Resolution 1999-309 L 6 A 15 WIIU{L..\S. 1 bh,t;ll ,". 111l11l;l!l11~' I't ('"lIK'r {"Il\ll1\>. 11l~, \1"" qUidll\cd IlIr ;1!1 Impa~\ ri.'\.' \\'iLlWr ha:,cd upon the follO\\ mg rl.pr\."....nLl~I(lI1" lll;nk hy Ilahllat fliT Illlm:nll1y HI {'lllhl.'r ('OlUlIY. 1111: :\. rhl' Ih\\"IIITl~' 'nil "h:\ll h\.' ~nld III a I"IT!'>I-llm\.' htllm' hll>"I.'T 1\ 1 hl' 1)\\ l'11\llf: l :1111 "h,,11111.' "old \\1 a hlHI!ichllld Wl1h:l nor> 10w \1l.:t11l11.' I,'wl (I"; Ih:l' tCrlll IS dcfLncrJ In lh\.' ;\PPl.'ndkl:'; III the rt':O;Pl.'l,,'\lVC Impact Fcc (>rdlnam:c" and Ihe 1l1111\lhly payment III pl1n:h;P\c the lllll! 11111" hl' \\ 1111m1l,... il,r,lftbhk hll\lSln!; plllk\mc:-> ......;\;lhll:-:.I1\:1I Iii tIll' I\pl'l.I1I1I1.:\.... III the n:!ipccl\\'C Il11p;\\:1 h'l,rlrdlll,IIKc" t". I"h.... 'h\dll11~ \ "Illl "h.111 h.... thl'llnmcsh:ad nfllw lmlll.'f I) IlK Ih\\.'llll1~ I-nl' ...hall fl.'maln afrnrdtlhlt. lilT Iin\"~'n (1~1 y~'.lf' Irll/ll 1!1I' 11;1(~' 111l' ~~'r\lfll;;\IC (,f "\.'~'lIp.J1ll'> h 1,,\1\,'11 NOW TIILRLHII{!', HI-. 1'1 J{I~S{)LVH) BY TIIF HCMRJ) Ill, ('C)!l;-";IY ('CJi\1MISSJ{)NEI{S C)F COLl,IER COI ':-';'1' , 1 III\{ 11\ \, ,hal I, I h\.' liliaI'd "I \-llllllly ('(llnrnl:-'~lllnt'rs hCT~hy :lllllwrll\.'\ lh\.' ('Olllll~ \lan:q,!\:r III '~SlI\,' ;m ..\ulhnr\l;ll'''1l 1'..1' \\,11\'\,'1' Ill' Impac! ft'l's to I [ahnal lilT I hlmanlly Ill' ('Il11I\.'r ('nlllllY, 1m:, fm nnc (1) hll\l';\.' \1!lI\.'1\ ,hall h\.' ~on..trlll;lc\.l on I,lll 1\ HIlI!..'k ~. :'\<lpk.. \lal101' I-,\l\"n\lllll, ('ollleT ('Ol1llIY. 1-\01'101,1 2, (:pOI1 1'\.,.\,'lpl h: thl' IlllUS11lg :mtllJrh:m tmrTllH'nwnl [Jln:!..'tIlT nfan :1j.!r\.'\,'llwnl for W<l1 \'\,'f Ill' lInpae1 r<.T' 'l~nl.'d h lLlhil;ll for lllltnamty "I' ('lillieI' ('illlnl~'. In... :llldlll' lh.... pIIT\:lKIS\,'r. III' nlher dl'<.'\IllWI1:;lll'\ll ;I...\......pt.lhk In Iht' ('o\llll~' ..\llurn~y, ,h\,' lh'ard ,,1" l <>\1111\ ( 1I11l1l1lSSlOl\\.'TS hl'r\"hy :llltlll'nl<." Ih,' !,:I~ 1l1l'nl h~' ('"Iltl'r ('ollnly of Ill\' lollll\\ Ill\! Itnp;Il'1 In" 11"11; Ilw ,\ nimbhk Ilnll\1I1g I 1'1l,II'lIl1'1. l'WIIl 11')\ I, III \lI~' fnll11\\'ln~ :l1l11l1lnl\ h'f Ihe nm' (1) h,'ll'\.'(ll Il\.. hI1l1l,'1\ lnl 1,1. 1\lock ~. :-\;lI,k... \LJnol' LX\l.'nSHl1\ hy lIahllal for 1111111;1I111~' III" '11111\,'r ('nllT\W Ill\,' .- II J.\hr.1ry ImpacI Fec ]{1l.ld Imp;h.:1 Fel' 1'.111-., 1111\1;1\.'1 I-I.'~' ~ 1~05~ .''71)00 ....~fJ,:..~ 1~ q/l I) l'\h Imp;\\"1 h'~' I \:u''-dl1'''l;.! ]-.1l',IIII\." ....y'I..l1l I' I111P,I\.'II',,' \\';I\\.'rlllll',Il'II'\.'\.' S~'\\-\,'I- lm!,:!ct I:~'c ('''rH'~'lh'Il:l1 I-;,cllllll:, Imlla.'1 F....