Resolution 1997-201 RESOLl1TION NO. 8r-.22!. APR - 8 1997 PETITION AV 8r-OOl. W. TERRY COLE AS AGENT FOR OWNERS, JAMES AND MARY SILlOWAY. CASIMIR AND LILLIAN DOLEMBA, RAYMOND AND SHARON DEVITA, AND MATTHEW AND DOMENICA CRAIG. REQUESTING VACATION OF A PORTION OF A SPECIAL PRESERVE BLANKET DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AND PORTIONS OF A COLLIER COUNTY INGRESSlEGRESS EASEMENT LOCATED ON A PORTION OF LOT 20, BLOCK F OF THE PLAT OF QUAIL WEST UNIT ONE REPlAT, BLOCKS E AND F FIRST ADDITION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22 PAGES 34-35 AND PORTIONS OF LOTS 9, 49, AND 52 OF THE PLAT OF QUAIL WEST UNIT ONE, REPlAT AS RECORDED IN PU,T BOOK 21 PAGES 84-106 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. !i~e& ;:::Zl;.. =::~ liS -I ;II i ~!i WHEREAS, pursuant to SectIons In.l0l, Florida SIaMes, W. Teny Cole as agent for 51 - IV .1:- owners, James and Mary SUloway, Caslmtr and L1man Dolemba, Raymond and Sharon DeVila, ;; i ~ ':'e~ 8nd Mam- and DomenIca Craig, requesting to vacate portions of a spedal preserve blanket E E! "D !j;o drainage easement 8nd por1fons of a CollIer County Ingress/egress ....ment located on a portion !j I :'? - IV of 10I 20, Block F of the plat of Quaft West Unn One Replat, Blocks E and F Am Addition, as 5 g: R::'~ ~ed In Plat Baal< 22, pages 34-35, and portions of Lots 9, 49 and 52 of the plat of Quail West e H ;:g ilia .. Unn One, Replat as ~ed In PIal Book 21, pages 84-106, of the Pubnc Records of Comer I ~ County, FJorida: and 4> C>> ;:r WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider vacating a portion of said plats as more fuRy descr1bed below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate was given as u Ea required by law; 8nd WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation win not adversely affect the ownership or right of convenient acceu of other property owne",. - -- == NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COWER COUNTY, FlORIDA, thal the following be 8nd Is hereby vacated: See Exhibit "A" attached here to and Incorporated herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cieri< Is hereby directed to ~ a certified copy of this ResoMlon In the PublIc Records of Collier County, FIorlda, and to make proper nolations of this vacation on the plats. . This Resolution edoptad aner motion, second and majority vola favoring same. -, DATED: f;/,f/i?- \. ATTEST '. . ; DWIGHT E. BROCK, Cle<lt ':t~.t2:.>/Y m~ IF.~ . AIslatant Coller County Altomey BY: fDMmI021317....AV 17-001_ EXHIBIT -A- 2 f6 4 OR: 2303 PG: 0802 APll - 8 !197 - . " ..::.. '~. I .." '." '". lit' Ii 5g. -Ii :..>......::..._~ ~~ --I: I'\~ . " '.. Q :;;o!i '" ~ ~ ~ol '^ /.....v ""/, 't~ 'tliS t;; '3", ;! . .:<1 ~, ", ;~~ ;tB:;~:i1:! III il:;", . ~':' / il",lI! il~~~r;!a*"w~ i!5~< ",:: '; ~. ~4 ~. ~~ ~ .~. ~I '.. ~~ oG o~ ~~~~3 ~< ~ ~ ~;~ B~I~i!5o_~~g~ ~;~ ~ 5~" ~ 0< % ~~ G~ ~ ~ < ~ -~ ~~ <~~a~~w ~ > ~~ g~~ a~~;~a<i~~~ b ~ ; ~ J~ i!5~g ~~~<g ~~~~~ ~~g ill ~ ~'" i~~~ ~~g~;!;;~~~ i~~ ~ ;, ~g ji(~!:i. ,._ <~" ",~g ~ ~ ;~i!5~ ~~S~~i!5~~~~~ l~i!5 e ~j ~ ~~~~ ~~i!5O~IZ~W<! ~~g - R~ ~;~~ j~~i; i=~!~ :;W i! ~i ~ ~ii~ ~~iIli~ i~~FI Giiw ~i!5 ~i!5 ~ j~~~~ ~ii~i ~~~! ~~~~ i~ 15 ~_~g ~ "'~~"'~ ~_i!5~ ! ~ !~Sg~ 1~i!5~l:!g~l:!~i lI!Sgz ~~ ge ~ .sl, ~" f/ ~ " , i.. Z _f-~ r ~ i ~~g sat; ug 9 ~ !:l o z < :z: o t;; " In . >- ~ a:: ::J III <( f- a z . 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