Resolution 1999-BAR-1RESOLUTION NO. 99-BAR-I A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 129.06(2), FLORIDA STATUTES, TO AMEND TIlE BUDGET FOR THE 1998/99 FISCAL YEAR. 17A WHEREAS, Section 129.06(2), Florida Statutes, provides that the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter also referred to as "Board") at any time wilhin a fiscal year may amend a budget for that year. and provides the procedures therefor; and WItEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida, has received copies of budget amendments which provide for but are no~ limited to: anticipated carry forward, unanticipated revenue. and/or receipts of a nature from a source not anticipated in the budget and received for a particular purpose; and increased receipts for enterprise or proprietary funds received for a particular purpose; and WHEREAS. the Board has determined that it is appropriate to amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 1998/99 by resolution pursuant to Seelion 129.06, Florida Statutes. NOW, TttEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that the budget amendments Io the 1998/99 FY Budget described below are approved and hereby adopted and the 1998/99 FY Budget is so amended. INCREASE (DECREASE) CARRY FOR WARD INCREASE BUDGET OR INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE (DECREASE) AMENDMENT INTERFUND {DECREASE) (DECREASE) {DECREASE) INTERFUND NUMBERS TRANSFERS RECEIPT EXPENDITURE RESERVES TRANSFERS FUND 136 99-015 233,442 320 99-018 116,200 491 99-023 123.396 123 99-039 7,264 123 99-040 1,150 602 99-053 28,400 115 99-054 28.400 28.400 602 99-057 10,500 602 99-058 40,767 681 99-063 25,200 325 99-072 260,000 70,000 001 99-077 67,200 116 99-078 249,821 080 99-080 16,650 495 99-081 89,985 108 99-082 53.697 114 99-083 53,697 313 99-086 799,529 215,000 239,200 123.396 7,264 1,150 56,800 10,500 40,767 25,200 222,600 249,821 16,650 109.267 40.500 799,529 18,442 (123,000) 107,400 42,000 (19,282) 13.197 28.400 25,200 53.697 FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NUMBERS INCREASE (DECREASE) CARRY FORWARD OR INCREASE INTERFUND (DECREASE) TRANSFERS 17/1 INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE (DECREASE) (DECREASE) (DECREASE) INTERFUND RECEIPT EXPENDITURE RESERVES TRANSFERS 331 99-087 50,541 50,541 412 99-088 129,827 129,827 115 99-090 40,767 40.767 414 99-100 1.500.000 1,500.000 412 99-101 200,000 040 99-116 212,419 212.419 602 99-118 8,355 8,355 313 99.125 4,650 4.650 151 99-129 42.200 42,200 123 99-132 2,621 2.621 123 99-I33 22,039 22,039 t23 99-134 20,534 20,534 123 99-135 164,497 t64,497 140 99-140 855 855 681 99-143 19.496 19,496 116 99-147 1,600 1,600 116 99-148 1,600 2,500 2,940 190 99-149 2,415 2,415 114 99.150 45,000 45,000 652 99-151 94,900 94,900 496 99-172 189.000 189,900 496 99-194 33.000 36,667 496 99-196 16,000 16,000 313 99-201 3,902,739 1,493,301 331 99-202 2,236,517 2,179.935 333 99-203 404,580 1.021,263 334 99.204 503 17,320 336 99-205 791.530 338 99-206 575,770 258,914 339 99-207 20.221 340 99-208 1,932 001 99-210 48,637 48,637 138 99-214 24,684 24,684 190 99-219 9,426 20,507 200,000 1,160 (3,667) 2,409,438 56,582 (6i6.683) (16,817) 791,530 316.856 20,221 1,932 {11,081) FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NUMBERS INCREASE (DECREASE) CARRY FORWARD OR INCREASE INTERFUND (DECREASE} TRANSFERS INCREASE INCREASE INCREASE {DECREASE) {DECREASE) (DECREASE) INTERFUND RECEIPT EXPENDITURE RESERVES TRANSFERS 602 115 0131 III 001 602 144 156 192 I01 495 496 496 495 126 OOI 517 001 431 496 301 188 491 470 470 123 123 123 126 126 410 115 602 193 198 99.232 99-233 99-237 99.240 99-243 99.244 99.246 99-252 99-254 99-266 99-269 99-270 99-271 99-272 99-274 99-281 99-289 99-292 99-295 99.297 99-304 99-305 99-307 99-313 99-314 99-318 99-319 99-320 99-323 99.324 99-339 99-344 99-361 99-377 99-378 135,000 135,000 135.000 10,212 10.212 31,000 41,400 (10,400) 32,900 7.000 25.900 30.375 9,000 22,150 113.150} 160,000 185,000 (25.000) I0,000 lO,000 94.322 45.000 49,322 108,900 64.800 44.100 41,000 41,000 110,000 110,000 220,000 23,900 5,700 18.200 140,000 140,O00 34.000 34,000 855,300 1,100.000 (244,700) 1,300 1,525 (225) 29.700 29,700 40,000 50,000 (10,000) 6,500.000 6,500,000 I1,000 37,100 {27,000} 