Resolution 1997-219 RESOLUTION NO. 97-2ll' RESOLUTION DlRECITNG THE COUNTY A TIORNEY TO INSTITUTE FORECLOSURE ACTIONS ON DELINQUENT PAVING ASSESSMENTS. APR 2 2 f9!rl WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, has levied special paving assessments against benefited properties within variou& paving special assessment districts; and WHEREAS, Section 4(1)(iii) of Collier County Ordinance No. 88-23 provides that the County may declare the entire unpaid balance of the delinquent Special Assessment to be in default and cause luch delinquent property to be foreclosed in the method provided by law for foreclosure of mortgage~ on real estate; and WHEREAS, the paving special assessment districts annual installments are due and payable prior to and became delinquent on April I; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners deem it appropriate and in the best interest of Collier County to require all property owners within the Paving Assessment Districts to pay the annual installments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY mE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I) All delinquent paving special assessments are to be collected pursuant 10 Collier Counly Ordinance No. 88~23 by filing foreclosure proceedings in the Circuit Court of Collier County, Florida. 2) The County Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to proceed within the next four (4) months to institute foreclosure actions in the Circuit Court to enforce the collection of all delinquent special as&essments, except for those properties which have an approved Hardspip Agreement, for assessable improvements within the Greenway Road Paving Assessment District. 3) The County Attorney is also authorized and directed to make the necessary arrangements and obtain title reports for all properties with a delinquent special assessment within the Greenway Road Paving Assessment District, the costs of the title reports and all other costs incurred in the foreclosure action shall be paid by the Paving Special Assessment Fund (Fund No. 341) and are subject to recovery in the foreclosure actions. This R~lution adopted this~ay of ~ P . 1997, after motion, second and majority vote. " ' , . ., '. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA A TIeST: DWIGHT E. BROCK., CLERK ,--; ,'.'- (l)(1, ~ COCK, CHAIRMAN Ap roved.. to form ahd legaJ-sU,fliciency:" ",/ . , , , . .. , ~ , .. , . ' ' kd1ayj,,'.1 David C. WeigeJ ~ County Attorney 1