Resolution 1999-241160 1'
iI. ESOLtTION 99- 2z:~
WHEREAS, Florida Gulf Coast ['n~vcrsity. a State University {"I-( ,( 't "}. desires t,, lease
a porlion of rooftop space on Building "I." at file ('oilier ('ountv (}oxc~nn~cnt ('enter x~h~ch ~s
owned by Collier County. a political sututix'ision of the State of Florida ~"( ,,llier ('(mtn,."l. ~n
order to install and operale radio transmission equipment.
",VHER['?~,S. thc Lease :\grccmcnt pro,.ides %r one t l) initt'al tt.'n:~. ~,1 ;irc (51 ','cat,< xx itl~
five (SL five (5) vcar rcncv, als. 'l-t~erc shull be no charge !'t;r rent ~;' utilil;:,
WHERE.,\S. the Board of County ('ommissio:~crs. in accordance ',~ ~h S, cctiot~ 123.3,q.
Florida Statutes. is satisfied that this prt,l'~clqy is nccth_'d lyf \V(}('l ":4 tls~.' ;~nt] is nt,I ncc,.]c~] l;~l'
County purposes.
NOW THEREFORF.. BE FF P,I!SOt. V[:.I) i3'~' Ft~l! 17,(; \l<!) ¢)1 ('(>t"x'l Y
COMMISSIONt.:.RS OF ('Ol.l]t']~, COl. 'NTY. I:L()RII)..\. that'
I. The Board of Cc)tully Commissioners docs approxc
between Collier ('OUllty' anti Florida (]ulf ('oasl Univer,,itv.
2. Thc ('Jmirv,'oman ofll~e Board of
is herebv auflmrized to execute the attached Agrc.,.'n~cnt.
This Resolution adopted this ~:Ut:)
after motion, second and ma)orily
,D\¥IGI H' ~.'BROCK, Clerk
,, ..
~...~. %3'~.1,_ , Deputy ('lcrk
lttest, a~ to t':,h~,
~'. .
Approved as to £onn
and legal suflici.encx:
'Ct !. ,. .... __"51
Heidi F. Ashton
Assistant County Attorney
bclwecn Fl ORII).\ GULF COAST UNIV[!P. SIT'f. a State Univcrsnv. x~hosc n~filin,.z, address ,s
10501 FG('L' Boulevard. Fort Myers. Florida 33%5-0565. hcreinaflcr rcfcm'd u, as "I.I..NSI'.!!".
and COI.LIER COUNTY. a political subdix~sion of the Stale oF Elorida. whosv !:~ai,in:~ address is
3301 East Tamiami Trail. Naples. Florida yl112, hereinafter referred to a.~; "I.t-'.5,5.¢ >!~"
In COllSideration of lhc tlltlttlal cov¢~;aHIs contaiBcti l~eleitl, alld other
the parties agree as Follows:
ARTICLE 1. ~',5
LESSOR hereby leases lo LESSEE. and LF. SSEE hereby leases from l..I-ZS'qt .q~. a h~calu,,
Buildin~ "I_" al the C~llicr County Government Complex m acco111111odalc OllC J] } i'M rccci~cr and
one (l)~microwave transmitter operating at 95/1 MHz with a provision l;~r I I:SSEE'% hand-pass
filter, hereinafter receded to as thc "Demised Premises". situated in thc ('ount> of' (',llicr and
Stale of Florida. for the sole pu~osc of installing and operating equipment for ~k ( ;('fY and WNIK()
radio stalions. I.ESSEE shall be granted ibc right to install a tlircctional FM rc~c~xcr antcm~a ami
grid antenna Ibr the micro~vavc relay lo thc WMKO transmitter. Iht anlcnna~ ~hall lac motmtcd
standoffs on the side of the penthouse atop Buikling "I_".