11.934 ll.934 70,000 70,000 1,330,400 1,330,400 29,440 29,440 505 505 272.253 272,253 428.600 428.600 3.700 54,200 57,900 29.535,500 30,093,400 (557.900} 30.375 91.125 121,500 114,433 94,080 7,700 200,813 2,400 2.400 998 3,398 3 135,000 30,375 2.400 FUND INCREASE (DECREASE) CARRY FORWARD BUDGET OR INCREASE INCREASE AMENDMENT INTERFUND (DECREASE) (DECREASE) NUMBERS TRANSFERS RECEIPT EXPENDITURE INCREASE INCREASE (DECREASE) (DECREASE) INTERFUND RESERVES TRANSFERS III 99-384 800.000 040 99-385 800,000 800,000 117 99-400 1,100 1.100 001 99-403 29,200 20.200 Ill 99-405 16,347 16,347 OOI 99-409 36,200 36.200 612 99-414 58,581 58,581 517 99-416 500,000 500.000 119 99-424 55,500 55,500 113 99-428 60.000 60,000 410 99-429 1.281,700 040 99-434 840,510 840.510 414 99-443 1,018,000 123 99-446 21,000 21,000 800,000 263,700 1.018,000 1.0{8,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to spread this Resolulion in full among the minutes of this meeting for permanent record in his office. This Resolution adopted afier motion. second and majorit)' vole favoring same. .:"DWI.GHT E. BROCK, Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Collier County Anorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CHAIRWOMAN COUNTY OF COLLIER I }/' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PROPOSES TO AMEND ITS FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 ADOPTED BUDGET All interested parties are invited to attend a public; hearing on this matter to be held on September 28, 1999, at 9:00 AM or soon thereafter, in the County Commissioner's Boardroom, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, Collier County Government Center, 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, Florida. A copy of the proposed Budget Amendment Resolutions and background material will be available for public inspection on weekdays between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM at the Office of Management and Budget, 2rid Floor, Administration Building. A final decision on the amendments will be made at this meeting. Listed below are the amendments to be considered and their purpose. Dwight E. Brock, Clerk Board of County Commissioners Collier County Florida Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman Budget Amend. Fund No. No. Fund Title Change Fund Amount Total 99-015 136 99-018 320 Golden Gate Beautification MSTU PURPOSE: To appropriate carry forward to complete construction of landscaped medians on CR 951. Clam Bay Restoration PURPOSE: To recognize balance of developer contribution toward the Clam Bay Restoration Project. $233,442 $436,492 $116,200 $1,620,926 99-023 491 99-039 123 EMS Trust Fund PURPOSE: To recognize carry forward to purchase protective clothing. Services for Seniors PURPOSE: To recognize grant funds for in-home services for low income, elderly County residents. $123,396 $427,921 $7,264 $372,723 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title 17A Change Amount Fund Total 99-040 99-053 99-054 99-057 99-058 99-063 99-072 99-077 123 602 115 6O2 602 681 325 001 Services for Seniors PURPOSE: To recognize grant funds for in-home services for low income, elderly County residents. $1,150 Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To recognize carryforward as matching funds for the D.U.I. Enforcement Project. $28,400 Sheriffs Grants PURPOSE: To recognize grant and required matching funds for the D.U.I. Enforcement Project. $56,800 Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate carry- forward for crime prevention costs. $10,500 Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate carry- forward for the purchase of data processing equipment. $40,767 Courts Administration PURPOSE: To begin and maintain "House Arrest" residential electronic monitoring program. $25,200 Water Management-CIP PURPOSE: To appropriate carry- forward to complete Stormwater Management projects. $330,000 General Fund PURPOSE: To begin and maintain "House Arrest" residential electronic monitoring program. $67,200 $373,873 $252,392 $666,807 $262,892 $303,659 $3,235,800 $3,274,410 $129,249,070 99-078 99-080 116 080 Miscellaneous Grants PURPOSE: To provide funds for automation of Criminal Court Case Records. Supervisor of Elections PURPOSE: