Resolution 1997-135 FEB 2 5 1997 RESOt.UT10N NO. t7--U.S A RESOt.UT10N CERTIFYING THAT THE IMMOKAlEE MAIN STREET PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH COLLIER COUNTYS LOCAl PlANS AND REGUlATIONS INCLUDING THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PlAN. WHEREAS, the SI8le Government hes enaeIed, the F1or1c:ttI EnIerp<1ae Zone P,o".." to Induce private Inveatment Irrto d1.treoaed area. to craate economic oppor1un_ end sustainable economic developmen~ and WHEREAS, the SI8le Government dealQn8led the ImmoIcalee area lIS e Slate Enterprlae Zone e"eclIve January 1,1997; and WrlEREAS, the SI8le 8flCOU1'lllleI the partlclpatlon 01 prlYme co. po..a..... In revllalIzaUon pro!ec:ta by grlll11lng partI8I alate Income tax credilJ to co............ Ih8t c:antrI>ute reaources III public rede.eiopI,18f1l organtzatlon. to< the revltaUzatlon 01 enterpl1ae zones; end Whenta, the SI8le euthortzed the Community Tax Crd progrem Ih8t elIowa a IIIx c:racIIl of 50 percent of the value of the donation (not 10 exceed $200,000 In II'fy one ~) to be _ by any F1or1da Co'lxullo4, for contrllutlons to . Slata epproyed CllmIlUlIIy ....eiopI,18f1l project Ioc:ated wtthIn the Enterprlae Zone against any IIIx due for a taxaIJIa ~ ; end WHEREAS, the IrnmoI<alee Main Slree1 Project Is Ioc:ated wtIhIn the Enterpr1ae Zone; end WHEREAS, County RaaoIutIon No. 96-310 endoraed !he ImmoIcalee Cormlunlty's partk:lpatlon In the F1or1c:ttI Main Slree1 Program; and WHEREAS, the Slate dealQn8led Immof<aJee eo e F1or1c:ttI MaIn Slree1 In August 1998; and WHEREAS.'the ~ Main Slree1 Project Is con8Ietan1 wfth the Immok8fee Maal8r Plan, a aeperate __ of the Growth Management Plan; end WHEREAS, the Gnlat<< ImmokaIee Chamber of c....,_~ Is the aponaor of the lmmokaIee MaIn Slree1 Project end II the aponaor1ng organIZatIon 8ppIyIng for approval 01 !he Immokalee Main Slree1 Project eo a Stala approved Community DeveIopmeot Project ; end NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOt.VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COWER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that SECTION ONE: The IrnmoI<aIee Main Slree1 Project 118 daIat>ed In AItac:hn... ,I A Is consistent wtth the CollIer County Growth Managoment Plan end the ImmokaIee Master Plan. SECTION TWO: This Resolution adopted aIlar motion, II8COlld Ind IT1lIjortty VOla. Cormllaalonar R.. r r t;;: otIered the fill egolllg RaaoIutIon end IT10Yed for lis adoption, aeconded by COfnmlls Constantine end upon roll caR the VOla waa: AYES:Commissionar Berry, Commissioner Conetantine, Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Mac'Kie, and Commissioner Hancock NAYS: A8S!;NT AND NOT VOTING: '"'''''' \ . 1~1 ,..;';, ~" ~~1I 25 dayol Feb. .1997. 1~, ~ :;01:>-':: . ~,:,~~~,~'>.' .~~ -. II : ".,.. ATTE' S T' ."', 0, '(' . ~': i" ",,, \. c' . , 'i :;:; . OWl, GHTill. BR,6e~'K. ~i"';'.at . . ;:: 0~ "~..~i, :~. "'I"'~..~.~. . ~ . ......:... . . ". . :,: . .......: ':"~r01D a T~D LEGAl SUFFICIENCY ~F. ASHTON. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY BOARD OF COUNTY CMMISSIONERS CO ORID BY: --~----,-,~-,-""--,,,~''''--'''''~~-"''',,^'--~'-"~''''''''--' FEB 2 5 1997 ATTACHMENT A IMMOKAlEE MAIN STREET PROJECT The lmmokaIae downtown area W8I designated, by the Secretary of Slate. 