Resolution 1999-254RESOLUTION NO. 99- ~54 RESOI.t ;TION AUTI IORIZING FINAL ACCEPI'AN( :E OF TI lOSE, ROADWAY. DRAINAGE. WATER AND SEWER IMPRO\q!MENTS IN POINI'E VERDE AT PELICAN BAY. REI,EASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SECURITY. AND AC('EPI'ING TI 1E MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBII,ITY F()R 'file R()AI)WAY. I)RAINAGE. WATER AND SE\VER IMPROVEMENTS TIIAT ARE NOT REQtlIREI) TO BE MAINTAINED 1½Y 'ri IE ttOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. \VI IEREAS. the Bo:mi of (.'Otlllty Conmussioners of (_'oilier ('mmty. Florida. on August I 1. 1992 approved the plat of Poinl¢ Verde at P¢lican Bay for recording: and WI IEREAS. Iht developer has conslmcled and mainlained Ibc roadway, dram:~ge, walcr and sewer improvements itl accordance wilt~ tile approved plans and spccificulions and as required hy Iht l.and Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102. as amended}: and ibc Ulilitics Slandards and Procedures Ordinance (('oilier Cotlllly Ordimmcc No. 07-17~. and WI IF.l/EAS. Iht developer has now requested final acccplallcc of Ihe mmh~ ay. drainage. water and scv~cr improvcn~cnts and release of his maintenance security: axld \VI IEREAS. thc Compliance Services Section of the l)cvelopmcnl Sen'ices l)cparm~cnt has inspected Ihe roadway, drainage, waler and sewer improvements and is recommending acceptance of said facilities. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BI:. IT RESOLVED !15" TIlE BOARD OF COl ;NIY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, thal final acceptance bc grained lbr those roathvay, drainage, waler and sewer improvements in Poinlc Verde al Pelican Bay. a~ld aulhorize thc Clerk Io release fl~c mainlclla~ce security. BI! I'I' FURTIfER RESOLVt'.'I) AND ORDERED that thc Coumy acccp! Iht fulurc maintenance and olhcr altendanl cosls for lhe roadway, drainage, water and scx~ cr mqm,x cmcnts that are nol required to bc maintained by thc homeowners association. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority ,,'otc lhvoring same. Al'TEST: D\VIGIIT E. BROCK. ('I.ERK ~ttett a~ to Chatrm~m.'$ ~lgnatur~ onl y. Approved as Io l~'lrnl alld legal sufficiency: Iteidi F. Ashlon Assislant ('ollicr ('ounly :\UOFnCV