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Resolution 1999-335
335 l~,l(l_.\'l'lX(i T() l'liTl I ION Xl ;.".11~1:I,~ \'-~')-I~; I"( )R .,\ \',,\I~,I,,\N('F ()N I'1~,( )I'I{ICI 'f Itl!t{t!lXAl:'l'l{l/ I)f:'S('I~,11~F.I~ IN ( '( )l]X'I"f, FI.ORII)A. WItI~ILI'.A~. lh;' ('onnlv pt~rsunnl lhcrcl~ dix ~i,ms ,~f ~hu ('~unq,', intorag which is Ihc ~r;mting of Wl II'RI'. XX. Ihc IM;ml ~d'X~ming Appc;ds. hcin~ Ihc duly "A". in ;m R~I:-S Zone lbr lhc properly hercinalicr illilllcr~ rcqmrcd by s;dd rc~utnlion~ illllI in nml WIIItRItAS. ;dl interested pnrlics h:~vc hccn IM;Hd in pnblic n,,cclm,S ;mscmhtcd, ;red Ihc t~xn'd o1' (',dliur ( '~unt>'. Flnnd;n l'l~c l'CliliOn V-99-111 Iilcd hy Anlhony P. l'ircx..Ir.. I.omh;~rd~, P.A.. ~cprcscnlin~ 'l'ilm M. /)scc~l;~, ~ilh respeel Io Ihc pr~pcrly hcrchml'lcr fi'ont y;~nt ~clh;~ck oI']11 l~'cl Io Ifi.~ l~cl i1~ ~hmvn Ihc l/Sl:.~ Zonin~ l)i~lricl whorein said l'ln~ v;u'iuncc is Ii~r Ihc cr~cronchmcnl dcp~clcd in t~xhihil "A- ()IIICF CtlcroilCJllllClll~ sh;dl FL'IILIIIC SL'I1;IliIIL' l'hrcc canopy trees. 12 I~ct in height, shall hc i'fiamcd aml way l'wo canopy Irees, 12 fecl in hei~hl, shall tw phmled aml m;mmlhlcd bclwccn the housc alltJ Ihe micrscclJon ,d' 44°' Terrace 5w ;,rid 29'" Arcnut SW. Thc Irccs shall hc inslallcd INNtL;Ir~Cc Of a ('cMi 1Scale of Occupancy. }'~1~ I1 RI::S(JlY.'I!I) that Ihis Resolution rclaling to I'cliticm Nmnbcr V-')9-1I) be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopied after molioll. secolid aiR[ Ilia t,rity xmc. Done lhis ~ ~ ......... day of_.__.._ _~ ..... . 199'L .*T'I'I'~ST: i)WIGiIT i!. I',R()~"K. ('lcrk Art{st i. t; Chalr~n't ,,\pprovcd as Io I:~rm and l.cgal Sufficiency: Mar orid M..Studcnl ..\SSiSlillll ('(MillIV .,\ttor;~c', Exhibit "A"