Resolution 1997-043 RESOLUTION NO. 97-....i.l. A RESOLlTI1ON AtITHORlZ1NG 1HE ACQUISmON OF LAND BY OIFr, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION OF A FEE SIMPLE INI'ERl!ST FOR 1HE CONSTRUCI1ON OF 1HE FOUR-LANING ROADWAY IMPROVEMBNrS FOR C.lt 951 PHASE n FROM RATl'LESNAKB HAMMOCK. ROAD TO DAVIS BOULEY ARD. WHEREAS, the Board of County CommiISionen, on September 27, 1994, Ido ~ ~ No. 94-54 therein embliming Ibe 1994 (Sixth Annual) CIlpitaI r....,...n:maIt ~ of the Growth M.magement Plan in order to cmbliah prioritiea for the cblJD, tcqalIitIoa IDd COIIIlrW.lloa oflbe varioua capital improvc:meot projcctl which ~i-Ibe n..........b4ioa ~ oflbe County'. Comprehcnaive Plan; and WHEREAS. the fOlll"-1aning improvcmenu to C.R. 95 I ~ n tom RaItleaaIb Rammnr-lt Road to Davia BoulCVll'C! IIl'e CvwpuilCllt partI of the T~tm.Ja ~ of the Coaaty'. Cvwy...b..uaive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of County CommiISionen, on April 5, 1994,~ R.e.llulioa No. 94-225 autborizin& Ibe County Staff to ICqIIire by gift or purchue cataIn ell ._,1. or fee IimpIo title to Ibe po ~ and ,,""Y"'"t}' iIlIermI required and IIIX i lOr !be four-lmlna ru.d...f improvemeota of C.lt 9S I ~ n from Ratt1esnake It"""""",1( RollI to Davia I Boulevard; and NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that it 11M been dctw...h..d by the Road that the COIlItruc:tioa of Ibe four-1IniDa roactny improvaDcata for C.Jt 951 Pb.o n tom Ratt1eauake Hamnocl: Road to Davia Boulevard, (ben:inafteI' rcfcmod to U "!be Project") Ia ,-.. i and in the public'. beat inlemlt in onler to protect Ibe ~tb, aafcty aDd MI&rc oflbe citizala ofColliez County. AND IT IS FURTIfER. RESOLVED that the Board bu reviewed the Staffma\ylia rcprcIlq altcmativc 1oclItioDa, anviromneutal fictora, COlt vWblea, afety IDd weUire (>>0 ~4llioDI u tbcy reJ.te to the COIlItnlction of Ibe Project and fiDda tbat!be IIIOIt feUble 1ocatioD for the ro.d rijht-of-way for C.lt 951 in the IIl'ea ofPlfCC1 No. 102A lithe PfOi-ty c1eIcribcd in Exhibit. A. attacbed hereto and inco.pu,alcd herein. AND IT IS FUR1HER RESOLVED that the conatruction of Ibe Project II pet of the CoImty'.\oaa nlIl&Il pLm !bat ... included in tho T~,lldion B1emeat of the County. Comprebcmivc Plan; AND IT IS FUR1HER RESOL~ that to implemeut cor.A....tIw of!be Project It II ......."t"latc aDd De, f lOr the Board to ICqIIiR fee aimple title in !be llt_ty ldoontIfI"'Clu .... , JAM 1 4 1997 . Pm:el No. 102A, which is IIlOOl plrticularly delcribed in Exhibit' A', Ittllcbed hereto llIId iDcoryOo.aed herein. AND IT IS FURnmR RESOLVED that the County Ilaff is hereby IUlborized to :.....-"i.tely lICqUirc by gift, purdIIIe or coOO....",.non in ICCOI'dance with the provlJioaI of ~. 