Resolution 1989-117 MI\Y 9, 1989 RESOllJrION NO. 89 -117 RESOllJrION AurnoRIZlllG PRELIHIN1\RY ACCEPrANCE OF TIlESE F!:JlIl:M1\Y AND rnAINAGE !MI'RO'JEl'llli'S IN Ll\KESIDE OF Nl\Pl.E'S AT CITF1JS GARDENS rnASE I I\ND AOJ:.>' llliG TIlE MI\ll'1l.'Dl!\NCE roNll F'!ll:I'l TIlE DEVELOPER FOR MI\ll'1l.'Dl!\NCE OF TIlE pfJl>J],q}\Y I\ND DRI\TI1I\GE IMrnCJVEMEID'S FOR A MINJMJM OF ONE YEAR. WHERElIS. the Board of County ccmnissioners of ColFer County, Florida, on May 9, 1989. approve::! the plat of lakeside of Naples at citrus Gardens for recordirq; and WHERElIS, the developer has =nstructed the roadway and draJnage inprovements for Thase I in a=rd.ance with the approve<! plans and specifications and as required by the SUb:iivision RegUlations (ordinance 76-06, as arrerde::!); and WHERElIS. the developer has ncM requested prelimina ry acceptance of the roadway and draJnage inprovements in Thase I and provide::! an acceptable rraintenance security; and WHERElIS. the Q:trpliance services section of the oeveloprent services Department has inspecte::! the roadway and draJnage inprovernents in Thase I and is reccmnerdirq preliminary acceptance of said facilities; NCM. TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF CXXJNl"{ COMMISSIONERS OF COlLIER CXXJNl"{. F1.ORIDA, that preliminary acceptance be granted for these roadway and draJnage inprovernents in Lakeside of Naples at citrus GardenS Thase 1. BE IT FURIHER RESOLVED I\ND ORDERED that the County accept the rraintenance security in the amount of $119,298.97, which is part of SUrety Bond # 81240586 which covers the rraintenance security for the entire project and that the developer is responsible for the rraintenance of the roadway and draJnage inprovernents in Thase I for a rniniJnum pericxl of one year at which time the developer nn.lSt petition the Board for final acceptance. '!his Resolution adopted after Il'Otion, second and vote favorirq same. =~~C[l9'yr JAMES .'<iI.a GI . Clerk ,,-':' ".' -. BOARD OF CXXJNl"{ CXMIISSIONERS CO~FIDRIDA By: /~ BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN ': : Approved as to. form and legal . sufficiency: .::. ~d.xtJi/. I\-<;sist..c"mt COllier COlmtv Attornev _......____""".....,,__,.~~..."."_T_"". -~,~--'"--"--- Irq