The final location and mounling technique for the equipment shall bc appr.~cd hv
Count>' Facililics Management Deparlmcn! and thc Radio Corn mmications
I. ESSI:.E shall have and hold thc l)cmiscd l'rcmiscs I'or a term of Iixc (5~ xcars cmmncm'inF
on thc dale ii1 which this is accepted bv thc LI~SS()R. I.[:SSE[. :s .grimlcd thc oplion.
provided it is not in dcihult of any of tl~c lcrms of this lease. Io renew sltmc f,,t Iixc (51 :,ddi~itma]
te~s of five (5} years under thc same terms and condilions, as provided bcrc~, by giving xkri~lcn
nolice of LESSEE'S inlenlion to do so to the LESSOR I1Ot less than thirty 13('1 days prim' to thc
expiration of tho leasehold cslate hereby created or thc rcnc~al term lhcn in cf~('cl. Said nmicc shall
be effective upon placement of thc nolicc m an official depository el*Ibc [;ni~cd Nlalcs ['esl (>I'I5co.
Registered or Cc~ificd Mail. Postage Prepaid.
Either LF. SSEF. or I.[:.SSOR will hc allowed to terminate this I.casc b5 proxiding
pa~v with thirty (30) day advance wrillcn notice. Said notice shall be cfl~clix c upon
the ;:oticc in an official depository of thc lJnitcd Stales Post Office. Registered ,)r ('crlificd
Postage Prepaid. I.ESSEE shall be grained an additional sixty (60) days from IJ~c albrcmcmioncd
thMy (30} day nolicc period, if required, in order to secure and relocate l{, :m ahcrllalc
operations conducted at the Demised Premises.
I.ESSOR agrees to l_case thc Demised Premises to !he I.F. SSEE without ,',,~t h~ thc l_hNN}(l!.
ARTICI.E4. - :.-~ms ~ q~qr,,es
I.ESSOR shall pay all t, tility charges pertaining to It~c l)cmiscd Premise.. includiH!? clectricilv
and any other utilities used by LESSEE at thc Demised l'rcmiscs.
ARTICEE 5, Modificafig~l.s to Dcmisc~r~
Prior to makin~ any changes, alterations, addhions or improvcmemx h~ Ibc I)cmiscd
Premises. LESSEE will pro~ id¢ lo LESS()R all proposals and plans tbr aJ!eralhm~, mqm~cmcms.
changes or addilions to the Demised Premises for LESSOR'S written approval, spccil?ing in wriling
ibc nature and exlent of the desired alteration, improvement, change, or additi{m, ;dong with
contemplated starting and complelion time fi)r such projecl. LESSOR or ils desi?cc v. ill lhcn have
sixty (60) days within v, hich to approve or deny in writing said request fi2r chan~cs, improvements.
alterations or additions. I.ESSOR shall not unrcasonahh, wilhhoht hs conscm [o required
appropriate ahcralions, improvements, changes or additions proposed by I.[~SSt(I It' after sixty {~,~1
days. there has bccn no response from LESSOR or its dcsiuncc to said lm~posals ,,~ plans. Ihc~ StlC[i
silence shall be deemed as a denial to such rcqucsl to LESSEE.
EESSEE covenants and agrees in connections v, ilh any nlaintcnar~cc, rcp;m work. election.
constrtlction, improvement, addition or ahcration of any authori;.'cd modific:,li,ms, additions
improvements to tile Demised Premises. to observe and cmnply with all lhen and l'ulurc applicable
laws. ordinance, rules, regulations, and requirements of thc United Sates
Florida. ('otllltv of Collier. and any and all ?vcmmcntal a~cncics.
All ahcrations, impruxcn~cnts and addilion'i made l{~ thc Demised Premise> shall t~c dccmcd
Iht property of [.ESSEE. Prior Io the termination of Ibis l.casc or any rcncx,,al term lhcrc~d} or
within lhirtv 13fl) days thereafter. I.ESSEE shall promptly remove thc additi,,r~s. :mproxcmcnls.
ahcrations, fixtures and installations which were placed in. on. or upon thc I)crmscd Premises hx
LESSEE. and repair any damage occastoned to Ibc Demised Premises by such removal: and JJ~
defauh lhereo[ LESSOR may complete said removals and repairs al LESSEE'S expense.
