Resolution 1999-270RE.qOI.I'TION N(). 99- 270 A RESOI.U'FION AUTIIORIZING 'FI Iii A('QLilSITION OF I.ANI) I~Y GIFT OR PURCHASE OF FEE SIMPI.E TITI.E INTI'.'RESTS FOR PROPERT[[!S I.O('A'['[~D IN TOWN$IIIP 49S. P, ANGE 26E, SFX"I'ION 25 FOR PUBI.IC RI-~CRI!ATIONAI. PURPOSF. S. WIIEREAS. Ibc Board oiC (.'oil;ltv (.'t~lllnlisSiOllCrS CBoard"), on August 7. 1991);lulhori/cd staffto acquire properties ti'iai ,,,,'crc conlJguous I. thc existing ('l'}llllly I.andlUI; and W}IF. REAS. the Board. on April 2,S. 1992. adoplcd Resolution 92-253 aulhorizing thc purchase of vacant pmperlies conligu.us Io thc existing ('ounr.' l.amlfill; ;lilt] WIIF. RI'L4S. Ih¢ Ihmrd prcvio,sly ;lp['~rovcd. for public pIIrlmsc, fl~c pure]iasc of 36o ;lc'rcs vacanl property in Scctmn 25. Township 4(;,5. R;m/zc 2rd!: WI II!RI!AS. thc [Ioard. on Nc,', ember 3. ]'."/8. dirccl,..'d slaffh', pursue ac'qmsrlic, n parcels m section 25, contiguous Io Ibc cxislmg ('Olllllv 1.am]fill lo COlnplct¢ Ibc 360 acres previously approved for recrealional purposes; and WHEREAS. thc continued pursuil o1' properly h*r public recreational purposes is il part o£1he County's Comprehensive Plan: and WHERI!AS, ;l]ICFllale localions, c,~ mmmcmal hlclors, long range plamfing, cosl cO~CllffCiICC, sal~ly and welfare collsidcr;lln~ls have hcca reviewed as they relate lo Iht of said public recreational pu~oses StlCh as it public golf course and other recreational l)~cilitics: ami it has been recommended by County Slafl't}lat it is ncccssary and itl thc bcsl interest oF('ollicr Florida. to maintain flcxibilily over the itcquls~linn at' properly rights rcquirctl I~r vaCillll hind ptlb[Jc rccrcaliOnal pu~oscs, hcrcimlf~Cr ~ck'r~cd Io i~s "l'r~Hccl" as identified nn }Cxhihil "..~" hcrelo and inco~oratcd herein hv reference: and WIIEREAS. acquirillg x'uc;lll[ pr~,pcr~y lln' public rccrcallonal purposes has hccn dctcrlnulcd Iht Board Io be .cccssary alld ill thc bcsl IHlcrcsl tll'['oJJlcr ('Otlllly ill ordcl' to prolcCl thc JlCilJ{Jl, and welfare of the citizens of Collier Uoullly. and will assisl Collier County in mccling certain collctlrrcncy rcquirclllC~llS of thc Grm~lh Mimilgc~:~cnl Plan fi.' ('oilier NOW. THEREFORIL BE rr RESOI.VEI) IIY 'I'11}~ II()ARD ()F COUNTY ~'()MMISS1ONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FI.ORIDA. Ihal; I. Thc lbrml h;.Is considered Iht cnvir~mmcnlal I",lclorx. s;tl~.'l.,,' f'~l¢lors ~md I]sc;ll c'onsidcralhms rdalin~ Io Iht Iimd ;~dc~plc.d Io¢~mon ~d' ibc pLIR'}I;I~C Iff' ~ ~lC~lll[ prq~crly f~u' public rccrc~,lbn~,l pu~os~s. the (Jrmvlh ~lumlgClllClll Phm lh~ (bllicr 4. Jl JS llRc~Ss~lry illliJ ill Iht hcHI JllJL'rL"d propc~ics By Igc ~hnpk' IJll~ JlllCrc~l~. ilritl direclRd Io ;require hy gift or pllrch;lsc. Exhibit "A". '['he ('haimt~m ol'lhc [toard is hcrd~ uutht~ri/cd h~ cxcculc Appr;~is;il :~grCClllc'lllS ~ i[h appraisal IlmlIsI sclcclcd Ihm~ thc list ,d' Iir'ms i~rc-qu:flificd hv thc l~o~ml t~l' ('otlntv (bmmissi~i~cr~ propeny whorl Ibc purchasc ?riLL repo~, sl~tff is hcrcby authorized Io m;~kc xYhich shall be prcdic;~lcd i~n "sl;d'l'comlX'ns;ttmrl C~llIll;llc's" h~scd upon indcpcl~dCrll ;il~lmlixulx tlppropri;lle market vJduc and coil d;~hi pcrtirk'nl h* Ibc suhk'cl p;~rccls 7. Upon Iht ;~i~prm';d hv thc ( propcay acquisition. Rc;d Pmpcay ~J;m~gClnCnl l)ClX~nmcnt sl~ll'l'is hcrchy dh'cclcd Io offer immedialC delircry to thc rcspcclivc appraised or Sl~ll'l'conlpcnslllk)n cstimutcs m ;~ccor'&mcc ~ ilh Ibc provisions