73, 74111d 127, Florida S~. foo ample title to the JA~ Y-tlf!.od . PIrcel No. 102A, beiDa IDOC'll pMticulIrty cIacribed in Exhibit · A', ~~ hereto mcI iDcoI~Acl herein. AND IT IS FURnmR RESOLVED that 110 mobile bomea ..Ioc ~IN OIl die property -abt to be ......uh..d md tbtcefore it will DOt be '-f""Y to remove IIII)' mobile bomea from die ~~ty to be .....ui.ed. This R.eIolutionldoptcd on this IOClOOlIIIId mljority vote. . I /1... .. \' 1,\'" t ;.. . "....:~~.l '. .;. 'ir'~, J '"".l~.;;It':, ( ,., ,..., ,,' . ~ '1, _ ,.1'.., ":- ,:,t" ..,,", t "':0 n, C A 'I'/)' ";" .~. lit ....... f.....o ~ (' " . f'S.rlt',.' "'!:Jt'..~ ",'1 11,- . 10' , '" A ~ . " .~ .a.~OO'I"""'!,;r.f,,' l' "...1 r : ~1-1~1:,:---:,(,~.:. ", r ~ ,11; ~1:!.WI.<;!!ITI")~""~~l. . '.qLERK . :)"\' fill" ~_.",. ...... 'I. .: ":4 ......1i~:.":'. ~: : .~~"~ " : '\"~" , : .. . \ 't'.~:'. (' . _ ~,., '." -I 1 I' 'J I, . .\J. ..) ~... ',;", \.;. - .' \) ... I.' I'... ,. ( . ~'" 4" . \ I. ... ('.1 '. ... . r" ". " "'.. ., . ., ."';,..., "I \ t .'. ,..' ,,' ~ -, / . " . ,/ '. .,' ;J..:.'.D'f,..: --" ~.'tJ,,,,,, ......'. -I ";" /oJ/ clay of ~ ~ /.-- . 1997, after motiOD, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COUlER COUNTY, FLORIDA Br.~/#~/ , CHAIRMAN ApprtMd u to fonn IIId 1cp11l1fticieucy: ." Heidi F. Ashton A ui""" County Attorney EXHIBIT "A" JAM , 4 1997 PllOJECT NO. ..n.? PllOJECT PARCEL NO. 1 nn TAX PARCEL NO. nn.1Al\l:.nnn,:; The follov1n9 described property is to be acquired as fee s1aple 1ntereat (FOAL DESCRIPTION TBlI BAST 35 FBrl' OP TIm FOLLOWING DBSClUlIIlD PARCllL OP u.tm. COIIKEIlCING AT TIIIl NOR1'Hl!AST CORKER OP SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 50 BOOTII, RAIIGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUIITY, FLORIDA, TII1lIl ALONG TIIIl NORTH LID OP SECTION 15, SOUTH 87 DEGR!:BS 37'14" llUT 100.16 FEET TO TIIIl IiEST RIGlI'l'-QF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 951 POll. A PLACI OP BIlGIlINING, TII1lIl ALONG THJ! lIEBT RIGlI'l'-QF-WAY LIIIJl SOllTH 00 DIlGlUlU 51'53" lIEST 892.87 PIlETI TII1lIl SOOTI\ 87 DIlGRZBS 43'59" llUT 4870.63 PIlET TO TIlE WEST LINE OF SECTION 15/ TII1lIl ALONG TIll llllST SECTION LINE NORTH 00 DEGREES 15' 23" IfE8T 882.49 FEET TO TIIIl NOR'l'HWllST CORKER OF SECTION 151 TII1lIl NORTH 87 DEGREIlB 37 '14" EAST 4888.46 FEET TO THJ! PLACE or BEGINNING. SKETCH OF I , I LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) ti N MOIlTX LIlli!: 0' aacTIC* 15 .....,. or AalnUGI ......... ItORT1t 17 DCCllUU J7' U. u.rr .....-...-- 100.1.' = I II rn I i I . " " . " , " , 4170.n aoon 17 WGa&U 4""- WUT I I I un .s-t I " . . , j1lU't LlJIC or IKCTIOIl' III I I i e WU'l' aIOft-or-VAT SCALE : IlItAIlIl BY: CHECKED BY: FILE NO: REVISED: JtOT TO SCALE - - BY: DATE: RICHARQ.llI(1 ...... .... PROFEIl8IliIlAL.bIlD .2718 TRAH8~.~~atitCEI DIVISIIXI COLLIm.. .0000~_._EIIT CIIlPI.EX 3301 EAlrT...TAIIIAItl TRAIL NAPLES, FLORItiA:33112 ...... 'h Jeft!I .