Resolution 1999-371 RESOLUTION NO. 99-2' A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE TENTATIVE BUDGETS FOR FY 1999-00. WHEREAS. Section 200.065. Florida Slalulcs. provides Ihe procedure for fixing Ihe millage rales; and WHEREAS. Section 129.03. Florida Slalutes. selS forth the procedure for preparalion and adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS I the Board of County Commissioners has received and examined the tentative budgets for each of the Counly's funds: and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has prepared i.l statement summarizing all of the adopted tentative budgels which mcludes for each budget. Ihe name of each taxing authority levying millage. the rolled-back rale. Ihe pereenlage increase. Ihe millage rale 10 be levied, the balances. the reserves and the lOW! of each major cl<lssificiltion of receipts and expenditures; and WHEREAS. the Board of Counly Commissioners adopted Resolulion No, 99-329 approving the Counly's proposed millage rates and selling the public hearings for adoplion of the final millage rales; and WHEREAS. pursuanl to Section 200065. Florida Slatules. an advenised public hearin~ was held on Seplember 7. 1999, at 5:05 P.M, and Resolution 1\0, 99-337 was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners adopting the 1cnlative millage rales and Resolution No. 99.338 was adopled by the Board of Counly Commissioners adopting the tentalive budgets for FY \999- 00: and WHEREAS, a second advertised public hearing was held on September 23.1998, at 5:05 P,M. to finalize the FY 1999-00 Budget and to adopl the millage rates in accordance with Seelions \29,03 and 200.065, Florida Slatutes, as om ended by Chapler 96-211. Laws of Florida. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlER COUNTY, FLORiDA, that: The amendments as set forth in Exhihit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein. arc hereby adopted and anlend the adopled Tentative Budgets for FY 1999-00 pursuanllo Sections 129,03 and 200,065. Florida Statutes. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA This Resolulion adopted this ~ay of ~, 1999, afler motion, second and majority vole, DA TED;si':~ ~:u.,n" ~~~~~:7~l~CK, Clerk :";';1';- . I::. ~ I,\, I r' " $'1: 0'1J:.,,%~~ '- ~ \.,7:,', '~} ." . ".1 . , . ~tted~.~'CIlaI.~ s st9I11t~~~. .jI' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Jd~ r!Zt~R' David C. Weigel County Attorney BY:~~ PAMELA S. MACKIE. Chairwoman