its intended use. The County shall immediately repon
any damage. loss. trouble. service interruption. accident or other problem related to
16G 1
the Equipment to the SWP, and shall comply with reasonable instructions is..ued
F. That any software supplied in connection with the use or insullation of the
equipment is subject to propriewy rights of Hughes Network Systems. Inc.. and/or
HNS's vendor(s) and/or the Dep3l1lllent's vendor(s). The use of one eopy of said
software is subjeet to a license granted from HNS to the Department. and a
sublieense from the Department 10 the County, to use the software solely in the
opcration of the Equipment. to commence on delivery of the software 10 the County
and to last for the lerm of the HNS Agreements. The County shall nol: Ii) cnpy or
duplicate. or pcnnit anyone else to copy or duplicate. :my part of the sortware. or Iii)
create or anempt to creale. or permit others to create or attempl to crcalC. by reverSe
engineering or olherwise. the souree programs or any part therenr from the ohject
programs or from other infonnntion provided in connectinn with the Equipment.
The County shall not. directly or indirectly, sell, transfer, otTer. disclose. lease. III
license the software to any third party.
G. To comply "ith these provisions until the termination ufthe IlNS :\greemenL',
H. The amounts retained for the satellite service cover the initial order for scrvu:c,,",
provided 10 the Department pursuant to the services agreement between If ughe:,
Selwork Svstems and the State of Florida. The charce docs not cover maimenanec.
repair, additional equipment and other services not pan of the initial order for
services. The service charge covers only the remCle corrective maintenance
specified in paragraph 4.3 of the Service Agreement with HNS and docs not cover
other maintenance. repair. additional equipment and other services
not pan of the initial order for services. In particular. the service eharge docs not
~t3intcnancc. repair. or replacement of parts dan1Jgcu or lost through
catastrophe. accident. lightning, theft. misuse. fault or negligence of the
County or CaUseS external 10 the Equipment. sucb as. but not limited In,
failure ol~ or faulty, deetriea! power or air eonditioniog. opcrOlor error.
failure or malfunction ofdalaeomrnunieation Equipment not provided tlllhc
County by the Departmenl under Ihis Agreement. or from any cause othl'r
than intcnded and ordinary use.
Changes, modification.~, or alterations in or to the Equipment other than
approved upgrades and configuration changes.
Deinstallation. rcloealion. or removal of the Equlpml'nt or any accessoric,.
attaehmenlS or other deviees.
The County shaJl be independently responsihle tor any and all charges tlllll'an of the initial
service order.
1 'i
A tulchmen( A
Base Gr.11It funding from the Emergency Management, Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund is
intended to enhance COlmly emergency management plans and programs that are eonsistent wim me
Slate Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and Program (reference Rule Chapters 9G-6
and i. F.A.C. and Chapter 2S2.LSj. This Scope of Work rccogni7.cs mat each eounlY is al a
\"arying level of preparedness, and it is understood that each county has a unique geogr"phy. races
unique mrealS and ha7.:JJ'ds and serves a unique population.
In order to receive base grant funding, each county must certify that it will use the award to enhance
its Emergency Management Program.
As a condition of receiving funding pursuant 10 mis Agreement. the County shall eornplete Ihe work
itenu lhat fall between October I. 1999 and September 30. 2000, listed in the most reccntly revised
Five.year Strategic Plan. as approved by the Department. The revised Five.year Strategic Plan is
atlached herelo as Attachment A-I. Sub5equent revisions during the tcrm of !his AlUcemenl shall
he those submitted in "riting hy the County. approved by the Departmeot. and 00 file in the
Division. The document evidencing the approved scope of work shall be the most reeen! Slr:1tegic
Plan for the County on file in the Division of Emergency Management. Dllreao of Compliance
Planning and Support. evidencing approval by Division sllIffhoused io Tallahassee.
As a fUrther condition of receiving funding under this Agrccment. the County shall. tollowing rull
or paniaJ County Emergency Operation Cenler activation 3t a level equivalent to a Slale
Emergency Oper:llion Center level three (3) or above during the period of this Agreement. then Ihe
COlmly shall, within fony-five (45) days following the conclusion of the activation. evaluate the
performance of all elements of the local emergency managemenl program during that activation.
and provide a mitten after action report 10 the Departmenl.
Funds may not he used for items such as door prizes and gIfts. flyers and promotional il"m, ro
promote the Emergency Management Program are allowable.
Food and beverages may be purchased for Emergency Management personnel and other personnel
2lll:i if the County Emergency Operation Centcr or field command office is in an activated slatu,
and personnel receiving foodibeverage are on duty al either of these locations. Purchases may be
made only under I) An Executive Order iJsued by the Governor or 2) a State of Emergency
appropriately declared by local officials in response to an emergency event or threat.
Within 60 days of execution of this Agreement. the County shall provide eopies of any new or
updated ordinances in effect which e.'pressly address emergency management. disasler
preparedness. civil defense, disasters. emergencies or olherwise govern rhe activation of the local
emergency management progr:un provided in s.252.38.ll
Attachment D
A. The CowllY shall provide the Department with quarterly finaneial reports, semi-annual
summary progress reports prepared in conjunction with the Department's Area Coordinator.
and a tinal c1ose-out report, all in a fonnatto be provided by the Department.
B. Quarterly repor...s shaJJ begin ",ith the tirst quarter of the county tiseal year; arc due to the
Department no later Ihan thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter of the program year:
and shall continue 10 be submitted each quarter until submission of the tinal c1ose-OUl
report. The ending dales for each quarter of this program year are December 31. :Vlarch 31,
June 30 and September 30.
