Resolution 1997-045 JAlHII1 RESOLUTION NO. 97-45 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PELICAN BAY MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING AND BENEm UNIT ADVISORY COMMIlTEE. WHEREAs, Collier Calmly Ordinance No. 90-111 created the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit AdvilOt'y Committee and provided that the Committee 1ha11 COIISist of nine (9) members; and WHEREAS, Collier CoImty Ordinance No. 91-22 amended Orrlinm,ce No. 90-111, providing that the Committee aha.Il consist of fifteen (I S) members; and WHEREAS, the tenns of five (S) members will expire on January 29, 1997, creating S vacancies on this Committee; and WHEREAS, the Board of CoWlly Commiaaionera previously provided public notice soliciting applicatioDB from intcrcated parties; NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY , COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Herbert Hasson is bereby appointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a four (4) year term, said term beginning January 29,1997, and expiring on January 29, 2001. 2. Alan B. Varley is bereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a fODr (4) year term, said term beginning January 29,1997, and expiring on January 29,2001. 3. George H. Werner i, hereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a four (4) year term, said term beginning January 29, 1997, and expiring on January 29,2001. 4. John W. Hoyt is hereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Urat Advisory Committee for a four (4) year term, said term beginning January 29, 1997, and expiring on January 29, 2001. S. Edward R. Griffith is hereby reappointed to the Pelican Bay Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit Advisory Committee for a four (4) year term, said term beginning January 29, 1997, and expiring on January 29, 2001. JAI f 4 191 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that the provisions of Section 9(b) of Collier County Ordinance No. 90-111, as amended, and the terms of Subcl:tion 7 of Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended, TcrtnJ of Office, are hereby waived for the pUlpOse of reappointment of John W. Hoyt to this Committee. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and unanimous vote. DATED: January 14,1997 . A1TEST: .nWiGH1'E. B~OCK, CLERK ~,", t ~ ". . (:;~-,,-:;~ (1~ \...<., : . ,; , . <'~~.,:,: ( . ~ .. .: \', ", . ,"' .A.pj;ro'Vl!d as' io fonn and legalaufficicncy: BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B'~~ OTIIY. COCK, CHAIRMAN , Ju4t!~ David C. Weigel County Attorney