118 a F1or1c:ttI Main Slree11n Auguat 1996. The 11I'88 dealgnated IS the Immokalae MaIn Slree1 Project area Is Ioc:ated entirely wfthln the Immot<alee EntarpMse Zone. The Intent of the Main Slree1 program Is to wor1< In lman rural ...., auch lIS 1mmokaIee, to llddrau the co.,~ltles 01 downtown revitalization. The Main Slree1epproach advocalea Irnproyements to aea1e e poalllve. distinctive Image for downtown by utllzIng the following gutcIIng prIncIpIea: . 0<ganIzatl0n: Worldng wtth public end prlYme _ c:ommunIty Iaeders to develop conaensuI and coordinate raaourcaa to revitalize downtown; . p, "', AJIIuo ,; eraatlng end mar1<etlng a poaltlva image of downtown ~ spedel events. retail aalea. elfectlve adv_ing end public 1'8fatJ<lN; . Dealgn: Encouraging quality building rehablll8llon, lignage, public improvements and window displays to Improve the appearance 01 downtown; . EconomIc RaltructuMng: Improving the 8COIlOmlc; base of downtown by Itrengthenlng axlsting bUllnaJlea and recruttlng new buliMales. Pheaa I of the ImmolcaIee Main Slreet Project focuaes on designing end renovating co.,.,~"'" and realdentlal propertJea loca1ed In lIle deslgnaled araa. Improvtng the exter1o< facades 01 the buldlnga Ioc:ated wtthln the Main Slreet Project area will help to geo.. alii entrepreneur1a/ end job- development ~ fo< lIle raslrlenta of lIle Immol<alee Corml.mlty. Physical Improvements wII help to creal. e poaltJve Image of downtown whk:h wII reaullln e gre8Iar number of v1a1tOfa to the area to support IocaJ buslnes..s, Pheaall 01 the JlI'Ole\;I wi! focuo on land acquisition and Infll1....elop."ent. PI 01, ",It. Ig the """".I. " area to attract vIaltonl IS wefl as bullneu ~ to the area Is aIao an Importanl par1 of the project. Incentlves are being created to encourage private partlclp8llon In the project and to leverage public dollars. Where poaalblfl volunteers will be used to a..lslln!he renovationa. The Types of Conlrllutlons being aought Indude: Building malarlall, Inclu<la but Is not limited to such IIllnga ea wood, wlndows. doOfa, paint. ltucco, end any _ matartal used In the renovation of e buDding. SpectaIty featurea: Inclu<la but Is not limited to luch Itema 118 -*'lIt, Iignage, 1andIcaping, lighting, fancIng, end II'fy other featura lIlat will edd to the overall image of the bulding TocM end Equipment: Includes but Is not limited to luch ItemaIl8.*..bnJaha.bucI<eta.paInt roI1ers, naill, end any _ equipment necellary to complete !he rInOV8ttona 0< promote the Main S"ree1 Project area. Cash Conlrllutlons wi! be used to purdlase auppllea needed for the ranovatlona 0< to hlna profesalonal contractors to complete the renovation wor1<. If large COOtrIlutIonI are _ the money could be used to pl6Chaae exlsUng bulldlnga that need renovatIona or vacant leU that wi be Improvad to ~ the overaI Main Slreet Project plan. Cash c:onlrIlutIona could also be used for promotional matartaIs for bualneu development and recruitment. Reel e.late Contitlutlon8: the property would be Improved end !hen either l'II8Old 0< Ieaed by the IponaOl' wh_ would beat benefit lIle program. PrOl,AJIIuo'" MatartaIoI ndudlng paper, printing and design wor1< used to promote the economic vIla/lty of the MaIn Slree1 Project and n_ busln_ to the area.