Resolution 1999-253 RESOI.UI'I()N Nil. 99.253 ,NOTICE OF IN'TENT TO I.EVY TIlE SIX CEN'FS I.OCAI. OI'TION FUEl, TAX PURSUANT 'FO SECTION 336.025, I:LORID..I ST,-I TUTES. WIIERF~:\S. Scclion 336.025, l:b.'i~h~ ,¥t,tttttc.v, authorizes thc Cotll~ly Io levy ;i Nix ('cnls Local Option Fuel Tax; and WI fERE..N%. SccliOll 336.025. ]"/r,'ida .h't~tlulC.v. requires the ('otmlV intcrloc;d agreement with one ~r more oFIhc mm~icipalitics located in thc (',,tmb' prior lo .hmo I. 1999 or absent such intcrlocal agreement, rcqmrcs thc ()otlllty Io ;ultq~t such local option fuel tax prior to June 10. t999: WI tEREAS, thc Board ofC'ounty ('omm~ssioncrs of Collier County, Florida (hcrcinalicr "B(~ard"l adopted Ordinance Xo. S9-27 on May u. 1989. pursuant to ,~'ItIINIeX. proxiding IZ)r thc imposition of dm Six ('cms Local Oplion Fuel 'Fax motor filcl and diesel fucl sold in Collier County and taxcd under thc provision ot'('haplcr 206. ]:[orifht .[fatttlc.v: ;llld WI tERE.&S, thc lcx'y ortho Six Ccnls Local Option Fucl Tax shall othc~x isc expire. eFFective Scptcmbcr I. 1999 pursuant to Ordinance No. 8')-27: and WI iEREA%, lilt Itoard has determined thal it is appropriate, liscally intcrcsts of thc citizens of('ollicr ('ounly to cxlcmt thc Six ('cnls Local ()pti.n Fucl Tax; alld WI 1EREAS. Scction 336.025. [,'[tJrida .N¢tltttltw provides Ihat thc ('oumy may. prior Io levy oFthc tax. cstablish by inlcrlocal agrccmcnt wilh m~c or more ol'thc municipalities Iocalcd therein. rcprcscnting a majority of thc populalion oFthc inco~oratcd area within Ibc ('otmty, a dislributi(m formtfla 5~r dividing thc entire proceeds r)Fthc h,cal opti.n fucl mx ;,n(mg thc ('otl~lty govcrnmcm and all cligiblc mtmicipalitics within thc ('t)tllll}: alld knit ERIL&S, Section 336,025./.7t,'ttbt .5latulcs. providcs that it' such inlcrlocal agreement has not bccn cxccutcd, thc County may. prior Io .lumc 10. adopt a rcsolution of intCllt Io levy thc Cent Local Option Fucl Tax; a~ld WHEREAS. an intcrlocal agreement providing a distribution I~mllula liar dividing tile entire proceeds of Ibc Six ('cms [.ocal Optiot~ Fucl Tax among ('oilier County govcrnmclll ;tlld all eligible municipalities xx ithin thc ('(ntnty t~r ft~ltir'c .,,'cars has not yet bccn cslablishcd: and .-8E i V,'l ll~lU{..\~, said t;,× may bc levied by an ~rdinanc¢ adopted Iw ama. jorily v~tc of thc Board and Ordinance No. ')9- providing l;~r thc levy ~d'a Six Ccnls l.ocai Oplion Fuel lax was adopted by Iht Board on ~ _~_ _. 199'); and NOW. I'tIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF ('OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ('OI.I.1ER ('OUNTY. FI.ORIDA 'H IAT it is thc imcnt ¢~f dds Board to extend and impose a Six ('ems l.ocal Option Fucl Tax bctk~re July 1. 1999 to hc effective September 1. 199') lbr a period of sixteen (I C~} years and expiring on August 31.2(115. and Io cmcr into an intcrloc;d agreement with one or more of tl~e mm~icipalilies located w:,thm ('oilier ('omny rcprcscming a majority of the inco~orated popuk,tiem ~ithin Collier Cmmty. which intcrlocal agrccmcnl shall provide a distribution fo~ula fi)r dividing ll~e entire proceeds of Iht Six ('cum I.ocal Option Fuel Tax among the County government and all eligible municipalities. ami majority vote favoring same. ATTF. S'F: I)WIGttT F.. BROCK, Clerk 'Approved as ~o form' and legal su fticiency: David C. \Vcigcl ~ County Attorney BOARD OF COUN'[Y ('mrJl.l.IER COUNTY. FI.ORID,'\ ~,,.: / ,' / / '., ~..~. P/"i.M EI.A S. ,".IAC'KI E. Cha}nvoman TI tis IN'I'[:.[~,I .(')('..'si. AGRf!F,M ENT (:\grcemcnt} d:ned fl~is .C~.. ~,,,~__~__ day of _i~__~/~_._ _o,~_--_. 