Resolution 1997-004 RESOLUTION 97-~ JAIl - 7 1997 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUllTY COMMISSIONERS RELATING TO A REQUEST BY HOLE, MONTES , ASSOCIATES, II/C. CONSULTANTs 011 BEHALF OF DOAllll-KEHPFER JOINT VEIlTURES TO PLACE FILl, MA'.rERIAL ON 1 . 5 ACRES LOCA'rED Nf THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF U.S. 41 Al{D V~~DllRBILT BEACH ROAD. llHD:US, the Legislature of the State of Hodde in Chapter 125, Florlda Statutes, has conterr.,d on all counties .In Florida the power to establish, coordinate and entorce zoning and such buainess regulations as all~e necesaary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Develop.ent Code (Ordinance /10. 91-102 as allended) which restricts apec;!.fic oit.. work' such as grading and filling lots until auch tae that applicabl.. bui'lding peraitn have been issued; and WHERllAS, the Board of COllllllissioners has acknowledged that a , builcling penoit for site con"truction has not been issued to lloAns- , Ke.pt'er Joint Ventures; and WHERl~S, Doane-Kempfer Joint Ventures requested to re.ove all vegetation within the juriSdictional wetlands, till and revegatate in an effort to complete the work prior to the scheduled rehearing Of the DEP p,.noit on August 5, 1997 and the CORPS permit on January 22, 19971 and 'lfflllREAS, the Board of county Commissioners acknowledged that Doane"Kempfer Joint Ventures has receivsd prop.,r work authorization iroll ':lther the Department of EnVironmental Protection and U.S. Corps of Engin'"erl ,~nd has provided acceptable monitoring reports and mitigation plan, 1iI0W, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIlM'Ill'BIONlffiB ot Collier County, Florida that: ~,he written request ot Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. on behalf of Dollne-Ksllpfer Joint Ventures to clear and fill portions of the property leqally described as: (Bee Attachment "A") is hereby approved 8Ubjo<:t to the following conditions: 1. The peraittee shall post a bond or an irrevocable letter Of credit in the amount of $16,236.00 to insure that the final grading and reo.vegetation of the property meets -1 - County standards consistent with Section at the Land Development Cads. 2. The filling of this property and the subsequent seeding and landscaping butter shall be comp1oted wi thin three (3) months of execution of this resolution. 3. A County vegetation removal permit shall be issued prior to removal of exotic vegetation tram the property. 4. No construction of any building or structure shall be performed without a building permit pursuant to Section 2.7.6 of the Collier County Land Development Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the lIinu.tes of this Board. This RI>solution was adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favori~g the same. . ....il'....,N) .,:~,.5'.'. '.. ,1.1.)- . , .' . , (' ATTEST.:' ',... .,. ...'. i:? '. DWI~R~, E"BROCK';~~ ~:~':", ,:: .:~ ,,;:1; ~ 4~iJ~~;;,-?Z,,*; . AJ(7. -:;y " i~-"" : r"..... , I'll, '. .., ~ '.. '~ ':\j1\\\\\" BOARD OF ZONI/lG APPEALS COLLIER COUIITY, FLORIDA BY: '~~~RMAN 1/7/97 APPROVED AS TO FORM, AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: .1../ (, (I; ,1\'1 VL.- iiittJI ASHTON ASSIS'rANT COUIITY ATTORNEY US 41. :RBSOLUTlon/md ".. MU..L.c.A. ''^t\..vn... ,'-'-'''-. ...- t /" .....7IlI'~. ......'___...---,'.~ ATTACHMENT -A" ~ C) o '" ~ '" '" '" .. '" '" 0. III .,.,:l NO ..... ell..... ",0 C..... III III C::'" ''0 .:::... u.t:l :J..... 0.... Ul {J III C) .. -c-'O ... a. -'- o a.>' -..... .:::. .... '" '" c:..... :t :J o {J E--- ~ ,'" ..,. '" <"10. a:: o o W :I: Ul H Z a:: ::> "- .. c ... 00 -e u {J Cll '" Ul'O - c: ... -0 ...... '0"- C '" - .....>. ., ,,-,C 06 u Ul '" z o H E-- 0.. H a:: u Ul w o ..... QJ ... tJ QJ 1.J...ol oj..... a...... ;) <( 'J .~-...... ell tJ OJ ~ ell ll'..... 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