Resolution 1996-408 SEP 1 0 1996 RESOLUTION NO. 96- .:lOR RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUESTING TRANSFER OF LAND INTEREST FF:OM STATE OF FLORIDA THROUGH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO COLLIER COUNTY; AND COLLIER COUNTY TO CONVEY SAID LAND TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER; AND COLLIER COUNTY TO ACCEPT TRANSFER OF LAND INTERES'l' OF STATE ROAD 846 (IMMOKALEE ROAD) AS IT EXISTS WHEREAS, certain property described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, was purchased by the State of Florida in 1946, for use in the State Roadway system (SR 846); and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation Officially transferred the property described in Exhibit "A" to Collier County on April 20, 1978, and recorded in County Map Book 1, 179-1 and 179-2; and WHEREAS, in error, SR 846 was constructed on lands other than those described in Exhibit "A" (see Exhibit "B"), which results in a title and ownership defect for Collier County and the owner(s) of the property on which the road is actually built; and WHEREAS, the owner(s) on which the road is actually constructed also owns the land adjacent to the lands described in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the owner of the land on which the road is actually constructed to transfer the "correct" legal description (Exhibit "B") to Collier County and Collier County desires to transfer the property in Exhibit "A" to the adjacent property owner, in order to correct the error and to clear any title defect on the property; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the exchange between Collier County and the property owner, the Florida Department of Transportation has agreed to quitclaim, for this public purpose, any interest it may have in the property described in Exhibit "A" to Collier County at no cost. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. Collier County hereby formally requests transfer of any interest that the Florida Transportation may have in the property described and and accepts the Department of in Exhibit "A"; 2. Collier County will execute the appropriate documents necessary to convey the land described in Exhibit "A" to the adjacent property owner; and 3. Collier County will accept from the owner(s) that land interest upon which SR 846 (Immokalee Road) constructed and presently exists. of record had been ,This "Resolution adopted after motion, yote.> , >~:~.>, .'J' '.,;;..... . lo.. ,.,' .., . t. ~ . . ,." ., l' , , . . ~ _; ..," ,~,' ....:,':. ~\.,,'-'\.,~, ~',.;. ~JII, , 'r'>,'!\. . ,. . \' .. r: li ~. '. [, ~. I, "., . k1~)~t~~.J;i;2;J;, : ~~""ATTeST". >"7' ,. ~'. ':~"'~:l'. " -:<.-,", ," : _' , q";'DWIGHT"j:~'.'B~G1< \ il\i~" ::/{\'.~~:~;:~.,: ' .>~: ~~.~:':.~ .~: :.~ ;:.~"/t.~ ;}.:~~.,<~~,~~ t: [,j~ ~ ~. :;.jil';"I') '.':....,',,'.".:-,.. . . " 'l.~ 1'1', '.' . . ,\", :,t;: I,;' ;'. . , . ~J;". ,/111 till " i ..' '.. '. ,~.. .' . ~..', . ........' '... '.;';;~:/.y, . Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: H6~{ ~~ ~d~ /[1 , Assistant county Attorney SEP 1 0 1996 second, and majority BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA I ~ 2 '" EXHIBIT "A" SECTIOr~S 1- S. TOWNSHIP 47 SOU T1-I , RANGE COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION PRarre,-: C.R. 846 PARCl:L: 30 EAST SHEET I OF 'b ',.. That part or Sections 1, 2, 3, 1, and 5, Township 47 South, Range 30 Enst, Collier County, Florida, cQscrlbGd as tollows: (1) That portion of. section 1, To...mship 47 South, Ranga 30 East, Collier County, Florida, d~scribed as tollows: Eeqln on the West boundary or SQction 1, Township 47 South, Range )0 East at a point 1530.70 teet South trom