Resolution 1997-169 RESOLUTION NO, 97-...1.6.9.... MAR 1 8 1997 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTIOI. NO. 91-19, THEREBY RESCINDING THE ESTABliSHMENT OF A NO PARKING ZONE ALONG A PORTiON OF THE COUNTY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON COUNTY ROAD (C.R.) 29 IN THE VICINITY OF OUTDOOR RESORTS, CHOKOLOSKEE ISlAND, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, CollIer County Oldil_lCa No. 80-47 goyems parti>g in the "''''''''''''''died ....... 0/ Collier County; and WHEREAS, Section Four of saki 0nlInanc:e _ Iho> Board of County Commissioners 10 adopt resolutions designating certain ...... along Cell "lIy Roads as areas In which par1dng, standing, or stoppln9 are restricted or prohibl1ed; and WHEREAS, The Board of Counly Commlssloners adopled Resolution No. 91-19 on January 8, 1991 estabrlShlng a "No Par1dng" zone along a portion of C.R. 29 In the vicinity 0/ Outdoor Resorts, Chokoloskee Island, Collier County, Florida; and WHEREAS, n has been determined to be In the best Interests 0/ the County to rescind Resolution No. 91-19. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLliER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the following specified section of County road right-of-way ;s no longer required 10 be designated as a "No Par1dng" zom for public safety: 1, The centerIne of the road both on the westerly end easterly sides of C.R. 29 outward /'" a distance of thirty-five feet (35'); "No Pari<ing" zone to start at the - comer of Sections 25, 30, 31 end 38 (Florida Department of Transportallon RlgI1I-of-way SIation 33.20) and 10 extend a distance of 3,000 feet north (Florida 0e;>a<trTe1l of Tranopor1atlon RlgI1t-of-way Slatlon 63+20) along the centerilne 0/ C.R. 29, more par1lWarty desa1bed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and inaxporated herein by ref""""",. 2, Resolution No. 91.19 creating the par1dng prohibition Is hereby resdndod. This ResokJIion adopted after motion, second, and majortty vote favoring sarna, ...~~:~~W " . ATTEST: . . . : '>wIGHT E. BROCK.- ~ "~I!-' -~':~~. -) '2(' " f." \'... '.. '..-' r[1~~l~~nGy. \oslstant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COlil UNTY FLORIDA ~llM<'lmll31 ""7/No ......doc -"-~"'__'~'~_"'.'_,,___ _ ......."~_~"d,.,.._".,',. MAR 1 8 1997 / / EXHIBIT "A" . . ':ECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST AND '\ECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION NO P/'KING AREA A paI~nl of land which extends 35 feet in both directions frOM the following described line: Begi~~1Dg at the southwest corner of Section 30, Township 53 South, Rsnge 30 East and also "8in& known as State of Florida State Road Department Right-at-Way Hap Station 33+2C.OO, thence along.the east line of .aid Section 30 H 0002'14"E a distance of 1434,\6 feet to P.C. Station 47+54.56; thence leaving said .ectlon line along a curve to the (~tthwe.t saId curve having a central angle of 39007'59", a radius of 2292.01 feet, . dit~Gnc. of 1565.44 feet to Station 63+20.00 and the point of ending. Bead \g8 baaed upon those shown on the r.D.O.T. Right-of-llay Hap. ~~ ,,~~ "",~~<,,~ ......" P'o'o.lT.... E,.jt'll'-l~ " "" " ;\ --.-.. \ \ \ C~O~Lo~~ ~y \ \ \ 1 ,... 'Soo' p.c.'S THIS IS A SKETCH OF A LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. "/'" '00' 100' PREPAI1p:D BY: TRANS/'ORTATION SERVICES DIVISION COLLI~' COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3301 "':. TAHIAHI TRAIL NAPLE", FL 33962 (813) 774-8260 I I I ST......,~ttD.t)o I Po,...,. 0' B",,"",",.5j ~L~ 3<;T"3:, ~_T"...lJll'foT GoR."'illE. 'SCL. 'So