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Resolution 1999-316
RESOLUTION NO. 99- 316 16 24 A RI:.SOI.IJTION OF TIIE BOARD OF COtJNTY COMMISSIONF. RS OF ('OI.l.l F.R COUNTY, FI.ORIDA, AUTI IORIZING TI IlL ASSI(iNM I:.NT OF ,.\N ,.\GRI']I{M F, NT WITII THF, FI,ORIDA I3IiI'AR'I'lMI~NT ()F TR,,\NSPOI{TATION AND (;OOD WI IEI:.I.S, IN('. It'hcrt','rq', Ihc Itc,:trd of C,,mnly ('ornmissioncrs of('nllicr ('otmty. I.'hmda. has the :mlhurily It) enter inlo ;m ,,\grccmcnt with oilmr parlies ;,s aulhorizcd by Scclion 125.¢11. J"[.tlt'JtJ~t ,',;lttttttc.v. NOW. TI1 EREFORE. BE IT RESOI.VED by thc Board of County (',mrnissioncrs Collier Counp.' FIc~ritl:t. that: The Agreement itssigning ('.ntr;ict Ntlnlhcrs AI.'291 ;red A( itln4 I?mn (k~od Wheels, Inc. ('nllicr (.'{~tlIlly iS approvcd. 'l'hc Chain,,'omar~ of the Board of County ('omnlissiOrlCrS of ('oilier ('~mnty. Florida. is authorizcd to cnlcr inlo Illis Agr¢cmcnt. This Rcsohltion adoptcd lhis,,~ nlajority vote l¥.'orillg ATTEST: DWIGIIT H. BROCK. Clcrk Stgnatur~ only. Approved ;Is Io Ibrm and legal sufficiency: ~rb [)avid C, \Vc~gcl. ('ounly ;\tlonmy 1tOARI) OF COUNTY ('()MMISSIONI!RS ('OI.LIF. F. C'OUNTY. FI.OF, IDA ST..VI'I.~ ()i" I"I,()RII)A I)EI'AICI',MICNT ()1" TP, AN,',;I'()ICi'ATI()N WI TN t:.S S I':.T}I \\'}tlt141i..',,%. x;,id ..\y'.zccmcnl', ;LT'c bV lhciF ICrZliX ;Lxxi~n;~ld,.' {ullv ul>,m lhc pri~;~ writIon c,.m',cnl (d' lhc l).,'l~;llllm:nl' ;Hid \VI IFJ~,I:.,.\S. ,,\s',i?or (Icsircs l()assign Ihc ,,\grccn'~cl~Is to pcrl',u'ln ;~11 (l~tic>, an(I {d)ligali(ms under Ihc Agr'CCll~Cl~lS: N¢)\V. TtII(P,I:.f"(.iI),F.. in ctmsidcl';tlit,n ~,I' Ihc l'tu'c?,in7 ;tml in ~.'tmsi(Icr;tli{m t~l' l)~dh~r,, iS IIl.(lll} ill l~;~rl,l i~;~i~l hv c;R'h p;trly IlCr,:l~, h} liB.' ~111cr ;~ml l~r ~1}1,._'~' .,.!t~o(I nntl ~.';~l~;tl~l,.~ I. ..\sq~,.z,m~r hcf'clL', .,.2'r:tnts, b;Irgairls .sells. om,,cys, lFmlsl'crs. ;Is,,i.,.!Tls ;~ml sols ~)x'cr Ills cnlil',.' riglltn alld dClC.L'illcn his ellliFe duties IIIldCF the ,,\EFccIncIII?, t() /\S'.;i~211CC Sllb. jc¢l l~) Ihc o}VCll;tnls ;llltl condilio[ls hcrvin InCllli()11C(I. 2. ..\','-.i'2'llO.: llcrcl~,, ;t,,'-,tl~i1,..'$ all ,)t~li~;tlit)ns ~,l .-\',si~II(1I' l'[q' lh'.' I~Cl'l'Ol'ln;lllCC ;l;ld I'~;Iyiil'..:Ill hcrc;~l'lcr iurl'~n~l l';tilhl~lllv ;~11 ~,I' lhc c('~v,..'11;1111,,. qilml;~li{m,; aml il},l'CClllClllS c~ml;tin,.:d liltrein. 