Resolution 1999-225 1. " ~b ~ RESOLUTlO:'> :"0.99-225 ..\ RESOLUTIO:'> OF COLLIER COU:'\TY, FLORIDA. PURSl;ANT TO SECTlO:" 1-19. COLLIER COU:'\TY ORDI:"A:'\CE :"0. 96-6. AS A'IE:"I)EI>. APPROVI:"G THE TRA:'\SFER OF TilE GOLDEl'i GATE WATER ,\:'111> WASTEWATER UTILITY FACILITIES A~D CONTROL OF SAil) FACII.ITIES FRO'I FLORIDA CITIES WATER CO;\IPAl'iY TO TilE FLORII)..\ COVER:-;'IENTAL UTILITY AUTIIORITY. WITII :'\0 CIIA:'>CE I:'> SER\'ICE AREA BOU:"D,\RIES OR SER\'ICE RATES. AS RECO:\I:\IE:"DEI) BY TIlE COLLIER COU:"TY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY, WIIEREAS. Ordinance 1\0, 96.6. as amcnded. estahlished thc Collicr County Watcr and Wastewater Authority (AUTHORITY) and specific powers and duties; ,ulll WIIERL\S. on August 13, I <),)Ii. the Board of County Commissi"llers I BO:\RO) granted Florida Citics \\'atcr Company watcr and wastewatcr certificatcs for thc continucd pro\'ision of water and wastcwater Ircatment servicc to the (j"lden (iate City arca; and WIIERF:..\S. on :\Iarch I). I <)')'). the BOARD adopted Resolution '"s, ')').1 (,l) alld (,WS-,),).I. executing an (nlerloeal Agrecment wilh thc Florida (j(l\'Crllllll'lltall !tilit~' ,\uthority (GUA). enabling the GUA to purchase the Florida Cities Water ('olllpany's (jolden Gatc Utility Svstelll. while prcscn'ing ecrtain County opliolls I"r 1'1Iture acquisition or said systcm. and prmiding for County to h,l\'c administrati\" ("'ersight regarding future ratc illcreases. whcrcin thc (jUA agrecd to rcmit rcgulator\' asscssment fees to County; and WHERE,\S. Ordinancc :-';0, %-li, as amcnded. provides a proccss j(Jr utilities undcr local jurisdiclion to file an application for transfer of water and/or wastewatcr ccrtificatc. facilitics, or controL and WIIERE.-\S. on April 15, I')')'). Florida Cities Watcr Company nRA'SFEROR) filed an application for transfcr of its Golden (j,lIe L'tility Systcmto the GL\ (TRA;-';SFEREE); and WHEREAS. on April 26, 1')9'). thc AUTHORITY considcrcd said application during its rcgularly schcdulcd mecting for (he purposes of rceciving c\'idcnec and lcstimony rcgarding thc application for transfcr submittcd by TRAl'SFEROR; and WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY cstahlishcd findings of fact anti conclusions or law pursuant to Ordinancc ;-';0, ')(J.C" as amcndcd. in fom1l11ating its rccollll11cndationlo thc BOARD; and - - I. b Ab WHEREAS. thc AUTHORITY issued its Preliminary Order No, 9')-01. incorporated hcrcin as Attachmcnt "An, rccommending that the BOARD approve thc transfcr ofthc Goldcn Gate Utility System from TRANSFEROR. Florida Cilics Watcr Company to TRANSFEREE. GUA. with no change to the current water and wastewater scrviee areas or rate tari ITs. :'\OW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collicr County. Florida. that: I, Thc AUTHORITY'S Preliminary Order No. 99-01. ineluding the tindings or fact and conclusions of law, is hcrchy approvcd and adopted by the Board of COllnty Commissioncrs, 2, pursuant to Section 1-19. Ordinance No. 96-6. as amendcd. thc Goldcn Gatc Utility System is hereby transferrcd to the Florida Governmental Utility Authority for thc continucd provision ofwatcr and wastewater service for the service arcas citcd at ,\ttachmcnt "A", 3. This action authorizes no change in the water and wastcwater ratc tariff on filc with thc Collicr County Watcr and Wastewater Authority. 4. The "dcclaration of exemption" portion of the application is hcrchy limitcd to the terms of the Intcrlocal Agreement cited by Resolution Nos. 99-169 and CWS.99-I, adoptcd by the Board of County Commissioners on March 9.1999, This Rcsolution adoptcd this / / ~ day of '72:) ~ sccond and majority vote favoring same, .19')') aftcr motion. ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA , by: ~(.~"nJ4, ~~ Deputy Clerk ,t,ttest as to Cha Ir1l4n , s iyaatllrt on\J. Approved as to form and legal sufficicncy: :J~ ?~ Thomas C, Palmcr Assistant County Altomey ~