\.. i-";SO() 1,175,110 57~,IlO -~ $7.140..'4 (j II. '1'0'1':\1, 1'"',\(''1' FEES , I h.' l';P' 111\'111 ,,1 1111""1'1 f.'c~ hy ('"Iller (IlWHy I' ,ul'l\"l.'ll" lh\.' \"\l'\.'1111"" ;IT,d r\"\.'onl"llllll Ill' an .1).:1'.'1.'111\.'111 ("f \I ;)1 \~'r III ('11111\.'1' ("llllll~ Jlllpa<.'1 1.1.'\.', h~'I\\ .','11 th\.' l'I'I'p.'II\' ,"\ 11\,'1 and'or 1'll1'\'h;I",~'r ;111.1 thc {'<tlllll\ " 2 ,r::'....INQ . .",c;,O"~ I t"'..C.... c.C"~"'" "......,. "'~UI ,.r....-." 0' ~"::2u:...~t:l9.B. -'1U.r.u~U ...". "lIce... I:........UNI:O ..... ...c. ....,..0 I .......0 .,......T .,,'D ...L......,. CO.....L.II:. w.~" ..,...u; "',o.VI.....C;....T. ior-t!:..........TC" 10""'.. ........w. or "-0''''0'''''"'''''0 ...C.T_ or ,...,..1 fU""'c" ec""I""',, ,.......,. ""'10 ...........,. w..... ,.....co ,.O~c.oMO .'T ~t!-~~~...O"''.:' ,.l~~:IO:.:::MI~.... ~o..::~ ::COR- 0(.0 'N ,,~"''T DOO"" N~~~"'.. '"::!c, ,:"..~~_!J.E. I, " , . '< , ~ , -'0 . '0 "-, '0 " . . . . '. <, " '. 16 A' 15 ...... :Cl ." " (.)"':<0;1 C':) l ~rhan ;.~ n g r..: ,~... -... ......... "'" ..., ~ " .' r> .. ~ ~ ~ ."" :.III ~ ".- AGHEDIE~T F()I{ (OIl'Yo "'AI\'I':H OF COl.l.IEH (,OUi"T\' 1~11'''\('T FEES This l\grl'~l11enl ("r 11lL' \\'"" l'" "r 1111p;Il'1 I:e~' l'l1l~r~d ;nl" Ihi~~ "r :1.7' I"')'), hy "l1d hC\\\,('Cl1 IllL' nl',II'llllr ('nl1nl~' ('nlllilllSS101\1..'rs nt' ('n\111.:r ('('\lllly. l:ll\11\!;1. IH:I\.'lll;L!h:r n:krred tn as "CO\ "'I Y" ,111l1 11,1I'ILII li'r 11\1ln"nllY or Collier (',,"nly, 1nc', 1r~"l'II1;r1kr r~ll-rr~d I" ;IS "O\\':\ER," \\' I T N E S S I' T 11: \\'11 F1U:,N';, (',,111L'I' C,,"nIY Ordil1al1~~ N", 1)'),,'2, Ihl' (',dlll'r ("HI111: ('''rlnli''nal Facili1ic~ lmp;1l'\ h:l' ()rdill;llll'l,.'~ '\,111l'l" l'tHII"Y (lrdlllilllCl' 'p \)S-(l'>, Ihl' ('nllicr ('oullty Rcttional \\';1\1.'1" ;11ld or SL'\\'\..'r Sysh.:Ill~ Illlpact \:\..,\.., ()nl111;I1H':C~ ('(\111C! ('PUllt;. ()nI111:lIH':C No. 88,'17, ;IS ;l1l1C1Hkd, Ih~ ('"lIilT ('PIII1IY I.lhrar:' SYSll'111 Il11pa~1 F~e ()rdll1;1I1e~: ('plli~r l'Ill111ly Ordil1ance ,,,, 1)'),:\,), Ih~ ('pllier ('P\1l1ly Parks al1d R~ncall""al I'aerlllll" 1111)1ael Fec Ordinance; ('pllu:r ('OUllly ()rdin;lI1l'~ ;\0. 1)\-71, ,IS ;lI1H::nded, till.: ('(llliL'1' ('lHIIlI)' l:m\:"g~llcy Medical Sl.::r\'i(L'~ S:'Sll'l1l Imp.lel I:L'L' ()rdin;\nrl\ Cnllil.:f Coullty ()l'dinal1l'~' ;\n. 1)2-22, as amended. thL' ('\)\l1L'!' ('\ll1lily Ro.Hl Impact h::c (hdillall~'l', imd ('pll\(,1 ('O\l111y ()nlill:!Ill'~ :~~: ~:~ :' C)2-~3, a:-; ;llllL'lllkd, Ihl..:: ('plll"':l' County I'.ducat;onal Facilities System Impact h.:e ()nlill.II\C~; as ,~ :01 they 1ll00Y he l"urthcl" ;ll1H.'IHkd from time to time hcrcin;lli.cr colleCl!",,:ly rcfcITl'd to as "ll1ln~lct .. ',- Fcc Onlinanc('''. pro\Hk' rill' Will\'crs of imp;1(1 fCl'S fin ne\\' o\\lllT.