C. The final c1ose.oul report is due forty.tive (45) days aller lerminalion of this Agreement.
D. In addition to the above, in order 10 ensure compliance with Rule 9G-19.0 II ,~.,
historical budgetary informalion relaling 10 the County Emergency Management Progr-.un is
also required. This information shall be developed based on guidelines provided by the
Department and shall be submil1ed to the Department not laler than December J I. 1999.
E. A proposed slaffing summary and budget summary describing planned expendilure of funds
provided under this Agreementloward the completion of ilems detailed in Attachments A
and A- I shall be submitted 10 the Departmenl in a format provided by the Depanment n01
laler than December 31,1999.
F. If aU required reports, budget SIDJIDIary lIIId budgetary infonnation prescribed above arc not
provided 10 the Depat1menl or are nol completed in a manner acceptable to the Department,
the Department may withhold further payments unlil they are completed or may lake such
other action 3.< SOl forth in Parographs VII. and IX.. and Rule 9G-19.014. F.A.C.
"Aeceprable to the Department" means that the work product was completed in accordance
with generally aceeptcd principles, guidelines and applicablc law. and is eonsiSlent with [he
Scope of Work.
G. Upon reasonable notice, the County shall provide sueh additional program updates or
infonnalion as may be required by the Department.
H. All report fonnalS provided by the Depar1IlIem shall be made available 10 the County on the
Division'! internet site.
16G 1
,\II""hlllenl F
FI';\"rw,Cjf~l:\ Tn rr:-:G
A. '1 hI< "a ,o'l.rellllbursement Agreement. 'll'e Counly' ,hall he rCll11hursco for ""'I<
In,urreo in Ihe 'ali,faclOry perfornl:ln.:c llf work hereunder in an amoun! nl)[ (<> exceed
~ IOot.2IS ,uhJecI to the a\"aiiJbililY or funds rrom the Dep"rtlTlent. 'Il,e amounlof rund,
a,ail"hle pur<uanl10 lhis rule ch"ptcr m"y he "djusted proportionally when ne,es",ry 1<>
meet 3ny matching requircmcnt'i impo<;;cd as a l.:onJition of re(:ci\'lng fl"(kral di.'\a\h:r relicf
;J'I~I:\tan"c or planning funds. Funds rccci\'l:'cl fromlhe EJ11Crl.:l'I1CY ~1;lIla~l'mcl1l.
I'rcp:Jfcdncss ,lnd Assistance TrlJ~t Fund fJ13)' not he used tn "iuppl;1Il1 l'XisliflJ.,: flll1lI"
11l1r shall fnnds from one prol:r:JnI under the Trust Fund he IIsed III 1I1:11dl fllnds
rCl'eind frl1l11 anllther prnl:r:1I11 uuder Ihe Tru,t Fun.!.
H. Any ,ulvan~'l' rayrnl'l1lllndcr Ihi, '\l:rcl'lIIl'nll, 'lJhl~\:t In... :'1 (1.1 ~ II I.J l. 1J1.!.:f.I~.1_d "'ir;lllJ!I",
{'r to twcnty.Ii\'c ,~~ I rcrr.:cnr of;lJ1 :I"";mf may ht.- at!van,,:l"d
II .m ad'.;uh.'L' ('aymL'n! 1'1 rl'que,rl'd. :hl' htld~et d~II;1 011 \\"hh:1l rl1l.' rt~qlJt',,[ 1', h,l\t'd .Hld ,I
Jlhlili";Jflllrl kller ,11;.11 hI.' 'IJhnlllll'd rhl.' klh'r \\111 'pl'n/v lht' .Jl11l111Il' or :,d',;tlh:I,'
i',I:>t1ICl1t nCl.'dl.:J ;Uld prH\'ltk :wl.,pl.lIl.II!.lll ulthe lIl.\.l......II: ~pr ;uld I'r"!lll',t.,j II"V I" IJII"V
I ~Inl!\,
Ind"':~Jlc below \,hh.:h 1t11.'rtloJ Itf P~IYI1lCU( I' preferred.
~ll OIJV;Hh.."l' paYlTll'lIlr\ rl'qut:q~d: p:l:>nl\'llt ','Ill bt' fIl.ldl' "I.kl', .111
,I r~imhur\clllcnt ha."'II'
An advance p.lynwnllll '), ___________ I" rt'qlll"IL'<I: h:tlafln' lit
paynu:.'nt~ w1ll he fll;ldl~ on 01 n:llnbur\l'Il1Cnt ha\,\
I.hl."tincnlinn 1t'lIl'r 11I11.\t he prrn-idl'd; ,uh"allfl'cJ fund" lIIay lIul t'\l'l'l,'d
15':", or 101:11 c1h:ihh' ,,"ard)
(' ..\ltl.'r thl" It1ll1a! ad\:uK'C, If an)', .my Illrlhcr payrncnh ,hail he nwdc 011 a qU;lrtL'l'ly
rl'lmnur'cmcn[ hasis. ..\ddirion.JI rl'il11hur\crnl.'f1( rcque~l~ in C.\<.'C'\ Ill' rtlO"'iC l11adt.' qumlerly
m,IY he aprroVl.'U hy th~ [kp;lrlml'nl ftlr ~_"'~pllCH1al cin,:ulJI~lann~s. ,\n ~.'(pl;llltl[jj\" 01 rhl'
t.'\..:cptIlHla! (in:uOlsl.tncC\ must ;1l':~lHllpi1ny (he rt~quC'M lllr rcimhlJr:-,clTlcnl. The County
,lgn.:CS hl ~.'(pl'nd funds in ;l(conlaI1cc wlIh the S~npc of \\fork. :\tt.ll'hmcnt.'\ :\ ;IflJ A-I nt
thl' Agreemenl.