1 ~)9,). hv and bet,, e~.'r, Collier County. a political subdivision or,he State of Florida, heremafler referred to =ts "County". allt. l Ihe City of Naples. a political subdivision oFlhe Slate of Florida. In consideration of Ibc premises and pursuanl Io the aufl~orizafion ofSeclion 33~.025, ['7orida Strttutcs. thc panics hcrclo agree as follows: I. Pursuanl Io Section 3361125. P'/r,'t,la .Uatutcx. the Collier County ('omn~ission enacted Resolmion N~. 99-253 i a copy of which is allachcd hereto and inco~ora~cd herein by reference as Itxt~ibit "A") aulhori/.ing thc levy of thc Six Cents Local Option Fuel Tax upon cvc~ gallon oFmo~or fucl and diesel fuel sold in the County nnd taxed under fl~c provision of Chapter 2(}6. ~/,,'t(/rt 2. Scclion 5 oFOrdinance No. 99-40 provides that the distribution of lhe proceeds from thc local option I'~lcl tax shall he pursuanl to Intcrlocal Agreement wilh eligible municipalities. which Intcrlocal Agreement shall provide a dismbution I~ula for dividing lhe proceeds from lax. 3. '1 hc County shall hereby receive fiO.09% of the Six Cents Local Option Fucl Tax on eve~' ~al]on of motor Ihe] and diesel flJcl sold in Collier County. and the City of Naples shall rcce~x'e 1~.3i~'~;, of the proceeds from the Six ('chis I_ocal Oplion Fuel Tax on every gallon of fl~cl and diu. s~l l'ucl sold in ('oilier ()otmty. Il is fu~h~r agreed that thc City of Marco Island shall rece{ve 5.O1"5, of the proceeds oflh¢ Six ('chis local Option Fuel Tax on every gallon of motor fuel and diesel fli¢l sold in Collier County. and Everglades City shall receive 0,73% of the proceeds of the Six Cents I.ocal Option Fuel Tax on every gallon oFmotor fl~el and dJes~l Fuel sokl in Collier Cotmly. Toarr[ve at lhe appropr~ate share ofthe proceeds lo be paid to the resp¢ctive pa~ios hereto, th:' I;>lloxt irqg proccdurc shall bc lbllowcd. Everglades City shall receive 0.7fi%. Collier County shall tl~cn receive its 80.60% share based on thc remaining 99.25%. making Collier Cotlnly's share 8(L0'1'5:,. Thc City of Marco Island shall receive its 5.01% share based on the remaining 99.25",;,. making tho City oFMarco Island's share 4.97%. The City of Naples shall receive its 14.30% share based on lhe remaining 99.25% making the City oF Naples' share 1~. 19%. Collier County 80.09% City of Naples 14.19% City of Marco Island 4.97% Everglades City 'Final 100.00% 4. This :\grccmcr~t shall be in full tbrcc and effect from September 1. 1{)99 lo Augtmst 31, 2003 inclusive, unlcss changed by wriltcn Agreement of all panics. This Agreement shall govern thc division and distribution of thc proceeds of thc local option fuel tax imposed through August 31. 2003. Thc distribution formula for the succeeding agreement shall be based on FY98-FY02 audited transpom~tion expenditures. 5. I his Agreement shall be lllcd with dm Clerks of the County, thc City of Naples. l}~c City of Marco [shred. and Everglades City. Florida, prior to September 1. 1999. IN WFI'NESS WI IEREOF. the panics hereto have caused these presents lo be executed by their respective autho6zcd signatories. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk Deputy Clerk Attest ~: to ChmW'm~'s signatur~ onlj. Approved Ag To Form Anti Legal Sufficiency: David C. \Vciu¢l c52 Collier ('otlilty ,.\tton;cy ATTEST: TARA A. NORMAN, City Clcrk Approved ,.\s To Form And I.egal Sufticicncy: Attomcy. City of Naples BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNT\'. FLORIDA BY: MAC KIE. Cha woman PAMELA S. ' ' : Page 2 of 2 I~II';SOI.UTION IN('). 