{ll'l:upi!.:d d\\Tllillg 'filiI qualifying as ;1l"t'prd~lhh: 11llIlS111g, ,\Ill! WIIU<I:,\S, ()\\"LR h", "ppllcd lor" w'lI\er 111 lI11pal'l ree, ,IS rl'lJlIl1~d hy lire Il11p"el Fe\: Ordill:I1KL'. it (ilP~ Ill' :-;i,id ;lpplicdtioll hl'ill~ nil lilt..' III lilt.: 01 Ii l.'L' or Illlll:-'lllg ,llld Improvl.::mc.:nL ;lIld \\'llFRI:.:\S. tilL' ('{ll11\ly Adlllilli~tratnr or hIS ~kS1!;llL'\: h.ls rL'\II.:\\\:d th~' O\VNI',R's appJit.:atl0l1 :l11d h,I" l"1)Ullll Ihal it cl1mpli\:s \\ IIh Ihe I'L'qlllrL'I1H.:nt>.; I'll) ;1ll ;1i'I<Hd:lhk lH'lIsill~ \V.li\,!.:!' nf' illlp:ll..'t IL'L'-; ,J:' L.....I:d,l1...I1L,d 111 111\: Imp;lll l.l'l' ()l'llln,HlcL': and \\'IIFRE:\S. 111L" 11111',1\,'1 J'I..'L' \\ ;U\L'[' ~1l;11l hI..' presl...'lltL'd III ll""tl nl I'll) 11Il.::lll ill'lll...: rl'q\ll~itc.: impacl li.:L'~ suhiL'l.t !II -;;111:-;1':lclh,n i,r .Ill crilL'lld III IhL' 1111p<lCI i"L'l' {)rdil1alH.'l' ql",lirY'lll~ till' project:ls cll!:!lhk l"llf;1ll 1111p~H.:1 r~..., \\,;l\\'1..'1: and \\'11FRF,\S, Ih~ CO\"TY "1'pro"l'd" "",,<:r "r lI11pa<:1 rc~' 1'''1' ()\\,)\FR l'mhod,e,1 ill RcsolUlinn :\Il, 1)1). -30 J .11 Its rC!;l1lar lllL'l.::t1I1:~ 01 :4~.J _,It)I)I);illlll ~- m_ .~ 1""1 '." 0 ,~~ 0.4_ -co ~ o~ ~ ., " 1"--' - ::::;.: .. ~ ~: r;.: ,. ~ :c ~ ,. - -: ..., ..0 ..-.. '" 1"Mt;.., '.. In "-> U"I ....... ...., "-> CT> .- C> :::0 "-> '-'"' -.J 00 ...." c;") ~' ~~ "" '-'"' .- -I ~ .' \\'lIERF:\S, Iho 11111'"CI 1'00 Or,limll1co roqlliros \h,,' tho OWNER 16 A - 15 I.:lltcr Illto all ^greel11ont wilh tho COl':'--:TY, NO\\', TII ERFFORF, in considoralion of tho !,)rogoing rccit"ls, tho I'''rtlos oo\On"nl "nd agree as follows: I, RI-.CII',\!.S 1:'--:('ORI'OR:\TEll, Tho fl1rogl1ing reoil"ls "1',' \rllO :l11d (<'1'1'001 "nd sh,,1I ho inwrpm",,'d hy roferenee herein, ') LE(,..\L DES(,RIPTIO~. The legnl description of thL' dwL'lling 1\111t (tile "()wdlillg I : 111 t" ) "nd si\o pl"n "re """ched herolo "s Exhihil ".