Resolution 1997-011 RESOLunON NO. 97-011 JAM - 7 m7 RESOLunON APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE ISLE OF CAPlU FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT WHEREAS. Collier CouDty ()rr\ift......e No. 78-49 crealtld an tdviIory committee for the 1110 of Capri Fire ScrviceI Tilt DiItrict; IIId WHEREAS. Clrdinaoco No. 78-49 provida tI1Il the IIdmory oo.....a~ IbaI1 COIIIiIt of tJno to five mcmben; IIId WHEREAS. the termI ofthRe (3) memben expired aeating ~ on thiJ board; IIId WHEREAS. the Board of CouDty Commiuionen previOl1lIy provided public DOtic:e IOliciting IpIllicationa from intcreIted partiea; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that: \. Philip A. Popovici meeta the P'",e.:prisitea for apiX>;.....~.J\t anciil hereby lpIlOintcd to the lIJea of Capri Fire Control Dirtric:t AdviIoty Committ.ee for . two ye.r term, .aid term to expire on December 31, 1998. 2. Jerry Marinaro meetI the prm:quiIitea for .yyO;"tw..ut IIId iI hereby -woin\led to the 111ea of Capri Fire Control Dimict Advisory Committ.ee for . two ye.r term, Aid term to expire on December 31. 1998. 3. Edward J. Huegel mcdl the prm:quiIitea for appointmeot IIId iI hereby ._iutcId to the lIIea of Capri Fire Control Dirtric:t Advisory Committ.ee for . two ye.r term, .aid term to expire , on December 3\. 1998, Thi. Resolution .oopted after motion, aecood and majority vote. D~TEO: January 7. \997 roO" ~ . .' "'ATIEST:":' .:..{Dwr~.~.,aR~ Clerk ~,:i\i:... .\. ::., J ~.{~~ ":: ,. ("0 . ".'. ' '" ~.'lt. '.".' . , . .'.: ,. ,.. "c.'. '. . . . ~;'~' ,<.', - : i;~. \.' ,"', , ;.- .- . r', :'. : . . r(''''''- ..:.., -' . . .. ~ .,(l.:t ":., " .: : '~C.'~f~' ., ....,:: l~i;.~:r. . 'II.' .. I, ;,:I"i..,~'~.'. .~.: ;'~~':~'i'~..7':./:; ~"''''o/;'' \,.,. .....,. '.... .J~.'fi:\ "'il~~, 'I.~.'" '. . _'" )' '. J:,'" ,~,'l ...."......' ~i:d is to form and 1cgaI~~c:ncy: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA B'~~ OTIIY COCK, Olairman -.J. ,.-, ~t4~~/~ David C. Weigel County Attorney \. ..