LESSEE covenants and agrees not lo usc. occupy, sufl'cr or permit said l)cm~scd l'rcmiscs
an.',' pan thereof to be used or occupied for any purpose contrary to law or Ibc rule
an.,.' public authority.
ARTIC'I.E r,. Access to Demised
I.ESSEE. ils dui.',' authorized agents, rcprcscmativcs and cnlployccs, shall Ila~ c thc right h~
enter into amt upon Ihe Demised Premiscs during normal t, usincss hours. Nhmd,~x lhrouuh I:ridax.
by requesting prior approval from thc ('oilier County Radio Communi{afion~'Manag~.r fi~r fl;c
pu~ose of examining or repairing LESSEE'S equipment a~ tl~c l)cmisM J'rcmiscs. By imm
agangcment, during non-business tmurs during times of emergency repair (,r Hlilllllcllilncc. l.iihSl!l~
shall contact the Collier (;ounty Radio 'OlllmtllliCaliolls Manager fi~r acccs~ h~ lbo J)cmlSCd
ARTICLE 7. ..~,ssignmcnt and Subl¢ltin,=,
LESSEE covenants and agrees not h assign this l.casc or
tile Demised Premises. or to pcmlit any other persons to occupy sanlc x~ ithot]t thc ~ riltcn c('mscnl of
LESSOR...\nv such assignment or subletting, cvcn with thc consent of IJ~SSOR. shall nol rcl/cvc
LESSEE from liability for payment of rcm or other sums herein provided or from thc obliualion
keep and bc bound by thc terms, conditions and covenants of this Lease. Thc acccptanc~ of rcnl
from any other person shall not bc deemer] to bca waiver of any of' the provisions
be a consent to the assignment of this [.case or subletting n£ thc Demised Premise..
ARTICLE 8. JrMcmnity
I.ESSEE assumes any ami all risks of personal injury and properly damauc ;mribulal, Ic Io thc
negligent acts or omissions of the LESSEE and its o~cers, cmployee~, serx'a~t:; and agoras while
acting within the scope of their employment hv the LESSEE. Thc I.ESSEE. as asmtc agency.
warrants and represents that il is self-funded for liability insurance, both public and property, wi[h
such protection being applicable to the LESSEE'S officers, employees, sen'ants and agcnt~ while
acting within the scope oftheir employment by tl~e LESSEE. The I.ESSEE and I.ILSSOR am'cc tha~
nmhing comained herein shall be construed ~,r imcrpreled as il } denying Io either parly an,,Trcmcdv
or defense available to such party under thc laws of the Stmc of Florida: (2) ~l~e om,cra olzd~c StatL*
of Florida or its agents ami agencies to hc sued: or (31 I.ESSEE and I.ESSOR :urlhcr agree thal
nothing contained herein shall be consmicd as a waiver of sovereign inlmuni~y of thc .St;dc of
Florida beyond the waiver provided in Sc'clion 768.28. Eh~rida Statute (1985).
Tile above named State of Florida ..\gene.,. is provided thc fi~llowing coverage lhmugh thc I:Iorida
Casuahy Insurance Risk Management ]'rust Eund. Coverage and limits arc those specified in
Chapter 284.31 amt 768.28. Florida Statutes.
The LESSEE '.',ill only hc liable for its portion of thc location atop Building "l."
LESSEE shall provide and maimain general liability and Prol;cnv l~,h~l,lv
policy(ics), approved by thc ('oilier ('otm:v Risk Managcmcn~ I)cparlmcm. ~ m~t ]c~ss
}{undrcd Thousand Dollars and No Ccms I$1()*LO00.()O). per claim, and 'I'x~, }ltmdrcd
Dollars and No Gents (52011J~OO.O0) per ~ccurrcncc durin~ thc term -f fids Agreement. In mhtilion.