D All fund, 11.'l'cl\"cd hcn:undcr shall he pl.ll~L"d 111 an illll'n'\talJl'.lrin~ at"CClllnt with a ,t..:p.Il:lh:
,1,.:..lIU1H ....(llk IJl.'nriJil'r tOllr~h,""'lng "II dcpP'lt, c'pt.:nJllun:\ and intcrl."t c.:;unl'd. F'lnth,
dl,hurst:'d 111 th.: rOllnl: h: Ihe DCp;UUlll.'lll th<ll ale Illll c_\p4.'lldeu 1111lllph:IJlcllling 1111...
prngram .,hall tlt: rc:lurnl'd In tt11: IkpOlrtrllcnt. illpng y, Ith any illh:rc:-.l earned 011 all fund..
fl'(l'j \'l'd undl'r rfus ..\gn'l..lt1l'IIL wlthll1 CUlldy 190, day.. of Iht.' t',\piratillll of the award
E Thl.' County _,hall ((Imply \l, ;111 all ~Ipph(ahlc prolurelll~nt nile.. ,Ind rcgulalliHl\ III \l'l'Uflllg
goods and services to nnplcment the Scupe: of \Vork.
F. ..\II()wahl~ CllSI' shall be delcnuined in accordance wilh applicable Office or Managell1ei1l
and lludgel Circul"r'. or. in Ihe eWnI nn ,ircnlar :lpplies. by otS CFR P:lrl 31 C 'ONTRA( 'T
168 1
G, Al a minllnum.ll1c Counly shall cOnlinuc 10 provide llther funding for Ihe Co"nly
Emergency ~Ianagemenl Agency al an 'lmounl equal to eilher: (I) the a\"erage of Ihe
rrt.':\'IOU~ thrce" ycar,,'lc\'el of county gcn~ral revenue funding of the County r':nll'rrcnc}'
~Ianagernent Agency; or (2) the level of funding for Ihe Counly Emergency
~Ianagemenl Agency (or the lasl fiscal year. whichever ti&'lIre is lower. Co"nly general
revenue funding for 911 ser\"ices. emergency medical services. law enforcemenl.l'riminal
ju\ticc. puhlic \\"('Irks or nrhcr service", lHlt~idc the local emergency 111.111:lgemt.:nl a!;CIH:Y ;1\
dclineJ by Section :!5~..lx. Rnrida Statute.., \h;lll nol he H1clUtkd ill dl'tcnT1illin~ fhe "k\'L'I
t)! ..'I)ullt~ funding: of rhe County Emergency ~bn3gcmenl Agenc)'." The CClllTlry shall
i.."crtlfy compliance with this rule chapter and thiS rule hy Its C\L'l'\1I10IJ of fhi~ ;\~rt..'CIl1CI1I.
and .J'i a condition prc'c~.h:nt 10 fl..:~cirt of funding,.
11 Should thc (\lunty y,,1~h tn ~arry forward. into Ihe Ii~...'al ye~lr ~t;annlng (k:tnhl'r I. 2000.
any un'pcnt fund, awnrdcJ under Ihi, ,\grL'CI11Cnt. rhe ('punt) mu,t rcqUL"1 \lll.:h ~:;lIry
rorward of funds in wruing 10 the ()epartment hy ]ul)' .11. 20()(). Thi, rc4ue,t m",1 Include a
detaile<l e'planation and jUMiticalion f"r the rc4uest and may nI>l e.\Ceed an '''"''111,1 C4Uall<>
~~'; nf Ihe inhwl amount awarded IS I05,H()(j I under this I\~rccmenl. Fililure Illtilllely
..ubmil inttlrrn;ltllln. or failure In \lIhlllll i."llmplclC' IIlform:llloll. HWY n...ulllllllte dL'llIallll ;1
n,'qut.:'t [0 ....arr~ fllnd, fOf\\'.mJ. ,\ny ,.:.Irry ft1rv.ard .ItJHHml, ;ippril\'l."d WIll he added III fi'l'
CnlJnly\ following year', ha."lc l\grccll1cl1L Fund.. may ntll he (;Irrh:d lon...Hd lor 1I1l.'
purpo."lc of paymj; ,~Iaric, ;lnd t') .If n..~ul;lr or ()Ihcr Pa,on;lI Sl'r\'ll..T\ pcr..onnd
Such 'ialarlc'i .md Ilcncfit funds rn:IY tx'1,..'.lrrJcd furwOlru to cll\"cr cnntradlJ;!I or oJhn
1&:f1lpl1r;If)-' pcr\onncl Cll'!... fnr nun.rc~1JInnJ! prl)Jccb (}nl~.
