Resolution 1996-022 ....." (. ~ Ml8 RESOLUTION NO. 96- 22 RATE ORDER - ORDER DECLARING THAT THB MAXIMUM PERMITTED RATES FOR BASIC SERVICB AND INSTALLATION AND EQUIPMENT CHARGES BY CONTINENTAL CABLEVISION FORMERLY COLONY CABLEVISION ARE REASONABLE. WHEREAS, under tederal and local law, Collier county 18 authorized to regulate rate. only tor the basic tier ot cable programming services and tor the maintenance and installation charg~s related to such services; and WHEREAS, Collier county became certiUed on November 3, 1993 to regulate rates in the unincorporated area ot Collier County; and WHEREAS, Collier County issued orders by Resolution No. 94-345 and Re.olution No. 94-816 that Continental Cablevi.ion tormerly Colony Cablevision may continue to charge the rate. in ettect on the date ot said resolutions, subject to a tinal rate order; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 1995, Collier County received a FCC FORK 1205 tiling and intormation trom Colony Cablev18ion which is required by the FCC tor changes to installation and equipment charges; and WHEREAS, on October 3, 1995, Collier County received a FCC FORK 1210 tiling and intormation from Colony Cablevision which is required by the FCC for updating maximum permitted 'tG, V ~: r, '" .~. !' WHEREAS, under Federal law, Continental has th~ burden of r proving that its existing rates for basic ,.',rvice and ,~ ~~: :~s~~~~~~d5:~~::e:~ ;~;.:~a:::::::s ~n6~9::e a~: ~~~~~~:nc;e with ,..~ji NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY ;~{; , COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the rate. ;~':""::'l' submitted by Continental in its FORK 1210 and FORK 1205 are reasonable and are in compliance with 47 U.S.C. 543 and 47 ,', ~p, C.P.R. Sections 76.922 and 76.923. \'~;"'" '.,' Thi~ tResolution adopted this ~ day ot January, 1996 !}...:~ ;', ;.,:;';"~'f'::'~,tter 1I!0t~~n, second and majority vote favoring same. Illj; ''1.' ,,'; '" ~ n u 01 ",. ::: . '. . l~~,/, '~TrEST: .'. t" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :.. ''x"...'DWIGHT' Bi B$CK Clerk COLLIER CO DA ry: . ..'7: .".... I;....... ' ~ . ;:'.:.,' ,"j' ".,. ;', .;. . ~ \" 1;" i " ", r: .' .. .~. '1'>' .,:..- ,'", ~3"~: ';." . " '., ; " . <.. ~ ,,~ . ~r . 'I :.. "oJ.;' ~:.: . (I '" .' ,,'\" . ~:. \i' A ~v.l1""\s t() torm and I.:,~. . . legal sutticiency: .....' . LI. .I. JArillA^- "" ~Ashton 'l, Assistant County Attorney rates; and bWlwll1040