-\" "I1LI InOl1rpor:llod hy rderenoe 111:1'''':111 3, TI:R\!. ()\\':'--:FR "groos Ih,,1 Iho D\\'oIling t '1111 sh,,11 1'0111"'" :IS :i1Tonl"hk hOIlSlng and shall ho oITer,'d for s"le in accordanoe wilh Iho slandards sel forth In Ihe "ppondicos \11 Ihe ImpacI Feo Ordm:lI1ce 1"'1''' poriod of lifteen (15) years clllnmencing frnm the ,Ia\o Iho cortilioale of Occllp"no," is l5'llOd 1-111' tho Dwelling Unit. 4, RFI'RESF:'--:T_\TJO:'--:S :\;--.ID \V^RRANTIFS, OWNFR ropresents :md warrants Ihe following: " Tho Dwolhng lInit shall ho sold to" h'H1sehI11d \\llh a \0[\' 1,1\\ illL'm"o :IS ddinod In the appendicos 10 tho Iml'aCI Feo Ordinanco :11111 his/her monthly payments to pllrchase Iho Dwelling t'mt shall he wllhin Ihe o :x:l alTnnlahlc hOllsing gllidelines ostahllshed in Ihc "l'l'ondic,'s 10 Ihe Il11paot ""' <..Tt -.l 00 -c ~ h,' ()nhn:lI1co: h rill..' \)\\ L'liing t :1111 shall hI..' sllld III i\ 111SI-liJ11L' \]\lllll' h\l\'l'r. " Tho IJw,'lling \:nll shall ho tho hllmosl,'ad of ow no I: ""' <..Tt .- 00 d, Tho Dwelling l:nil shall rel11"in "s afTordahk Illlllsing I'll' lilkon (15) YC;lrs fl'l1l11 1111': dale the ccrti liciltc ur o(,clJpam.:y \~ Issued 1'(11" till.: Dwelling \:nil: alld o ()\\':\I,R IS Ih,' ,1\\Iler of rooord orlho Ih\olllllg linil :lI1d OWL'S il11l'aol !""':l..'S III the total ;1I1101l111 or S7.140.34 pursuallt to th~ Impact I:cc Ordinanco, In rolurn rllr tho wal\'or of the impaot I'eos o\\'ell hy OWNER. O\VJ'.:ER covenants and agreos \(1 comply with the an'1rdahle hOllSing /. 1.6 A 15 imp"ct J"cc w"ivcr <\ualil;C,1\U>I1 critcrla ,kta1led 111 IhL' Imp"ct Fcc Ordinance. 5. Sl.:llSE()UE",T TRANSFER. If OWNER sclls thc ()\\cllilll) \ init suhJect to Ihe impael fee waiver to a subsequent purehascr, the D-wcllinl) Unil sh,1I1 he sotd olllv In households meeting Ihe critcria sel Cnnh inthc Impael Fcc Ordinance. (,. :\I'TORD..\BLE REQUIREMENT. The ()wellin~ tllll l11uSI he ut1li/ell i't-,r afrordahlc hllusinl) Cllr a Ii fteen (15) )'c;\r period after the d"le the l'Cn ,I',eate 01' l1CCUP'lIlcy is issucd: and if Ihc Dwcllinl) I init ceases 10 he utili/cd li,r that purp,',e durin~ ",,'h perio,1. thL' impael fees sh"l\ he immcllialely repaid to Ihe COUNTY. 7. LIfO"'. The waived impael fees shall be a lien upnn ,he Dwelling L;nit 00 the effective date of this :\grccmcnt; which lien may he forcc\psl:t! \IPlH1 III till.' L'\'(:lll nf non~cnmpliancc wi\h the rl'ljllirc1llCnlS ol"this Agreement. 8. RELEASE OF LIEN. Upon salisCaelory colllpktllln 01' the .'\greeI11L'ol requirements and fiftcen (15) years after the date of issuance or the c~nific"te 0" occup"nev. nr upon pa)'ment or thL' wai\'Cd impact fees. Ihe COt iNTY shall. a1 Ihc ,"pcn,,' oC thc ('0\ iNTY, record any llCCCgSary documentation evidencing the tcrminallon of 11\\.:: liell. im:luding. hut !lot limited tn. " release nr lien. I). 