) u{::- 'V.;J. {j~~AJ}.., ~
~11~ )1,-re.r Sf'C<~L
I~,....rl Itc?"1
C/o-; CA,(r1l'.JON
w",r- \{Olfl ~
16G 1
Cnllil'r C\HJnty c\'ntinuco,j; 10 he pnc l'f the t:1'tc'l !!fll\\lll.L: L'.t:l111ltUlIfIC' ill lllc
('nilcd Sf;lll'S II" pcrmanl'nC resident population htlS irh.:rt:~"t.'~l I!lllle..' 1I1dll h\cl\c-lilld Ihe ra~:o;a~l' nf Ilurril";U1C Donna in "}fIO lh~rc ;uc l:wrl'/J!I, thrl'l' J1l11fllCipaliI1l"
within rhe ("PUlll\' rhe Clf~' of:\apJc\, t:I.(I~II). The ell\' pf\Llh.') "l.lnd II '\.tHH,} itlld
1'.\cr!=ladcs Cii~ (0;(,_,) SI;lti!\.lIcs pruvided h~' the CoHicr ("(lun:\ (', qT'r~ l'hl'Il"I'-c..' I'LII1I111l.l:
Sccli(llll'~fiIt\Jll' !h;1l the l'llllfHy..\\'idc pupula1inn is ~Jl.ll"i l~l ::(1;111 .:n,1 ..llllldd !!rll\\' 10
~(l".(lJi b~' :011.1 I'l'iI~ 1'{'I1tllalit11l (J;\,. April) 1,1':'.1 j" III ~""'I ,Illd ,l\q"7.I.111l
Ihe \'l'M ~f)(),l hutunalch'. pl'ak sC3"on d\lC", nut f.:ulIlcidl' \\ilh 1'111 I1l1l1h..;II1\' "'\'''''1111
. ".,...
("01 1.1 I' Il ("(JI':-'; IY
II \'1. \"1" .\1( STI(AII.(iIC 1'1..-\ \; 1:00' 1.:"".11
\ 'llln~ra9ililic~Jlnc.LC:ana!lIhJI~~
Collier ("('unt~., at ~1I:0 ~qll,lrc Inlle.., IS one ufthl..' lar~c"" \.PWllll':". in "j/l', \\"Ithin
the Sf;lll' of Ht'rld;1 lIa' IUj1ograph} 1\ rdOlt;q:lv Holt f,IIl~I:\~ (!II:H "V,l ~('\d ;dll/l,\': rIll'
(1I;!...II!1 .1~..111 fl.'(.'1 rn Irllf1l11lill<.'~' :\pprl'\lIl1,ilt.'I.... I<:-<f'l" I.f!hl' pI'I,.,I,lll"f1 /1\1.' \\1111111 rhl'
J fllprl,d .....!\llm.( ',IfC).!lll\' ~ \Illnt'rdhdit\ /Hlll'"
IlurO,,:,lnl'" rem:lI11lhl..' Illl"'" ";l'lilllh Ihll.'.:11 SlIlll' I SSI. ('dllll.'r (.[1\/111.... hip" l1;td '''l
!"ntH:!l ,',':'"111"; :1::11 (;IIlIL' \\III1H1 (,r) mill'.. llrir.. l'OId..:,..; I h...' (;\.'\jlh:I1I'IV" d~l" Il/lli\l'lI d(\,'/1
;t-. lidltl"'"
.1/ Trnl'i,'al Slorrm
7 Call'gory I lIurric.lnc~
" Cal<,'g\H:, "I
') ('all.."!;nry
_ ('alc~'ll'\ .1
fJ Cilll'cln\ .:;
S,orm ~urgc and huni""trlc fon,:c \\llId,... nlll \I.i1hstandll1~. IlH:i1II/(.'d 1101ldill,g lIolll
c,cc'.,i\"c ralOf;11I ovcr SUI'Cr.s.lluratcd soil and loIV catcgory tornadocs arc relatively
cnmmon during Ihc laIc spring and summcr m"OIhs. :\losl residences havc heell
conslnJ,ted sin,c rhc ("<,untv devclol'cd Oood I"ain ",Jinanccs ill the mid 70', thll'
rc~idcnli;11 11()odin~ is "nl " ,igllificant rrtlhll'lTl alth(lugh roach hl'('{lfl}C flooded quill'
c;lsil~' "ltlt1ding rl..'...tdlin~ from Trtlririll Storm Jerry ;1f\(1 Il1Irril.:anc Opal C:1I1"L'd d;uH;t!'l'S
to !l1orL' th;111 ','11 11(1l11t.... dnd hllS;lll...../.'.. in /1)(1<; In dddiliol:. fIca\\ r,lI!1'" (If)....) (HIIII
rr~lp;l'al Sh1l'l1l11.1f\L':'- f1ll('lkd 711!1l1ITh'.. alld hIP,il1l......"'.. in 1,lll' ~...'."ll'1l1111'r. !lJOIq
IIHIIHkrslll/lIJ" ;uld thL'lr ;ts...IH:jall'd li~htrlil1g ,H~' (.'I1r11l11\1!l (rom \fil!6.'I.."ptclllhcl
wilh II} ::llllhfl'rstnrnl J.l\" illtlng the (P.!..t :md I u~ III th<..: ,\p'ihl'd\t ..t"(linlls uf the
r:"rcst Ii",. parliclll"rI\" ill th,' C ;"I<lcl1
<..'''pl'~i.1I1~' ann rn:l'/~' and pt'rilld~ of drllIJI..!1l1
fi<tlc J-"st;Jtl'S ;Ul\l \";111 h"""l1llle' "l'nOU";
rl1jr:y~thllll~.JTid ;ll."ll" \\l'll' IChl ill I"X~
and :,;.~'(j In !IJ;..l:-i SlIln,,' jllSS. !,lclllirl' di!'olri,,'ls and the \'alipn;S!l'iul.. Sl'l\il.\..' hd\l'
Jnlliate..l a "controlled hurn" prn,g:all1 \\hich J11iligatc~ the threat hilt Il1Wl' pl.'lIplc :Hl'
