Resolution 1999-267Rli.%¢)l.l ;'FI¢)X NO. 9').267 16A 'L 1 R F. SOI.I YH()N AL 7H IORIZING FINAl. A('('IiI"FAN('F. O1': 'FI lOSE ROADWAY. DR/tINAG[!. \VATI!R AND SEWER INII'I~,()VF. MF.N'['S IN BL'.I.I.ARD SI3F)DI¥1SION. h',I!I.F. ASE OF TIll! MAINTENANCE SFf~'URITY. AND A('('EPTIN(; TIlE M:\[NTENANCE RI{SPONSIBll.I'FY FOR TI Il'.' ROADWAY. DRAINA(iE. \VA H!R AN1,) SI!\VF.R IMPROVEMF. NTS TIIAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY 'FI It:. I IOMF. OWNF~RS .,\SSf)('IA'H()N. \\'111..RIL.\N. thc l{,~ard ¢,t'( ',runty (',mmussioncrs of ('oilier ('ounty. Florida. I)cccmhc; II). I,;C)t, appr, wcd Ibc pi;l! (;f Ihfll;ird .Subdivision fi,r recording: and wi IILR IL,,'xS. tile tlc', el.per has conslruclcd ,.d maintained mc roadway, drainage. ~ ;itcr ;md scwcr im~q~rovelnCnls in accordance x~ilh Iht approved plans and sped ficalions ami as ruquircd hx' Ibc I.aml l)cvch}pfllCIll ('ode (('oilier County Onlinancc No. 91-102. ;ms amcmlcd l: ami Ibc I Jtilitics Standards and Proccthmrcs Ordinance (Collier ('otmnty ()rdin;mcc N.. 97- 17). \VI II!RF_,\S. thc developer ht, s now requested linal acceptance of thc roadway. dram:~gc, xx.tcr and sewer improvements ;md release of his mainlcnance security: and \VIII(R I!AS. thc ('ompli:mcc Services Section of thc Dcvclopmcnl Scrviccs l)cpartmcnt has inspected tile road,.vay, drainage, water ;,nd sewer improvements anti is reconmtcmling acccptallCC of said facilities. Nf)\V. 'H IF. RI!FORI'~. I:IF. H' RI~SOI.VI!I) P,Y TII,E BOARD OF COUNTY ('¢)MMISSIf)NF. RS OF ('OI.LIER CO~!N'FY. FI.ORIDA, Ihat final acceptance be ?:rated fi~r those roadway, drainage, waler :md sewer improvements in Bullard Subdix isitm, and authorize the Clerk to release iht maintenance securily. IH: H' I.t;RTIIF. R Rt!S()I.Vt~D ANI) ORDEREI,) that Ihe County accept tile fulurc nl;mllCll;U~cc arid olhcr attcmlanl costs fbr Iht roadway, drainage, waler and sexvcr IlllJ)l'i)t CII1CIllN l}lill arc I1O1 rctmtmircd Io bc Ill;IJl)l;IJllCtJ by 111¢ homcmvncrs ;issocJaliOll. 1}11~ Rca.hilton adopted al'Icl' Illolloll. hCCOlld aiR[ Illa oHly VOIC f:lvorill~ :.;amc. ),,\RI) O~IMISSIONI!RS