Resolution 1997-177
MAR I 8 1997
and to change the substantive law AS necessary and appropriate
for the changing needs of Collier County.
In addition to the statutorily mandated ~mendment procedures
detailed in Sec. 1.19, LOC, and Div. 2.7, LOC. the following
requirements and procedures shall be followed before an amendment
to the Collier County Land Development Code shall occur:
1. All proposed amendments to the LDe ~hal1 be submitted
in writing to the Planning Services Department: along with the
required nonrefundable filing fee as set forth in the Land
Development Code Schedule of Fees, for each a~ndment to any
section or nubsection of the LOC.
2. A letter of application requesting 3mendment of the LDC
shall accompany any propoGed amendment to the LDC and shall
state. in addition to any baCkground information or explanation
in support of the proposed amendment, the following:
I (We),
acknowledge that submission of the enclosed proposal for
amendment of the Collier County Land Development Gode and payment
of the filing fee in no way obligates the Collier 'County Board of
Commissioners to adopt the proposed amendment. I (We).
. further ~cknowledge that
Collier County staff. in reviewing the proposer} amendment may
recommend modifications to the proposed amendm~nt, or may
recommend rejection of the proposed amendments by the Collier
County Planning Commission and the Board of Cotmty Commissioners.
3. Proposed amendments shall be submitt~d in strike-
through/underline format with the entire section or subsection to
be amended set forth. Proposals shall be type~ritten.
4. A duplicate copy of proposed amendments. letter of
application and explanation of the proposed amendment shall
be oimultaneously submitted to the Office of County Attorney
for review.
MAR 1 8 '/397
5. Proposed amendments shall be receiv~d at the Planning
Services Department and Office of the County ^ttorney prior to
5:00 P.M. on the submission deadline date(s) ~Btablished herein.
6. Amendments to the LDC required by the GMP, including
but not limited to incorporation of adopted Lc~nd Development
Regulations and GMP mandated amendments thereto, or amendments
required to meet legal deficiencies in the LDC shall not reqcire
a filing fee.
7. Submissions deadlines for the first amendment cycle in
any calendar year shall be as follows:
January l,t shall be the last day fot' a petitioner to
submit an application for proposed amendment to the LDC.
The Collier County Planning Commissjon shall be
scheduled to hear the proposed amendments for the first amendment
cycle on or before the last Wednesday in the ~nth of May of that
calendar year.
8. Submissions deadlines for the second amendment cycle in
any calendar year shall be as follows:
July lit shall be the last day for a petitioner to
submit an application for proposed amendment to tqe LOC.
The Collier County Planning Commissinn shall be
scheduled to hear the proposed amendments for the second
amendment cycle on or before the last Wednesday in the month of
December of that calendar year.
9. No proposed amendment may be submitt~d which was
rejected by the Board of County Commissioners cturing the previous
amendment cycle unless otherwise directed by the Board of County
10. The procedures provided herein shall apply to all LDC
amendments exclusive of emergency amendments ae provided for by
Sec., LOC, Planned Unit Development rezonings,
amendments to the zoning atlas map, amendments to the LDC
directed by the Board of County Conmissioners, amendments
required by the Growth Management Plan, and as otherwise provided
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