nw\"ing Cilst\\fird 10 the llrban/wildlire il1h:rf~l(c afl";pi Two l,jj~ni!icant lir,,"" Pl'clIrfl'd ill
Gold"n Gates [...tale." in \Iarch and April resulting In .t,flfJfl ,H;T.."li ilnd "nIne' IWII'l"~
TOrn"ld(lCS dming tll{' laIC \\inkr ilnd spring months C:IFl do Ul/hldt.'r;lhk d,Un;I,\!l'
to mohik' homc.."s and scrcct1l'd rOll} cfll'hl..;!lrc'\
I la;.Hdlllh rTlalcn.d.. ;Hf.." I'I:"'Il'1l1 in ,il'lIllil';f1l1 11 I I III hl,.'r" lhr_'iH.:h"lll Illl,: ('P\llJl\ \\1111
lhe 11tl1l1Okaln.' ilfl'~1 hil\ing a \cry 1.H'~I,.'Ij1l.1l1ljt\' of;l!!rlluI!Uf.lll.hl'rl1h.:,d, ('pHil'! (',.UIlI\"
has hl'I\\CCn 7fl-HflliICilitIC\ IIl;tl ..Iort.: t:'\lre.."l11elv h;I/;IHllJu....llh":'lfli.:l'."i ClIl 'Ill'
Other potential m.ln.madc Ihu.'lIl,lI "uuld \.'Ofl1C' from ;1 1l1~1~" ril"t1.IIt\' L'\t.'II1
in\,pJ\'in~ an .urp/anc or hus, 'errilr;,,1 ;tl.'i\'llil..... 111 r;\." di,turb;lrlll" ('(dlh:r ('HIIIl!\! I..
con"iitkn:d ;m ingc:sliun jlildw,ay t.:ounl~. hlol,.';llJ!-l' of the d""ie tH(,\il11ll~' lIf Illl' lllf~'-'V
Point 'llcll'ar PO\\'l"r PI.Jllt in S(l(llh D.lde: CtltHlt\i
\1("dieal t:lCifrtivs \.. it hill thL.' rd(JII[~ ;lfl'
(il.."rlcrall fO"ipitals
SuhSlilll(C ..\huS( (','nl,".'
l!rgenl C;"c ('enlers
.\ll1hulatnry Carc renlers
:':Ilrsing Home."
:\~..istCl) l.i\ Il1g 1:.Kililic..
III ;ld,!i:illn, rhen.' <Ire appr(1\imill(:I~' 701} indl\'idu;lls lhOlt :11'1.." rl'gi-.;ll,.'ll:d \\1111 tl1i...
dl..'parlrTll.."r1f a., spl'ci:tl t1l'l'c!' l'lil'lIts Thl"rc arc. hnWl'H.'r, ilJlpro'\im;lfdv 7(100 illdi\'Hlllal~
with sPl'l:'ial tlt.'(."d~ (hat arc not rc!!is(crcd \\;[11 lhis J~l'J1C\' ,\Liny of them will requirl'
a~sista"cc during a disasrer
Thc Emergency Managcmel1l l>cpilrlmenl is statTed with -l full-lime cmplo\"Ce,
Director, 1 Co~)rdinalors .U1d Senior Si."l'fl'l:lry' \\'e ;!lso ha....e a dcril:'id assisf;1I1! III help
m:1I1ilgc rhe '\PCCic11 need" pro!!ram from .\1ay to Octohl'r In additi(111 10 dl'aling wirh
puhlic J\\,'arcncss, alert and warning, spl'ci.ll nl'l'ds, sheltering, rl'("{l\'l'ry ,lIld llIiligatiol1
issues, l'wnmunicaljnns c:,>\('r('isc develoPlllcnt al1d plan review f~H hca!tIH:arc agencies, \\:e
arc incrt.:asint!ly Ill'ing asked 10 ~il on or [hair r:h~ force.." comrniltr..'l..'s for dl'\'l'!Pjlflll'IIIS of
regional impact. planned urhan developments, {h~astl'r rcco\"(.~ry 1;I....k forcl's, grallt
nl:1nagl'Jjll'nf, local miligalilln str:llcgy and prOClJfl..:lIlcnt. ,,'Ie
l6G 1
(;().\1.1 impru'oc lh,~' ('plln:y's ,lhili!)' 10 rc'pilnd In p()~t.disa~lcr Tt....p'tnsl.. opc:talinns
S.TB,:\"I F~iY..J~ l \Iainlain a comprchen,i\C in\cnlory ofpost.di,ast,'r "ilic,,' fadit.c,
"ithin Collier County
s11 Ta,k I I fly April 20(J(). r~,ie\\ and add or del,,!c r.."lil;,'s t" the n"I<I,'
critical facility li~ting
s 11. Tal.,k 1 I'" By June :flll(l. complt,:IC I he: l:f1til.:,.1 f.u.:ilny in\l'r11uf\ <lIHI st.:'lId
prt~l.{ram di\~.cIlCS to the: Divi\illJ1 or Enh:rgl:rH':~ \lallagcllll'llf
S::rI. la.,k 1 I. Il,' June 21J',O. and e'ery ,car Ihereal1er. ,esie'" and ,,,Id or d,kte
facilitic!\ to the m;tslcr cri(kttl facility in\cntory and ..end Iipda1l'd
di,kelles 10 the Divi,;on of Emergency \hll,'~C:Jlcnl
51[ r'1<k
By J.lIll1ary Il}()t), <It'l(:rminc the type IInd :-;i/L' gl"f1l'l<lltH f;lr
critical r.lrilitic:\ hil\C hn'n dc..ign;llcd as .llh\lllllcly t.:"Sl"lltl;t!
