Resolution 1997-216 APR 2 2 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97 - -.lli A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1991 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Wl-iEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board of County Commissioners on January 26, 1993 adopted Resolution No. 93~29 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1991; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 93-29, was recorded on February 1, 1993 in Official Record Book 1793, Pages 459 through 598 of the Official Records of Corrier County, Florida, which placed a lien on certain properties for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1991; and YVHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and record in the Official Records a Satisfaction of Lien on all accounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLliER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant 10 Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1991 Service Year Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No, 93.29, whereupon a lien had been recorded on real property pertaining to the accounts identified herein. The Satisfactions of U~n attached hereto referencing the accounts identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman is hereby authortzed to sign on behalf or the Board of County Commissioners, and the Clerk is directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions of Lien individually in the official records of Collier *** 2174938 OR: 2307 PG: 2849 *** 1IC0RDJOlnomCIIIlICOIOS'!COIIIIlCOmT,rl olmm It D/:5JAl OiIGBlI. noCI, CLlIl mill COlliS County: Account No. 10207 Account No. 11756 Account No. 45502 Account No. 53109 tetA: ell/I TO Tl/IOA/O ~ :~fLfter I,\t~HW~ second and This Resolution adopted this ~ day of majority vote. ; ATTEST: ~. DWIGHT E.BRO~RK &1"""" .' 0) (' /. ' , . ' ........ Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: s../~U\~ IY\'~ Shirtey J an cEachem -Assistant County Anorney 1.11 1.11 This instrument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney Office of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples. Florida 34112 (941) 77400 *** 2174939 OR: 2307 PG: 2850 *** IICOIDID 10 OPIICIAlIICOIDl of COIIIII alom, rl II/ISm It II:HAI mat I, IIOCI, CUll ucm 1.11 alms 1,/1 lit!: CUll 10 m lOW rmloPlla ClIllOOl 1Il72U APR 2 2 1997 Property Folio No. 00309560005 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain Lien against: Frank Mootlspaw et ux POBox 857 Naples, FI 339390000 The lien was recorded on the 111. day of February, 1993. In Official Record Book 1793, Page. 459 through 598, In the Office of the Clerk of the Clrcu~ Court of Collier County, State of Florida. Tho Lion secureo the prindpal sum of One Hundred Ninety- Nine Dolia", and Forty.Four Cents ($199.44) plus accrued Interest and pena~ies. ~ any, and imposes certain ob/'tgation. againot real property situated in Coliier County, Florida, described as follows: 154927 S112 OF S112 OF SW1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NE1/4 2.5 AC OR 848 PG 865 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 00309560005 60000 10207 Collier County, a porrtical subdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in full satisfaction of the Lien and hereby cancels Lien. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the offidal Records of Collier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissione", of Collier County, Florida, acting through its Chairman, directs execution and recording of thIs Satisfaction .of Lien, by action of the Board this .l..>- day of ~__( 1997. I I' '~ ..~".. "," , .,' \ . I~" :1,. r ", . r .' . , :.' ','ATTEST: ',','(," [.: 'DWlGHTE.B~~ft '. '. l' 1/~-'~~ X-,;?' / Q, c! BY: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIE I.INTY, FLORIDA / .,.- *** 2174940 OR: 2307 PG: 2851 *** UCOIllIllIt ormIH UCOllll,f COLLlII conn. n 11125/l7 It 11:1111 mm I. 1I0C1, ClIII IIC III 1.11 COPIlI 1.11 This instrument prepared by: Shir1ey Jean McEachem Assistant County Attorney Office of the County Atlomey 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 (941) 77400 letll: CUll 10 !II 10AID APR 2 2 1997 1IT1l0mCI mILOOI 1lT1llQ Property Folio No. 00408720005 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain Uen against: Richard & Anita Samudio Jr 3070 Polly Avo Naples, FI 33962??oo The Lien was recorded on the 111I day of February, 1993, In Official Record Book 1793, Pages 459 through 598. in the Office of the Cieri< of tho Circu~ Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Lien secures the principal sum of Ninety-Nine Dollars and Seventy-Two Cents ($99.72) plus accrued Interest and penalties, if any, and imposes certain obfigattons against real property situated In Collier County, Florida, described as follows: 950 26 S 110FT OF N 220FT OF E 100FT OF S112 OF SE1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 .25 AC OR 695 PG 1755 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 00408720005 6??oo 11756 Collier County. a poHtical subdivision of the State of Florida. hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in full satisfaction of the Lien and hereby canceis Uen. The CJer1<. of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of lien in the official Records of Comer County. Florida. to acknow1edge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Coif.... County. Florida, acting through its Chairman, directs execution and recording of this sati. 'Sf~. .cti n of l-ien, by action of the Board this ~.2---' day of --h~. tJ .1997. .' . ~..' "ll'i.. '">i. . . "J ", ,- . .',.. .' ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BR~ "~f-->.~' fJiJ . ''''. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COL UNTY FLORIDA . . . . , . . . . . . . *** 2174941 OR: 2307 PG: 2852 *** uCQlDn 1a 01neIll nCDlDI of COLLIn comT, n 11/II/lllt 1I:5ll1 D1I>B'f I, BIOCI, CIIU oem I,ll COllIS 1.11 This Instrument prepared by: Shlr1ey Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney Office of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamiarr1i Trail Naples, Florida 34112 (941) 77400 letl: CIIUTomBOllD rmlollICI m mal APR 2 2 1997 1lT121O Property Folio No. 37497320007 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain Lien against: John R & Yvette Warman POBox9B Ft Kent Mills, ME 047440000 The Lien was recorded on the 111 day of February, 1993. in Official Record Book 1793, Pages 459 through 598, in the Office of the Cieri< of the Clrcuft Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Lien secures the principal sum of One Hundred Ninety- Nine Dollar> and Forty-Four Cents ($199.44) plus accrued Interest and penafties, ff any, and Imposes certain obligations against real property situated in Collier County, Florida, described as foRows: GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 18 E 150FT OF TR 103 OR 1355 PG 1551 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 37497320007 60000 45502 Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in fun satisfaction of the Uen and hereby cancels Uen. The Cieri< of the Circuit Court Is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the official Records of Comer County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioner> of Comer County, Florida, acting through its Chairman, directs execution and recording of this Satl~n 9f Lien, by action of the Board this .:L2- day of , f. . 1997. ,,' t' \,' . \ . :"':- . ArnST: . "," :: ..,' . DWIGHT E, BROCK.~ {~':.",1't/,:~:; ;,Jt~,>..0.t, , .. . " " I '.."."