Resolution 1997-030 JAM f " 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AtrrnORIZING WANER OF Lm~y SYSTEM IMPACf FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACf FEES, ROAD IMPACf FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACf FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACf FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCfED BY IMMOKALEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT IS, BULLARD SUBDJVJSION,IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier CoWlty baa recognized and attempted to addreaa the lack of adequate and affordable housing for moderate, low, and very-low income householda in the CoWlty and the need fer crcaIive and innovative programa to aaaist in the proviaion of such housing by including severa1 proviaiODl in the Collier CoWlty Growth Management Plan, including: objective 1.4, policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5, policy 1.5.2, policy !.S.3, policy 1.5.4, policy !.S.5, policy !.S.6; objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of the Housing Element; and WHEREAS, Collier CoWlty has received funding punruant to the State Housing lnitiativca Partncrahip Program set forth in Section 420.907 ~., Florida Statutca and Chapter 91-37, Florida Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Collier COWlty Ordinance No. 93-19, the CoWlty ia authorized to use funding from the State Housing InitiativCl; Partnership [SHIP] Program for waivera of Collier CoWlty impact feca; and WHEREAS,lmmokalcc Habitat for HlII1llInity,lnc. is accking . waiver of impact feca; and WHEREAS, Immokalcc Habitat for HlII1llInity, Inc. will constnJct one (1) thrce-bcdroom unit (the "Dwelling Unit") on Lot IS, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalcc which ia propOsed to aell for Forty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($46,500.00); and WHEREAS, the Dwelling Unit will be purchased by . very low income houaehold which is rcqnircd to invest. minimum of five hWldrcd (500) hours of "Swest Equity" before it obtains title to the house; and WHEREAS, Mr. Charles C. Smith, Vice President of Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc~ IUbmittcd to the Office of Housing and Urban Improvement an Affordable Housing Application dated December 2, 1996 for. waiver of impact feca for the construction of . house on Lot IS Bullard Subdiviaion, Immokalcc, . copy of said application i. on file in the Housing and Utban Improvemcm Department; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3.04 of the Libnuy System Impact Fee Ordi~ Ordinance No. gg-97, u amended; Section 4.05 of the Parka and Recrcalional Facilitica \mpact Fee Ordinant'#, Ordinance No. g8-96, u amended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impact Fee Ord~. 0.,1:._.... No. 92-22, u amended; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Scrvicca System Impact Fee Ordm-c', Ordinance No. 91-71, u amended; and Section 3.05 of the Educational Facilities System Impact Fee JAM H 1997 Qrdi.......... Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an applicant may obtain a waiver of impact fees by quaIifyina for a waiver; and WHEREAS, Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. has qualified for an impIlCt fee waiver baa! upon the following rcprcaentationa made by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity,Inc.: A. The Dwelling Unit ahall be IOld to a fint-time home buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit ahall be IOld to a houaehold with a very low income level as that tam II defined in the AppeDdicca to the RlpCCtive Impact Fcc Orrlm-1IId tho lIIllIlIhly paymeol to purchue the unit II11IIt be within the affordable houaina ~IM 1IlIbu.bed in tho Appendicca to the rcapcctive Impact Fee Orrlinlmt'.ea. C. The Dwelling Unit ahall be the Homestead of the owner. D. The Dwelling Unit ahall remain affordable for fifteen (15) years from tho cI.Ie tho catiJicate of occupancy is isaucd. NOW TIIEREFORB, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of CoWlty CommiuiOllCl'l hereby autborizca the County Manaaa' to __ III Authorization for waiver of impact fcca to Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. for ODe (1) house which ahall be constructed on Lot IS Bullard Subdiviaion, Immokalee, Collier CoWlty, Florida. 2. Upon receipt by the Housing and Urban Improvement Director of III agn:ement for waiver of impact fees signed by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, 1Dcj~ and/or tho pun:haacr, or other documentation acceptable to the ColD1ty Attorney,! the Board of County , Commissionera hereby autborizca the payment by Collier County of tho following impICt fees from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, FW1d (191), in tho. following amolwb for the one (1) house to be built on Lot IS Bullard Subdiviaion, Immoq\ee by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity,lnc.: A. Libnuy Impact Fcc B. Road Impact Fee C. Parka and Recreational Facilities $ 180.52 1,379.00 Impact Fcc: (1) Community Parks (2) Regional Parka D. EMS Impact Fcc E. Educational Facilities System Impact Fee Totailmpad Fea 399.00 179.00 14.00 S 1.77800 S 3,919.51 JAI US . 3. The payment of impIlCt fees by Collier County is IUbjed III .. - ... "- fII an A&i~ for Waiver of Collier County ImplICt F_ w.._.. ~. I) __.... pun:hacr aDd tho Couaty. Tbia p--'ntUv.lIliapled afta'motioa, ICCOOd IIId majority wee A....a.- DATBD: ~".'li.I1I'" . . .au Q.!--.. , ) I?~'" A:.llrSt!....~)r. . ~'... n1IIIIXI'I'~ ' _~.~_ f. L, J _ .~:oI'. . . ~l t - .~.i .~ "I - fi'i~ " . ::: ~:-" ' . . BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNlY, FLORIDA By. ~~~ '. .... /. \fI'"l ,,'.~, '..'i. 'w!" ... '; \.,./ ....~",; S'lJ'\\ .K" .... . J.w.u>'Cd as to form aDd Iepl auftlcieocy: ,t., Hciidi F. AIbIOiJ "..~ County AItomey J4'...........I1'_ . . . JAM 14 1997 ,. EXIIIBIT "A" LEGAL DE8CIUPTION - BULLARD SUBDlVISlON LOT 15 BULl.ARD SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO TIm PLAT BOOK THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27 AT PAGES 76 AND 17, OF TIm PUBUC RECORDS OF COLl..IHR COUNTY, FLORIDA. -4-