1 I ~
all c/o
STR..\ r f'(;~" I '
\f:lir:laill JtH:ntal hC:ilhh ":(IIHl...durs \\ilhin the 1.'1l~lnl'.. that t"nuld
rru\I(h.,: l..ollnsclin~ to the gt:m:ral puhlic aftl.T a .Ji>;\sICI
Task 2 fly \larch 2000. and eve!)' \larch thereatier. meet "ilh Ihe
\ledical Director l1flhe Criticallncidenl Slress Dcllliefillg
leam to determine the lel/c1of commitmenl. re\"icw capahililies and.
if necessary, recnlit nC\I,,' memhers
Task "') ~ \Iaintain a currcl1tli:-.ling ()fmcntal health l.:'otlm<:ling wilhin tht:
community Ihat could rro\idc ctJlHlsding 10 lhL' ~'en\:ral puhlic
"l1e, J ,Ii,a<lor
Ta,k I 2.1 Il)' ~lay 21100, alld eve!)' \Iay thereal1er, del ermine Ihe
availability of American Red Cross accredited cnurses for the
CIS!) team members
S:CRc~Tr.(i'y-' 1
..\(qtJir~ it cOInmitllll'nl from p\Jhlic and private.' resources for
the..' lIse of f.lcililics IIl:tl could he usen to further the rCL'o\"t:ry
r'1<k 1.1
By :\pril :()()(). <loll ye..\ldy thereafter, cout;ld dc.:~igllatl'd
Disaster R.I.'CO\ ery ('enter facilil)' llwners t\J dl.'ltrl11inc
Iheir willingn,,, III pr,,\"idc the lIse (If their
16G I
T."k 1.1 ~ Ily ~Iay ~OOO. and yearly lher".fter. re\"i"w the Di,a,ter
,'\ssi,13ncc: site \\-'mk!'oh....c( and add or delete facilitil"s to
the inlentory
Ta,k 1 J.1 fly \fay of:OOO, invenlUf)' Disasler Assistance kilS and
develop new, addil;,'nal kils for cenler e'pan,i.,"
<;TRsrrOYJ.4 \laintain a high capahility for the COllnly ,md it, mllnicip"lili."
to provide an asscs~m('nl of damages to aC\:dllllllndat<: II
f"rid delivery Ilf ()\Itsidc iJ'\sislarKC
SJI ra'~. 1.1 I By \lay :000. and '"'n"ally thereafter. d"tcrl11ill\" Ihl' 1Il"l'd
for d;umlgc as!'iCS~lIh..'nt UiJilllflg itno arr61ngc rill lrainlll~ If
((mditi(tns warrant
<;JI Ta,k 11 ~
s1Lr a,k I 4 1
SlL Task U I
<;11 Task U ~
Task I (, I
III \ fi'" :0110, and annllally II1l'r"after. res "'Il I he R 1.'\ r
Standard OpC'raling Procedure Itlr currency ,Hl-lIIIHl,lllo..' ,I'
By ,'\pril :OliO, and anru,,,lIy Ihereafter. check ..dl,!lIac\'.
currency and :-'lIrply I;r [)anwgl: "\:\Sc~Sl1h...nt \\1)1 k :--hcct... ,uHI
amend anJlor re-sllpply
De\"Clop p",c"dur"s IU ",sume sheh"ring responSlhilities ;f
the American Red CnlS!1' continues its moralnri\11J1 {In
.li;hcllcr ll1anagc:ml'rlt
By April :000. and evcry ycar tllCrcaner, delcrln;ne ,Iwhet
Illanagl'r flvaililhility and n.'~.rllir and train ~lddiliollallllall:lgl'I'"
from county rCS{llln.:l'S
fly April :000. del'elnp a minimum pf 2 additi,.nal ,heller lIlill,a!;"r
kits for deplo)'mcnllo ,heil"rs when "ccessar\"
Provide for the clll'<.:tivl' use (If"\(ll(lntccr \\'"llrl\L"-r\ in disa"lcr
response and recovery operatioll,,"
By ~Iarch :000. and allnllilJly IllCrCill1er. delerllline the
a\"ailahilitl' "fthe Florida Sport, Park 'IS a \'ol!lfllccr "lid
Donations C oordinat:on CCl1tl"r
Task I (, 2 By I\pril :000, de"c1op signage that would a<<i,t
and direct \'olunl~crs to Ihe dc..iynaled \"(l!unlccr and
Onnations Coordination Center
16G 1
Task I (, J E'l..'rl"i~l.' the \'olunlcc..'r iUld J)(malinns Coordinatioll ("l"I)I,:r
as parlufthe :1,011 State-wide Ifurricane E\Clli,,'
Task I 6 -l By April :O(J(J. inventor)' VolunteeriDonalions ..\dmini,lra';ol1
Kit> and repleni,h if nece"ary
1iTlC\ I..LGY..J.J Enhance Ihe COlmt\" FOC's ahilitv to remain "perational alh'r
a di:'~lstcr
Ta....k 1 -; J Suhmit a grant during the IC)t)C).ljf) ('omrc1:ti\l" (ir;lfll hal j
cycle f(lr jll\ c\h.'tnal gl'llctalor uutlct at th(' CD'lIll~ \dlllin- C...; 0
istrati\'c Bllilding
(;CHI. !