To pay for improvements to warehouse facility. $249,821 $16,650 $302,621 $1,343,550 Budget Amend. No. Fund NO. Fund Title Change Amount Fund Total 99-081 99-082 99-083 99-086 99-087 99-088 99-090 99-100 99-101 495 108 114 313 331 412 115 414 412 Airport Authority PURPOSE: To fund airport marketing program supporled with TDC funds. Clean-up & Restoration PURPOSE: To recognize additional grant funds for administration of sites contaminated by petroleum products. Pollution Control & Prevention Dept. PURPOSE: To recognize administra- tive reimbursements associated with the remediation of sites contaminated by petroleum products. Gas Tax PURPOSE: To appropriate carry- forward funds for Airport-Pulling Road Bridge Project. Road Impact Fee District 1 PURPOSE: To appropriate carry- forward for Airport-Pulling Road Bridge Project. Water Capital PURPOSE: To appropriate carry- forward for Airport-Pulling Road Bridge Project. Sheriffs Grants PURPOSE: All Sheriff's Grants/Match should be budgeted in Fund 115, with any match being recorded as a transfer from Fund 602 to 115. County Sewer Capital Projects PURPOSE: To recognize carryforward for Rookery Bay Services. County Water Capital Projects PURPOSE: Recognize revenues from $200,000 Aquifer Storage & Recovery System Grant. $89,985 $53,697 $53,697 5799,529 S50,541 $129,827 $40,767 $1,500,000 $200,000 $1,459,124 $941,722 $1,680,042 527,861,670 $12,855,083 $11,968,982 $707,574 $12,004,794 $12,168,982 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount I Fund Total 99-116 040 S h eri ff PURIDOSE: To appropriate General Fund transfer to complete the Shcrif?s Year 2000 compliance conversion contract. $212,419 $56,412,319 99-118 602 Sherif?s Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate confiscated property proceeds to purchase specialized communications equipment. S8,355 $312,014 99-125 313 Road Construction Gas Tax PURPOSE: To appropriate contributions received for Foxfire/Kings Way and Curling Avenue traffic calming. $4,650 $27,866,320 99-129 151 Sabal Palm Roadway Extension PURPOSE: To appropriate carryfonvard for engineering work order. $42,200 $74,100 99-132 123 Services For Seniors PURPOSE: To provide in-home services for low income, frail, elderly residents. $2,621 $376,494 99-133 123 Services For Seniors PURPOSE: To provide in-home nutrition services for low income, frail, elderly residents. $22,039 $398,533 99-134 123 Services For Seniors PURPOSE: To provide nutrition services for low income, frail, elderly residents. S20,534 $419,067 99-135 123 Services For Seniors PURPOSE: To provide in-home services such as case management and homemaking services. 64,497 $583,564 99-140 001 General Fund PURPOSE: To recognize grant funds to replenish supplies that were expended during Hurricane Georges. $855 $129,249,925 99-143 681 Court Administration PURPOSE: To accept Article V grant for Court Reporter expenses. $19,496 $3,255,296 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount Fund Total 99-147 99-148 99-149 99-150 99-151 99-172 99-194 99-196 99-201 99-202 99-203 99-204 99-205 99-206 99-207 99-208 116 116 190 114 652 496 496 496 313 331 333 334 336 338 339 340 Miscellaneous Grants PURPOSE: To recognize additional grant funds to be used for volunteer recognition. Miscellaneous Grants PURPOSE: To recognize carryforward for volunteer recognition efforts. ADA Improvements PURPOSE: To recognize revenues from the snack bar to meet stafPs ADA requirements. Pollution Control PURPOSE: To appropriate revenue to fulfill contract with the South Florida Water Management District. Legal Aid Society Trust Fund PURPOSE: To establish Legal Aid Society budget funded by filing fees. Airport Capital PURPOSE: To appropriate grants for airport capital projects. Airport Capital PURPOSE: To appropriate grant funds to cover mangrove clearing expenses. Airport Capital PURPOSE: To recognize in-kind services provided by the FDOC. Gas Tax Road Impact Fee Road Impact Fee Road Impact Fee Road Impact Fee Road Impact Fee Road Impact Fee Road Impact PURPOSE: To for road projects District I District 2 District 4 District 6 District 8 District 9 Fee District 10 appropriate carryforward and/or adjust reserves. $1,600 $4,100 $2,415 $45,000 $94,900 $189,000 $33,000 $16,000 $3,902,379 $2,236,517 $404,580 $5O3 $791,530 $575,770 $20,221 $1,932 $304,221 $308,321 $29,665 $1,725,042 $94,900 $6,806,541 $6,839,541 $6,855,541 $31,769,059 $15,091,160 $8,117,753 $1,838,053 $5,318,178 $2,833,905 $695,521 $47,032 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount Fund Total 99-210 99-214 99-2 ! 