Resolution 1997-090 1 I I t I fED 1 8 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97-......2..0 RESOLUTION APPOINTING PAT BARTON TO mE DISTRICf EIGHT REALm AND HUMAN SERVICES BOARD WHEREAS, the District Eight Health and Human Services Board wu created to evaluate district needs and develop and approve I district plan consistent with state-wide policy parameters for health and social services within the COI1II1UIity; and WHEREAS, there is I need to appoint one (\) r..-b.. to the District Eigbt Health and Human Services Board; and WHEREAS, the District Eight N~ QI,.rmc.tion Review Committee has reviewed I list of eligible appliClUltZ to serve 011 the Heahh and Human Services Board; NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, that Pat Barton is hereby reappointed to the District Eight Health and Human Services Board for I term beginning December 23, \996, and expiring December 22, 2000. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: .,;L? ~;/ ATTEST: ,...,......, " ", ..' ",'.DWIGHT E.,BROCK, CLERK /~;:,~.., ,. ~ ,: . . 'I'~~:~.~'~ ">: " t 'T~,r.~;~c~ ~ / ?<' . ~'\('(,;'~;:'. . "r'~' .. .' ........, ~/ :. .~u~fonnand .,:.~'~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~ j~;.~~&J,01J/ David C. WaBel Coualy Attorney J ~