Resolution 1997-189 MAR 2 5 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ A RESOLUTION l\MENDING PARAGRAPH FIVE OF RESOLUTION 96-305, A VARIANCE, FOR PROPERTY HEREINAFIER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER'S ERROR IN THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION. WHEREAS, the Collier County Board ot Zoninq AppealS adopted Resolution 96-305, pertaining to the Variance tor Maria Silva approved on June 25, 1996, and WHEREAS, tollowing said action adopting Resolution 96-305, statt was advised that a dimension in the site's leqal description was incorrectly listed in Paragraph Five ot said Resolution by mistake and constitutes a scrivener's error. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board ot County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that the legal description of Paragraph Five ot Resolution 96-305, is hereby amended, by adding the corrected legal descriptions to read p. tollow.: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ot Collier County, Florida, that: The petition tiled by Stanton Mobile Home Sale's Inc., representing Maria Silva, with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Beginning at the SE corner of Section 12; thence S O. 00' 00" E, 335.26 teet to the point in the north riqht-ot-way line ot Hiqhway 41; thence N 540 36' 00" H 1672.10 teet along the north right-ot-way line ot Highway 41 to a concrete monument 1 thence N O. 13' 30" E 1046.63 teet to the north line ot Kathy Lane; thence N 890 56' 30" H 172.71 532.74 along the north line ot Kathy Lane to the true Place ot Beginning ot the parcel herein described; thence continuing N 890 56' 30" H 60.00 teet along the north line ot Kathy Lane; thence N 00 34' E 135.00 teet; thence S 890 56' 30" E 60.00 teet; thence S 00 34' H 135.00 teet to the true Place ot Beginning ot the parcel herein described. Beinq situated in Section 12, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. word. .~ruck throuah are deleted I words und8rlined are added. -1-