ol'Ch~q~tcr 125.335. JZJorida gliiItllcs), in rchlrll For lilt iiillllcd[~llC mlercsls ~'~t'11'~.. ('(~,tllll),: ;md lhe I~lo;ird hcrcHv ;u~lh~n/cs its prcscm ('h~drm~m ('llJlJn11;lll. ~(~[ thc li lg ~d' Ih¢' J~r01u'cl. h~ L'XL'CLJIL' ,mS UlSII'IIIllCIIJS Xk JlJch ]lllVC l%'cn :lppri~VCcl hV IJlC ()r~c¢ (lJ'lJic ('JJlitll)./~llt~rnc)'. Io rcitto~ c Ihc J Jcll o1' ;tHv ciiClllllJ~r;lliCc as m~L~ bc ru'ttuirc~l I~r Iht ~Ctluirc'd Igc simpJc I~llu' Jlltcrcsls nl¢cll;mJsnl. IIle l)t]l~lic Works Adminislr:d~r. ~r his ds, si~t:c'u,. ~'Jlci1 Jl is Jr1 JilL' JlL'fiJ Jlllc'rcsl ~l'lJlc J~r~}cc[. k~ ~TJllrl ~Jl~' p~'~-r;ll;I NhztrL' I~f' IJIC J;llhJ rJ~Jll~ :lCtJlll~JJhJ~} hlltJ~cl I~r IJlL' p;lfCL'J J~L'III~ ;IC(JlIi[L'tJ, IHIIV ~k JlLU1 1ILL' ~hllgrcncc lJlJ~' Jlll~'rc'~l~, illltJ ~llcJl ~JIJlL'i' Jc~;lJ {IOCIUllL'[I[~ ~t~ IH~' ( )I'[]CC ol'lhc hRr~J~)' ;llllhorJ/L'(I ll~ r~'c~r~J in lhL' I)llhhc }'~L'L'~I'tI~ ~1' ( 'oJi~c'r inlcrc.~fs and such other JflslnllllclllS ;l~, ltl~v bu required lo rcmm'c thc li~'n oF;my cncuml~r;,ncc fi'm. the ~cquircd prop~nics. AND IT IS l:t ~RTIIER RI~()T.VE[) th:~ ;tlJ property sh~HI hc pill AND IT I~ FT'R'IIIER RESOI.VI~i) fl~;~l ('~mnly smFl'is hereby m,lhorizcd Io imrncdi;,~cl~ acquire hy ~ifi. p.rclmxc or condcmn:mon m ;tcc,,nh,ncc ~hh Ibc provishm~ 127. Florid;~ Slalules. Ibc i~hovc-rclTrc.cc~t rc;sl pr, q~crly mlcrcsl more p~rllculltrly dcscrihcd in hxluh~t "A". allachcd herein and Jnco~orilled herein AND IT IS f:l ~RTIIER RI{~OI .VEl) ~1~;~1 .o m~d~Hc homc~ arc h~calcd lo hc ;icquircd ;md thcrcfbrc il ~ill .,~t hc nccc~.,,rx t,~ rcm,,x c ;my mobile Tills RHS()I.I FI'I()N AI)I)P'I'IH) on tlus _L'~-t'd.t> ~,f .~ ~ , ^TTI'.'.~T: DWI(';II'I" I:'. FIRO('K. ('I.I'.RK -~-~ ~ ('lcrk ' Att~s~ ms ~ Ch~tr~. ~ Approvcd as (o fi)m~ a.d legal s.f'llcicncy: I I¢idi F. Ashlon ..~ I IIIIIIIIIII II II I IIII - II II IIII ......... I III IIII IIIIIIIII - II ,,~: 16[ 3 Tax Parcel 10.2 E X ! I I B IT '*A" Thc Norlhwcst 'A of thc Northwcsl Soulh, Range 26 East. (-'oilier County, Florida. III 3 Tax Parccl Il EXItlBIT "A" The East ½ of the Northwest i/., o f thc Northeast ',5, of tile Southv,'est '¼ o f Sect ion 25. Tov,'nship ,,.19 South, Range 26 East. excepting the North 30 feet v,'hich is reserved l'c,r Counly roadway; :5 acres more or less. Tax Parcel 16. I EXIIIBIT "A" Thc Wcst 'h of Ibc South '/~ of thc .Southeast % of d'~c Southwcst ~,,'~ of Scction 25. Township 49 Sot,th. Range 2(, ILast. ('oilier ('mmty. Florida. being I(} acres, m(,'c or Icss. 16C 3 Tax Parcel 40 EXIlIBIT "A" Thc Southwest ~A of thc Southcast % of thc Northwest 'A o£thc Southcast '/.,. %cction 25, Township 49 Sotflh. Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. 160 3 Tax Parccl 41 EXIllBIT The North 'A of the Southeasl ~/:, of thc Northwest 'A of Iht $otflhc;~st ~/., of Section 25. Township 49 Soulh, Range 26 Easl, Sul~jccl Io an easement for road over the Soulh 30 feet thcrcoL in Collier County. Florida. II Tax Parccl 42 EXIilBIT Thc fioulhcas! [<':, of thc fiouthcast ',.:, t~f thc Northwest ',':~ of Ibc Southeast ',q. o1' Ncclion 25. Township 4~.} South, Ratlgc 26 Fxtst. ('oilier ('oui~ly, Florida. with thc North 3()' subject to road and utility cascmcnt. Tax Parcel 55 EXtllBIT "A" The Norlheast % of thc Soulhwcs! [.i of thc Southwest V., o£ So.thcasl ¼ of Section 25. Township 49 South. Range 26 East. ('oilier ('otmty. Florida, Suhjcct to acccss :md ulilitv cascmcnts over thc Wcslcrly 3() f'ccl.