the Northwest corner of said Section 1 and run Horth 89'33'39" E~st 531-4.52 feet to the East boundary of said Section 1, said point being 1521.17 teet south trom the }/'Jrtheast corner ot Section 1; thence run South .along said East roundary 120 teet; thenco run South 89")3'38" West 5316.07 (Qet to Lhe West boundary ot said Section 1; thence run North along said West boundary 120 feet to POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 14.64 acres, ~ore or less. and (2) Th~t part or Section 2, Township 1,7 South, Rang~ 30 East, Collier County, Florida dcs=ribed as follovs: Bogin on the West boundary o! Section 2, Township 47 South, Fange 30 East, 1649.78 teet So~th fro~ the Northvest corner of said Section 2; thence continue South along said West boundary 121.B5 feet; thonce run Horth 79"H'2011 E21st ~2,66 foet to the beginning ot a curve concave to th.! Southerly. ;having a r21dius of. 5694.65 feet; thence run Easterly along tho arc -ot said curve through a central angle of 10'29'18" ~ distance of 1042.44 fe~t to the end of said curve; thence run No:rth 09'33'38" East -4172.7Ii~~feet to the East boundary of said Sect.ion 2: thence run Harth along out said East boundary 120 .feet to a point 1530.70 feet South tram tha NOrtheast corner of said Ser::tion 2; thence run South 89'J3'38" West -4173.22 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southerly having a radius or 5814.65: thence run Southwesterly along the arc at said curve throu.gh a c')ntrol angle of 10'29'18" a distance ot 1064.41 feet to the e:nd of said curve; thence: run South 79'04'2011 West 51.-47 feet to the POI~ or BEGINNING, containing 14.57 acres, more or less. and (J) That portion at Section J, Township 47 South, Range 30 East, Collier County, Florida, de:;cribed as follo~s: Beqin on the East boundary of Section 3, TownShip -47 South, Range 30 East, 16<19.78 feet South iron the: Northeast corner of said Section 3 and run South 79'0",'20" West 53-46.18 feet to the North....est corner ot. the S 1/2 of said Section J; thence run 'South along said West boundary 1G1.91 feet to a point on a curve concave to the H6rth having a r~ditls 66"'6.12 feet; thence !ro~ a tangent bs:!aring of North 83'27'5211 East run Easterly along the ilrc at said . curve through a central ang::'e of 4'23'32" a distance ot 509.49 feet to the end ot. said curve; thence run North 79'04'20" East 4832.99 feet to the Ebst boundary o~ said Section 3, thence run Harth along said East boundary 121.1l5 feet to the POIh'T OF BEGI:mnNG, containing 14.63 acres, morl! or less. PItlPJJUD IIY: 1'lUXSPORTA.nOK 'tRYlee DlmlOK eolLttR eoUlm COYlIU{'J,(D;T COWl"UX J,JOl l. T.ua.u.a TRAn. tU,PlO. n. 3JgU (~I:3) 71.4-8ZCO ~t~1 }',1- n .a.1LI2.d.:A.f ~____ JUCKAR.O & CK!;~ij' J'1I.Ort::310tUl. u.JfD 3VRYl':YOR Intj~ '.,. SEP 1 0 1996 ~ fi" ~~ }:i<' pnOJl:CT, C, R. 845 PATlCI:.L: EXHIBIT" A" SEC1l0N 1- 5. TOWNSHIP 47 SOU T1-I , RANGE COLLlEI\ COUNT/', FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIP1l0N 30 EAST SHEET 2 OF 8 and (4) Thn.t portio~l of Section <, Township 47 South, Range 3D East, Collier County, rlorida, described as follows: Degin at the HorthHest c(,rner ot the S 1/2 of Section 4, To.....nship 47 South, R~ngc 3D East and run South along the West boundary 114.57 feet; thence from a tangent bearing ot Horth 8a"42'56" East run Easterly along the arc of ,a curve concave to the North having a radius ot 34412.5 feet through a central angle ot 0'53' a distance ot 530.56 feet to the: end of said cune; thence run North 87'49'56" East 4290.72 feet to the beginning of a cur~e concave to the Northerly having rlldius of 6546.12 teet, thence run Easte::-ly along the arc of 5aid curve throu!)h a central