Resolution 1997-014 RESOLUTION NO. 97-014 A RESOLUTION APPOrNTING AND REAPPOrNTING MEMBERS TO THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the Bocd of County Commiaaionen adopted Collier County Ordinmce No. 91-10 creating the County Oovcmment Productivity Committee; and WHEREAS, Ordinuv-~ No. 93-13 providea tha1 the Committee dWl c:onIiIt ~f 13 members; and WHEREAS, there ~ .........Jtly ODe vacancy and six terms will expire in February, for. loCal of IClVelI (7) vacanciea 011 thiJ Comm.ittce; and WHEREAS, the Bocd of County Commiaaioncn previoutly provided public DOtice IOIic:iting applicatiOlll from intcrated partiea; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY nrn BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. Robin MM'CUa is bctcby <lyyuUlted to the County OovCl1lllleDt Productivity Co...wiltee for. two year term, Aid term to begin February 4,1997, and expire Fcbrulry4, 1999. 2. Cbarlea E. ~ ~ hereby r>--6pyuinted to the County OovCl~ ProdDctivity Committee for a two year term, Aid tam to begin February 4, 1997, and expire February 4, 1999. 3. Robert D. Laird i. hereby .e.ypuinted to the County Govemmcm Productivity Committcc for a two year term, Aid tam to begin February 4, 1997, and expire February 4, 1999. 4. David R. Craig i. hereby reappointed to the County Government Productivity Committee for a two year term, Aid tam to begin February 4,1997, and expire February 4, 1999. S. Edward T. Ferguson i. hereby reappointed to the County Government Productivity Committee for a two year term, said tam to begin February 4, 1997, and expire February 4, 1999. BE IT f1JRTIfER RESOL YEn that the Board of County Commiaaioncn of Collier County hereby waives the provisions of Section Seven (bXl) of Ordinance No. 86-41, as amended, relating to a limitation of two consecutive terms of office, for the purpose of reaypuintment of David R. Craig to this Committee. . , , JAI- 7 187 Thia Resolution adopted after motion, accond and WWlimous vote. / DATED: January 7,1997 ..........,.. 'nMt:', /" '" , " , II. _,,". , ,DWIOlfI' it ~R6cK. Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLmR COUNTY, FLORIDA \ \ ~ ~ . . . ~: . I';. :. . ," I ~ ~ ... . .",,'4" \' ......(,", 'r'" '" ," ,I,., . _ ,,'.. .:,,_ "II ". 'I..; <, ". '. .' , ':';~u...d'as.1Dform aDiI ttgaI'~ency: ~ By2!f~ DaviclC. Weiae County Attorney ADV.8DJkn