Resolution 1997-019 RESOLUTION NO. 97--U..- JAM 1 ~ 1997 RESOLUTION OF 1HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF LffiRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEE HABIT AT FOR HUMANITY, INC., ON LOT 4, BULLARD SUBDMSION,IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier County baa recognized and attempted to Iddrea the Iaclt of IdeqaIte me! affordablo houIing for modenlc, low, and very-low income households in the County me! the .-l for creative and iImovalive programI to aaill in the provision of such houIing by inc1udinSlleYCl1l1 provisioaa In the Collier County Growth Mmasement Plan, including: objective \.4, policy \.4.1; objective 1.5, policy \.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.S.4, policy 1.S.5, policy 1.S.6; objective \.6, policy 1.6.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.S, and policy 2.1.6 of the Housins Element; me! WHEREAS, Collier County has received funding punuant to the Stile HouJina iDitilIIiveI PlII1Denhip Program lei forth in Scction 420.907 ~., Florida StllUtel me! CbIplcr 91-37, F10rida Administrative Code; and , WHEREAS, in accofdance with Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, the County is ..aIM12e4 to UICl fimdinS from the S:ate Housing Initiatives Psrtncrship [SHIP] Program for waiven of Collier County impllct fees; and WHEREAS,Immolcalee Habitst fer. Humanity, Inc. is seeking. waivcrofimp8ct Ceca; me! WHEREAS. Immolcalee Habitst for Humanity, Inc. will construct OIIC (1) tht.....t...huOdlllllit (the "Dwelling Unit") on Lot 4, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalee which i. propoaed to aell for Forty-Six Tbouaand Five Hundred Dollan ($46,500.00); and WHEREAS, the Dwelling Unit will be purchased by a very low income houaebold which is required to invest a minimum of five hundred (500) hours of "Swest Equity" before it obtaina title to the houae; IIIId WHEREAS, Mr. Charles C. Smith, Vice President of Immokalee Habitst for Humanity, Inc., aubmitted to the Office of Housing and Uman Improvement an Affordable Housins Applicatloa dated December 2, 1996 for . waiver of impact fees for the construc:tion of. hoUICl on Lot 4, Bullard Subdiviaioo, lmmolcalee, . copy of said applicstion is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement D.t-I>u...d; and WHEREAS, in accordanco with Section 3.04 of the Library S)'IlaIl lmpIct Feo ().Il._._... 0nIinance No. 88-97, u amended; Section 4.05 of the Parka and Recreational Pecilitiea lmpIct fee Ordinance, Ordinance No. 88-96, u ameaded; Section 3.04 of the Road lmpIct Peo ~ o.cIh-.... No. 92-22, u ameaded; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Servic:ca System Imp8Ct Pee 0I.1l.-q, 0nIinancc No. 91-71, u amended; and Section 3.05 of the Educational Facilities S}'Ilcm IqlICt Feo -.-...-,.--~-"...-..~_.-......~_..._.'_'- JAil 1 ~ 1997 Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an applicant may obtain a waiver of impact fees by qualifYing for a waiver; and WHEREAS, Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc. has qualified for an impact fee waiver baed upon the following representstions made by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. The Dwe1\ing Unit shall be BOld to a first-time home buyer. B. The Dwe1\ing Unit shall be BOld to a household with a very low income level as that term is defined in the Appendices to the respcctive Impact Fee Ordinances and the monthly payment to purchase the unit must be within the affordable housing guidelines established in the Appendices to the respective Impact Fee Ordinances. The Dwelling Unit shall be the Homestead of the owner. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for fifteen (15) yean from the date the certificate of occupancy is issued. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 0"; THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. The Board oi County Commissioners hert'hy authorizes the County Manager to issue an Authorization for waiver of impact fees to Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc. for one (I) house which shall be constructed on Lot 4, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalee, Co1\ier County, Florida. Upon receipt by the Housing and Uman Improvement Director of an asreernent for waiver of impact fees signed by Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., and/or the pun:haacr, or other documentation acceptable to the County Attomcy, the Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the payment by Co1\ier County of the following impact fees from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Fund (191), in the following amounta for the one (1) house to be built on Lot 4, Bullard Subdivision, Immokalee by Immokalee Habitst for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fee B. Road Impact Fee C. Paries and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee: (1) Community Paries (2) Regional Parka EMS Imp8Ct Fee Educational Facilities System Impact Fee Total Impact fees C. D. 2. $ 180.52 1,379.00 D. E. 399.00 179.00 14.00 $ $ 1 778 00 3,929.51 JAM H 1997 3. The payment of impact fees by Collier County il subject to the execution aod recordatioD or an Agreement for Waiver of Collier County Impact Fees bctwec:n the ",upaty owner and/or purchaser and the County. Thil Resolution adopted afte1- motion, aecond and majority vote favorins aame. DATED: J" . .... 'TIff /??? . ~uJ.ilJ ATfES1;.~'.'." ;:... vI DWIGHT. iiiinl.(;>cK.;9#. . If. ". ~ ,'~'''' ".; , . ,,-'. ,. , .~ ::. v~. ..' -,;. . " ." .,,,.....~. ., .'. ,;~ ...;. ,I', "",' . ",', I ~~' ('.~ . , , BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: 1MfJ~ .Olabman .' I . 'I'; ,." .a) ..... ...,. , '. ~. . !' , ';. /0' ,I, '.., o.:"i" I 0",\".\. ..lot ~ r'" Approved .. to form and IopJ aufficiency: ~ptv ,A..m- County Attorney JdI.....c:JbaIJriIrao JAM H 1997 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRlmON - BULLARD SUBDMSION LOT 4, BULLARD SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO TIll! PLAT BOOK THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 27 AT PAGES 76 AND 77, OF 1HE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. -4-