Resolution 1997-151 . . \\. .' ^ _"', I ::", ~ " ,J I ~ . ~',' ./:. . r.., . f MAR - HID RESOLUTIon 97- 151 A RESOLUTIon BY THE BOARD OF ('lUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN'('!, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTIon 7,7.3.4 OF THE COLLIER COUnTY LAHD DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTING OR!' tNANCE 90-79 ALSO KNOWN AS HERon LAKf PUD, EXTENDIHG THE CURRENT PUD APPP"VAL TO MARCH ", 1999; AND PROVIDING ), I, EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Haron Lake pun, Ordinance P 1-47 adopted on September 6, 1983, is subject to the prov!slc'lS of Section, ot the Land Development Code (LDe), Time Limits tor Approved pun Zoning Districts together wIth t'leir respective Master Plans; and WHEREJ.S, the Pun was adopted consistent '11th and under the provisions of the Collier County Growth Manag 'ment Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissionp"s has reviewed the pun and has detenained to extend the current 'IUD Zoning for two years, until March 4, 1999; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the BO\rd qf Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reference as it tully sst torth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evIdence of compliance with the review requirelll"nts o~ Section ot the LDC. J. Pursuant to said section of the LDC, the current PUD approval is hereby extended to "arCh 4, 1999; at the end of which time the owner rhall submit to the procedures in LDe Section 2.7.3-4. This Resolution shall become effective i~mediately upon its approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board and in the records r'f the Petition tor which the extension is granted. -1- I . ','.:; ~, 'I . ," 4. . - ~. i. ) 0,( '. , vote. This Resolution adopted after motion, s~cond and majority MAR - 4 tl97 Done this 5/'" day of ,.:.\" .~..; " ..... ':" ::lJ ;.'. ATTEST: !: ,'.{ DIfIGHT E. , . BI!~~; CLERK .7:/7L.~;/~) VJ/'. ". ~pp;(y,Er> :~~: TO FORM AND LEGAL "'''",,,,,, I ~ ~sf!;jD{~:;/ ASSISTAnT COUNTY ATTORHEY f/Heron Lake PUOI -2- .~~...~"...~."",__..r.t'"'~' .- .........~,~~..,.........."~- ):?2d"..( ,1997. ~ - BOARD OF ('OUnTY COMMISSIOnERS COLLIER CClUNTY, FLORIDA ~' ~ ' ./ ~ ~ T MOTHY '~OC' CHAIRHAH SUFFICIENCY: ..-.-, "-~ ~~" "