9 99-232 99-233 99-237 99-240 99-243 99-244 99-246 OOl 138 190 602 115 001 I11 OOl 602 144 General Fund PURPOSE: To use State Aid to Library to upgrade Vax Server. Naples Production Park MSTU PURPOSE: To recognize transfer to offset loss of assessment revenue due to parcel being declared exempt. ADA Improvements PURPOSE: To appropriate carryforward for handicap improvements at the County Courthouse Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate carryforward as matching funds for the COPS MORE '98 grant. Sheriffs Grants PURPOSE: Recognizes transfer used as COPS MORE '98 matching funds. General Fund PURPOSE: To recognize insurance losses in order to replace damaged Parks items, as well as private donations received. Unincorporated Area General Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate a transfer from the Community Development Fund to provide for a Principal Planner position. General Fund PURPOSE: To pay higher commission to auctioneer due to more gross revenues generated from the County surplus auction. Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate carryforward as matching funds for the STOP Violence Against Women grant. Isles of Capri Fire Department PURPOSE: To appropriate carryforward for the purchase of replacement outboard motors. $48,637 $24,684 $9,426 $135,000 $I 35,000 $10,212 $31,000 $32,900 $30,375 $9,000 $129,298,562 $33,184 $39,091 $447,014 $842,574 $129,308,774 $12,989,775 $129,341,674 $477,389 $215,700 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount Fund Total 99-252 99-254 99-266 99-269 99-270 99-271 99-272 99-274 9%281 156 192 lol 495 496 496 495 126 001 Immokalee Beautification MSTU PURPOSE: To appropriate carryforward and an interfund transfer to fund the completion of the SR29 landscape improvements. $160,000 Public Guardianship $10,000 PURPOSE: To recognize a transfer from Court Administration needed due to a shortfall in filing fees. Road and Bridge PURPOSE: To recognize settlement r~roceeds received to purchase equipment and office furniture. $94,322 Airport Authority PURPOSE: To purchase additional fuel needed to n-met the increased demand at the Marco Island Executive Airport. $108,900 Airport Capital PURPOSE: To recognize grant funds to construct a T-Hangar. $41,000 Airport Capital PURPOSE: To recognize carryforward and grant revenues to construct t-hangars at the Marco Island Executive Airport. $220,000 Airport Authority PURPOSE: To recognize land lease revenue for minor operating costs and to replenish reserves. $23,900 Metropolitan Planning Organization PURPOSE: To appropriate General Fund transfer for Transportation Disadvantaged services. $140,000 General Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate reimbursement revenue for special service work performed by maintenance personnel. $34,000 $423,8 i 5 $70,9OO $8,429,345 $1,568,024 $6,896,541 $7,116,541 $1,591,924 $656,275 $129,375,674 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount Fund Total 99-289 99-292 99-295 99-297 99-304 99-305 99-307 99-313 99-314 99-318 517 ooi 431 496 301 188 491 470 470 123 Group Health and Life PURPOSE: To recognize additional health billings to pay insurance claims. $855,300 General Fund PURPOSE: To recognize contributions for Collier County employee picnic expenses. $1,300 Marco Island Water & Sewer District PURPOSE: To recognize additional sewer revenue received to offset increase Florida Water Services rates for bulk sewage treatment. $29,700 Airport Capital PURPOSE: To appropriate grant revenue for Immokalee Airport capital projects $40,000 Countywide Capital Projects PURPOSE: To appropriate loan proceeds for construction o f Sheri ff's new Administration Building. $6,500,000 800MHz IRCP PURPOSE: To appropriate reimbursement revenue to cover costs for radio system testing, radio purchases, and maintenance costs. $11,000 EMS Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate EMS grant revenue to purchase physical fitness equipment and fund bonus pay program. $11,934 Solid Waste Administration PURPOSE: To appropriate Immokalee landfill tipping fee revenue to cover landfill contract payments. $70,000 Solid Waste Administration PURPOSE: To appropriate Naples landfill tipping fee revenue to cover landfill contract payments. $1,330,400 Services for Seniors PURPOSE: To appropriate Home Care for the Elderly grant revenue. $29,440 $7,227,300 $129,376,974 $976,800 $7,156,541 $21,952,589 ,076,100 $439,855 $25,110,628 $26,441,028 $613,004 Budget Amend. NO. