Resolution 1997-154 , "' , ,',,' I' "" ',..' . ~.:" I : '. ", I' I. I ' ~ .' .', ~: I .. . I . ' -" '..1" , , . : ~ , " '.. ~ , I ., . " \, ,'l . I.' . ;1' ( ..'" 1 ... f MAR - q197 BBBOLUTIOB BO. ~7- 1~4 RESOLUTIOH OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OPPOSING THE LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT OF HOUSE BILL 207, REOEFINING THE TERM "CREOITABLE SERVICE" TO EXCLUOE SERVICE AS A PART-TIME nECTED OFFICIAL ANO onETING REFERENCE TO PART-TIME nECTEO OFFICIALS FROM THE MEMBERSHIP CLASS OF ELECTED STATE ANO COUNTY OFFICERS. WHEREAS, the Board ot county Commissioners or Collier County, Florida, recognizes that the elective positions or county commissioner or school board .ember in Collier County is a demand!n?, essential and full-time job; and HHEREAS, the Board ot County Commissionera ot Collier County opposes redefining the term "creditable service" as provided in Hou.. Bill 207. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1) The Board or County C01lllDi..ioner8 ot Collier County, Florida, strongly oppo8es the enactment or House Bill 207. 2) The Board or County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, tinds that the county cOllUOlisoionera and, school bo2\rd llembers in Collier County 8erve in a demanding I assential and lUll-time position to fulfill statutory and atate-aandated dutiea ~nd provid& services to the citizens ot Collier County. J) A certified copy of this Resolution be Bent to each Member of the Collier County Leqi.lative Delegation and Repr.sentativ8 Ziebarth. Thi. Resolution adopted this ~ day of March, 1997, after "JJ1o"'t.Io.n~'."..econd. and unanimoua ',.- ...'....'1.''-<.,'...... ~, A'M'ESTf'.'~ ". , .~ i DWI GHT E:-" BROCK, CLERX . ". ..'....-,: vote. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIOA ." ,. ~1tf%' s=~> (;J~ ""^p~rovea. -&.S to fona. legIlT"sutticiency: and ~ J~ (1. ~'t5L ilav d C. W. CJ'6 County Attorney