an9'la ot. ""22'04" a distance or 506.64 feet to the East boundary ot. said S 1/2; thence rUn North along said East boundary 100.7 teet to the Northeast corner or said S 1/2: thence run South 87"49'55" West 5325.89 feet to the North....cst corner of said 5 1/2 of Section", the POINT OP EEGIKNING, containing 14.52 acn~s, more or less. and (5) That part of SectiJn 5, To~nship 47 South, Range 30 East, Collier County, Florida, d~scribed at follows: Bogin at the Northwest co:,ner of S 1/2 of Section 5, Township 47 South, Range 30 East and ;,un South along the West boundary of said S 1/2 ~ distance of 115.0:! feet; thence from a tangent bearing ot South 89 "19'57" East run Easterly nlang the arc of a'~t\.Irve concave to the North having a radius of 28682.8 feet through a central angle of 1'04'07" a disl:ance at 534.96 teet to the end of said curve; thence run North B9'J5'561t East 4269.1\8 feet to the beginning ot a curve concave to the North having a radius of ).H12.5 teet; thence run Easterly through a central angle of O'SJ'along the arc of said curve 530.52 teet to the East bo~ndary at. said S 1/2 of Sectic,n 5; thence run North along said East boundary 114.57 feet to t~e Northe~st corner ot. said S 1/2: thence run South 89'35'56" West ~3J4.95 feet along the 110rth boundary of said S 1/2 ot Section 5 to the Uorth....est corner ot sa"id S 1/2 ot" Section 5, the POINT OP BECINNING: containing 14.66 acres, more or less. All of the above descriptions referenced in Deed BOOK 13, pages 349 and J50, PUblic Records of Collier County, Florida. ,fl kl ~:f i~ SEP 1 0 1996 p~OJrCT: ce EJ4-Co EXHIBIT "A" 'Men, , TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA LEGAI_ DESCRIPTJON SHEET :) 0 F 5 SECTION ( I) That portion of section 1, Township 47 South, Range )0 East, Collier county, Florida, dl,scribed as tollows: Beg!n on the West boundary of Section 1, To....nship 47 South, Range 30 East at a pobt 15JO.7(' teet South !rom the North....est corner ot said S~ction 1 and run Nc'rth 89'33'38" East 5314.52 teet to the East boundary of said Stction 1, said point being 1521.11 teet South trom the Hortheast corner of Section Ii thence run South along said East houndary 120 feat; thence run South 89':1)':18" West 5316.07 teet to the West boundary of said Section 1; thence run North along said West boundary 120 teet to POINT OF BEGINNIHG, containing 14.64 acr~s, ~orB or less. Referenced in Oeed Book 13.. Pages 349 'J50, Public Records ot collier County, FloridA. "'....J. c~.6"'c.I"'" T.+7~ /Z.3-0fi, N 8~r33'3S';E 5:\14,52' ,F [, ,.;' ;JliJ pOl &1,.1 0" I f-' 0:0 O~ 14.64: AC z S89'3:)':)S"W 5316,07' ~ 1 , , " " 'il, ) , , , L~ . , . " )" !OO( 000"',181 ".' ',~. --JJE. CAe:, 'SEC. 1 l 1: 4.'1 S, , "':'!>O s, , 0 . I ! f-' ~. :00 ON ~ (j] " ~ N , , . , ;.' . 0 ~ l , > . 0- , , . ~ ," ~ " ", . ~ THIS IS A SKETCH OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY NOT TO SCALE. ' . PRLPAit.l:D '81: TRAliSPORTATION SERvrCr.s DIVISI01{ COLLIDl COCTh'TI COVI:!1aiIHT CO/'iP1.EX DOl t. 'VJ1UJ11 '!R.J.IL ' NAPL~, n. 33962 (813) 7](,-8260 >Y, alLJ).-v:... Il.!CllAR.O S. CRIce? PROFESSIONAL LAND SVRVE10R 127G9 DATI!: ro-:;- ~... .,.,...,.", I' , u I.JJU ti '.