Resolution 1997-215 RESOLUTION NO. 97---E 5 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1994 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. APR 2 2 1997 WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance NO. 90-30, as amended, the Board of County Commissioners on August 22, 1995 adopted Resolution No. 9S-47S authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1994; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and record In the Official Records a Satisfaction of lien on all accounts that have been paid In full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1994 service Year Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Special ASsessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 95-475, whereupon a lien had been recorded on real property pertaining to the accounts Identified herein. The Satisfactions of lien attached hereto referencing the accounts Identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman Is hereby authorized to. sign on behalf Of the Board of County Commissioners, and the Clerk Is directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions of lien Individually In the official records of Collier County: Account No. 602 Account NO. 1122 Account No. 2244 Account No. 2422 Account No. 2448 Account NO. 4077 Account No. 4899 Account No. 5461 Account No. B691 Account No. 11743 Account No. 13699 Account NO. 13767 Account No. 14012 Account NO. 14630 Account NO. 15943 Account NO. 17239 Account No. 18021 Account No. 18089 Account No. 18584 Account No. 19428 Account No. 23278 Account No. 23841 Account No. 26149 Account No. 28118 Account No. 4718 Account No. 5092 2174944 OR: 2307 PG: 2855 mOlD" lD orlICIAI UCOIOS of COLlm conY!, /I OI/25/!1llll:IIAI OIIen I. BlOC!, cml IJC rn 10.51 COPIIS 2.00 leta: ClI1110m101lO 1l1ll0mCI mnool 11l72U APR 2 2 1997 ~ ,1997 after motion, This Resolution adopted this ).~ day of .., ':se~ond. and [llaJorlty vote, ..... ,., ',:/ '" / "AmST'::',":.. \ r ' . . . ,- ::' .DWlGHT. E. BROCK:ClERK . 'I.: ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~;:./ lf6.'d- BY: TIMOTHY L HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN :f .~.. : ~: . ~ ': ~'.',. :,. .... i','( ,'. o', , "'.A proved as'tQ.form and ."Ie al SUfflclerlcy: . AJ"'j~~ k 5f1lrley1ean C aCh / ., Assistant County Attorney Exhibits for this Resolution can be found on Microfilm at the Minutes and Records Department