3. ,,'\S",igllt~r ;tmt A,.,.,i.,2, ncc hcr,.'lL,, l'¢(.tll,,:q Illill lilt.: I)cp;llllllCllt ,.:tUlSClI1 lilt AOFCClllCIIIs l(~ 4. The l)cp;irtlncnI c{)nscllls t,~ Ihc ;tssi.,2, nmcnl (,1' the A)~i'cclncllls I,t~ Assigncc; provided, howcvcr, lhc ])cp;tlllllL'nl's c(}11.scnl l~) Ibis ;lSSiglllllClll sh;tll llOl conslil!.Jlc ;I v,,';.livcr {)t' l.}lC gCllCl'il[ prohii~ili(,n .'l~:;tinq ;issigfl:m.:nt c(ml;tincd in lhc :\gro..uncnl,;. ;i.,4 Io I'lll'lh~.:r ;issignmcrlls lind shall II()I COllstiIIllC ;l rc]c;tsc (d' ..\x'-.i.,._'ll{'~F umlcr lhc AgI'CClllClllS Io lilt CXlClll ill' ,'\s.xi.~llor's pCl'F('}l'lll;111cc .5. ,.\ll ~.tllllX xvl~i,..'h hccomc remicred ;:lh:c';:Ic~t ::r di,.'i:kxt I:v ::ml I:cI~vccn ,&~J?cc and .,Xs~i?(:r. In Ihc cvcnl ;ill}' dix]:ulc ;trixcx .~ ShJ ~Ilu'C satihfaction in I'ull t~t' the ])cpat~mcnt's ohligalion to pay Ihc ~umh which il i~ td~lig;ttcd 1o pay J~tll'~tl;mt ;Jnd mmcri;tl~. :\ssi,..'l~c,..: v,';u'n~nls that hc hah ol)tahlcd mxt sh;tll [naintain in',urancc i~tdk'iux in COmldi;JnCC willl the .,\~..z'rccmcltls rcquirctnclits. includin:,' hul n(~t linlitu'd tt~. j.]clICl';ll li;tl~iJil\' irisur;incc vCJlJCLIJ;lr ill'.tlT';lll,.'C. ;111~J \V(~T'J'~L.'I'S' C(HilI)Cllg;IlitHI ill~,LIr;111CC. .,\',,~i[,..'11~H' IIL'I'k'I)Y I'CI)rCXUIII~,. ;Ill.d ,.'\g,F,J~rlC,Z lierob',' ~iCL'Cj)I',,, lh;11 JJl,,'l'L' ;Ir'c~ Ilt~ ¢'JilJlll~ J)I'Jt~r' [o lb,.' cl'l'cclJvL' tli~l~.' hcl'c(~J', c\CCl)I l'tH' ctHllracltl;tl c(~1111)c'11',;11hul which Illil~,' lite[ have .YL'I itCeli J')ilJ(.J. ;l[lcJ ~111~, xtP.'JI cJ;IJlll",. tlJJlL'I' [Jlilll C.'(H1TF;I,.'ILI~IJ L'(lIIIJ~L'Ilk,~I[i~I. ~II'L' IIL'FL'I')v \V;~i\'l.'(I illl(J rc h.'il~cd. ASSIGN,' )P,: ATI'EST: Approved :is to fornl & l¢,..tal sufficicncv: ,.,... ~, Z C(fllier Col~nl.y Allorney's ()fficc Public Tnm~[x~ilalicm N.I;magcr ~ Approved as, to l'orn~ and legality: ' ,~ :,,/, > .. District L.o, al Counsel ASSIGNEE: C()IAAt.:R C()UNTY BOARD OF C?UN'TY, cOMMISSIONERS Clerk Attest ~{~ 59-6000558 Cha t~ 's STATE OF FL()RIDA DEPARTMENT ()F *R~NNS PORT~TION I.)isl~rict Sec'rcla rf I ., ,. .;' ff"~: ._47 / ../ Excculi~ e Sccrclary }1 tL;SERS l.(;l 5r3~'!., W}i( '. LEe ;A I.. A S5,1GN.121 3