%"'" N , ~~' ,;t PR.OJECT: C J? 84.0:, EXHIBIT "A" rMCEl" SECTION 2 TOWN~;HIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COlllEf, COUNTY, FLORIDA ' lEGAL DESCRIPJ,ION SHEET 4 OF B (2) That part oC Section 2, Tc'.....nship 47 South, Rango 30 East, Collier County, Florida described l.S [ollo.....s: Beg in on the West boundary o[ Section 2, To.....nship 47 South, Range 30 East, 1649.78 feat Sc,uth tram the North......st corner of said Section 2; thence continu(: South along said West boundary 121.85 teet; thence rut': North 79'04'20" East 72,66 teet to the beginning of a curve concave to the SO':Jtherly having a radius of 5694.65 teet; thence run Easterly along the arc ot said curve through a central angle ot 10'29'18" a distance or 1042.44" feet to the end of said curve; them;e run Hc,rth 89'3)')8" East 4172.78 teet to the East boundary at said Section 2: thence run Hartt. ,along out sllid East boundary 12C teet ,tc. a point 1530.70 teet South [rOD the NOrtheast corner at said Section 2: thence run south 89:33'38" West 4173.22 teet to the beginning ot a' ,curve concave to the Southerly having a radius ot 5a14,6~:, thenCe run South.....esterly ~lon9 the ~rc of said curve through'i'I. control ~ngle ot 10'29'18" a distance ot 1054.41 teet to the end of sZlid curve; thence run South 79'0<\'20" West 51.47 feet to the P01NT OF BEGINNING, containing 14.57 acre~, lIIore or less. Referenced in Deed Book 13, Pages 3~9 and 350, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, " ',:,:".~ N'..J, Colt. 'Sac: Z.... T..~7 S. '!'.!oo .i;.. ~ = 10'29'18" 'R =5814,65' A = 1064.41' ~ , , " ~1i.CDll:....=. 2 t-.. 1:47.5. ~,30B.. ~ ~ S89'33'38"W 4173,22' ." -( ,;..1& p~~ /:= !JI eO 14.572: AC :r: f-- ",a o~ z :r:'" ,- (J) :J ON CO ! N N89'33'38"E 4172,78' ) "I , . . gN , > ~ , >' : ~ .. 1 o ;: v w . ~ > . . , " J, >! ., 't ). 10,)( 000 'J', 185 i , , , " ~ ~ = 10'29'18" R=5694,6S' A :,1042.44' LN 79'04' 20"E 72 ,66' THIS IS A SKETCH OF THE lEGAL DESCRIPTION, THIS NOT TO SCALE. IS NOT A SURVEY. PIUPJ.lL!JJ u: ~~SP01TATIOH SERVICES DIVISION COlLlrR COUHTI COVEaKHLNT COHPLtX 3301 t. TAXlAHI TlAIL HAPltS. 11. ))962 (813) 7H-8260 BY: E.ICUAAD S. G;l.I PROfESSIONAL LAND SURV[TOk 12769 . SEP 1 0 1996 r ,1 p~r: B PI, 'C!, ce: 84<:D EXHIBIT "A" PMC!:1., SECTION:\ TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ' LEG/\L OESCRIP,:r:ION SHEET 5 OF II (3) Thtlt portion 01 Section J, Township 47 South, Ranga )0 East, collier County, Florida, dnscribad as tallows: Begin on the East boundary of soction ~. Township 47 South, Range :30 East, 1649.78 teet South trom the: Hortheast corner of said sc:ction 3 i.'lnd run South 79'04'20" West 5346.18 feet to the North....e5t corner. of the S 1/2 of $~id Section 3; thence run South along said West boundary 101.91 teet to a point on a curve concave to the 110rth h;>l.ving a rallius 6646.12 teet; thence trom. a tangent bearing ot' Horth 83'27'52" East run E/l;sterly Z110nq the arc of. said curve through a central an911f of 4'2::1'32" a distance of 509.49 feet to tho end ot said curve; thence run l'Iorth 79'0-1'20" East U:l2.99 feet to the East bound2lry "t so.id Section :I, thence .run l'Iorth along said East boundary 121.85 teet to the POINT OF IlEGlmnNG, containing' 14.6) acres, rno:re or less. Referenced ln Deed Book 11, pllqes 349 and 350, PUblic Records at collier county, Florida.. .' '-II!.. Ceo..:. '5~C. .:3 '~~. r. 4.7::S. ,e.?loO E. 12 , , " , . o ~ . /" n... ,.l rJll ~1b>1,J t! IV, I-dJ ct"': ON z N /J1o.J. cell:'. Dr: ~1J: -s~"",,~,T.""75, rl. 306.. r>-C, 4- \1\,(',0 - I- I-~ =>- 0:: (f1 > . l j ). ~Jf) 1\) . " l i ~ 1 ~ J~ ~" ~ , ~. R~6646,ll ' 1J \... ~ IJ , , " tJ ~ 04' Z3'C,Z' IOOl 000 Pl'~ 11m · ; ) A=509.4SI' ). THIS IS A SKETCH OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THIS IS NOT A SURVEY , NOT TO SCALE, ' PRIPA.R.LD n: TRAJ/$POF.HTIOH SERVIcr.s DIVISI011 f .. '04 zO't. I'll') , 1\\03Z,')') ( BY, .J2J~j)~,--_____ SEP 1 0 1996 PROJECT: C e. 84.6:, EXHIBIT "A" PMCE1.: TOWNS'"IP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ' LEGI\L DESCRIPTION SHEET 6 OF 8 ( 4) That portion ot section 4, To....nship 47 South, Range 30 East, Collier County, Florida, de~cribed as follows: Begin at the N~rth""est corner of