Resolution 1997-056 IlBSOImIOIf 97- ~ A IlBSOLU'rZQI BY 'l'BB BOARD OP coto....h C' I lISSZOllIIIQI or COLLIER cotln~n', FLORIDA, rv....wlft '10 8~.l'.L0If OP 'l'BB COLLIER Cuuan; " L&Jm DZVELOPKl5n1" CODB Ah' ....UnO ORDIDlWCB 81-23 ALSO DOWN AS THB MYR'1'LB WOODS POD, ~.LKDfG THB SUBMl:'l"1'AL OP A POD AIIBR.........r; AIm PROVIDING AN EPPEC',uv.IS DATE. . if'mDv.s, the Myrtle Woods POD, Ordinance 81-23, adopted on May 5, 1981, ia .abject to the provi.ion. ot section, ot the Land oevelop.-nt Code (LOC), Tt.e Liaits tor Approved POD Master Plans; and tfRRImAS, the Board ot County C~i.sioners has revi....s the POD and bas deterllined that the current POD Zoning is inconsistent with certain provisions ot the Growth Manag_ent Plan and the Land oevelopJUlnt Code; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Plorida that: 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reterence as it tully set forth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence ot coapliance with the review requir_ents ot Section ot the LOC. ~' : ';- I 3. Pursuant to said section ot the LOC, the prOperty owner or agent shall submit an amended POD to the Planning Services Director prior to June 5, 1997. Thi. Resolution shall become ettective immediately upon its approval. BE IT FUKrnKR RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the ainute. at this Board and in the records at the Petition tor which the extension ia granted. Commissioner NorriA offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mac'Ki. , and upon roll call, the vote was: JA" t I r:s:u . AYES I Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Hac'Kie, Commissioner Constantine, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Hancock RAYS I ABSEIlT AND HOT VOTINO: ABII-.L'UI",L'IOII : Done this day of 21 j.....,.t'"r , 1997. ,I .: '.!I.~':~ ~:: _ '~":II'~"I:~;'~ :.:. . ;:~ \. '.~.'" "~'1.~ ..... ~ . I't... hI.. ,. A :'l' .., ..~). ..; .." ,.,tl ;. :. '~., I ~ 1.'-" '. .,,& " ;{ t'l ,: t" ," '.. .. ',"':'e~, . 'I ',', .j tt" ~x. ......... ", . 'A~~ ,.', .....~:........ ,'D;'I..B"I~<",~ ~:~:;f ~,f':' -~,.:~~<\C~~.~ BOARD OP COtlllTY COMHISSIOlIERS COLLIER COtJlITY, FLORIDA BY'~ . y. CHI DIIWI ....j, .! AND LEGAL SOPPICIENCY: