Resolution 1997-078 RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-96-29, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature ot the state ot Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conterred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and entorce zoning and such business regulations .s are necessary tor the proteotion otthe publicI and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes regulations tor the zoning ot particUlar geographic divisions ot the County, among which is the granting ot variances; and WHEREAS, the Board ot Zoning Appeals, being the duly elected oonstituted Board ot the area hereby attected, has held a public hearing atter notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has , coneidered the advisability ot an atter-the-tact 1.95 toot variance , trom the required 7.5 toot side yard setback to 5.55 teet, as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit nAn, in an RSF-4-RP zone tor the property hereinatter described, and has tound as a matter ot tact that satistactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 2.7.5 ot the Zoning Regulations ot said Land Development Code tor the unincorporated area ot Collier County; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in pUblic meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ot Collier county, Florida, that: The Petition V-96-29 tiled by Craig R. Woodward, Esquire representing James Walcott and Ruth Ann Walcott, with respect to the property hereinatter described as: Lot 8, Block 284, Marco Beach, Unit 8, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 63 through 68, ot the Public Records ot Collier County, Florida. FEB 1 11991 be and the same hereby is approved tor an atter-the-tact 1.95-toot variance trom the required 7.5 toot side yard setback to 5.55 teet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit nAil, ot the RSF-4-RP zoning district wherein said property is located, subject to the following conditions: This variance is for the encroachment depicted on the plot plan. Any other encroachment shall require another variance. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number V-96-29 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. Commissioner Constantine offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by commissioner Mac'Kie and upon roll call the vote was: AYES: Commissioner Constantine, Commissioner Mac'Kie, Commissioner Norris,. Commissioner Berry, and Commissioner Hancock NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTtNG: ABSTENTION: Done this 11 day of February , 1997. ATTEST.:,.......... .. ,.."'., ~~ L:' .. '/, J D~"E.. B~OcK}. CLERK . ~~" (~.,<P ~ : . ,..;:r .-' " .. . ": .':": ..I, \::;.:;. ::i. ."t' /~:~. / . t,.. , \. ...... .. A1>PRO~ AS:~.~RM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: , .......~..~. ' i ::~.,.,~." ...rnt_:.~..,:\:;::'~~'Y}, - t?f<1.1. i..t:: ~".STUD ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA V-96-29 RESOLUTION/18928 FEB t 11997 .JLAT Pf SURVEY CERTIFlED CORRECT TO: R.lth Ann ond Jom.." AII..n Wolcoll; A.f.l. Mortgoge Corporotion, It" Successors and/or Assigns; first Title & Abstrocl, Inc. ond Ch,co90 TiUe Insurance Company. DESCRIPltON (ruRNISHED BY CLIENT): lOT 8. aLOCK 28-1, MARCO BEACH, UNIT EICHT. according to the plot thllt"eof. all recorded In Plot Book 6. Pages 63 through 68, Public Rooordc of Colllor County. Florida. ,.. fW. :1 ~ LOT 14 LOT 13 ,,!:t'.\': ~ 'foe; N 00'\4"37" E $$$ L_SCAPOIC 60,00' :;, '(2:, u ,... "'" -.d P\A!IUe ulUtY .~ (AS(vtNt 1!r+\- IlEAIlINcs SHOMl HEREON ARE BASm ON THE CEH'lERUHE Of 8lSCA '!NE WAY Mi 8E1NO H00'l4'37"E, Mi St10WN ON RECORD PLAT. r -ciiHc. st.... J1".SO' LOT 8 ~ . co' SCR{[I'ftO caarTt POOl Dto< (l.00Clll) 7.7$ 2f.3Q' I I I L_____~ ,- P'UIJUC Ull,rry; . DftAIH,I,(;[ [A$ClItHl lOT 7 $lI1OlL 5101"< CONCllt1>; 81.otl< .... S1UCXO IlESOOIC[ .s.s.OS' #' tICl( CO<<::R(T[ -'AO< 4'37" E eo.OO' ...... _'K ..." rhO N"'- I.or CALC. .1'\101 rA8,U)'- uEAS. "010 , lOG( or "A\IOoOfT c.- .AU) It B/SeA YNE WAY . w ~ ~w () :JI :JZ ~~ ~<( o :J: EHHIBIT "A" ~__.,___."__._~____.____,__~~,~_.....~"..__,~_.__."_,___._.';'."'~..~,,,._'o l lOT 12 UrU POSr: o,n' SOUlW o.no (.\ST , ,.~ $1l'lEET AOORESS: .'$ 1552 B1SCA'l'NE WAY MARCO ISlAND, F\.ORIOA 331137 lI>SCAl'OtO ~ \lECCfAhON o llH[ - 12 !:! , 7.5-S.ss: t.t - .., lOT II . ::l ~ kl III 3'+\- calC- ~ ~I .j;! I -4J FNO M.... .,.,. TAlI NOlO'