the S 1/2 of Section 4, Township 47 South, Rang~ JO East and run South along tha West boundary 114.57 feet: thence from a tllngent bearing of north 88',0'56" Ellst run Easterly al,jng the arc of a curve concave to the North having a radius of 34412.5 feet thrQugh a central angle of 0'53' a distance of 5)0.56 feet to the end of said curve; thence run Horth 87'49'56" East 4290.72 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northerly having radius of 6646.12 feet, thence run Easterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle or 4'22'0<:" a distance ot 506.64 teet to the East boundary ot said S 1/2; thence run North along &a1d East boundary 100.7 teet to the. Northeast cornar ot said 5 1/2: thence run South 87'.9'55" West 5325.69 teet to the Northwcs~ corner or said S 1/2 or Section 4, the POINT or DEGImlING, containing 1<1.52 acr\!s, more or less. Ratarenced in Deed Book 13, p3gas J49 and J50, Public Records ot Collier Co~nty, Florida. " S 87'49'55"W 5325,89' ,",' ."...... :,1; " ~ 7~ ~ tj tti v' 0 '. n ~ ~ N N AI....). Cot::. ..r: '5./7- <Ie (,/:,c.4./.,.47::'>. e. 30 E. \ ,0 " " " , e " 1;."; 14,52:t AC, XO f-"; ceO 00 z- Xc- f- cn ::Jot o <fl ) LR ~,J4,412,5' N 87'49'SG"E J ; 4290,72' " " N) . , 0 R'G,G46.12' 1 1 0 , 6 ~ 00'53' 00' 0 ^ J~ 6=04'22' 04' ~ v A = 530.56' A~506,G4' , '0 u . ,,' w 1 ~, 000 weiR? " IOC( 1 THIS [S A SKETCH OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THIS IS NOT' A SURVEY NOT TO SCALE, " PRLPA1.LD BY: TRANsrORTATION S[RVICCS DIVISION COLLID. comrrr, COVDUQ"lI:tlT COHPLU 3301 r. TAMIAMI TRAIL HAPL~S. YL 33962 f",~\ ~~. ~"r~ 'r. Q;) j)~' RICtiAR.D S. <:UGC ~ PROFESSIOHAL LhHD SURYE10R 12769 SEP 1 0 1995 t! It ;:1 9 rROJtCT: C R 84-CP EXHIBIT "A" PARCEl.: SECTION 5 ,TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA lEGI\l DESCRIPTION SHEET 7 OF 2> '. (5) That part ar Section 5, TO'/nship 47 south, Range 30 East, Collier County, florida, de"scribed .IS tollows: Begin at the lIorth....cst corner of S 1/2 of section 5, TO\.o'nship 47 south, Runge)O East and rHn South lllong the West boundary of sZlid S 1/2 a distance I)! 115.0J feet: thence trom a tangent bearing ot South 89'19'57" East run Easterly along the llre o~ a curve concave to the Harth having a nl(liu5 of 28682.8 teet through a central angle of 1'04'07" a distllnCQ ot 534.96 feet to the end of said curve; ~h.nce run. North 89'35'56" East 4269".4B feet to tho beginning ot a curve concave to the North having 1I. radius ot 34412.5 teet; thence run Easterly through a central angle at O'S3'alor:g the arc at said curve S30.52 ,teet to the East boundary of sale! S 1/2 or Section 5; thonce run North along said East boundary 114.57 feet to th'l Northeast corner ot said S 1/2; thence run South 89')5'56" Wast. S:J:),L95 feet along the Horth boundary of si'lid S 1/2 of Sect,ion 5' tD the HorthwEist corner of said S 1/2 of Section 5, the FOINT OT SE(;tlfNIllG: containing' 14.66 acres, more or le~s. Re!erenced in Deed Bool< 1), pages 3~9 lInd 350, Public Records o! Collier County, l~lorida, . :'~~ '-::- U) d o " " ~ ' ~~ ,. M "_ c.., ., 5, I, \ ~" "e.o.. 5 T. 4-7 S. ".,30 E. / '" (.J.j.,....T.. c",1Jj.JO.Qor:Y,~ $JJ?"W Yz 58 "35'55"W 5334,95' ,J'~(.I ", " o .' In f-O :00/1 o <J1 14,55:!: AC <'-I Ulf- .fer _0 -z " yJ I~ 89' 35' 55"E .., ~ , 4259.48' , , , "" ' , 1 ~ , . L~ , ,,, '-R' 28,G82,8' , 31 ~ " R'34,4.12,5 0 )""'1 ~ ~11 i ~ '^ 6 "01' 04' 07" t" 00' 53' 00' '" \, , . ' \ , " " A' 534,95' A' 530,52' ~ ' l . ." ^ . " .^ '\ ) . !QQ( 000 W,e lR8 THIS IS A SKETCH OF THE lEGAL DESCRIPTION. THIS IS NOTA SURVEY, , NOT TO SCALE. PR1:PAll.I..D 1IY: TRANSP01TATIOH SERVICts DIVISION COLLIn. COmfry COVOJt>1IN'I COKPLD. DOl r;. TA11IAJiI. !RAIL HAPLI:S, TI. 33952 (813) 774-a260 nt, aU~ J.ICI:l.Al..D S. Cl.1 PROFESSIONAL LAND SUlVEIOR 12769 DATI:: crT'" ;>:"S ,'1~C) ... ,~- . ,-- .. SEP 1 0 1996 Pll.OJr.cr: C e 84...6 EXHIBIT "A" rMCr1., SECTION G TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA LEGAL DESCRIPTION 51^",-+ 8" 8 That part of section 6, Tounship 47 South, Ra.nge )0 East, Collier County, Florida, described liS tallows: Bogin at the North....est corner ot the S 1/2 ot Sectlon 6, To....nship 47 South, Range )0 East and run South along tha West boundary ot. said 5 1/2, 126.($4 teet: l:hence troJl a tangent budnq ot South 89.2)'05~ East rJn Easterly along the arc ot a curve, concave to the South hAving a radius of ~4)42.5 teet through fI. central angle ot 1'07'25" a distance ot 67).42 t.et to the end ot sald curve: thence run South e8'15'40~ East 4117.81 feet to the beginning ot " curve concave to the North having a radius ot 28682-.8 teat; thence run Easterly along the arc ot said .curve,. through a central angle of. 1.04' 17" a distance of. !D6.35 f.eet to the East boundary at said S 1/2; thence run North along said East boundary 115.0J teet to the Northeast corner ot sZlid !; 1/2;. thence run Harth 88.15'40" Hest 5327.9 teet to the North....est corner of said 5 1/2 ot Section 6, the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 14.68 acres, lllore or less. Referenced in Deed Book 13, pages J49 and J50, Public Records of Collier county, Florida. ,...,0./. "'''''~. ..~ 5. '/~ ...: ~"G. 0, T;~.7 ~'I i'.<I01!!:. \ ~ tg ~ ' , ' ,~ ~ I ~J ~ I >) Ii g <i <l ~ " . ~ - '\ N 88' [5' 40"W 5327.9' Nil. c~~. O~ s. 1.<: ..., '!>bC..c.., 7:"'''':5. R:. <30 E. ,.- ." o' ", !.,,, ~ , " <i ~ . " ~ " ,J 1 \ ,>! , , ~ . , ~J q ) 0 S 88' 15' 40"E 41'7,8[' N ~I ';'- 0:0 ;::0 V1 14.G8:!: AG. "'"' ;.-0 "'.n 0= '" i o I R' 34,342,5' 6 ' 0 I' 07' 2 S" A' 673.42' R, 28,682,8' 6 ',01'04' 17" A=S36.3S' THIS [S A SKETCH OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THIS [S NOT A SURVEY, ' , NoT TO SCALE. (]OO' '" 18gB1'u~s~fti~~4/ PlOrlSSIOKAL LAND SUlVETOR 12759 PIll.PMI.D BY: nAHSPOUAIION SIJln:crs DIVISION COttIEll COtnrrT r,OYD.m'l1:tIT COl'tPLl:I 3301 t. T,IJj!JJ1I nAIl. tH;U~ HAPLlS, n. 33962 (613) 77.(,-8260 DArt:. .__~G_T'.. ;o:.~ '''''''t:' SEP 1 0 1996 I EXHI8IT" p.>" JOHNSON ENGINEf=.r<ING, Ir"c. 1 ,~. JO"""50'" $r~{(T l(~("HO"[ ,t'})1)4-OOH T[L(COI"C...,lll)))<'HII I'OST 0"'(( lOt '''0 'o..r "''''(''5. rLOlll'O" }]'02'1}'O c"nL [.JO....50" It 1 \. '9~' c..."'......"" ARCHIE T. GRANT, JR. ""("OC'if FORREST H. BANKS VICC...,.CStO(NT LEIF E. JOHNSON JOSEPH W. EBNER STEVEN K. MORRlSON ANDREW D. TILTON JEFFREY C. COONER DAN W. DICKEY KENTON A. KElLING DONALD D. STOUTEN GEORGE J. KALAL MICHAEL L HAA~O!'l THOMAS L. FENDLEY W. DAVID KEY, JR. CONSULT"''''5 LESTER L BULSON ROBERT S. O'ORIEN I .-' <\ CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS December 11, 1987 R Jt;IIT -OF -HAY FOR COUNTY ROAD 846 SECTIONS 1-6, T. 47 S" R. 30 E. COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR PROPOSED DEED COLLIER TO COLLIER CDUNTY The ri9ht-of-way (120 feet wide) for County Road 846 in Sections II 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Township 47 South, Range 30 East, Collier County Florida whic~ right-of-way is described as follows: Frol71 the Collier monument marking the northwest corner. of .said Sl:ctiOl 6 run S 000 251 47" E along the west line of said section and said township for 2,631.90 fl:et to Co Collier mcnument marking the quarter corner on the west 1 ine of said Section 6 and the Point of Beginning. Frem said Poirt of Beginnin9 run easterly alon9 the northerly 1 ine of said right-of-way S 88. 