Resolution 1999-31916 12 RESOLUTION NO. 99-._%L9__ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMIT REDUCTIONS FROM FIFTY- FIVE MILES PER HOUR (55 MPH) TO FORTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR (45 MPH) ON IMMOKALEE ROAD (CR 846) FROM WILSON BOULEVARD TO 39'" AVENUE NE. AND ON OIL WELL ROAD (CR 858) FROM CR 846 EASTERLY FOR A DISTANCE OF 0.75 MILES. WHEREAS, Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, permits the Board el Counly Commissioners (BCC) to alter established speed limits on roads under ils jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Immokalee Road (CR 846) and Oil Well Road (CR 8.58) fall under U~e iurisdiclion of the gCC: and WHEREAS. m accordance v,,ilh Section 316, Florida Statutes, Ihe BCC may alter .such exisling speed limits as may be appropriate upon the basis of an engineering and Ir~.lfflc invesligahon: and WHEREAS. Ihe resulls of such engineering and traffic mvesligalions determine lhat Ihe reduced speed I~rnit ~s reasonable and safer under the condilion$ round ~o exist and il conforms Io crileria promulgated by the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. that: 1. The BCC does hereby establish a forly-five m~les per hour (45 MPH) speed lira,1 on Immokalee Road (CR 846) from Wilson Boulevard to 39'" Avenue NE. and on Oil Well Road (CR 858) from CR 846 easterly for a distance of 075 miles, and does hereby direct the County Transpodalion Services Department to erect appropriate advance warning "REDUCE SPEED AHEAD" signs and speed limit s~gns g~wng nohce lhereol 2. A copy of thrs Resolution be fen,yarded to the Collier County Sheriff's Office Ior proper enforcement of the established speed limil for Immokalee Road fCR 846) and Oil Well Road (CR 858). respeclively, within Ihe deslgnaled segments 3. The effective date of the speed limil reduction sh.:JII be after ,^'rdlef'l notification to Ihe Shenff's Office and upon posling of approprmto s~gnage This Resolution adopted aftc:r mellon, sc. cc)nd, and majordy ','olr~ favc)r fyi same Ibis day of .Z/~ .......... 1999 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk Deputy Clerk Attest as to signature Approved as to form, and lega) sufficiency: Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLL, IER CO.UNTY. FLORIDA BY: ...................................... PAMELA S. MAC'KIE. Chaio,,,,oman