LESSEE shall provide and mainlain Worker's Compensation Insurance covcrmp all
meeting Statulo~' Limits in compliance wid~ thc applicable state and [kdcral
Ex idcncc of such insurance shall bc prc, xidcd to thc {'ollicr ('ountv Risk Manaucmcnl
Dcpa~mcnl. 3301 East TamiamJ Trail...Xdministralion Buildinm Naplcs.'}.h,.n]a. 34172. tbr
approval prior to ti~e comn~cnccmcnt ~d' this i.casc Agrccmcm]t:-and shall indmlc a pr'mi%,m~
requiring ten (ltl) days prior x~rittcn m,~Jcc m C'ollicr C'oumv c o ('ounlx Risk M:magcmcr~
Dcpa~mcnt m thc event of cancellation {,r changes in polic}{~c~} coverage. I~ESSr)R reserves d~c
right m reasonably alllcnd Iht i~lstlra,cc rcquircrllCllls By Issuallcc of n~ticc ill ',[ r~tmu h, I.I SSI{IL
whereupon receipt of such nol/cc I.ESSEE sixdl haxc thirty (3OI days in which ~ t~}~l;llIi Mwh
additional insurance.
I.ESSEE shall, at ils sole cost and c,;pcnsc, keep thc Demised l'rcnliscs C]'..'iIII ill ;,11 trows, tf
said Demised Premises arc not kept clean ,; Iht r,pinio, of I.ESSOR. I.I:.SSEI?N m;,,aucr x~ ill bc st,
advised in writing, lfco~cctive action is not lakcn Wilhin twenty 120) davfi of Ibc r'c~Cipl {~I' SUCh
notice. LESSOR will cause Ibc same to bc cleaned and corrcclcd itlld i. HSSS~E shall asstm~c ami pay
all necessa~' cleaning costs and such costs shall constitnlc additional rcm which shall bc paid h(
LESSEE ~kithin ton (10) days of rccdpt of~riucn re,rico ol*cosls incu~cd by LESSOR.
The LESSEE. at its sole cost. shall repair all tlamagc m thc Demised Prcm~scs cm~scd by
LESSEE. ils employees, agents, independent contractors, guesls, inv/tccs, licensees. ,,r patrons
Thc LESSEE. at ils sole cost. shall remove l¥Om thc l)cmiscd Prcnnscs i11 accordance x~ il}l all
applicable rules, laws and regulations, all s~did, liquid, sclnisolid, and ~ascous trash and waste Hlld
refuse of any nature whatsoever which might acctllllulate ;llld ar/sc from thc {~pc'r';llJOllS <~l' lilt
LESSEE'S business. Such m~sh. waste and refuse shall be stored in cb*sod containers approved by
ARTICL[: 11. ~E
Failure of I.ESSEE to comply l;~r ninety i90) days ~ifil any material proxis~,m {,r owc.:m~ ol
this Lease shall conslilule a dcfauh. LESSO~{ may. at ils oplio;1, terminate lhis i.casc after thirty
(30) days written notice to I.ESSEE. unless thc dcfimh bc ':urcd within fl~c not/cc period ~,~t suc~
additional lime as is reasonably required Io o~rrcct such dcfimh ). }tox~cvcr. thc occurrence o1' any of
tile following cvcnls shall constitute a duGuh by I.ESS[~E. and this l_casc may bc immcdialclv
tenninatcd by I.ESSOR:
(a) A. bandonment ol'l)cmiscd Premises ,~r discor, linualioi~ ofI.ESS}{[!'S opc~;~tam.
lb) Falsification of I.ESSEE or an a.'.'cm of I.ESSf!E I'l';lll}' report rcqmrcd h~ hc fiJrmshcd
!o I.ESSOR pursuant to ibc Icftu< ~d'llliS I.casc.
lc} Filing of insolvent}, rcorgani/amm, plan or arra,gcmcllt or bankruplcy
(d) Ad).dicaticm as hankr, pt.
Making o£a gencnil assignnlCm oflhc hcllefit of creditors.