5 D- ra;k : I
S:[ !";I>k ' I :
s]I. Task '
SJ1 Task"
511- Task
2 ~ :
~Jl Task::.1
Imprtl\c the Ff11l'r~CII(;Y \1"n~lgcl1ll'l1t rh"parlllh:nt', ~lhr1I:~ It)
receive illld di~"l'l11inatc critil.'ill \\calht.'f ;lfld (lthl'l di~;I',Il'r tcLltl>,1
['pJnd the Collier ('ounty FI1l\:rgl'nry \Ltn,t:':l"nh.'1l1 \\l.:h-sllI:
B~' \tarch ~(Jf)(). .tnd l'\(,I~' ;\f;trdl thclcafh:r. Ic".,.';III,:h :llld lIpd.ttt.
disJ\tl'r prc:parCdl1l'''I\ infl)rll1;ttiolllll1 lhe \\ l..'b
B\" April =rlno. updale Ihe 1','1 :>Olotcl dilector\" "n rl,e
wch-site tl'l includl' hotds/molels in Florid". :\I:lh.lltl:l.
\1is~issjrri and Gl'orgia
By So\'cmhcr 19i)C). (h.'\'dop a Slf"fcgy It' CnCtHlra!-!I.' citill'lIS to t1~C
our E:>Of \I'eh Page "One-Li,'" 1<" I'uhlic Sal.'IY Ann{ltl11ceJ11enl,
Continue the u,e of AT&T Enh:lnced Fa, Of a ,,,ilahle
suhstitute 10 quickly disseminate L'l1h.'rgC:llcy .h:lilll1 statl'.
ment, 10 crirical facilitie, with the cO\lnt\'
fly Ocloher I'I'J? and allellsl quarterly Ihereal1er. re\le\\
existing call lists I,,, addilions and dclelions
By Febl1,al!' :onn, as part llf:'lialional Se\ere Weather \\'l.d,.
transmit a list O1C~Sl1gC ll'l all adJrL'~sccs to infilTlll thclll of
Ihe ell'nl and to le-\'alidale phone numbers
By :\ f:lrch :nno. Develop indu:itry specitic guidanl.:c III hl.: lIsed in
the c.:\'cnt of an Cl11cr!;cncy
SIT T..,k : 1 4
>"JI Ta,k :: 5
1.6G 1
By ~(l\'cmhcr ll)t)I). suhmit a ("ul1lpc:rjli\'c Gralll for :1 (tllllpuler
managed f.11.:!'imilc di~~c..l11jnalion ~ystcrn
Comilllle III ellCllurage residellts 10 rurd1..,e .\OA:\ \\\':uher
Radi(1s with "S:\\IF' capahililY during all Dj,asler Prep,,,,'''ne,,
(;CJ.\ I. ,\
\lainlain a pfogramlhat idclllilil'~ fa...ilitil'S '\)f n.....idcnts ,t!ul',>h and
household pets within the clHnl1ltll,il\"
s rr ra,k ; I I
s :.JI Ta,k J I:
s)1. Task .1.1 J
S Sf Task , 14
5Jl Task .1
GO'\!. ~
!S'~R-,\rl'(j_Y__l J
sJl Ta,k 4 I I
Continue to "'d"k \",ith the Cullier Count; l'lIbli~ Sdlnnl....
:\l1lerican Red Crnss. the Southwesl Florida Region;"
l'lanning louncil and animal inlere,t !If(1UPS to ohla;n
slJifahlc !rrohc:llcrs for the rc~idcnl and pct population
11\ \1.lfch :000, ;tnd bi(,'Il11ially thl".'n..'i.ll1cr. rl.'\i~'\\ ;tIId
upd,'Ie lI,e Pel \lold Direct"''"
E\(.'r..:is~ the animal ShL'ltCf rorlipn llflhc (,(-"\fI).h P,tll
llf the ~(J(11I Slale \\'itl~ J lurricanl' F\Crlo:i:--l'
Uy Decemher 2()C~), provide window pWleclion ti" llie C/.1
cafeterias al Oak Ridge Middle School '11/
By fh:~cll1bcr :(J(IU, prll\idc \\.imftl\\...'do\l:' 1'/\lII..'l'll011 ;11
hnrTwkalee :-'Iiddlc School cafeteria
By Ckloller 1')')<). del'e1op OrTe pel ,heher '\llh Ihe
,l.~~i~tancc nflllc J)(HllCSlic :\ninwl Scr\"jn~s l)cpilrtmclIl
Identify and commit reSOUfces 1(1 preserve the heahh and welfare of the
Coumy's Special :S:eeds population during a di'a,ter
Determine th~ ncc:d for ~l(ldjtinntlJ special nCI...'ds J;llo::lities
\\ithin the community
By ~(l\'cmbcr I C)()(), suhmit a compcliti\'c gr;IIH for the
repair and.-'or f{'plaCt..'lllcnt of a generator l\\\. itching
mechanism (Of Ihe Immokalcc lleallh Clinic - a pOlenlially
,aluable special needs facility.