02' 22" E for 4,793.83 feet to a point of curvature, easterly "long the arc of a curve to the ldt of radius 28,427.55 feet (chord bearing S 89' 06' 53" E) (chord 1,066.73 feet) (delta 02. 09' OD") for 1,066,79 feet to a paine of tangency, H 89(' 481 37" E for 4,273.68 feet to a point of curvature, l:asterly (l10n9 the arc of a curve to the ri9ht of rajius 34,292,5D feet (chord bearing N 88. 56' 02" E) ,(chord 1,048,97 feet) (delta Dl. 45' 10") for 1,D49,OI feet to a point of tangency, N 880 031 27" E for 4,304.44 feet to a point of curvature, easterly along the arc of a curve to the left of "dius 6,43'1.09 feet (chord bearing tI 83' 39' 32" E) (chord 987,/2 feet) (delta 08' 47' 51") for 988.69 feet to a point of tangency, N 790 151 37" E for 4,910.17 feet to a point. of curvature, easterly along the arc of a curve to the right of radius 5,814.65 feet (chord bearing N 84. 30' 12" E) (chord 1,062,70 feet) (delta 10029' 10") for 1,064.18 feet to a point of tangency and N 890 441 47" E for 9,364.66 feet to an intersection with the east line of said Section 1 at a point 2,076.64 feet southerly (as measured along said east line) of the northeast Corner of said section; thentie run SOl. 00' 40" E along said east line for 120,D1 feet; thence run Hesterly along the south line of said right- of-way (120 feot wide) S 89' 44' 47" W for 9,366,25 feet to a point of curvature, westerly along thFt arc of a curve to th~ l~ft of radius 5,694.65 feet (chord bearing S 84' 30' 12" \1) (chord 1.040,)) feet) (delta 10' 29' ID") for I,D42.22 feet to a point of tangency, S 79' 15' 37" II fur 4,91D,17 feet to a point uf IDQ( OOO",WO ~_. .~- SEP 1 0 1996 tl ~ -, 1:1 i2 JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC. SJ:"6if ' r.,' -<. ,{,4 Ri ght-of-Way December 11, Page 2 for County Road 846 1987 i curVHure, wesLerly along the arc of a curve to the right of r,dius 6,559,09 feec (chord bearing 58]' ]9' 32" W) (chord 1,006.13 feet) (delta 08' 47' SI") for 1,007.12 feet to a point of tangency, 5 88' 0]' 27" W for 4,304.44 feet to a poinc of (un-Hur'!, westerly along the arc of a curve to the righc of radius 34,412.50 feet (chord bearing 588' 56' 02" W) (chord 1,052,64 feet) (delta 01' 45' 10") for 1,052.68 feet to a point of tangency, S 890 481 37" W for 4,273.68 feet to a point of curvature, westei.ly along the arc of a curve to the right of radius 28,547,55 feet (chord bearing tI 89' 06' 53" W) (chord 1,071.23 feet) (delta 02' 09' 00") for l,071.29 feet to a point of tangency, tI 88' 02' 22" W for 4,116,18 feet Co a point of curvature and we:iterly al ang the arc of a curve to the ldt of radius 34,342.50 feet (chord bearing 1188' 36' 02" W) (chord 672,48 feet) (delta 01' 07' 19") for 672.49 feet Co an intersectlon with said west line of said Section 6; thence ron N 00' 23' 36" W for 126,69 feet to the Point of 8eginning, Bearings hereinabove mentioned are Plane Coordinate for the Florida E4St Zone. Leif E, J Profession L nd Surveyo; Florida Certificate tlo. 2724 LEJ/pd 14703 IQQ~ (Jon w, 1m SEP 1 0 1996 "'4 <~. ~~ ~ ,g !~, l~ EXHIBIT "B" JOHNSON ENGINEE:.~ING Ir'---IC , , ' 1 '~e )0.....50... 5TIle (1 1[L[""0"'[,. ')1114-00" T(LCCO",[Il,"llJ)"lUI "05T O''"C[ .o~ "50 rOllT '-<Y(IlS. rI..O"'OA 11'OJ.15'O C....I.(..>a.."SON "'I"'" c....,.Il........ ARCHIE T. GRANT. JH. ....