(I) If I.F. SSI{E suitors this to bc taken trader rill'., x~rlt td'cx,.'cution.
hi thc cvcr~t of thc occurrence of all_~ ~fthc Ibrcuoinu dcl'aults in this ARTI('I I'. 11. I.I~hS( )R.
in addition to any other rights and remedies it may tu~vc. ~hall have Iht immediate right h~ ~c-cmc~
and remove all persons and propc~y from the D~mised Premises. Such properly re;tv bc rClllOXCtt
and stored in a public warehouse or elsewhere al Ibc COSl of and fi~r thc accot[nl ~1: I.I~SSILIL all
without sc~'icc of nolicc or rcsom to legal process and wtthotH being dccmcd ~uJJly of IrCSl~aSs' o~
being liable for any loss or damage which may bc occasioned thereby.
Tt~c LF. SSOR InaV at its option tCr,l,natc this l.casc ill'Icl rcccipl bv I.ESSI~IL ,f thirty (3111
days notice in writing if ;i lien is filot :~gainst thc leasehold interest o1' thc I.I"55I{IL taxi .m
rclnovcd ~vidfin IhJflv 130) drays, pursuam 1o Thc Florida Mcchunics l.icn
ARTICI. F. ] 2.
I.ESSOR shall in no event bc ch;lrucd with dcfat,h in Iht performance ,d' ;m~ ~,f its
obligations hereunder unless and until LI{SS(¢R shall have lhJlcd to pcrlbrm such o}~l~u;tlions within
Ihi~v 130> days (or such additional time as is rcusonablx required to COlTCC[ sllcJl {]Cl}lllll) ;ItiC[
notice to LHSSOR by I. ESSEE propcrl> specifying xvhcrcin I.ESSOR has fili]:tt h~ pcrfi.-m ;mx
such ob igations
ARTI('Lf'~ 13. ~
Any nalicc which I.E.SSOR or I.[:..'q.'-;EE m:,v bc required !o gixc t,~ thc mhcl p:,l't> shall hcm
writing to thc other pan>' al thc follo~ving addresses:
Board of County ('ommissioncrs
c/o RcM Properly .Mgmt. Dcpt.
3301 Talniami 'Frail East
Administration Building
Naples. Flor/da 34112
Flnridrl ( I f('oast l.:m~crsily
Forl FInrida 33%5-65,',5
.'\llCllth~rl: ('m'~crsilv I'rc'.idClll
CC: Off]cc ~l'the ('ounl,. Attorney
Radio ('omnmnications .Manager. ITl)cpl.
cc: \V~i('[ 5;talhm 'Xhtlmgcr
I.F~SSt-'.H shall remove :rev imprm'c lCm~ c,m]pIclcd h.,. I E.SSI!I! pri(:r to tl~.' CXl~ir;m~,n ~1'
this Lease and shall deliver up and surrender Io I.ESS()R p,~s~cssion of' tile [)CllliSctl "CllllSCs ;frill
:111}' improvc~llcnls Ilol rcnlnvcd ti[lOll cxp~ralion oF this l.casc, or ils earlier Icrlllinalitul as hctcm
provided, broom clean and in as good c{mdilion ami rcpmr as thc s;mlc shall bc :~t thc
continuance I]lcrco~. ordilla~ wear alld lc;ir ;md datlla~c by lire or Ibc clcmcnls bckontJ I.ESS~.]I-'N
control excepted. " -
LESSEE fully understands thal Ibc i'x,l~cc and lay, cnlbi'ccmcnt security protcchon pnwidcd
by law enforccmcnl agencies fi~r the abovc-rclL'rcnccd Demised Premises is limited to Ih:il pro\ idcd
lo any other business or agency situated m ('{dlicr ('ounly. and rick lm~lcdgcs Ih'al ;uly
security mcastlrcs deemed necessary for iItiiJiliiHlil] protcclion ~,1' Ibc [)cruised Prcnliscs sh:~ll hc Ibc
sole rcspons~hilit> und cost of I.ESSEE alit] shrill involve no c{,st or expense to I.ESS(
LESSEE cxprcssly agrccs for itself, ils successor :md assigns. It) refrain From any usc of fi~c
Demised Premises which would interfere with or adversely affect thc opcrati~m or maintenance of
LESSOR'S standard operalions where other operations share common Facilities
(a) Rights not specifically granted thc I.I:'SSi]I! hv this I.casc ;,re hcrchv reserved lo thc
(b) LESSEE ;,grqes to pay all sales tax imposed on thc rcrm,I el'thc I)cmiscd I'lCllliSCS x~. ]lClC
applicable under law.