tdl'nti:~' sut1kicnt :--OIlri,,"l"S of ~1;IHing :~.r the :-;pl'riall1l.'l:ds
STJnrUiY , 2
lask '2 I
Pr.wide ("oll1T1l\lnil~' Emerge"cy RCliponslo Tl.;tIllILIIIIIJl,l! l~l
;1 hrl'<Id "rcl.:lrlll1l (lf~rOllrS v,,'ilhin rhe C0I111111l11il',
B\" Seplemher 2000. dcvclop and providc a minimum or.1
additional (ERT coursc~ 10 a"ociation~ "ilhill ("oilier
STlC\ IHiY '. 1 """ide awarene,~ trailling 10 senil,r appoillled "I"! de(1l'd
"l1icia!~ within roilier C(lUnly alld il~ J lI1unicipalitie,
f;"k ~ 1 I By' Feh,u",y 21J1J1J. ,,"edule a ",,"lie Ol1id;,l, (',,"IL-Ie"(e
jllld iu\ilC '\l,:nior appllinll'd :tnd clcl'll'd llnidid"i fro!ll {'(lllief
CO,,"tv. ('ily or 7\aples. Fvcr!!ladcs (',ty alld ~larw bland
Sf 1(...\ IHiY \" .1 Ik"'I,,p a ('omp,dle",i\e ""hlie .'\";tll'",''' l"OC[;1I11
~1i Task \" ~
By ~1an:h ~(~nf,. IIpdClh: Ihe Cl)lIicr C(llllllV ..\IIII,Il,lJd~
I farultHlllk I,-'f rrinling
1.68 1
lask ,~2 Ill" ~larch 2IJOIJ, ("ordinalc \\ilh Collier Co","\ 1'lIilk ",,,!
private ~rhn(lI\O for the prL'p;mltion and di,lrihullull llflhL'
Hurricane / Tornado color~ll.! hook ((If 1" and ::"" L!radl' 00
'Iudenls. (I N S II F1tJ IS 1\) - - IV
9j1:. Task ~ .11
5-R Task ,.J"
s:1f ,~~
SJR,~\IE(iY , ,
s')l. Task ~ ~ I
By Fc:hru"ry~()Oft. ('ourdinate the ckvcl(lrmcllt ofa ('ollier
Cour")' I fome I'rc:paration (iuidc
fly Septcmber :c,oO. prc'clll a minimum or so d"asler
...eminars to Collier ('ounly residents
B.'.' :\pril ~O()fl. t1pd.ltc guidance h) "......t...1 ('punt!'
cmplllj'Cl'S in dC\'l.ltlring t:1l11ily CIlIc:-rgcIIC:' prt:parcdrH::-'s
.\I;lilll"in ;1 '(!llIprl..'hl:n~i\'c l'mcrgcn(~' IIl;Hlal.;clIlcnt training
program ftlr Cl1lCrgl,.'flcy managelllent ...talr IIlcm!wr:-.
fly Septemhcr 20(Jf), ensure Ihal all emerge",'y m""agcf1ll'f1t
coordinators and dirt'Clor ";jllisfactorilv complete lhe
J(llhlwing C(lur~cs
. l'rinciplc"i of Emergency \tanagCI1H:nt
. Di,aslcr Resl'('"sc &. RCell\CI)' Ol','ratillns (!JI(/(())
. 1.0(' ~l;tnagelllent &. Oreratio'l<
. ICSiEO(' Intert:lce
. Debris .\1an.tgcmcnl
5:Il T;"k S I '
Task 8 I.J
SJI Task S I -l
16G 1
By August :WOO. suhmit names ofpcrs(lllncl \\11\) allcndcd
Ihe hasie P.O course I,'r altendanee allhe a,!\-an"ed P ()
ClIur;c althe Emergcncy Management Instilule
By \1ay 2000. updatc P f 0 procedures and disuihute them
to local P I 0 s
By ApriI1()()O, re.....iew and update procedures ftlr activating
the Emergency AJcning System ([..\5)
(;0,\ I. 9
\faintain Frncrgcnty Plans and Pro('cd~Jrcs 10 implc1l11.'fll dis;l~tcr rL'spnn~l:'
,lnd n.'covery programs
Ta,k I) I I
Task CJ 1 2
5Jl Task'll J
5'jI Task CJ I -l
5ft Task '115
Task 92 I
(!pctate ilnd suhmil TI.''1uired dO'lIrncnt~ to the nor-ala
Divi'iion of Emcrgcn...:.\' ~1an~lgt,.'l11cnt (H)E\I) thdl a-""c...s
and organize work priorities
By :\tJ!!U~t ~OO(). ;:lnd itnnuaily lhcrcattcr, fl.,", il'\\ and ~lIHblc
the sclfas~cssmcnr and suomit nc~t li~cal Yl.'ar'... (or updated
5 year strategic plan) to the FDE\I Area (, C(,,>rdinatnr l"r
review and concurrence.
By June 200 I, and biennially thcreafier. suhmit Ihe Collier
Counly selfassessmcl1110 thc Florida Division "t'
Emergency ~fanagcrncnt.
By \lay 2000, and annll:tll~' ther.'after, update the Cllllier
Counly CE.\lP
By April 2000. and annually Ihcreafler, update the Stand:t'"
Operaling Procedures f"r Emergency \lanagcmenl
including Ihose of Ihe Emcrgency Support funl'lions
By :\larch 2000, lInd annually thereafter, review :tlld upd:tte
('ounty Adminislrator Inslrllclion ~1J()n .'Ce<sati,," "f
0:ormal Government ,\cli\'itic~. and Pcr s(lnal RoIl'S and
Responsibiliries DlJrillg El11crgcrl,,'ic,,"
Include sh0l1falls t(lr the FY Ilf) self assessment into the
Slrategic Plan
By June 200 I, list all shonfalls from self assessment and
include in Ihe nC'lupdate oflhe ~ yeor Slrategic Plan