Resolution 1997-025 RESOLUTION NO. 97--1L- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUJER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING WAlVl!1l OF LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACIUTIBS SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY o.o.tOK.ALEB HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT 10, BUIl.ARD SUBDMSION,IMMOKALEE. WHBREAS. CoIIilIr Coualy ba rec:osnized and attempted to addreII !be I8CIt or Idooq- IDIl .dLdIblo hu....~llilr wudo....... low, and very-low income ho\Jlebolda in !be County 11III !be DOOCl tor aeative IDIl iwa....n.~ P"l'..... to .-ill in !be provision of IIICh housing by iDcludin& teVenl prIIYiJloaa ill tbe CoDi<< CoaaIy Grvw1h ),t...... J._ Plan, including: objective 1.4. poIie)' 1.4.1; objective 1.5, policy 1.5.2, po&y 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, polk:}' U.5, policy 1.5.6; objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1.1, poliey 2.1.2, polk:}' 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of!be Houains B1cmenI; 11III . WHEREAS, Collier County hu received ftmding punuant to !be SIIIll HCIlIIiua IDItiIIlwI Paat.-Adp ~.... Id forth ill Section 420.907 fiL...JllQ~ F\orida StatuIeI ..s CbIpIer 91-37, FIadlIa AdmiDiItnlive Code; and I WHEREAS, in acc:or\1m:c with Collier CoaaIy 0." . e No. 93-19, tbe CoaaIy ._._1 , to _ ftmding from !be Stile Houaing Initimvca l'lo"-"'';' [SIDPl Proao- b WIiY1:n ofCollillr CoaaIy impect fcca; and WHEREAS. Immokalee Habitat for H1IIIIIIlity,IDc. iI.-ma I waiver ofimpect fcca; aod WHEREAS. Immokalee Habitat for Hummity, Inc. wiD ......alIDCt one (I) t1m:o-bedroom mdt (!be "DwaIIiog Unit") on Lot 10, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalee which is proposed to sell for Forty-Six Tb.-.....wt Five HUIIIhcd Dollan ($46,500.00); and WHEREAS. the Dwelling Unit will be purchased by a very low income ho\Jlebold which iI , requiIM to invest a minimum of five hundred (500) houn of .Swest Equity" before it obtains title to the boule; and WHBREAS, Mr. CharI.. c. Smith, Vice Pn:sident of Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., sublnitted to the Office of HDUling 11III Utblll Improvement 111 Affordable Housing Application dsIed December 2, 1996 for I waiver of Impact feel for the COIIIlrUl:tion of . house on Lot 10, BuIIIrd Subdivis!llII, Immokalee, a copy oC said application is on file in the Housing and Utban Improvcmenl o..-tmcot; and WHEREAS. in 8CCOl'CIaDce with Section 3.04 of !be uDnry SywIIlm Impct Foe Ok.II....""" 0..11........ No. 88-97, . ,..-" iNI; Section 4.05 of the Parb IIIll R-~ F8Ci1ItIeI Impct Foe ()..Il . '\ o.~ No. 88-96. . ...w ~ ~: Sec:lioa 3.04 oC the RDed Impec:t Foe ()rdm........ 0..8.- · No. 92-22. . - .. ~; Socdon 3.05 of tbe Bo-....q Medic:aI ServiceI SywIIlm Impct Foe ~ Okdi.-u. No. 91-71, . _ ~:..s Sec:lioa 3.05 oC!be BducaIional FlCilitica Syatan Imp:t Foe --.".~..,--~---,~- ,"' --.. - _._--~".~~~.,.--..~,-"""''"''''~_....,..,-'_.--~" .".~ M....._".,.~..,~.""._..,,..,~.~,.,._,.-,..,..~'~_. ,---" JAM PI 1997 Ordinsnce, Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; 111 applicant may obtain a waiver of impact feca by qualifying for a waiver; and WHEREAS, Immokalee Habitat Cor Humanity, Inc. has qualified Cor 111 impact Cee waiver baaed upon the following representations made by Immolcalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to alir1t-lime home buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit .hall be sold to a hOlllChold with a very low income level as that term iI defioed in the Appendices to the rcapective Impact Fee Ordinancca II1d the monthly payment to purchue the unit must be within the affordable housing gnidelinca catablilhed in the Appendices to the rcapective Impact Fee Ordinancca. The Dwelling Unit shall be the Homestead oC the owner. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for fifteen (15) yeII'I from the date the certificate of O<:CUPIllCY is illUCd. NOW TIffiREFORB, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. The Bosrd of County Commillionen hereby authorizca the County Manager to iuue 111 Authorization for waiver oC impact Ceca to Immolcalee Habitat for Hummity, Inc. for one (I) house which .hall be constructed on Lot 10, Bullsrd Subdivision, Immokalee, Collier I ColDlty, Florida. Upon receipt by the Housing IIId Utblll Improvement Director of 111 agreement for waiver oC impact feca signed by Imrookalee Habitat for Hummity, Inc., lI1dIor the purchaser, or other documentation acceptable to the ColDlty Attorney, the Bosrd oC County Commissionen hereby authorizes the payment by Collier ColDlty of the following Impact Ceca from the Affordable Housing Trust FIDld, FlDld (191), in the following smolDlll for the one (I) holllC to be built on Lotlu, Bullsrd Subdivision, Immokalee by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fcc B. Road Impact Fee C. Parks and Recreational Facilities C. D. 2. $ 180.52 1,379.00 Impact Fee: (I) Community Parks (2) Regional Parks D. EMS Impact Fee E. Educational Facilities System Impact Fcc Total Impact Fees 399.00 179.00 14.00 ~ I 778 00 $ 3,929.51 JAM 1 41197 3. The paymeut of impect fcca by Collier County iI subject to the executiOllIllll ~ of IllAaoocmcot for Waiver of Collier County Impct Feea w.._ !be (>Ioperty _ -.J/fIl pun:baa' IIIll the County. 1bia JlcIoIutioa adopted aftCI'motillll, ICCOIld aod majority vote favoring same. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COIllER COUNTY, FLORIDA Br. ~~- ,. , ", \.. .'~. " .. " 0.. ..... . ,-' 'Ii' 'j'ii.''.\ ~.!.. Awo...olCl. to bm ..s 1opIIlIfIiclcr<y. .. . .AsbIon J.";- County AltorIIey jcWp1cIbaJJonIIreo JAM 1 ~ 1997 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION - BULLARD SUBDIVISlON LOT 10, BUIl..ARD SUBDIVISION. ACCORDING TO 1HB PLAT BOOJt THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27 AT PAGES 76 AND 77, OF 1HB PUBUC RECORDS OF COUJER. COUNTY. FLORIDA. -4- ,-"'-'