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount Total 99-319 99-320 99-323 99-324 99-339 99-344 99-361 99-377 99-378 99-384 123 123 126 126 410 115 602 193 198 111 Services for Seniors PURPOSE: To provide respite case manage- ment services for elderly Alzheimer's patients as funded by grants. $505 Services for Seniors PURPOSE: To appropriate General Fund transfer and grant revenue for the Home Care for the Elderly program. $272,253 Metropolitan Planning PURPOSE: To establish MPO Planning Program Budget for State Fiscal Year, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000. $428,600 Metropolitan Planning PURPOSE: To establish MPO Planning Program Budget for State Fiscal Year. $54,200 Water/Sewer Debt Service PURPOSE: To refund the Series 1991 and 1992 Bonds. 529,535,500 Sheriffs Grants PURPOSE: To fund the STOP Violence Against Women Program funded by grants and confiscated property proceeds. $121,500 Confiscated Trust Fund PURPOSE: To recognize carryforward and confiscated property proceeds to fund technical equipment and increase reserves. $208,513 Tourist Development PURPOSE: To recognize additional tourist tax proceeds to transfer to the museum. $2,400 Museum Fund PURPOSE: To recognize transfer of additional tourist tax proceeds and FEMA reimbursement. $3,398 MSTD General Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate reimbursement revenue from the City of Marco Island for road patrols. $800,000 $613,509 $585,762 $1,084,875 $1,139,075 $63,592,897 $964,074 $685,902 $2,085,158 $447,098 $13,789,775 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title Change Amount Fund Total 99-385 99-400 99-403 99-405 99-409 99-414 99-416 99-424 99-428 040 117 OOl 111 OOl 612 517 119 113 Sheriff PURPOSE: To fund costs ofroad patrol service to the City of Marco Island. Natural Resources Grants PURPOSE: To print and mail out County's Exotic Plant Brochure. General Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate contributions for landscaping and other improvements at Vineyards Community Park. MSTD General Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate insurance proceeds to remove a vandalized trailer and repair the area. General Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate reimbursement revenues for special services provided by maintenance personnel. Library Trust Fund PURPOSE: To appropriate private contributions for purchase of computer equipment and participation in Gates Learning Foundation. Risk-Group Health & Life PURPOSE: To appropriate transfer from the Worker's Compensation Fund to pay a higher number of health insurance claims than anticipated. Parks & Recreation Grant PURPOSE: To appropriate Summer Food Service Program grant reimbursement for increased program needs. Community Development PURPOSE: To appropriate fire plan review f~es to reimburse North Naples Fire District for fire plan review services. $800,000 $1,1oo $29,200 $16,347 $36,200 $58,581 $500,000 $55,500 $60,000 $57,212,319 $73,800 S129,406,174 $13,806,122 29,442,374 $99,481 $8,582,600 $278,000 $15,179,352 Budget Amend. No. Fund No. Fund Title 17 Change Amount Fund Total 99-429 410 County Water/Sewer Debt Service PURPOSE: To appropriate State Revolving Fund loan proceeds for interfund transfer. $I,281,700 $64,874,597 99-434 040 Sheriff PURPOSE: To fund unanticipated expenses in the Sheriff's office. $840,510 $58,052,829 99-443 414 County Sewer Capital Projects PURPOSE: To appropriate interfired transfer from State Revolving Fund loan proceeds. $1,018,000 $14,522,794 99-446 123 Services for Seniors PURPOSE: To appropriate additional Medicaid waiver reimbursement revenue. $21,000 $9O6,762