[510[..1 FORREST H. BANKS V!CC'''''[51D[N'' LEIF" E. JOHNSON JOSEPH W. EBNER STEVEN K. MORRtSON ANDREW D. TILTON JEFFREY C. COONER DAN w. OICKEY KENTON R. KElLING DOr~ALD D. STOUTEN GEORGE J. KALAL MICHAEL L HARt-1Q/'! THOMAS L FENDLEY W. DAVID KEY, JR. CO....UI..T...ns LESTER L. BULSON ROB ERT S. O'BRIEN CIVIL ENGINEERS Af'IQ LAND SURVEYORS '3 .f "\- December 11, 1987 RIGHT-OF-IJAY FOR COUIITY ROAD 846 5ECTlOH5 1-6, T. 47 5., R. 3D E, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR PROPOSED DEED COLLIER TO COLLIER COUNTY The right-of-way (120 feet wide) for County Road 846 in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and (), Township 47 South, Range 30 East, Collier County Florida which right-of-way is described as follows: From the Collier monument marking the northw~st corner. of 'said Section 6 run SOD' 25' 47" E along the west 1 ine of said section and said township for 2,631.90 feet to a Collier monument marking the quart~r corner on the west 1 ine of saij Section 6 and the Point of Beginning, From said Point of Beginning run easterly along the northerly line cf said ri9ht-of-way 5 88' 02' 22" E for 4,793.83 feet to a point of curvature, easterly along the arc of a curve to the left of radius 28,427,55 feet (chord bearing 589' 06' 53" E) (chord 1,066.73 feet) (delta OZ' 09' 00") for 1,066,79 feet to a point of tangency, N 890 4B' 37" E for 4,273.68 feet to a point of curvature, ez-sterly (llang the arc of a curve to the right of radius 34,292.50 feet (chord bearing tl 88' 56' OZ" E) (chord 1,048,97 feet) (delta 01045' 10") for 1,049.01 feet to a point of tangency, N 88' 03' 27" E for 4,304.44 feet to a point of curvature, easterly along the arc of ~ curve to the left of rodius 6,439,09 feet (chord bearing N 83' 39' 32" E) (chord 987.12 feet) (delta DB' 47' 51") for 988.69 feet to a point of tangency, N 79' 15' 37" E for 4,910.17 f~et to a point of curvature, east~rly along the arc of a curve to the right of radius 5,814.65 feet (chord bearin9 1184' 30' 12" E) (chord 1,062.70 feet) (delta 10' Z9' 10") for' 1,064.18 feet to a point of tangency and N 890 44' 47" E for 9,364.66 feet to an intersection with the east line of said Section 1 at a point 2,076.64 feet southerly (as measured along said edSt line) of the northeast corr,er of said section; then~e run SOlo 00' 4011 E along said t:ast line for 120.01 feet; thence run r1estl~rly along the south 1 ine of said right- of-way (120 feet wide) S 890 441 47'1 W for 9,366.25 feet to a point of curvature, westerly along th~ arc of a curve [0 th~ lef.t of radius 5,694.65 feet (chord bearing S 84' 30' IZ" W) (chord 1,040,)) feet) (delta 10" 29' 10") fOI- 1,042.22 feet to a point. of tangency, S 79' 15' 37" W fur 4,910,17 feet to a point of !OO( (JOG w, HJ2 ....N EOU,\LOPPO"TUNrl"Y E'~~O;'ER SEP 1 0 1996 '';' I! IX tj ;,~- ~:s' ~J ,jOHNSOt'J ENGINEERING, INL. i2-,:.1.6; r ','3" + .f. .4 Right-or-Way for Courlty Road 846 December J J, 1987 Page 2 I curvature, westerly along the MC of ~ curVe to the right uf rodius 6,559.o9 feet (chord bearing S 83" 39' 32"~) (chord 1,006.13 feet) (delta 080 Ill' ~!l") for 1,007.12 feet to a point of tangency. S 88' 03' 27" ~ for 4,304,44 feet to a poine of curvaturt~, westerly 31 DOg the arc of a curve to the right of radius 34,412,50 feet (chord bearing S 88' 56' 02"~) (chord 1,052.64 feet) (delea 01' 45' 10") for 1,052,68 feet to a paine of tangency, S 89' 48' 37" ~ for 4,273.68 feet to a point of curvature, westerly along the arc of a curve to the right of radius 28,547,55 feet (chord bearing II 89' 06' 53"~) (chord 1,071.23 feet) (delta 02' Og' 00") for 1,071.29 feet to a point of tangency, N 88' 02' 22" ~ for 4,116,18 feet to a point of curvature and we:;terly along the arc of CI curve to the left of radius 34,342,50 feet (chord bearing N 88' 36' 02" W) (chord 672,48 feet) (delta 01' 07' Ig") for 672.49 feet to an intersection with said w~st line of said Section 6; thence run N 000 231 36" W for 126.69 feet to the Point of Beginning. Bearings hereinabove mentioned are Plane Coordinate for the Florida East Zone. Leif E. J Profess 1 on L nd Surveyor Florida Certifica'e NOe 2724 LEJ/pd 14703 !OO( OOO'A'dD3