111~DJ:-;(; EFFF.CT. This Agreel11ent shall hc hll1din.o upon Ihc ""nics to Ihis o :::0 Agreement and their rcspeetivc heirs. pcrsonal rcpresentativcs, sueeessms and assigns. In Ihe "-> <..T1 -.J ex> ~ c;') case of sale or transfer hy giflofthc Dwclling Unil,lhe original O\\"~I'.R shall rcmain Ilahle I(lr the impact fccs waived unlil said impact Cel's arc paid in ,'ull or unlll Iile conditions sel fi,nh in the Impact Fcc Ordinance arc satislied. In addition. Iilis .\greL'l11enl sh,i11 run \\ ith Ihe land and "-> <..T1 .... '-0 shall remain a lien against the Dwelling Unit until Ihl.' pro\'lsioIlS of Sn:IIlHl .s arc satisfied. 10. RECORDIN(j. rhis Agrecmcnt shall he recorded hv ()\\'NFR al Ihe e'pcnse or OWNER in the Omci,,1 Rccords or Collier ('nunty, Florilla. \\lthil\ lil"teen (I:i) days a'kr execution of this f\gn:C1l1CIlI hy' the Chilinnan of tile Board l)f('{)llllt~' ('Ollllllissilllll'rS II. Df'FAI".T O\\'~ER sh,,'1 he in del'"ult or II", !\greemL'I\\ (I) \\hcre O\\'NI'R fails to sell thc D\\ellil\g I :ni\ in acconlancc \\llh the artiHlI"hlc hOI\,il\~ standards al\d qualification eritcria established in Ihe Impael Fcc Ordinance and Ihere;"'tcr Ll\ls \0 pav the - 3 16A impact fccs duc witllin thirty (30) days of said non-compliancc. or (21 \\ h~r~ OWNER violates 15 one of th~ ai'fordable housing qualification criteria in tb~ Impa':l Fe~ Ordinancc 1<". a perind oi' fifteen (15) days al\~r notice oi'lhe violation, 12, RE:V1EDIES, Should the OWNER of the prop~rty i'ad to comph \\ itb Ihe said qualification critena ,1t any lime during the fifteen (15) y~ar period or should o\\':\!:R \'iol:lle any provisions of this Agreement, the impael fees waivel! shal1 b~ paid m i'ull by OWNER wilhin thirty (30) days oi' said non-compliance, OW1'\FR agr~~s that Ihe lI11pacl !'cL'S wai\cd shall constitute i\ li..:n l\1l Ill..: D\\c\\il1t!, t~llit commencing on Ihl' c1'fCl.:li\c li;He of IhlS :\t!.I\:l:llI~nl and continuing. for Ii rtel.'ll ( I ~) yt:ars from the date or issuance nr the l'\.?rtl liC,Ih.: 1\1" OCl...:Up.lIH':Y or until repaid, Such lien shal1 b~ superior and paramount 10 the inlcr~sl in 1\1,' Dwelling I init ni' any owner. lessee. tenant, mortgagee. or other person exeeptth~ lien for ('nulllY lases and shall b~ on purity wilh the lien of any such ('nunty taxes, Should the 0\\':\ I'Y he III dei'ault oi' lhis Agreem~nt and Ih~ Lkl,\Ult is not cured wilhin (30) days after \\Till,'n tHllice In ()\\':-':LR, th~ 130anJ may bring a (i\'il aelioll to eni'orc~ Ihis agreement. In addil",n. thL' Iienlna\' be f,,,'e,lnsed or otherwise cnti.)