99- 2.53 NOTICI", O!" INTENT TO IA'~'VY TIlE SIX CENTS I,OCAI, OPTION FUEIo TAX PURSUANT TO SECTI(')N FLORIDA ST, d TUTES. Vql IL:REAS, Section 336.025, Florida Statutes, aulhorizes Ihe Counly to levy a Six Cc~ts Lt~cal Opti(m Fucl Tax; and WI IEREAS, Section 336.025, Florida ,g)atutcs, requires thc County lo enter into :m inlerlocal agreement wilh one or more of the municipalities localed i~l the County prior to June I, 1999 or absent such inlerlocal agrecmcnl, requires the Counly 1o adopt a resolution of intcnl to levy such local option fiscl tax prior to June 1 O, 1999; and WI IEREAS, the Board of Cotmty Commissioners of Collier Counly, Florida (hereinafter "Board") adopted Ordinance No. 89-27 on May 9, 1989, pursuant Io Scclioll 336.025, Florida ,S'[aIIIIC'.V, providing for the imposition of thc Six Cents Local Option Fuel Tax upon cve~ gallOll motor filel and diesel fi~el sold in Collicr County and t~ed under thc provision of Chapter 206, Flori~h~ Statntcs; and Wf IEREAS, thc levy of Ibc Six Cents l.ocal Option Fuel Tax shall otbenvise expire, effective Scpteml~cr 1, 1999 p.rsuant lo Ordin:mcc No. 89-27; and WI IEREAS, thc Board bas determined that il is appropriate, fiscally sound and in thc best interests of thc citizens of Collier Cotmly to exlend the Six Cents Local Option Fuel Tax; ami WI IEREAS, Section 336.025, Florida ,5'tattttes provides that Ibc County may, prior Io levy office tax, establish by intcrlocal agreement with one or more oFtbc municipalities located lherein, representing a m;~.rity of II~e populalion oflbe mco~oraletl area wilbin the Cotmly, a dislrJb.tion formula fbr dividit~g t}~c entire p~ocectls of the h~cal optitm fl~cl lax aillong ll~c Comlly government and all eligible municipalities within Ibc County; and WHEREAS, Section 336.025, 57orkhz Statutes, provides that if such inlerlocal agreement has not hceo executed, thc County may, prior lo June ltl, adopt a rcsolulion of intent to levy lhe Six Cent Local Option Fuel Tax; and WI tEREAS, an inlcrlocal agreement p.3viding a distribution Formula for dividing lhe entire proceeds ~f Ibc Six Cents l.ocal Option Vucl 'Fa~: among Collier Counly government and eligible municipalities within thc County For fl~tt~re years has not yet been established: and WI IERI:.AS, said tax may be levied by an ordinance adopted by a majority vote ofll~¢ Board and Ordinance No. 99- ~0 providing for thc levy ora Six Cents 1.ocal Opli(m Fuel Tax was adoplcd by thc Bo:m~_~.t__, 1999; and NOW, TtlERI~FORIS, lIE IT RESOLVI[D BY TIlE IIOARI) OF COUNTY GeM MISSION ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA TI IAT it is thc intent of this Board to cxtcml and impose a 5ix Cents Local Option Fuel Tax before July 1, 1999 to be effective Scplcmbcr 1, 1999 fiw a period of sixteen (16) years and expiring on August 31,2{115, and Io cnlcr into an imcrMcal agreement wid~ one or more of dm municipalilics located wilhin Collier Cmmty representing a mitiorily afflm inct*rporated populalion within Collier Cmmty, which inlcrlocal agreement shall provitlc a distribution fonnula for dividing lhe enlirc proceeds of dm Six Cents l.ocal Option Fuel Tax among tim Cotlnly government and all digiblc municipalities. This Rcsohdion adopled Ihi~day~ , 1999 after minion, scc~md ami majority vote Gvoring same. ATTEST: DWIGIIT I:.. BROCK, Clerk '~ppmvcd a~ to forth and County Atlorncy I:tOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONF.'P,S COLLIEP, COUNTY, FLOP, IDA P,.'YM EI.A S. MAC'KIE, Ch~j4',vonl;.m / State of FLORIDA County of COLLIER ' ":: I HEREBY CERTI['Y T~IAT tilts correct c~p't o~ n document on ~1o In ,. Poard Mim~.:~; arm l'~cco¢~s of Collier /