LESSEE agrees to pay all intangible pcrsonat property rexes that may hc mq~oscd duc I. linc
creation, by this I.casc. o1' a leasehold interest in Ibc l)cmiscd l'rcrm~c~ or I.I(NSI(tCS
possession of said leasehold intcrcs~ in the Demised Premises
ARTICLE 16. 'ldn~tm.g_rn~
LESSEE rcprcscnls. '.,.arrants and :u.:rccs lo iiMt:lnnil'v, rc ~utsc. defend a~',l hold
I.ESSOR. I?om and againsl all costs (includmu i ltorncys ICes) asserted ag: insl {r~U~t~scd tm ,,r
incu~ed by [.ESSOI{ directly or indircctl)' purst~ it to or H1 c,~nnccticu1 with thc al>pliculio~
federal, stale, local or con]men law rclalmg to polltHion or prolc'clioll of lbo
LF. SSEF. covenants and ngrccs thai IAiSSI!I:.'S comlnunicalion cqu p :~t.'~t ,ts h~sla]lal~,Hs.
operation and maintenance ,.,.'ill:
A. Not irreparably damage linc I.F-SSOR'S building and/or accessories thereto.
B. Not interfere v, ith tile operation of Li!SSOR'S radio equipment or other currc~H
on said tower. In thc cvcnl Ihcrc is interference b:' l.I!SS[:.E.I.F. SSEE '.',ill pr~unplly lake all
steps necessary lo correct and ¢liminalc same xvhbiS~ a reasonable period (~f' l~mc.
unable to eliminate such interference caused by it wilhin a reasonable period ~f time,
agrees to remove its antennas from I.F. SSOR'S property and this Agrccmcm shall term/nato.
C. Not interfere with thc maintenance of,'S buikfing.
D. Comply with all applicable rtdes al]d regulations of thc Federal ('olnn nicali{ liS; ('{)[I}[IIiS, Si~,)II
and electrical codes of the (.'il)'/Courlly arld,'(~r Slalc concerned.
In compliance :v/th Section 404.05(~. Florida .%tatutcs. all parties urc hcrchy made awa~c o1' Iht
Radon ~s a naturally occurring radioaclivc gas Ihal. ',','hen it has accumuh~tcd in a huihling m
sufficient quantities, may present beallh risks to persons who arc exposed to it over limo. [.cvcls of
radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been I~)und in buildings in Flr>rida. Addhional
info~ation regarding radon and radon testing ma~ bc obtained from v~mr ('otmlv Put)lie lcallh
Unit. -
All persons to ',,",'honl these presents may come arc pul upon nolicc t~[' lbo ])icl I}lill Ibc ~nlcrcst
of the LESSOR in the Demised Premises shall not be subject to liens fi~r improx'cmcnls made hy Ibc
LESSEE, alld liens for improvcn~ents lllildC by thc I.ESSEI! arc spccificallx prohibited Ii'om
attaching to or becoming a lien on thc interest of thc LESSOR in thc Demised Premises or any pan
of either. This notice is given pursuant to thc provisions of and in compliance with Scclitm 713. IO
Florida Statutes. ·
ARTICLE 20. Eff~~
This l.east shall become cl'fectivc upon execulkm by bolh t. ES.%¢)R ami I.ESSIil!.
ARTICLE 2 I. ~i[~
This Lease shall be governed illin construed hi accordance wilh the knvs ,d' thc .'qJiltC i)t'
IN \VITNESS WIH_:REOF, thc part,cs hcrctc~ ha',c hcrctmdcr scl Ibrth lhcir hands and sc:ds.
L~ .5::~' ~o-'/'-¢t. Jt_' Deputy Clerk
WITNEXS (signaturet
(print name/
(print name) --/
Approved as to form and
legal sufficiency:
lleidi F. Ashton
Ass/stanl County Atlomcy