Resolution 1989-126 Ii," . . ,If . II I Ii COJ LIF::-. ! ;-, ( (I \I \ 7 9 II PAGE !n:n ,., , 0 MAY 23, 1989 RESOllJITa~ to. fl9--12lL i~~ De_ II ---= ~D~ RESOWITON 'II) VACME roRITONS OF TIlE tJl'IUTY El>Srnrnrs I..CX'ATED 01 wrs 1 TItIU.U1 4, BLCCK 2, NID CAltJ\!. RIG-IT OF WAY, NAPlES t-WiOR UNIT 00. 1, AS RECORDED D1 PlAT D::X:lK J, PJ>,r,E 57 OF 'JHE OFFICIAL RECDRffi or rom o::x..nm, F1.DRIDt\. W1lEREl\S, p..lt'$\.1:mt to Section 177.101, Florida Stab..lt.cs, the Eb.ard of Co..lnt.y O::mnissioncrs of ColliQr Ccunty, FloricL:t has rec:civcd a petition fran L. Madison Galbraith, Trustee, as petitioner to vacate portions of t.he utility ca.scrnc>l1ts on lots 1-4, Block 2, an:!. u. portion of a Canal Right of Way. Naples !-l..1J)()r Unit No. 1, for the p.1ryos.c of building across lot lines; am WHrnfAS, said f'o.:llU has this day held a p...lblic hearing to CXJnsider .....'acating said plat, as rrore fully descdbed below ard notice of s.-:dct plblic hC'...aring arrl petition to Vi"lCJ.tc 'WaS given as required by law; am WHERFAS, I"etitioncr has granted utility easerrcnts to Collier County Water _ Sewer District, ard a Dru.if'kJgc F..-l$C~1X'J)t to Collier County described as Exhibits "A" & "B" (att.:,chcd hereto ard. if'lCXlrrxn-atcd. herein) ard hLls agreEd to rolccate drainage ditch. within sa.id drain.lge e.aSPJT€nt; am \-i1fFJ~F/I.S, thc (:'rClntiD') of tllC requested v~0..,tion will not adverc-....cly affect the a..;ne.n;hip or ri:;,ht of collVe.Tlient acc:ess of other prq::crty a..mers; arrl f'.K;(';, THEREFDRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE 1:oARD OF o::utITi o:::M1ISSICNERS OF mu.Irn. O:XJNIY, FI.DRII).\, t.hi\t the folla...ri..rq dc~.cri.bcd portion of the plat 00 am. is hereby vacated: The ten (10') foot Utility Eascrrcnt lccatod on the rear OF lots 1, 2, 3' & 4, Bloc.k 2, ard. the canal right-of-way as described as i:::Uc:M'$; a parcel of land lying Westerly of lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and ~lrt of Lot 7, Bleck 2, Naplcs 1-',,'lnor Unit 1, as rco:Jn:lcd in Plat Deck 3, Page 57, of the I\1blic Rco:>rds of OJl1ier Ccwlty, Florida, ard. ooirq rrore particularly described as follows: Cc:mrcncing at the Northeast OJrner of Section 30, 'Tt1..mship 50 SoJth, .Rarq'e 26 East, OJllier CCUnty, Florida; thence run SCA1th 02 dcgrocs 48' 10" West along the E.:~ly line of said Section 30 for 268.54 feet to the FDint of Be::]inn.irg; tl1CT);:;C South 89 degrees 36' DOlt East for 24.87 feet; thence Snrth 02 dcgrccs 48' 10" West for 432.49 feet to the Westerly right-of-way of Dixie Drive; thence South 50 dlXJl-ee5 57' JO" West alorq said line for 24.29 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of the Tamiam Trail; t.he.no.:, North 39 degrees 03' 30" ~t for 10.12 feet; thcrce North 02 doqrecs 48' 10" r.ast for 440.11 feet to the FDint of B0ginning of the plat of Naples Manor Unit I~o. 1, as rcexnucd in Plat Eo:Jk 3, Page 57 of the Public Records of Collier Camty, Florida. D0~/3 '1-;1, / (y{ . <._<._'-_._-_.....~-~..~_.." ,,'" ~~_ ..._,~.=__.___,.c... "..,........"~._..>",""."..~,_,~.'_^"'"' .'. ,,~.. ~",-...".".-- -'..<_._.~ -~-~~--.,'_._._".~- ~,.._"<.", -_........,.,..~,._".~,.,~., <..~__=~~_~~<w., ''',~.~__,,~. ',"~'A'>'"' n Q I H ~ O~ BOOli 001 7 9 G PAGE MAY 23, 1989 DRAINAGE EASEMENT THIS EASEHENT, made thi. 7t/_....._ day of ~ 19J9, bet."een L. HADISON GALBRAITH, as T~under the provhionll 0 II \~ertain trust agreement dated the 15th day of December, 1987, known liS Naples East Land Trult, .. Gnntor, and COLLIER COUNTY, .. political lIubdivision of the State of Florida, its Successors and assigns, as Grantee. \,'ITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the lurn of one dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations paid by t~e Grantee, receipt of which 1s hereby acknowledged, hereby grants unto the Grantee. perpetual, non-exclusive ellsemcnt, lIcense, and privilege to enter Upon Rnd to Install and maintain drainage facilities abOve and below ground on the follo~lng described lands being located in Collier County, Florida, to wit: Northerly And ~orthwesterly 15 feet of the property described on Exhibit A, AS depicted on Exhibit 8. Subject to easements, restrictions, And reservations of record. TO HAVE I~D TO HOLD the same unto said Grantee and its assign3, together with the right to enter upon said lands and excavate and take materials from same and construct and maintain a public drainage system thereon. r~' '~.::::::::::; ~1-;Ec;EC7, '(t,,,, .::..i.j Grantor has caused tnese presents to be executed the day and year first Above written. 'o.'itnesses: ~;!;l STATE OF ,-,~ ", k COtlNTy OF ~(.) ~ /~ ./' ~/~ ~'/ .;:::?,/ /.r~<,.....",,- ~..;;r;~y.""...1.?-"-:: L. HADISON GALBRAITH, ..~ T.':-.;:':te" under the provIsions of a c'rt,.~'1 trust agreement dated the i5ttl day of December, 19B7, known as Naples East Land Trust I HEREBY CERTIFY that o~ thj~ ~11 ~~~0~e ~e, ~n offitel- d~ly qualified to tllke ackrlOwiedgments, personally appeared L. HADISON GAL~RA:TH, as Trustee under th'l provisions of a cert..in trust agreement d..ted the 15th day of December, 10~7, known as Naples East Land Trust, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument "nd acknowledged before me that he eHcclJted the sa.~'... 'o.'ITNESS my' h~nd ..nd off;ci~l sell in the County and State last afore_ said this 7(3 day or. ,-J,.J" ;"((1,.'1 , 19B9. -j- e &~ J:}~39-~.3 (- ;/;.}/):.? ( -//C{!;r...-t;~ . No}'ry Publ ie My ~ommlss10n Expires: . vr".., ,_I,.,. ~:-&"' ~C"r~ (SuI) LYNN lUCOfTl JrlO1lry ,."blle, 8111e or tlD" VDrl No. 24.~nO<lOO Qv.lllr.d In King I CDVnl)l ('"'/0 Ccmmr...rOtl f.JplrDD Jan~.ry U, 11-' ~--"-'._'_.__.'g,"-~---~-<--~...~.~->,.. ^"~~'_."-'------~--"'-'.-------"'~~'---""""'~""--------"'-- --_..._-~,_.._--,...--...-...>",.".-.._~,...,.,...""~"...._~.-,,....._.... .-