\"ccd by the COUNT)' hy action or suit 111 cyuity as 1i.'T thl..: !'nTcclllsun: of a mortgage on real property, This remedy is eumulaliv~ with any olher nghl or r~medy ,I\'aibbk to the COUNTY. Th~ Board shal1 be entitled to reeo\'Cr al1 fees ;lIld cnsl', indll\ling allnrtleys C> ::0 fees. ineurreu hy Ih~ Bl'anJ in enforcing Il1is agreement. plus Inlerest al Il1e sLIIU!Ory rale i'or "-' '-'"' -.J 00 ....." c;-.. judgments eJ1culalcd on :t e:tkllll"r day hasis lIntt! ,,:tid. 1:-': \\TI':-':i:SS \\'IIEREOr. Ille ,,,,,,tics h:1\C e\eellled Ill1s ..\,:rL"'llICIII li1r \\':ti\er or Impact rees on the date and YCJr first above \\rinen, "-' '-'"' '-'"' <=> Witncsscs: O\V1'\ERS' .,/, ... -,-----."--- Print Nal11c~~!....:.........::-~....._:.....":"'_ ,,)::., " .' f .... ~ . ."",. ---------.--------; Print Na1l1e. .~ ,'",_,,' .---i, 1I,\\1I\ ..\T FOR 11\\1.-\:\11 Y 0\ (,OLl,II\R (,OI:\,I_Yff'I"("'~ .1 I -- BY/. I ~"J '-r '," " \ ~ L('j,~ (':4t,~i~\>,V 'c I'res \ent ST A TE OF Florida COUNTY OF Collier - 4 - , ' I The foregoing instrument was acknowledged hefore me this -2..._ day of "b, " " . 1999 by Charles C. Smilh. Vice President of Habilat for Humanity of Collier COllllty: Irk \Ie is personally known to me, 1.6 A 15 [NOTARIAL SE:\L] ~ ~t/. .t: ~,. /"/', ___ Signature of Person Taking Ackno\\'led.g~lenl I; . . ~ ~ '" .. , '" ,I.. -----.- ~~ -- . :-<ame of Aeknowledger Typed. Printed or Sta111ped ,..'~ #\11~ .. . "''''ort\~. JOA:-<:-<E DALOEY M'I' C'f)Io4MlSS10N II (t: n~12 (, ...",.. f' O~fIO.""'~ t,..... ~....OlAIl~ Fl. ,,",'II.. 'SfnPl;n Ai; bo..J,n,(" DATED: tJc-'l"~N,/J?J ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk flOARll OF COl'\1' ('O\-tMISSIONI.RS COLliER ('01.;\\1'. l'U)RIlll\ fly: ..l /~) . /~)I {(:. __. PAMELA S ~II\CKIE. C\lAIRWOMAN ~: f;~X.i;r;: ">- 4.~ Atte~t " to, : .1,,,,,.,, , sl9Mturt c<,IJ'. Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency , ' , I ~ I' ,I 1; Heidi F. Ashton Assistant COllnty ..\\lorne)' o :::0 ....... <..n ...... co --0 Cl ....... <..n <..n ...... jd'c/nap1cs manor Jlldn.agrcc,bk l.'\ot 14 - 5 OR: 2578 PG: 2552 1 6 A 15 EXI\I81T ..".. LEGAL nF.SC1Ul'TIO:" LOT 13. fiLOC'K 5. NAPLES MANOR EXTENSION. A("('lll(D1N(; TO TIlE PLAT BOOK THEREOF. AS RECORDED 1:-< 1'1..\1' !loOK 3. AT !'NiE 98. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ("OII.II\( ('O\I:\TY FLORIDA. - 6 - i f A 15 :'"'l I ., ~*1: ('0 ' ',=,18 DGo 1 ~ '17 *** J~, . - - . , 0 . "oJ , P.8 /Yo. 1- '13' . / ./' v In T--jJ ie.5 /,,;/) t1?n tJ 1C , -- EXTENSJI{)N :;:'A'T\ON """"C ."';;.c.....T'\., T..... - T,.^~ .~.~"'....,'O"'" \..I....Oc.... 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